2nd International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies Freiberg, 8th-12th May, 2007 GTLGTL inin thethe Tail-EndTail-End PhasePhase ofof GasGas FieldsFields FocusFocus onon SmallSmall SizeSize UnitsUnits P.P. BernouxBernoux 11,, W.W. KleinitzKleinitz 22,, C.C. RyszfeldRyszfeld 11,, E.E. ZindaniZindani 11 1 GAZ DE FRANCE R&D Division 2 GAZ DE FRANCE Produktion Exploration Deutschland GmbH Tail-endTail-end productionproduction isis characterizedcharacterized byby HighHigh gasgas recoveryrecovery factorfactor (> 80%) FlowingFlowing pressurepressure belowbelow pipelinepipeline pressurepressure NonNon constantconstant ((decreasingdecreasing)) gasgas productionproduction High surveillance activity Precipitation of NaCl, CaCO3 ExpensiveExpensive pipelinepipeline monitoringmonitoring programprogram klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 2 / 19 SS MM EE Rütenbrock Hümmling Fehndorf Apeldorn MeppenMeppen Kiel NN ee tt hh ee rr ll aa nn dd ss Hebeler- " Rostock " meer Haselünne Lübeck Annaveen Haselünne " Schwerin Schoonebeek Annaveen Wilhelmshaven Hamburg " Schwefingen " " Rühlertwist Oldenburg Bremen " " Berlin Bramberge Potsdam " Hannover " Osnabrück " "WolfsburgMagdeburg Rühlermoor " " " Emlichheim Adorf Varloh Münster Dessau Cottbus Ringe " " " Halle Essen " Ringe Hagen" Kassel Leipzig Mülheim """""" " Dresden Adorf " Bochum" " " " Erfurt JenaGera " Krefeld "KölnWuppertal" " " " Zwickau" Aachen "Bonn " Scheerhorn " " Koblenz Kalle Dalum " (Gasfeld a.Storage) Wiesbaden Mainz " "" Frankfurt am Main Offenbach" Würzburg Esche " " Ratzel Darmstadt Mannheim Nürnberg " " Heidelberg"" Saarbrücken " Regensburg Georgsdorf " " Lingen Pforzheim" Lingen " Stuttgart Wielen Karlsruhe " Uelsen Augsburg " München Freiburg " Hohenkörben " Itterbeck-Halle Frenswegen Nordhorn Gasfield Nordhorn D Do o Gasfield, abandoned rt mrt mu nu dn -d E- Gasstorage mE ms -s K- aK na an E la Oilfield E l Bentheim M M S S Oilfield, abandoned 0510km BentheimBentheim ProductionProduction areaarea ofof Emsland:Emsland: structurestructure mapmap klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 3 / 19 Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 Well 4 Compressor GTL TypicalTypical evolutionevolution ofof p/zp/z vs.vs. producedproduced gasgas klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 4 / 19 75 WinterWinter 60 45 30 15 Annual Gas Production Mm³ (Vn) 0 SummerSummer Time, a TypicalTypical cycliccyclic productionproduction klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 5 / 19 Gas quality (%vol) min max C1 83 95 C2 0.8 4.5 C3 < 0.6 C3+ < 0.4 CO2 0.8 3.5 N2 1.3 10 66 gasgas fieldsfields underunder considerationconsideration klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 6 / 19 Production data min max average p (bar) 9 55 19 Q (m3(n)/h) 700 1600 1200 66 gasgas fieldsfields underunder considerationconsideration klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 7 / 19 Compressor Consumer SAV Gas Well 50 bar T Metering Flare Heater 70 °C (NH ) Cooler 3 0,5 bar 5 °C Separator Chiller 220 bar 30 °C 0 bar Condensat 5 °C Heat Condense Tank Exchanger Cooling Chart Glycol- Oil Separator 5,5 bar Glycol-Pump L T.-Separator 20 °C 0 bar Glycol 125 °C 50 bar Regeneration -18 °C GasGas treatmenttreatment stationstation inin thethe tail-endtail-end phasephase klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 8 / 19 CoolerCooler HeaterHeater FWKOFWKO WellWell 7070 bar,bar, -18°C-18°C GasGas / / GasGas L.T.-L.T.- SeperatorSeperator 300300 bar,bar, 30°C30°C HeaterchangerHeaterchanger MeteringMetering StationStation 7070 bar,bar, 10°C10°C ConsumerConsumer 5 bar 0,5 bar 5 bar 0,5 bar TransferTransfer StationStation PressurePressure ReductionReduction 7070 bar,bar, 5°C5°C 3200m,3200m, 95°C95°C 380bar380bar PipelinePipeline ProductionProduction facilitiesfacilities klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 9 / 19 ExpectationsExpectations fromfrom GTLGTL inin Tail-EndTail-End OperatingOperating withwith constantconstant gasgas flowflow fromfrom thethe wellswells UnlockingUnlocking ofof hiddenhidden gasgas reservesreserves NonNon specificspecific chemicalchemical compositioncomposition