-J.;tlWI J VI 'ltP - THE DAIlJ¥ PUBIJAII]ID BY TQ eTUDlDfft OF 'I'D 'ftA_ Olin I .r _ IOWA . , I VOLUMB XIV. IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORiIilNG, NOVEMBER 22, 1914 , , - -- - T ti,,'. :) ,d:rll I , T011lorrow Nleht n 11 "Cast Upon the· World" ENGLERT THEATRE The three act dramatic burlesque " o PRfSIOENT MACBRIDE ·CORNHUSKERS MARCH TO 'NEW RECORDS, ,. SET, .'. oN VESPER SERV~ES VICTORY ON .IOWA FIELD IN CROSS ·COUNTRY - , r. THROUGH OPEN LETTER ASKS ... - WATSON OF MINNESOTA WINS FOR RENEWAL OF INTEREST "Halligan around" had no terrors ba~k to ga,in consisten y and he ~ied the ball close to tbe enemy's THE OONFKRE. iii 0R08S IN LARGER UNIVERSITY for the Hawkeyes yesterday but fore through the COJ'Jlhuskers tor­ goal posts only to lose it on a.wns. I ( I "Halligan back" did. The Corn- ward wall time and ime aa:&1n. on~ by inches. In the second half COUNTRY YESTERDAY Program tor Vesper SeI'v1~ Given • I , Out.-ShaLler l(~thews Wlll Be husker captain tallied ten points by Aided by his teammatetl be pushed the HawkeYe8 were within striking . the aerial route and sent th~ Iowans the ball within striking distance of distance sev~ral L es, but Nebraska Haw~eyes aptaretl Nlatb Plaee-- Speak~r ot Afternoon-Larger At- down to defeat 16 to 7. Halligan the enemy's goal several times. Each braced and held. In the third quarter tendance )s Expected 26 ~lJnute8, 21 Seooadll the booted a place kick from the twenty tIme Stiehm's men held and prevent­ Carberry received a long pass from University officials, PreSident Mac- five yard line in the first quarter and ed a tally. Gross on hlB' own goal line and Place tn Run. bride especially have felt for some started the scoring for the western- I The victory of the CornhuskerB 'dropped it as he was tackled. time the expanded growth of ut~(jr ers. After that he was successful in was directly attributable to their Walter Eckersall of Chicago, ref· Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 21-(Spe- Jack in university matters that are two out of four attempts at place wonderful forward passing. Long ereed. Reid of Michigan was um- o tten mls. t a k en b yellth t u d en t s more /J;:jcks and goal following a touch - passes, Halligan to Howard, time pIre and Hyland of Iowa umpire. cial to the Daily Iowan)- Minne- for the professors atla graduate stu- down by Potter. The Husker cap- and time again were completed for The Hawkeyes appeared at 2: 22 and 80ta cross country athletes were the dents. A few days ago the universi- tain was on the hurling end of near- telling gains, placing the- ball in were followed seven minutes later \'lctor8 in the annual Big Nine con­ ty through the office of the president ly every forward pass made by iNe- I striking d1stance for Halligan to by Stiehm's aggregation. Nebraska ference run, held here tllis afternoon sent out an open letter to most of k d "1 H Ii I with ten teams competing. bras a an it was a 1; al gan .." score by a place kick. won the toss and received the kick I the students in order to revive the Iowa fought bitterly to the final • The Gopher runners scored the The !Huskers went eighty yards off from Brueckner at 2: 35. The spirit and put these matters on a whistle .and scored In the last ten IQwest total of 45 points. The · ith h thl ti for their only tOUChdown ot the lineups of the game were: more equa1 baSls w tea e cs minutes of play on a spectacular for- Ames aggregation was second wlth and socIal affairs. Below is the ward pass, Gross to Carberry. Par- battle and sent Potter over from the Nebraska-Left end, Howard; left 81. lllinois third with 98 and Ohto substance of the open letter sent sons kicked the goal. one foot line for the tally. tackle, Captain Halligan; left guard, State fourth with 116. 'Watson ot L out: For Iowa Garretson was the only Twice in the first halt Iowa cal'- (Continued on Page Three) Minnesota. covered the five-mile event Speaking for the whole university, first in 26 minutes and 21 seconds, the president would invite the stU-I setting a new conference record, and dents in all departments to a wider Some Of Yesterday's Stars lowering the old mark by 23 seconds. use of university opportunities and The ot11er teams finished as fol­ -a wider enjoyment of university life. .