• • . • LONG BRANCH LY RECORD. VOL. 9rNUMBER 54. LONG BRANCH, N. J., MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1910. PRICE ONE CENT DENTISTS MEET HERE FALL PROVES FATAL Monmouth County Society Holds "BBSS" PUTT BIES Aabury Park Paint«r Who Fractured NOTED TRAGEDIAN Monthly Meeting and Banquet Kneecap. Dies in Hospital Five STRIKE MAY SPREAD at Imperial Hotel. Days After Accident. MeuiUorw of the Moinuoutti Couni.j An injury to his knee, sustained lu a SUDDENLY »T ttfall on the pavemeut on Monday, re- Dental Society held their* tnonlhl) 1 meeting and banquet at tbe Imperial sulted In tin death of John H. Browvr WHO LIVED HERE IS Pour In New York Politics For Third if of Anbury Park at the. Monmouth Me- ACROSS CONTINENT; Hotel, this city, Friday evening. Dr morial Hospital, UoiiK Branch, Satur- A. S. Burton, or Aabury Park, road a Century Passes Mti| day aftemuou, Mr. Broker wns op- paper on "Root Canal Killing." An erated ou at the hospital on Thursday open discussion by those present fol- last, but hi8 1M ail could not stand DEAD IN MONTANA lowed. A demonstration was ou tht Peacefully U. S. TROOPS READY the strain of tlie operation. He was r»t> program, but it had to be postponed. yearn old and bad been a resident of After tbe meeting the members Apbury Park for :*o years or more. Louis James, Greatest Shakespearean Actor on were entertained by Mine Host Suss- Mr. Brower foil it^t Monday at Labor Leaders Discussing Sympathetic Strikes in man, who served the best banquet yet Banns Hvenue and Bond street. Hie enjoyed by th,e society. The menu knewaji was bii)ken, it was discovered American Stage, Victim of Trains Being Bur- wan specially prepared for the occa- upon examination, and he w;i • tnken Many Cities, Including Newark, Pittsburg and sion by cnef J. E- Thomas, who li a to tiie fioaiiitat immediately. Piiyai- ied in Snow In 69th Year-Was Fond it master in the culinary depart cians operatod ou Thursday, Mr. San Francisco, to Aid Philadelphia Work- meuL The banquet table looked very Brower rallied after the operation but inviting, aud the service was excellent. his condition become critical Saturday of Homes in Long Branch The following jnentt was served BjOfftisg and he (.lied late in the after- ers-Situation Still Worse Today noon. Louis James, a LtOfag U ranch wuin- Canape. Astcrgon Caviar Mr. Brower is survived by a wile Philadelphia, March 7.—Federal IIHT resident and property owner, and Celery Olives Indian {leliah and one son. dcoi-pe Brower. troops at Fort fJupout, Delaware, and tur yearn one of the leading tragedians Pot age a )a Rein** Funeral ee*rvlOf» will hv held at the Governor's Island. N. V., are ready to ERNEST V, HUGHES lioniu! Bou Otroes B LETTER TELEGRAPH uii (lit; American mage, tiled of heart lute real den re at H o'clock, Tuesday rush to Philadelphia at a minute's no- liillure at Helena, Montana, Saturday (.'outlet to d'AgeiU'au NWson avvning in eharge o[ the Kev. M. I* tice to protect Government property Ho was taken ill Friday n^ghto when in Potato o'Btien. au Riz in the strike crisis today. Ills drt'y^fiiK ruuni in the Helena the- WEDS JMJEW YORK t'Hiiarcleun Chasseur SERVICE INAUGURATED Liabor loadero claim 116,000 men aro atre, and was taken to his hotel, vv licit* Heignetfc nu Confiture out. Sympathetic striken are threat- itfB condition became more grave. Puree Pomme de Ferre ened in Camden and Newark, N» J., Mist Helen Frances Fltzctrald. of Tom- Tomatoes fiuprese Long Branch Offices Of Bold Companies It is believed that Mr. James' 111 1 unless Philadelphia cftrraen win by to- uem was cJu- indirect result of tlie Petite Pate Jolle FHU ESTIMATES ASKED morrow. There la wild excittmeiii over unit, Bride of Lang Brined sorted Nut.8 Cluster Raisins Announce New Night Stfilce • the report of Director of Puhtle Safety billiard of the previous week, He and 1 his company were/ Hlullvd in the snow Young Mm Caft Special Clay's decision to arrest labor leaders. • west of Montana ami to entertain the FOR 'PHONE BUILDING Will Begin Tonight The laborites declare thev will de- Thomas C Platt. mand the Impeachment of Mayor Key- other ^now-bound pagapflfora they gave Curds are out announcing ihe mar- Tho "Night Letter" service recently 11 performance of "The Merchant of Now Vork, Miii-i'd 7.