3601 Blackburn Waterworks. Said line of railway in or near to the town of OTICE is hereby given, that application is Blackburn, within the said township and parish of N intended to be made to Parliament in the Blackburn; and, in lieu of such part of the said ensuing session, for an Act for incorporating a railway so proposed to be abandoned, to make and company for supplying with water the borough of maintain a. railway, commencing by a junction Blackburn, in the county palatine of Lancaster, with the line of the said Blackburn and Preston with powers to take and acquire lands and houses Railway in the said field numbered 48, and termi- and other buildings, by compulsion or otherwise, nating at or near a certain field, called or known to divert springs, brooks, streams, and rivulets, by the name of the Stony Butts, in the said town- and to appropriate the waters thereof; and to ship and parish of Blackburn, there to form a purchase or construct, and to maintain reservoirs, junction with the proposed railway from Burnley filters, wells, cuts, conduits, aqueducts, roads, and Accrington to Blackburn, all in the said mains, pipes, and other works necessary for county of Lancaster. effecting the said purposes within the several And it is also intended to take power to make townships, parishes, and extra-parochial places of and maintain a branch railway, with all necessary Blackburn, Eccleshill, Yate and Pickup Bank, works and conveniences connected therewith, com- Oswaldtwisle, Over Darwen, Lower Darwen, and mencing by a junction with the said new or sub- Whalley, in the said county. stituted line of railway, at or near to a certain And it is intended to take power in the said Act, field, numbered 45, or to a certain other field, to levy and recover rates, rents, and duties for the numbered 47, in the said township and parish of use of the water to be supplied by the said com- Blackburn, and terminating at or near a certain pany, and to grant exemptions from the payment street, called Stout-street, in the said township thereof; and to vary or extinguish all rights and and parish of Blackburn, all in the said county of privileges connected with the lands, houses, and Lancaster. buildings so to be purchased, which would in any And it is further intended, by the said Act, to manner impede or interfere with the construction authorize the said Blackburn and Preston Railway or maintenance of the said intended works, or Company to abandon the formation of and to re- any of them, and to confer other rights and linquish so much of the said line of railway, au- privileges. thorized by the said Act, as lies, between a certain And notice is also given, that plans and sections field, numbered 183, in the township of Pleasing- of the intended works, as required by the Standing ton and parish of Blackburn, on the said plan Orders of Parliament, with books of reference to hereinbefore referred to; and a certain field, num- the plans, will, on or before the thirtieth day of bered 111, in the township of Livesey and parish November next, be deposited at the office, in of Blackburn, on the said plan, within the said Preston, of the Clerk of the Peace of the said townships of Pleasington and Livesey, and the county palatine of Lancaster; and that copies of parish of Blackburn aforesaid, all in the said the said plans, sections, and books of reference county of Lancaster; and, in lieu of such part of the will, on or before the thirty-first day of December said railway so proposed to be abandoned as lait next, be deposited with the parish clerks of the aforesaid, to make and maintain a new line of rail- said respective parishes of Blackburn and Whalley, way, commencing by a junction with the line of at their respective places of residence within the said Blackburn and Preston Railway, in or Blackburn and Whalley aforesaid. near to the said field numbered 183, before men- Dated this twenty-first day of October 1844. tioned; thence passing from, in, through, or into the said townships of Pleasington and Livesey, Neville, Ainsworth, and Beardsworth, and terminating by a junction with the line of the Solicitors, Blackburn. said Blackburn and Preston Railway, in or near to the before-mentioned field, numbered 111 on the. Blackburn and Preston Railway. said plans. OTICE is hereby given, that application is And it is further intended to take power in the N intended to be made to Parliament in the said Act to make certain alterations in the levels next session, for an Act to alter, amend, extend, of the said Blackburn and Preston Railway, and and enlarge the powers and provisions of an Act, the works connected therewith, and the mode of passed in the last session of Parliament, intituled construction thereof, as at present authorized by " An Act for making a railway from the town of the said recited Act, within the several townships Blackburn to the North Union Railway, in the of Pleasington, Livesey, and Blackburn, all in the township of Farrington, near Preston, all in the said parish and county. county of Lancaster;" and to authorize the Black- And it is also proposed to take powers, by the burn and Preston Railway Company, incorporated said Act, for the construction of a station at or by the said Act, to abandon the formation of and near the town of Blackburn, with certain ap- to relinquish so much of the line of the railway proaches thereto, in the township and parish of authorized by the said Act as lies between a field, Blackburn aforesaid. numbered 48, in the township of Blackburn and And it is further proposed, by the said Act, to parish of Blackburn, on the plans of tiie said rail- authorize the said Blackburn and Preston Raihvay way, referred to in the said Act as having been Company to levy tolls, rates, and duties in respect deposited with the Clerk of the Peace of the of the said intended new or altered line of railway, county of Lancaster, and the termination of the branch, and other works before mentioned; and C2.
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