THIRD ANNUAL SPRING BAN K INTERNATIONAL7l sunaay, septemtlr ?z lonoon. ont,.io Jerome Drayton, road racing's sensation of'69, with the City of London Cup after winning last year's Springbank '12'. The Toronto runner later won Japan's famed FukLloka l\,4arathon and was named No. 1 marathoner in the world for '69. His greatest accomplishment this year: a world record 46:37.6 for 10 miles, set in Toronto on September 6. CBC Kfi7A We take care of people ! CO M MONWEALTH \(o{tdo\ Sunn OF CANADA LIMITED TWO INNS IN LONDON: 299 KING STR EET Your Host, Mr. lsaac Siskind ,1 210 WELLINGTON ROAD SOUTH Your Host, Mr. Bert Bornhoeft MESSAGE FBOM THE PRIME MINISTER ". , . we run because we nust Thtough the great wide ai." Within each r.an there exists a demon. Some men are able to quiet it. Others are driven by it. ln being drlven they encounter loneliness but they discover themse ves and they find exhilaration. They find, too, a peace which many men seek but few attain. I congratulate the ong distance runner for his self discipllne- I share with him his oneliness. I envy hlm his peace. I -/l) ).,z-, ,/a .// / L.. ). e"-d/-*1 Pierre Elliott frudeau MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Dear Friends: The City of London ls de ighted to welcome you to the Th ird Annual Springbank Road Races. For a relatively new venture in track and fie d events, the Spring- bank Boad Races have developed remarkably and we ook forward to this year's expanding ranks of com petitors. We congratu late the sponsoTs who have succeeded in makinq the races an important part of London's grow- ing reputation for producing and attracting fine athletes. We trust that all visitors to our City will enjoy the competltions and the hospitality of the friendly roresl u Iv DRAYTON, F]NLAY, TORONTO OLYNIP C STAq T; :3 SPR lNG BAN K ROAD BACES by Dave Proko: London, Ont., Sept. 13, 1969- race in Canada to r, - :^. O.cn Jerorne Drayton notched a major 12-lvlle and the Cii, 3' -.r.lon internatrona win in the Open l2- CUD ln 58:48.1. He b ::-:r: :- ,:n N41le, Bob Fin ay gave not ce that Lrsua y fast ear y pace lor l- s i: !.e his return to fcr.n ls conrplete by to brea< the race record of 58 23 0 w,inninqt.e 4l':.1\4ile and their c ub set ast year by Amby Buriooi the Toronto Olympic Club re The lst of finishers comlng in alter asserted lts statrs as one of the Drayton reads ike a Who's Who of best, if noi the best, dlstafce run North Am€rican road running: Bob ning aggregations in the world. l\4oore, Toronto; Pat lrclvlahon, lre- Thls was the capsule story to- land and N4assachusetts; Jacinto Sa da!' at the second annLral SprinE vinal, lvlexico; Pablo Garrldo, lvlex bank Road Baces, an event which ico; Alfredo Penaloza, I\4ex ico; is quicky turninq into what one Amby Burfoot, Connectlcut; Brian runner described as "a connoisseur's Armstronq, Toronto; Bon Daws, road rLrnning competition", featur N4inneapo is; alrd Ron We llngford, ing, as it does, a variety of races, Sudbury. a ap circuit which enab es specta Finlay, 11th place finisher in the tors to see most of the action and Olympic 5,000 metres last year, con unusua ly hiqh'calibre competltion quered over another strong field in (seven '68 Olympians ran here to- the Open 4%-N/lile, winning in a new day, inc uding the Mexican national record time of 20:46.8. Among marathon team). Added to all this those left in his wake were Lou at Springbank this year was the Scott, 1968 United States Olympian induction of the first two men, in the 5,000 metres; up and coming Tom Longboat and Gerard COtd Grant l\,4cLaren of Guelph, winner into the newly formed Canadian of two gold medals (5,000 metres Road Runners Hall of Fame. and $eeplechase) at last month's On a somewhat hot day (up- Canada Games; and Ray Varey oi wards of 80 degrees), Drayton ran Hamilton, Canadian steeplechase away from possibly the qreatest champion and record holder. field ever assembled for a road For Finlay, victory here follows Sooly't Qozl."n Centte onl. 1lo*et Sl"op - Flotal decotations fot a 1265 Rlverside Drive Wellington Square 471-3410 433-3974 ciose on the heels of his winning perfoTmance in the 5,000 metres at the Canadian Track ChanrDion- shlps and proves ne's hls od sef again. Bob had had a verv Lrp-and COMPLETE down sumrner .. on y managlng to PHOTO COVERAGE pace third, for instance, in