DECEMBER 2008 “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.”–ROMANS10:1 Written in 1955, this story has profound INSIDE ITEMS ▼ implications for today. –Jeff ■ God’s Word On Your Money......4 ■ Classic Zola........................5 ■ Shalom From Sandra.............6 ■ Wise As A Serpent...............7 Pilgrims Disavowed ■ DeSeifering Our World...........8 ■ Facts About Tax....................9 Sartell Prentice, Jr. ■ Our Man In Jerusalem...........10 ■ November 1955 Socialism.........................11 Socialism ■ Patrick Cox.....................12-13 ■ End-Time Prophecy..........14-15 On Thanksgiving Day we are asked to remember ■ Bulletin Board....................16 the Mayflower and the hundred-plus passengers ■ Hebrew Lesson....................20 —men, women, and children—who sailed ■ Israeli Technology...............21 on her. In 1608, they had fled from religious ■ Letters To ZLM................22-24 persecution in England and established a new ■ News & Views.................25-29 home in Holland. Despite the warm welcome ■ Select Briefs..................30-32 extended by the Dutch, as contrasted with the ■ Final Words..................34-35 persecutions they had endured in England, their love for their homeland impelled them to seek English soil on which to raise their U.S.Getting Future in Iraq children, English soil on which they would be ByThe Karen World DeYoung free to worship God in their own way. www.WashingtonPost.com WithTo timeHate running Finally, the Pilgrims landed, as we all know, on out for the conclusion Plymouth Rock in the middle of December ofIsrael an agreement 1620. On Christmas Day, in the words of future governing American governor William Bradford, they “began to forces in Iraq, nervous erect the first house for common use to receive negotiators have them and their goods.” begun examining continued on page 2 alternatives that would allow U.S. troops to stay beyond the Dec. 31 deadline, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials. Neither side finds the options attractive. One possibility is an extension of the United Nations mandate that expires at the end of the year. That would require a Security Council vote that both governments believe could be complicated by Russia or others opposed to the U.S.-led war. Another alternative would amount to a simple handshake agreement between Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and President Bush to leave things as they are until a new deal, under a new U.S. ad- ministration, can be negotiated. PILGRIMS DISAVOWED SOCIALISM continued Three Kernels of Corn present use (but made no division for During those first years, three kernels inheritance) and ranged all boys and of corn represented the daily food youth under some family. This had ration of the Pilgrims. Within three very good success; for it made all months of their landing on Plymouth hands very industrious, so as much Rock, “of one hundred and odd persons, more corn was planted than other- scarce fifty remained.” In the following wise would have been by any means excerpt from his History, Governor Govr or any other could use, and saved Bradford vividly describes the lot of him a great deal of trouble, and gave the Pilgrims during these early years. far better content. The women now Writing about conditions in the spring went willingly into the field, and took of 1623, after their corn had been their little ones with them to set corn, planted, he says: “All their victuals were which before would allege weak-ness, spent, and they were only to rest on and inability. God’s providence; at night not many times knowing when to have a bit of “For this community (so far as it was) anything the next day. And so, as one was found to breed much confusion well observed, had need to pray that and discontent, and retard much God would give them their daily bread, employment that would have been to above all people in the world... their benefit and comfort. For the young men that were most able and So They Tried Freedom fit for labor and service did repine After enduring three years of near that they should spend their time and starvation the settlers experienced strength to work for other men’s wives decades of abundance. Describing and children, with out any recompense. events that took place in the spring The strong, or man of parts, had no of 1623, Governor Bradford wrote: more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak and not able to “…they began to think how they might do a quarter the other could; this was raise as much corn as they could [on thought injustice. The aged and graver their own], and obtain a better crop men to be ranked and equalized in than they had done, that they might labors, and victuals, clothes, etc., with not still languish in misery. At length, the meaner and younger sort, thought after much debate of things, the it some indignity and disrespect unto Govr (with the advice of the chiefest them. amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own “And for men’s wives to be commanded particular [private use], and in that to do service for other men, as dressing regard trust to themselves . And so their meat, washing their clothes, etc., assigned to every family a parcel of they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither land, according to the proportion of could many husbands well brook it.” their number for that end, only for 2 FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS OR DONATIONS, YOU MAY CALL 1-800-WONDERS (966-3377). PILGRIMS DISAVOWED SOCIALISM continued The Importance of Property Rights If Pilgrims Had Had “Foreign Aid” This new policy of allowing each to Suppose some foreign country, or their “plant for his own particular” produced mother country, had taken pity on such a harvest that fall that Governor them in their misery and sent them Bradford was able to write: “By this ample food supplies during those first time harvest was come, and instead terrible years. Would the Pilgrims ever of famine, now God gave them plenty, have learned and applied the concepts and the face of things was changed, of the dignity of the individual and to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, the sanctity of property—the idea that for which they blessed God. And the each individual is entitled to the fruits effect of their particular [private] of his own labor? Freedom for the indi- planting was well seen, for all had, one vidual, with recognition and respect way and other, pretty well to bring for the right of each individual to his the year about, and some of the abler property, is essential to the release of sort and more industrious had to individual human energy, which alone spare, and sell to others, so as any can raise the standard of living. general want or famine has not been among them since to this day.” This Thanksgiving Day, let us highly resolve to dedicate our lives, as individuals, Our first Thanksgiving should be to “planting for our own particular,” interpreted as an expression of grati- rather than living as parasites on the tude to God, not so much for the productive energy of others; let us ded- great harvest itself, as for granting the icate our lives to a renewed application Pilgrims the perception to grasp and of the ideal of individual freedom and apply the great universal principle individual responsibility, which our that produced that great harvest: Each Pilgrim forebears learned at such sacri- individual is entitled to the fruits of his fice, and which they passed down to us own labor. As the notion of property as our most precious heritage. rights developed from this tiny seed into a “formed body,” it became the Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach cornerstone of our Declaration of a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. —Lao Independence and of our Constitution, Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher and produced the extraordinary The Pilgrims demonstrated the failings of explosion of individual human energy the system that would come to be known as that took place in America. Communism. —Editor DECEMBER 2008 P.O. BOX 12268 • DALLAS, TX 75225-0268 • (214) 696-8844 • WWW.LEVITT.COM 3 Lending institutions have been throw- God’s Word ing easy money at us for years. Many of us have taken the easy credit cards. on Your We have overextended ourselves with larger loans for larger houses, fancier Money cars, and such. Like Adam and Eve, we By Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif have bitten the apple, left paradise, and have been paying dearly ever since. When the topic is people’s money, the In the interest of salvaging our sinking church’s message ships, we have borrowed money at seems simple: “Give the church your increasingly high interest rates. Those money—and God will bless you in of us with lesser credit pay higher return.” Though I personally believe interest rates. We who need money the that givers are gifted from God in most have to pay the most to borrow it. return, the over-simplified message When the troubled borrower is unable can be self-serving at worst, and way to satisfy the unreasonable debt, under too narrow at best. the cover of law, the lender can plunder his assets. Borrowers often find them- The New Testament promises that selves in worse states than when they those who do a “charitable deed” will initially borrowed. be “rewarded” (Matt. 6:1-4). It also warns that religious institutions can, Today’s banking crisis is the result of will, and do exploit charitable giving bad borrowing, bad lending, and bad for their own gain.
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