■I member of Audit Bureau of Cireulationi Call to Catholic Education Is New Modern Crusade Contonta Copyrighted by the Catholic Preai Society, Inc. 1946— Permiaeion to reproduce. Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue I Increased Vacation Tlill[[ Ctt[BIIIT[ Church College Must ': I School Enrollment Bear Heavy Attack of 1ST M ISSIS III DENVER CATHOUC ;fll Expocted This Year E Forces of Secularism N of even a week-end rest period Friday to be at their mission sta­ Three newly ordained archdioce­ was taken by many Denver sisters tions Sunday morning. Some vaca­ san priests celebrated their first Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara Pioints Out Role in in their transition from parbchial tion schools will open later in the Solemn Masses Sunday, June 2, schools to vacation schools' this summer, but most of them began REGISTER in Denver churches. 'The Cathe­ week, as the 24th year of vacation this week. Pastors everywhere ex­ dral was the scene of the Mass The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Servicp Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Life of Ohurch Today as Loretto school activity in Colorado became pect larger enrollments because of offered by the Rev. Leonard A. Eiave Also the International News Service .(Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven SmaUer a reality. The sisters moved improved travel conditions. Abercombie, with a sermon by Services^ Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) Heights Graduates 23 quickly from their city convents Archdiocesan vacation schools the Rt. Rev. Stonsignor Hugh after parochial school closings last definitely reported to the Arch­ L. McMenamin. fin Holy Ghost diocesan Mission office to date as church, the R t Rev. Monsignor VOL. XU. No. 41. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946. $1 PER YEAR, The new crusaiie of the modern day is the call to Cath­ operating or planned are located John R. Mulroy delivered the olic education, for the Catholic college must bear the brunt High Education at Annunciation, Blessed Sacra­ sermon for the first Mass of of the forces of secularism that threatens Christendom. The ment, Holy Ghost, Holy Rosary, the Rev. Herbert L. Banigan. Catholic college is the seat of wisdom, the guardian of hope, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Loyola, In the Church of St. Francis de Presentation, Sacred Heart, St Sales, the Solemn Mass of the Rev. Camp Santa Maria Is Reopening the promise of a full and virtuous life, and the hope of the Vital in World Francis de Sales’, St. Philomena’s. Joseph J. Leberer took place, with Church. and S t Vincent de Paul’s parishes .the Rev. John L. Madden, a pro­ Thus did Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara of Kansas City in Denver; the suburban com­ fessor in St Gregory’s seminary, point out vividly the important place that Catholic higher Cincinnati, 0., giving the ser­ Of Emergencies munities of Arvada, Aurora, Edg- education plays in today’s critical | ' water, Englewood, Littleton, and mon. A resume of each of these ser­ hour in the life of the Church and Addressing the 389 graduates of Westwood, and in the following in the welfare of the nation as he state communities; Akron, Aspen, mons follows. six Catholic high schools o', the addressed the members o f the 1946 Bishop Muench Basalt, Castle Rock; Sacred Heart Monsignor McMenamin com­ city at the 14th annual joint com­ mented upon the fact that with the graduation class of Loretto mencement exercises held last Sun­ and St. Paul’s, Colorado Springs; Heights college, Denver. Craig, Elbert, Erie, Estes Park, ordinations of Father Abercom­ day in the city auditorium, Arch­ 1,000 Attend Exercises To Do Liaison Fountain, Grand Lake; St. bie and Banigan, 55 alumni of the bishop Urban J. Vehr expressed Approximately 1,000 persons at­ Peter’s and Our Lady of Peace, Cathedral high school had joined the hope that they would become the ranks of the priesthood. tended the 26th annual commence­ Greeley, and in many small com­ ment exercises, which were con­ “ heroes and heroines of life— Great Work of Priest Recalled Work in Berlin saints of God.” He urged the grad­ munities in the Greeley area; ducted outdoors on the west cam­ Julesburg, Kremmling, Louisville, He then commented upon the uates to continue their education great work of a priest. He pours pus for the first time. On the plat­ in order better to equip themselves Loveland, Meeker, Rifle, Silt, form, over which an open tent was Stratton, Walden, Wray, and the regenerating water of Baptism Berlin. — Bishop Aloisius to step into a wor|,d of interna­ upon our brows, making us chil­ erected, were seated Archbishop Muench of Fargo, N. Dak., has tional