slow OF '69 RACES IS ON time in the 5,000 at the Eastern Canadian Championships. PAGES IO- 15, SHOW OF STRENGTH Led by Drayton and Finlay, the Toronto Olympic Club won the team prizes for both the 4% (Fin, The lay, l\4ick Goerke, lst; 4th; and place to eat PaulManley, Tth) and the 12 (Dray- ton, 1st; I\,4oore, 2nd; and Arm in Springbank Park strong, Sth). THE The strength of coach Paul Poce's sq!ad is weil known (five of his runners were on the '68 Canadian Oiympic tearn - Finlay, Drayton, Dave Ellis, AndV Boychuk and fe CONCESSIONS male half-miler Abiqail Hoffman). * on the race circult Even so, one could not readily have (opposite the pav lion) expected Toronto Olyrnpic to de- feat a trio like the l\,4exican team of * in Storybook Gardens Garrido, Penaloza and Savinal. That they were able to do so, without the Operated by services of Ellis and Boychuk, both A&B FOOD SERVICE out with leg problems, has to go down as one of the great team per- ser/1n9 Landanets and then ltiends lat 22 yeats formances ever bV a Canadian club or any club, lor that matter. Wh le in Springbank Park why nor take a ride on the Mery-Go-Found and the Mississippi Biverboat }<AFI H U THE SHOE WITH THE 'M' ON THE SIDE Run in comlort in a pair oI KABHU training shoes ,"n"d Sl oror/ ,eLo.-eroed b/ !"* ZF"t"-d coJ.1 A..hu. Llda,d to. the r Comlort and Lasting abiiry Spikes, jogging shoes, marathon shoes, discus shoes We have rhe colour io sLit your mood see us here TODAY or Order irom: J. Parker, 1485- Wiliamsport Drive, Apt. 315. Coo[svr e. Ontario. ln the Seniors'6-llile (for men 40 15:09.2, .6 seconds under the old and over), 42 year-old John Reeves record. The team pr;ze went to of Toronto's East York Track C ub Toronto's Michael Power Secondary won by a convincing marqin, his School, Chris Bardsley finishing 7th, time of 33:50.7 breaking the re Ron Vanderkraats 9th and [,4ike cord oI35:00.3 set last year by Jim Housley 11th. Hartshorne of lthaca, N.Y. This FINLAY IN FORIV] time Hartshorne, representing the Finger Lakes Runners Club, which ln the Open 4%, tal1, slender Bob won the team prize, was in the Finlav was at or near the front riqht' runner-up role, He managed to Jrom the gun. After a mile he hang on to the bearded Beeves, an started to move away from the execulive with the Canadian Broad- pack, pulling Grant McLaren with casting Corporation, through the him. The two were still together at first lap but couldn't match his two miles, with Lou Scott and opponent's endurance the second Kitchener-Waterloo's B.ian Bisson time around. Roland Anspach of another 25-30 yards back. By the Springboro, Ohio was third in end of the first lap (which Finlay 35:02.9, only 2.6 seconds off last hit in 13i48 -- equivalent to 14:15- year's winning time. '14:18 pace forthree miles) l\,4cLaren fallen 20-25 yards the REPEAT had o{f WINNER pace. The 4% at Springbank consists o{ The Hiqh School 3-Mile saw the a complete lap o{ the circuit plus a only repeat winner from '68 short lap, in which the runners take and another new record as '17- - a sharp left about l00yardspastthe yearold Jackie Dufresne of North finish ine and then anolher sharp Bay's Chippewa Secondary School left which puts them on the back ran to victory in 14:51.2. He had stretch of the course with about 1% won in '68, relatively unchallenged, miles to go. in 15:09.8. Pau Poce, Finlay's coach, re This year the 5'3", 105'pound vealed later that he'd advised Bob speedster had bigger and much a "really go hard" these field to around tougher to cope with but it turns whether anyone was with made no difference. A habilual him or not. Bob did as suggested front runner, he tore into the lead and although, in his own words, he the gun. After only at a mile was "really hanging on" from there Hamilton's Bill Curtis was with him on, he was home {ree. Hiswinninq and by the two-mile mark Curtis, time, 20:46.8, was almost a minute too, had fallen back. faster than the time posted by the the end was Dufresne At it with '68 winner. lan Wainwriqht. about 35 yards to spare. Joe Cam- Grant McLaren, running more pisi George Harvey of Secondary like an international calibre athlete School in Toronto finished second every time out, was second in in '14:56.8, having passed Curtis in 21:05and Lou Scott third in 21r12.
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