ofof liquidliquid hydrocarbonhydrocarbon (unrefined syncrude) UseUse ofof moveablemoveable containercontainer unitsunits Æ suppression of pipeline monitoring klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 10 / 19 BasicBasic datadata forfor pre-feasibilitypre-feasibility studystudy ConstantConstant gasgas outflowoutflow:: 30003000 mm3(n)/h(n)/h GasGas pressure:pressure: 99 barbar GasGas qualityquality:: averageaverage gasgas fieldsfields qualityquality GlobalGlobal approachapproach BasedBased onon provenproven technologiestechnologies klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 11 / 19 FischerFischer –– TropschTropsch SynthesisSynthesis Natural Gas NaphthaNaphtha DieselDiesel (-CH -) LubeLube HH22 ++ COCO (-CH22 -)nn WaxesWaxes Product Syngas Production Product Upgrading & Separation TypicalTypical GTLGTL processprocess klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 12 / 19 H2 membrane separation Excess H2 50 °C 16 bar Steam TailTail GasGas Natural Gas OilOil // waterwater 3000 m3(n)/h separationseparation H :CO = 2.1 2 ((-CH-CH22 - -))nn 800 °C 250 °C 350 °C 20 bar 15 bar 70 bar Water H2 :CO > 3 Water 2 Syncrude +/- 300 bl/d Sulfur Syngas FischerFischer –– TropschTropsch Hydrocracking Removal Production Synthesis SMR FixedFixed BedBed ReactorReactor (Co)(Co) SelectedSelected GTLGTL processprocess klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 13 / 19 SMRSMR AppropriateAppropriate toto lowlow pressurepressure SuitableSuitable forfor smallsmall capacitiescapacities HH2:CO :CO >> 33 …… compared compared toto otherother technologiestechnologies POxPOx requiresrequires anan expensiveexpensive ASUASU NN2 ballastballast ifif ATRATR Æ no energy recovery from residual gas SyngasSyngas productionproduction –– SelectedSelected technologytechnology klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 14 / 19 CobaltCobalt CatalystCatalyst (vs.(vs. Iron)Iron) HigherHigher conversionconversion raterate LowerLower byby--productproduct waterwater formationformation HH2:CO :CO == 2.12.1 requiredrequired ButBut hydrocrackinghydrocracking requiredrequired (waxes) FixedFixed bedbed reactorreactor SuitableSuitable forfor smallsmall capacitiescapacities GoodGood flexibilityflexibility WellWell--knownknown technologytechnology Fischer-TropschFischer-Tropsch synthesissynthesis –– SelectedSelected technologytechnology klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 15 / 19 GlobalGlobal massmass balancebalance IncludingIncluding waterwater && HH2 recyclingrecycling Input Output Natural Gas: 2.3 t/h Residual gas: 0.7 t/h Water: 0.1 t/h Syncrude: 1.7 t/h GlobalGlobal energyenergy balancebalance EnergyEnergy efficiencyefficiency:: ~~ 50%50% klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 16 / 19 RealisticRealistic technicaltechnical optionoption SuitableSuitable gasgas qualityquality SimpleSimple conceptconcept PartialPartial useuse ofof byby--productsproducts …… but but economicallyeconomically unfavourableunfavourable duedue toto DownscalingDownscaling LowLow energyenergy efficiencyefficiency ShortShort durationduration forfor depreciationdepreciation (duration of unit exploitation ~ 10-12 years) ConclusionConclusion klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 17 / 19 ImprovementImprovement ofof energyenergy integrationintegration (residual(residual gas,gas, heatheat exchangeexchange optimisation)optimisation) InnovativeInnovative modularmodular processes:processes: micro-channelmicro-channel technologiestechnologies CompactGTLCompactGTL TotalTotal // VelocysVelocys ConsideringConsidering otherother Gas-to-LiquidsGas-to-Liquids optionsoptions MethanolMethanol MTO,MTO, DMEDME ?? PerspectivesPerspectives klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 18 / 19 ThankThank youyou forfor youryour attention!attention! GAZ DE FRANCE GAZ DE FRANCE R&D Division Produktion Exploration Deutschland 361, avenue du Président Wilson – B.P. 33 GmbH 93211 Saint-Denis La Plaine cedex Waldstrasse 39 FRANCE 49808 Lingen GERMANY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] klei/schm freiberg\vortrag 10-05-07.ppt 19 / 19.
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