CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS l!lllllifilll FINAL PRODUCT TESTING CONSUMER I'RODUCTS SERVICES DIVISION Ultll&t.1i REPORT Report Number: (8515)005-0052 Page I of I 04 11•nuary 13, 2015 Sample Number SKIJAI !IIiftr.:l41 (8515)005-0052 / ,. -~ " b r: - - ~ l Sample Number ~KUN1 500~31 1 (8515)005-0052 lhrnu \'rrUu Sht'nllltn Co.,Ud U"'"i""'II•M\"l"f"Y·UJI«.,,..ro~o •'J"ilft"t«,Of • «l6-, f h".. "P""•••olot,.._,fttt.,- .M' tf u.trof'"($ttC•tN...,,.~,nontktl-'l1"l;;;rJII 4/l",lllock n , Mlnlldfll ln!luUrltl DulldlnR 41h ~...... )t~H•h•w- ""t'Ct''J\~t·lf~l'l~ t llr«t•~tJ.c ...llll<tf!UfK'..!Ot'"'i:y,«.w•I•H •a<~ ~ ... tr..lq-wl..hp.'l!l:t.to.lcnlt•'fl«t ,..-.or 1 ''''"""•"ft'.llulcn l~1 1t,...n ,..11 f,nh ..,, n.-M.. III"dt•>•• mr-~••••~<~ it•\ woorJtu W... L fiN w.~i• jh{o "''"'" ""' f•.w"~lltM 1\01 r<'f'.-11U1ot _.l,o:l•ulhv u •<~'t~<ll•h•~ lmlC orflllllJhUtllnJl l lldU,,rful Park. XIII v(l>',·~lt lf"''lnrt,tco\lkt 11fti'lo.tM r,..n "'loi1h• tt• u~~ "' "' t.tt""' •ffl , wol-1 •• Wm.kal f'IW.n •tlu tpl'<..,rtuRy~o~t-'toP""'IIy r...:..'\1 011 ,,.,.,u lt.dl.4~t ~~ •f Town, Nanihtn Ohlrftl, Shcn:~hrn, t.o• lnh l~'«<•,;i b)}"~ a.111 IIA t~tJII IMI.•.C III•w• ...~.,, ~~~1.-'iWfi\IUOI V.I L)VI f'l'l\l.s....l 111 1,11 Yo~ Nw W dltt O• • l l hl a( llturn "lllJo ltf'.'tl ~' ~Mify '' cJ uy CuanftdOnJ::. P.lt,(.', _.IL•'Ihl <Urtof Of"U111Mk>l•~114\l tl'/"-1 ,t..,(,C.'UN',f"II'"4J,.,, ~llhW'I, ":oflll'lhiiOO',I« dtlll t t in "'lilt"' 11111.1 !l'.r\1 l f\o.'l lfMIIyML/<>•1 Olt 111 .1>: ) C._ ..1» 101111•1. ~ flll'#l'l.' ... u i1t ('.ca it~..: Oll'ltl"'" flV•I•ttdlhc ~ ..1 c~n wih'4' ,..,,. ,.,_.•• t,tl\l '"''~"' ' ""'of tic f<>'~l'kk"'' ' o.f '""' h'f'VH, t),· tnb ro.<ul«"'" ~·.t 1M ""'•"'"''' • I ll'( '•'f'.ll'l Td:II6·7SS·84lMS200 rt~: lfti·755-86185204 ,..,.,., ""\Y,burnuvrrllas.rom/tpi CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS FINAL PRODUCT TESTING REPORT (8515)005-0052 Pnge 2 of 104 CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS FINAL PRODUCT TESTING REPORT (851 5)005-0052 Page 3 of 104 AGGLO CORPORATION UMiliD SHANTOU•• 1409 CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS l!lIll :lft li FINAL PRODUCT TESTING Qii1IIH'I REPORT (8515)005-0052 Pnge 4 of 104 IIIII II II/I 51903 1 3 4 CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS FINAL PRODUCT TESTING VEHlfAS REPORT (851 5)005-0052 Pngc 5 of 104 CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS FINAL PRODUCT TESTING REPORT (851 5)005-0052 Page 6 of 104 Overall Rating Pass Brand Type National Brand Non-BBO/NDT Brand Brand Name AGGLO CORP. LTD. RC P OI"l III ~O l"llllll 0 11 : Report Number (85 15)005-0052 Arens of Distribution Tested United Stutes: For lx I Canndu: I I California: I Expiration Date OCTOBER 13 , 2015 Retest No Retest Report #(s) I Revised Report No I Reason for Revision: ,, BBBICTS Test Protocol BBAB-8001-NA, BBAB-30000-NA, BBAB-6504-NA, BBAB-8444-US Date lu JANUARY 05,2015 Date Out JANUARY 13, 2015 Total Elapsed Time (TET) 9 Hold Time I Turn Around Time (TAT) 7 Rep_ort Recipient(s) Email [email protected] .HK Product Classlflcntlon· Classification Children's Products Non Toy Labeled