l I KUMAR BHASKAR VARMA SANSKRT AND ANCIENT STUDIES NALBARI. NAMATI- 781337. ASSAM Website- www kbvs asun.ac.in Email ld- sun rediffm m Phone No- 9127022535, 9Lz7 022536 Ref: No.- KBVSASU lReg-l-C/ 101 12017 -39 4 Date- 2810212020 NOTIFIC ATION As per approval of the Academic Council vide Resolution No. 7 dated 12l02lzo2o,the Syllabi ofthe P.G. courses in Sanskrit (Sahitya) and sanskrit (vedic studies), Political Science, Philosophy, Assamese and IMS course have been partially revised as per attachment showing respective papers and units changed. This has the approval ofthe Hon'ble Vice chancellor, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University. I I I RJgistrar Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbali Memo : No. KBVSASU/Reg-I-Cl 101 120 17 -394(A) Date- 2812/2020 Copy to for information 1. Office of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, KBVS&ASU 2. Office of the Controller of Examir'ations, KBVS&ASU 3. IQAC 4. Office File 5. Guard File tt* Registrar Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanslirit and Ancient Studies University, Nal\qriffi* /- L,i ANNEXURE-B Department of Sanskrit (Sahitya) Programme Name: MA Programme Code: MASS Detail of Chanses in Syllabus Previous portion ofthe Syllabus where changes Revised portion of the Syllabus have been effected Course Code: 102 Course Code:102 1.Unir:III l.Unit:III e Chandomanjari (Samavrittam only) a Chandomani ari(Ardhasam Credit:1.5 vrittam and Visamavrittam) Course Code:103 Course Code:103 l.Unit:I a Introduction to Indian Philosophy 1.Unit:I Credit: 2 a Sarvadarsanasamgraha(Ca rvaka, Bauddha & Jaina) Course Code:201 Course Code:2O1 1. Unit:II 1.Unit:ll o Malatimadhava o Ratnavali Credit:2 2. Unit:III 2. Unit:III o Anarkali o Prabodhacandrodaya Credit:2 Course Code:202 Course Code:202 1 Unit:II 1.Unit:II o Nidhanpur Copper Plate Inscription o Ashoka Inscription Credit:1 2. Unit:III 2. Unit:III o Nalacampu . Ramayanacampu Credit:2 Course Code: 204 Course Code:204 I.IInit:I 1.Unit:l . Kumarasambhavam (Canto I) a Buddhacaritam (Canto I) Credit.,2 Course Code: 303 Course Code: 303 l.Unit:III l.Unit:III o Vakroktijivitam a Karyadarsa (First Credit:2 Paricchedah Course Code:402 Course Code:402 1.Unit:lI I .Unit:II a Kar,yaprakas a (1't Ullasa)) a Kar,yaprakasa (5th Ullasa) Credit: 1.5 Course Code:403 Course Code:403 1.Unit:I 1.Unit:I a Sati Jaymati a Avinasi Credit:2 S ignature of HoD Department of Sanskrit (Vedic Studies) Programme Code: MASVS Programme Name: M.A. in Sanskit (Vedic Studies) Detail of changes in Syllabus Previous portion of the sYllabus Revised portion of the sYllabus where changes have been effected Code: MASSSI 01 Course: MA Code: MASSS101 Course:MA \ .a\. l.Unit 2: xr+flikdl 1.UNit 2:XAK{IfrTI {q{sq(x.a. t.32) cn'.4. 10.10) ils-AqRq6.t. to.tzo; Trqqs{(H.4. 10.71) t o. t oal frqfimrfi+til<qq ix'.4. 3 . 