—f'omier United hntn for mlBuev of lifH power. A riage of Ernest V. Hughes, son of for- States Senator Thomas Collier Platt, Structure to House All Departments of announced by the Wenttrn T.lnion Tel- monster mass meeting of strikers has Venice" on tho train. The fatigue and INDEPENDENT FIE • 'graph Lomnany Btarts today. mer Councilman and Mis. Richa.ru H. IMibllenn li'>ii|i-r tif ihe state of New been called for this afternoon at tho Jat'K of proper food and sleep are be- Company In long Branch Promised It is expected that buainnns firms HuiihoH, of IrfOng Branch, and Miss York fur n score (if years nnd ucUve in Labor Lyceum Hall. The strikers de- liowd to have led t,o t&fl attack ol Helen Frances Fitzgerald, daughter of nnd the public in general wlU take lm- heart failure which en lined his floath. the Republican |p;trtv for til'ly years, clare all power bourses in lhe vity, will Mrs. M. E. Fitzgerald, of Tonawanda, CO. INCORPORATED D| NIK Fill nieUliitt* advantage of this Servlco on he idle by nlgbt and the city will be Mr. James' home was lu Kans&B r died suihUuilv of palsy ami Hrigbt's i\ ew York. The ceremony was per- account of the low toils and the splon- In dark noes. City for years and thither his body formed a few days ago. disease in his iipartmeutsln tills city. Local contractors are flKurliig on a did opportunity It offers for quick com- was scut Sunday. His company ha-- The bride la an eatimabie youug Successors sf Atlantics Elect Trustees new three-story brick building for the munication all over the United States. disbanded..find Mrs, Jciuies, .who was 1 Wilii Mr. Plill Jit . the lime of Uif New York Telephone Company. The With the Inauguration of thin mt> Washington, March ".—Federation waimin -and tiw "ill . daiiKUter. - 3)ii' and BiKln Wcirh With Foriy- 1 of L*abor I resident Gompers haa been Uit- leading woman, has returned to is an accomplished pianist. (!r;if!i iv'iv "s\v, ,ii,(T"TMTs, PISES fl. ne\y exchange will he built - .on..the vlca It Is now .possible, to fifcud fifty Kaunas City; ,and ia*er will come to v conipHiiy'K lot ndjolnitiK the Third ave- called to Chicago to <li •• M •(' with na- Mr. und Mra. Hughes are. preparing l l:iit. Mr. flfld Mrs tfdwiinl T. IMntl 1 wurds for the standard day rate of a J-O»K Branch, elph! Charter Members nne home of AiiKuntun Chandlei ." It ten word message, the message to be tional labor dealers the reported gen- for a welcome reception tu the newly «»<1 riarrv plait, ills sons wsre chut- oral strike nf carmen in PlttsbiirK, Served In Civil War. wedded couple »t their Third and will be a modern &Lui£Lu£fi{ and the delivered at the opening of business The Independent Five Engine and liiiii with him «lien they midden ly u<t- future home of the New York Tele- Cleveland, Omaha and Sau Francisco, Mi*. James was born at 'Fremont, Mi Franklyn avenues home in tlie near tiCed a pJuuijfe In their futher'a eoudi hvoiirn the following inorniuK. nuts, In 18(2. His early life did not Truck Company, No. 2, has been IB* phone Company. io prouse nationtU interent. in tht* Phil- linll This will give the public desiring adelphia wit nation and create a public point (o tlie eminent poaUlon lu the TIio bridegroom IH wt:\i • known la cori)oralcd. Jt^ purposes as stated in Ii Is expected t.bat the new exelmnge quick communication with any place the eertiili'ute. of incorporation are to I>r. outvil'iiilpe was quickly mini wffl be ready for use no#t fall. demand for arbitration that will eause dramatic and literary field he held at ,oiift Branch, llo in the. yuungest BOH In the United Slates a cheap method. President Taft to act, tiie time of his death. It was not un- of hiy parents, and was graduated aid and help the city authorities In iniined, and Mr. Platt was put to bed. At ])reHent the telephone company In :iome cases it will beat the jnaH til after he had served for two years form the Cbattle High School In 1906. safeguarding all public and privale lie died two bourn later without a utilizes three; hnildliiRS, one adjoining Horvice three or four days. aa a sergeant of the Sixteenth New- \ir. Hughes spent two yours at Cor- property from damage by fire or other- uninnur ami without recognition ol the Record office, In thn Hicks build- Manager C; L, Hollywood, of the io- Philadelphia, March 7.—President York ArMItery In the Civil War that nell. He is now employed at Buffalo, wtftl and to act generally an volunteer those about his bedside, His l>ody inp, u«ed as n butilnetta office; the sec- Cfll We»(ern Unfon office. Rnrioun'•*»** E. IS. Oreenwall, of the State Fodera- h« turned Ms attention to the stage. N. Y. firemen subject to the, rules, regula- vv;.-.
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