Age Grade (if FOR AGES6+ applicable) US Appropriate Age Grade CHILDREN PRODUCTS, OVER 8 YEARS OF AGE (if applicable) Canada Appropriate Age I Grade (if applicable) Sanl)l Ic I n ~ormn hon: Product Description WATER BALLS 6PC SET SKU# 15606341 Total Number ofSKUs on I Report Department # (For CTS, Sub 633 Department) UPC# 651903162434 Vendor Style fl. BG243 Product Group # 5 Shipping Type Direct Import Vendor Name AGGLO CORPORATION LTD. Factory Name YONG HUA TOYS FACTORY Factory Address DONG WAN SECTION, NORTH-SOUTH ROAD, LIANXIA TOWN, CHENGHAI DISTRICT, SHANTOU CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CHINA Agent/Sourcing Office Name I Country of Origin CHINA GCCICPC Issued Yes CIDUSTMAS TREE SHOPS I!JIJ:I:WjJ;JJ FINAL PRODUCT TESTING QWIIIIM! REPORT (8515)005-0052 Page 7 of 104 I Pncknging Typo I Open Stock (8515)005-0052 Pnge 8 ofl04 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The submitted sample is rated as I'ASS with satisfactory pertbnnance in the requested tests. Please refer to enclosed worksheets for the test resu Its. NOTE: II' you have any questions or concerns regarding above report, please contact the appropriate lab persons. Technical questions & contact: SKY CHENG/RYNA LIU [email protected]'J'AS.COM [email protected]!AUVBRITAS.COM General enquiries: SUSAN DUffiNLI ZHANG [email protected] [email protected]!AUVERtTAS.COM BUREAU VERITAS SIIENZHEN CO., LTD. Anthony Ho Supervisor Toys And Juvenile Products Department AH / zh BV Lab Number: (8515)005-0052 Technician Name: I BED BATH & BEYO:'ID TEST PROTOCOL FOR Test Date: January 13, 2015 BBAB-08001 - NA Reviewed By/Date: I CHlLDREN'S PRODt;CTS (NON-TOYS) (\'76) Page 9 of104 Evalnatio.o I Citation I Method I Criteria I 1 Star I 2 Star I 3 Star I RESULT I RATING SCOPE: (THlS PROTOCOL DOES NOT COVER APPAREL AND FURNITURE) For US: This protocol cover product that is designed or intended primarily for use for children 12 years old or younger as per lntetpretation of"Chlldren's Product" - 16 CFR Part 1200, General Use Product are not considered as Children's Product and will not be covered under this protocol. Star level for BBAB(Bed Bath & Beyond) - 3, Star level for CTSS (Christmas Tree Shops)- 1 For CTSS, Do not conduct tests which arc for Canada and CaUfomia in the protocols. CTSS would also not conduct Trilingual evaluation. SUPPLEMENTAL PROTOCOLS Nett:: Additional cost, sample size and TAT may be required if testing to one or more supplemental protocols is necessary. Please refer to the below referenced supplemental protocol(s) for additional information. All samples mUSt be reviewed to the "Master Supplemental Protocol": BBAB-GB-PTCL-30000-NA. This Protocol lists Supplemental Protocols to determine if BBAB-GB-PTCL- additional testing or labeling is required. All products shall be ~ Master Supplemental Protocol X X X M PASS 30000-NA tested to the applicable supplemental protocol(s). lfthere are additional supplemental protocols listed in applicable functional protocol(s), apply those as well. All applicable supplemental protocol(s) and tested lines shall be listed in the test report. BBAB-TY-PTCL- [US) .. Children's Jewelry X X X NA 02050.09-US Shall meet the applicable reQuirement as SPecified. - All samples shall be reviewed against the requirements of California Flammability and Labeling. In lieu of flammability tesring, test report can be submitted if Flammability ofFilling Material BBAB-HL-PTCL- dated within one year. California Bureau of Home X X X :"JA . 