--------------------~~~~~~~ lows: Wisconsin, fifth, 12A; North­ There has been no lack of appre­ western, sixth, 128; Chicago. sev­ ciation of our autumn days; no fall­ entb, 132; Purdue, eighth, 142; ure In enthusiasm for -our various Iowa ninth, 211; ID(~wr..a tenth, 263. athletic and social functions; there ly is no complaint concerning the gen­ eral work of laboratory and class­ MUNICIPAL DAY w room; and yet. it is believed that stu­ HELD LAST FRIDAY I. dents of .all ranks are. too 'easily con­ tent; they are missing some of the Decided Success at Annual Municlpaf great things of the university, and in 80 far ' are losing the impress of its Day-Important Specialists ot power. ountry Give Papers , For InStance, we have here great , " libraries- thousands upon thousands Friday November 20 witneBlled the of the best and most beautiful books second annual Municipal Day in the in the world. Students are privileg­ city. Many of the really big men ot ed to see these, to handle them, to the country who are interested In the learn at least what some of them are , subjects taken up were present anJ about. Such opportunity has never ..... ol1ered gems in the way of papers. ~ been yours before; may, unless in The subject was "Municipal Water­ unlverslUes and great cities, never , works System" and was looked at be Yours again. And yet there are HOWARD, L. E. GUNDERSON, L. E., OJ\PT. from every side by the specialistB. Btudents who visIt the library seldom GROSS, Q. B. lOW.<\. NEBRASKA IOWA The men who talked or gave pap- or never in <the course of their whole IOWA ,. ers were as follows: D. 't Woods, unlyersity life! ~noredlble! : J ( Dr. Henry Albert and Johq H. Dun­ tle­ ~, we, have all aorta of ~ni­ i lut­ verelty lectures. Here II.lso the unl- lap. Delegates from all the muni­ (Contmuea on Page Four) Cipalities of the statE18 were present hie together with other interested mell , ~. --------- In- IOWA WINS SOOOE~ making a decided succeS8 compared I • GAME WITH GRINNELL with the meeting last year which ---. was unfortunately held dming the 'fhe seco~d 80c'cer game ~lared in stormy weather. Iowa for years wal won in a score of 2 to 1 with, Grinn~ll yesterday lllor,nlng at Grlhnell. The local poys I ~lEETING OF UN1V. WOMEN played hard II:nd t.1)e general opinion A mass meeting of all universtty thought Iowa had the viotory ~ women to hea,r the reporta of. the­ a'1d square. Sixteen men composed delegatee to the oonvention of the the party ,to Grinnell and they re­ 'Iwomen's Jeague iassociation which turned In time for the Iowa-Nebras­ was held recently, will be beld on ka game In the afternoon. Unusual Tuesday night at 7: 30. Miss Kline­ interest prevailed over the probable enhagen and Miss Dealey are the outcome of the game as Shroede!' HALLIGA , L. T., OAPT. RUTHERFORD, L. B. CH.OIBERLAIN. R. H. speakers of the evening and the uni­ has done much for the team in the NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEBRASKA versity band will give several selec­ • way of advertising. tions . • THE D The toasts which wUl be given I ' ompany D wll hold the exam ina- during til evening a~ Dean .: C. tiOIl next Tu~day afte1'lloon at 4:30 Published e\' ry mornlnk except Saturday and Monday. <0fficial NaUcrs Wilcox toa tlllaster are: in room 204 L. A. building. ~ fO~ YOUR- DfN 5 Capt. Feeney. 9EAUTI FuL COLLEGE PENNANTS Entered at the Post Office at Iowa'/ Playing th Game, Prof. G. F. Kay. YALE and HARVARD itl' second class matter. Xotlces intended tor this col­ Th Team or 1914, Oaptain A. G. I onln mo t be Igned by a ra- Each 9 in. x 24 in. , OIDc and editorial rooms 23 Ix>n Ible person and placed In G undersoll. Military ball committee will meet PRINCETON, OORNELL th hllnd of tire University Ed· MlOIDGAN Ea t Washington. Phon 29. The Athletic Board, Prof. A. G.I :\londay afternoon at 4: 30 In the itor by 4:00 p. 01. of the day Each 7 in. x 21 in. R prereding the day for publica­ mlth. coffandant's office. Chairman. '-PENNANTS, Size 12d0-4 Hiram UJdl, tion. The Football Coach, Coach Jesse -------------- . Ally Leading Oolles_ of Arthur Rldl FOR RENT-Furnished room moq- H. E. WEBB ------------_- B. Hawley. Yoar Selection Gerald Bla14 Buslness Manager ern house, board if desired. Phone 'Prospects, Captain-Elect, who All ot our best quality, In Nov. 24 . Roll call at 4:30 sharp, Black 125l. ROSS H. BEALL \\ III be announced at the dinner 'heir proper colora, with col­ Managing Editor room 225L. A. building. Examlna- 'red emblems. Th committee in charge of the Either auortment, for lim­ --- --------- tlon. R. L. Short, Capt. Ited time, sent pOltpald for 60 SPORTS EDITOR .. .. T. F. Shea menu promises to not only give a. LOST- Silver mesh bag on Iowa centl and Il'fe Itampe to COTer Assistant ..
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