emergencies. "There is no Yuma. Others will be reported as Urban J. Vehr of Denver, Bishop been appointed official American the vacation school season pro­ dren of God and heirs of heaven. short cut to success,” he asserted. He prepares us for Confirmation, O’Hara, four Domestic Prelates of representative to act as liaison be­ “ It means work, work, and more gresses. Reports from the Pueblo Denver, Dr. Paul J. Ketrick, presi­ tween the Church in Gci-many and diocese indicate vigorous vacation by which we become soldiers in work.” the army of Christ, ready to suf­ dent of the college, and Father military government authorities in In emphasizing the importance school activity also in the southern Anthony Weihzapfel, college chap­ the American zone, it is reported part of the state. fer and die, if need be, for Cath­ of the work done by the Catholic olic faith and morals. He hears lain. by Max Jordan, NCWC corre­ Action programs, the Archbishop Confession, consecrates the Eu At the close of the exercises spondent. Bishop Muench is e.x- asked the boys and girls, as alumni charist, and gives Communion. Archbishop Vehr spoke brief lysand pected to fly here shortly. He prob-J of Catholic schools, to enter seri­ Loretto Sister The priest stands at the altar expre.ssed his gratification over ably will make his headquarters ously into the work of these groups, and witnes.ses the vows of the wed­ the growing enrollment with its in Berlin. He will be accompanied particularly those that help the ding couple pledging to take each promise of many finely trained by the Rev. Howard Smith of poor and underprivileged. Long in West Is other for better or worse, for rich­ women leaders for the Church in Fargo, his secretary and Chancel­ Four thousand people attended er or poorer, in sickness and in years to come. The Archbishop lor. the exercises, which were directed health, until death do them part, conferred the degrees on the 23 Bishop Muench's appointment by Eugene Urban of Annunciation (Turn to Page i — Column 4) young women who composed the high school,, student chairman. has been warmly welcomed by the 50th Jubilarian •1946 class. German Hierarchy. He visited Henry Job, Cathedral high school, Bishop O’Hara went back to Father of Heights Girl Germany before the war. He met delivered the valedictory address, Kansas City by plane right after all the German Cardinals at the Sister M. Genoveva Anson, Sis­ the commencement exercises. “ We Look to the Future," on be­ Killed in Chicago Fire recent Consistories in Rome and half of the graduation class. ter of Loretto, who long worked VAIN HOPE, PESSIMISM Brice McBride, the father of became thoroughly acquainted with Among the civic and educational in Denver, will celebrate her ARE MODERN EVILS Jane McBride, a sophomore at the many questions ari;>ing in re­ leaders present were Gov. John C. golden jubilee in the Loretto or­ “ Two evils today afflict man­ Loretto Heights college, was one gard to German churches under Vivian, Mayor Benjamin Staple der June 13 at the close of the kind— vain hope and, pessimism,” annual retreat in El Paso, Tex. of the victims of the fire that foreign occupation. [NCWC Radio ton, Charles E. Green, superinten­ Beautiful Camp Santa Maria, near Bailey, is of the Rockies, one of the largest in the world, declared Bishop O'Ha'ra. “ By the Sister Genoveva Anson was gutted the La Salle hotel in Chi­ and Wirel dent of public schools; Mrs. Inez cago June 5. Miss McBride re­ reopening this summer after being closed since which has brought a great deal of notice to the site. first the multitude is buoyed up by Johnson Lewis, state superinten­ born and reared in St. Louis, Mo., ceived word of hia death while 1942 because of war-time difficulties. The first Shown above are the chapel and the chaplain’s resi­ the prospect of a new heaven and dent of public instruction; the Very and educated in the schools taught attending the graduation exercises group of 100 boys to be received at the camp dence at the camp. Religious instruction and daily a new earth to be won for them $7,000 Redecoration Rev. John Flanagan, S.J., presi­ by the Sisters of Loretto there. at the college. She left immedi­ leaves Denver June 10. The center, located in a Mass are among the most popular features for the by the dexterous shuffling of po­ dent of Regia college; Dr. Paul The business world claimed her ately for the family home in striking mountain scene, was lavishly equipped by youngster*. The three weeks’ summer stay in the litical cards, or by the pursuit of J. Ketrick, president of Loretto for a short time but in 18^6 she Project Under Way Provo, Utah. Mr. McBride was the late John L. Dower and Mrs.
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