03001-NA Furnishings and Labeling For juvenile product exempted under section 1374.2 of Title 4 of California Code of Regulation claimed to be in comply with the flammability requirement, testing is conducted to evaluate the label aod verify the claim. LABELING BV Lab Number. (8515)005-0052 Technician Name: I BED BATH & BEYOND TEST PROTOCOL FOR Test Date: January 13, 2015 BBAB-08001 -!\A Reviewed By/Date: I CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS (NON-TOYS) !V76) Page 10 of104 Evala:atioa Cibtieal Method Criteria !Star 2 Star 3 Star 'RESULT RATING [US) [Packaging and Labeling Evaluation) [UPLRIFPLA) - Shall be labeled with product identification. One Tirne Use Products - Fair F.P. and L Act (16 -Shall be labeled with the manufacturer, packer, or distributor's Packaging and Labeling Act - or all CFR 500) OR NlST name and address (city, state and ZIP). other products - Uniform Laws and X X X M PASS - Net quantity of contents shall be on PDP and be expressed in L'nifonn Packaging and Labeling Regulations terms ofweight or mass, measure, numerical count, or Regnlarions Handbook 130 combination so as to give accurate information to facilitate consumer comparison (English and metric units). - Glue and Adhesives sold with the product shall comply with the labeling requirements of I 6 CFR 500, "Regulations under section 4 of the Fair PackaJ!ing and Labeling Act" CPSD-HL-01057- Parts Labeling sball ma!Ch the actual content if present Parts Labeling M PASS MTIID I Visual X X Accuracy or adequacy of CPSD-HL-01057- Instructions shall be legible and easy to understand; X X M PASS instructions MTIID I Visual inslnlctions shall be consistent with sample performance [US) [Packaging and Labeling Evaluation) Shall be marked with the country of origin when imported into the U.S. in a conspicuous place to indicate to the ultimate Country Of Origin 19CFR 134 purchaser in the L'.S., the English name of the country of X X X M PASS origin. - All individually packaged items shall contain the country of origin - All items shipped in bulk or displayed in bulk must contain the country of oriJ!in [US] Label: 6+ App: CPSCAge All products shall be tested according to either the appropriate children Determination Age grading age grade, as determined by BVCPS, or the labeled age grade if X X X products 6+ Guidelines I 16 CFR - it is more stringent. In the event the sample is not age labeled, Test: Part 1200 BVCPS will determine the appropriate age grade and test children accordingly products 6+ [US) [Packaging and Labeling Evaluation) 16 CFR 1500.130 Pressurized 16 CFR 1500.130 X X X ~A container labeling - Self-pressurized containers sball conform to the labeling requirements as defined by 16 CFR 1500.130 BV Lab Number.
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