AVEBAOB DAILY 01B0I7LAT1ON to r the Mouth of Fehraoiy, 1688 W BATUBB Forecast at 0. H. Weather Bveati, 6,099 Hoitfard Bttmber o f the A a i u '. '' B ^ this afternaon and taalslit probably ending Friday, morning; not ranch change In tenperstnm. MANC^HESTEB - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. L V IL , NO. 142 (OoMUed AdvwtMug m i t ) M A N C H ^ T E R , CONN., T H U R S D A Y , M AR C H 17,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN1}|:; New Dangrer Spot in Troubled Europe SEEN LITHUANIA FORCES U. S. TO ARM, IF BRITISH SEAUN* STANl GERMANY To Do Less Than Is Now Pro­ POLAND ^ J ‘ I . posed Would Lay Our His Secretary Of W ar D ^ j Spanish Rebs Report X oiu itry Open To U ^ re - Washington,_____ maods Hrtner CiHnrse mdln^nsable Secretary of State Hull hl’m ilf to the promotion and maintenance •^hode the following quotations aa of stable conditions o f peace." dictable Hazards He Says the most Important in bis speech V ---'gUOAPCST ^ Caspe*s Fall; March Present Crisis C(>nsery^ « t the National Preos au b : " I f these prlndplea are to be ef­ ' ^ e primary objectivee of our fective they must be universal in Hu n g a r y / Ru m a n ia tives Warn If F ore^ Pnl^ Washington. March 17-?(AP)‘ foreign policy are the maintenance their appUcAtten.’’ To the Sea Progresses of the peace of our country and the ' —Secretary p f State , Hull, declar­ A \yugohaviV>. -.>•* promotion o f the econontic, the eo- m icy Is Not C hangdU i^ ing America must hold to Its rights "It would be absiihi and futile cial and the moral welfare of our for us to proclaim that we stand for Hradaye, FrMce_.,at toe Sp^sh^Knights of the Order of Saint John In Its quest for .world peace, ‘ laid pec»Ie." International law, for the sanc*’ty between Poland and Lithuania (indicated by line of Frontier.. - - March— J-------- 17- (A P ) -S p a n ­ of Jerusalem in the strategic town down today a policy of arming for Poland demanded ish tasurgenta reported today'they ]Hiey W il) Join Opi of treaty obligations, for non-inter- at the fork of the Ebro and Guada^ protection against "International ’ "Our government pureues,' ip re­ vention In internal affairs o f other * border guard by Lithuanians- had driven the last government de­ lope rivers, SO miles from the Medi­ fenders from Caspe and bad oc­ lawlessness.” , lation to every world area alike, a countries, for equality of industrial terranean. cupied the town In their eastward policy of non-interference, with lU- and commercial rights and oppor­ The Insurgent command sent new London. Mareh . 17___ " I t U my considered judgment march toward the Mediterranean. reinforcements of artillery speeding that, in the present state o f wdr|d wUI to w a rip o latlon and a sincere tunities, for UraltaUon and — Threatened revolt desire to be friendly with all. A t tlon of armaments— but only Plspstdhea from Burgos, seat of up the old Roman road from Alcanta -affaira, t o ^ less than Is now pro- Generalissimo Francisco Franco's his cautious foreign policy bjr^ the same time we endeavor to af­ half of the world end among to Join the motorized shock troops poaed ] would lay dur country open government, said Caspe waa taken ford appropriate protection to half of the world's population. already dispatched to Caa^. his followers both inside itadt to unpredictable hazards," he said, with the aid of reinforcements rush­ Insurgeant officers at Inin, who Athc^can clU za^ and. interests.” HITLER TO TALK lORDERS ARREST outeide his Cabinet todsyt referring to'the naval, expansion ed up from Alcanli, advance point •aid the town had been surroundM program. , 'T h e catastrophic developments of the Insurgent drive menacing the drove harassed Prime Miniaten o t recent years, the atarUing events for four hours, received military Hull treated,.. In ' measured "W e have scrupulously followed govertament-held coasL dtapatehea this morning stating Chamberlain into a precarioniiT and we Intend to follow the tradl- of the past weeks,' offer a tragic TO THE WORLD ‘ Earlier government idporta said phrases, every aspect of the world OF “aERICALS” •Imply that troops were' endeavor- position. demonstration of how quickly the situation In an address before the ttonal policy of ou^ country not to government forces southeast of ln | ; to "complete" the encirclemenL contagious aqpurge o f treaty-break­ His tenure of power, said Jn>1 National Press (Dlub. ■ His speech enter into entangling alUan^ or Caspe rallied and smashed through Big Counter-attack ing and armed violence spreads formed sources, was imi went over an International' radio InvplvemenU with other countrieq.’’ AGAH^FRIDAY AS AHTI-NA^ Insurgent lines to relieve their be­ The government’s counter-attack, from one region to another"' leaguered garriaoD there. by a vigorous demand by . hookup to a w6rld disturbed by the begun last night, launched a furious spectre of war In ICurope ahd Asia. They said then the insurgents’ balUe which stUI raged in the early youthful secretary of war; La$0 “ During recent months, as "For the sdke of the best inter­ '*The momentous question,". he drive had been stopped and Franco’s hours today on the city's ouUkirU. throughout the past 160 years, the ests of our people, we must main­ May G ve Position On Spain troops bad i)een forced to turn back, lie Hore-Belisha, that . the] said, "ta whether the' doctrine of government of the United States Gemlan Fofice Head Moves Tha clvtUan population Joined the force shall become epthronbd once tain our strength, our courage, our to smoother resistance on their left defenders in digging defense work* prime minister announce a] has sought to exercise moral in­ flank. more and bring in Its wake, inex­ moral standards; our influent, in and building street barricades. firmer course in dealing -witlij fluence and to cooperate In every In Review Of Events Of Oorenuneat Report orably. international Anarchy -and world affairs, and our participation Against Anstrian Qiorcb- Earlier reports from the govern­ Europe’s crisis within tomotvj practicable way with all peace-seek­ in’ efforts toward world progress .The Madrid communique said a relapse into Barbarism.” . ing nations In support of those basic ment said a deadly artUlery bom­ row. , and pence.” '\ government forces held the hospital bardment bad been leveled on In­ The Cabinet officer, as America's A Month And Take Stand men; Free Masons Watch- and also the old chateau^ at the chief foreign minister, expounded surgent ranks. Cloiely following this rep a policy of peace, ho alliances, cbl- ed ultimatum came a w a n laboratlon with peaceful. nations, On Poland-Lithnania Row. , ed, Lodges To Be Qosed. from a committee of influet military prtparaUcra, andn oppdsl- Conservatives .that CL____ tlo to the "aecTusIonist -vlewpolnL" KILLED Iain’s foreign 'policy must, Cannot Stay Isolated Bsrlln. March 17— (AP)-=-R*iehs ■Vlrnna. March 17.— ( A f ) —iHsn- REBS BOMB "We nsay seek to withdraw from changed quickly or they fuehrer Hitler, curtailing his triuin- rtch Himmler, chief of alt Ger­ porticlnationn In world affaln.” be p h u t tour of Naalfled Austria be­ join the opposition. said, 'Init we ca not thereby with­ many’s police, today ordered the ar­ WINDOW cause o f IndTeasIng gravity of af­ Beaded by ChaicUIL rest of ;ill person's belonging to draw from the world Itself. Isolation NEARyr\300 Wlnaton Churchill, key member o t fairs elsewhere in Europe, may give "certain clqrical quarters,” who he is not a means to security; It Is a world war cabinets, and Robert to the world tomorrow u important said were spreading "ValsA rumors J. fruitful source of Insecurity.” G. Boothby, headed the committee^.: Son Of The Late Head Of unouncemeiit on Spain u d ber about new National Socialist Aus­ Hull expressed "our deep concern I Labor party clrclca dtacuasad the over the rising tide of lawlessness, -lURY RUIES DEATH long , and bitter civil war. The tria.” The order mentions no names, Eifht Raids Made In 13 Fuehrer sumniotied the Reichstag poaslblllty of (Chamberlain’s ceato.; the growing disregard of treaties, but It warned that an Immediate nation within 48 hour* in favor Har^rd, Seminary Meets to meet Friday to hear "a declara­ cleuup waa In store for these ^the increasing reverakm to the use Honrs; Victims Can{ht At LATE NEWS an interim govarnmant, to be hesir . , erf force, and the numerous other FOR ROSS KIDNAPER tion." and the marked emphasis "clericals." Their object, be said, ed by bis predeceaaor, Earl Baklwhr< oraln.ous tendencies which are placed on Spanish events by govern­ w u "not only to now unrest with­ of Bewdley. Death In New York; Was em ei^ng in the sphere o t interna­ ment spokesmci. Indicated that in. but also to disturb the Reich’s In the House o f Commana; haw* tional relations." Spain may be u important subject good foreign relations." He blamed Snbway Entrance While FLASHES! ever, Chamberlain stuck to hie ] Hts speech abounded with such WeO Known In The State. of that declaiatlon. the ’’clericata" for starting a romor guns. “h Tanud Oil Jipt As I •harp phrases as "methods of No one, a » usual, profeased to that Italian Premier Mussolini had On Their Way To Work. He ignored repeated tabor violence,” "another dark night of know exacUy what Hitler bad in given back to Germany the South d e a t h l i s t MOUNTS of “Anawar!" after PhUllp P.
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