3 3 ) s{cr-cF[se1Eqs{6.t. Credit-2 Credit-2 q6|ddr t -: t; 2.unit a: gf+m $rufrstas'.; 2. unit 4: lsutlswr+,, Credit-1 Credirl Title of the Course (MASSS101): Title of the Course (MASSS101): akdlrzqq{ a<rrqqcq Code: MASVS202 Course: MA Code:MASVS202 Course: MA +: gtf+m 1-50) 1. Unit a : gt|+m 1G-d*sa1-q'; l.unit G-frdseqq: Credit:3 Credit: 3 Course: MA Code:MASVS203 Course: MA Code:MASVS203 1. Unit z: ik+-qrorurgg@-d-dlfr 1. Unit z: tkm-qrorutgg@-d-drfr qft-3let[6[', FWFI, $WFII,, ,, \) ',fr-qrqr, ffi-trel-fl e{q-{fr cffi s, frsR :{ifrsn *t, fifrqsfl,, AftffiqFcrFD rilwid,3q-drflO Credit:2 Credit:2 Course: MA Code: MASVS301 Course: MA Code: MASVS301 1. Unit 3: 1. Unit 3: ffisrqrq' qwt?Tc-dr:) zq\frierilEqq 1-5) Credit:1.5 Credit: I .5 Course: MA Code: MASVS302 Course: MA Code: MASVS302 1. Unit2: 1. Unit2: qqq _ gerq-hlu-gTl cfiIugq\\ {lsftlzrq:[: - E{FITUIqHqH. (s.2.3-s.s.s) Credit:3 Credit:3 Course: MA Code: MASVS304 Course: MA Code: MASVS304 L Unitz:srffiq(@sqs,; 1. unit 2; +1ffiq-q 2. Unit 3: dail@E{Fc$-{tsftqq: 2.IJnit : . rffiqq fspiry€ffi) Title of the Course: Title of the Course: eqFq-{q.-fltdrrq Bqffie{ Credit:4 Credit:4 Course:MA Code:MASVS403 Course:MA Code:MASVS403 l. unitl: fi{fr{ 1. Unitl:F{s{ fqqopeqcs-grrTsraTq: l - I 5) @:t-r2) Credit:2 Credit:2 sd/- $N HOD(i/c) Sanskrit (Vedic Studies) Deparlment nSY ? SA8Y 21l1oi2o2o solpnB cpa lul$ues'00H 4 HOD,Sanskril Vedic Studles KBVS & ASU Programme Name: Integrated MA in Sanskrit Programme Code: IMS Detail of Chanses in Syllabus ./ Previous portion of the Syllabus where changes have Revised portion of the been effected Syllabus Course Code :102 Course Code :102 Unit:III: Mohamudgarah Unit- III: General Grammar (Sananta, Yananta, Nijanta) Credit:02 Course Code :201 Course Code :201 Unit:III: Introductionto Puranas and Unit- III: Translation frorn English to Sanskrit Dharmasastras Credit:01 Course Code :303 Course Code :303 Unit- II: Nalacampu Unit: II: Chandomanjari Credit: 02 (Samavrtta) Unit- III: Bhattikar.ya, Ch-I Unit:lll: Bhattika\Ta, Ch Credit: 02 _XIII Course Code :402 Course Code :402 Unit- I: Samkhyakarika Unit: I: Introduction to Credit: 02 lndian Philosophy Unit- II: Sarvadarsanasamgraha Unit:II: Credit: 02 Srimadbhagavadgita (Ch. il) 5 \ Course Code :405 Course Code :405 Unit: I: Raghuvamsam Unit- I: Raghuvamsam (Canto XIII) Credit: 02 (Canto I) Unit- III: Srimadbhagavadgita (Ch' XII) Unit- III: KalikaPuranam Credit: 02 (ch.l,II) Course Code :502 Course Code :502 Unit- III: SamkhYakarika Unit- III: Bharatiyadarshanasya ltihasa with GaudapadabhasYa Credit: 02 (Upto Karika -18) Course Code :503 Course Code :503 Unit- II: Kathamuktav ali Unit- II: Harsacarita, Ch -VI of Kshamarao Credit: 02 Unit- III: Kadambari ( Unit- I ll: Kadamvari Ujj ayanivarnanam Credit: 02 SukanasoPadesa ) Course Code :504 Course Code :504 Unit- I: Raghuvamsam, Unit- I: Raghuvamsam, Canto XIII Credit: 02 Canto - 1 Course Code :505 Course Code :505 Unit- II: Manusrnriti, Ch Unit- II: Manusmriti Ch - [I VII Credit: 1.5 Course Code :601 Course Code :601 Uniit-l Siddhantakaumudi Uniit-I Madhyasiddhantakaumudi (Samasa) (Sarrasa) Unit- III: General Grammar Karaka Credit: 02 Unit- III: prakaranam ( Siddhanta Koumudi) Course Code :603 Course Code :603 Unit- I: Indrapala's Guwakuchi Copper Plate Unit- I: Nidhanpur Copper Credit: 02 Plate Inscription of Unit- II: Avinasi Rhaskaravarma Credit: 02 Unit- II: Sati Jayarnati Course Code :605 Course Code :605 Unit- II: Nyayasiddhantamuktavali (Pratyaksakhanda) t lnit- II: Credit: 02 Nyayasi ddhantamuktavali (Anumanakhanda) Unit-lII: Srimadbhagavadgita (Ch.II) Credit: 02 Unit-III: Brahmasutram (1.1) with SankarabhasYa Signature of C e Coordinator 7 --l Department of Political Science Programme Name: MA in Political Science Programme Code: MAPSC Details of Changes in Syllabus Previous portion of the Syllabus where Revised portion of the Syllabus chan have been effected Course-101 Code: MAPSC 101 Course-lO1 Code: MAPSC 101 Unit: I Fundamentals of Greek Political Unit: I Greek Political Tradition Tradition o Justice - Plato and Aristotle e Plato: Theory ofJustice and ldeal State o Ideal State- Plalo and Aristotle o Communism - Plato Marks: 2 Credits Marks: 2 Credits Course-1O1 Code: MAPSC 101 Course-101 Code: MAPSC 101 Unit: II Birth of Modem European Thought Unit: II Modem European Thought o Machiavelli: Morality and Politics & . Machiavelli: Morality, Politics and the Attributes of Ruler as advocated in the Prince Prince Marks: 1 Credit Marks: 1 Credit Course-101 Code: MAPSC 101 Course-lOl Code: MAPSC 101 Unit: III Social Contract Tradition Unit: III Social Contract Tradition . Thomas Hobbes: State of Nature, State r Thomas Hobbes: State of Nature and and Absolute SovereigntY Sovereignty . John Locke: State of Nature, Natural r John Locke: State of Nature, Natural right, Limited Government and State Right, and Limited Govemment o J. J. Rousseau: State of Nature, General o J. J. Rousseau: Views on State, General Will, Democracy and State Will and Democracy Marks: 2 Credits Marks: 2 Credits Course-10l Code: MAPSC 101 Course-101 Code: MAPSC 101 Unit: IV Liberal Theory Unit: IV Liberal Political Tradition . Jeremy Bentham: Liberal Democracy . Jeremy Bentham: Utilitarianism and and Utilitadanism Liberal Democracy o J. S. Mill: Concept of Liberly, . J. S. Mill: Liberty, Representative Representational Government & Govemment & Rights of Women Women Marks: 1 Credit Marks: t Credit ,;1/,,/, Head Political Science, KBVSAS University, Namati, Nalbari, Assam ir()D "?5$;;"iH= I. DePartment of Politieal Science Programme Name: MA in Political Science Programme Code: MAPSC Detail of Changes in Svllabus Rivised portion of the SYllabus Previous Portion of the SYllabus where chan have been effected in Indial Code: MAPSC102 Course- Politics in lndia-I Code: MAPSC 102 Course- Politics 1: Historical Foundations of Indian Political Unit I : Historical Foundations of Indian Political Unit system System develoPment National Movement Constitutional AssemblY Debates Constitutional DeveloPment Constituent Constituent AssetnblY Debates Constitutionalism Credits:2 Credits: 2 in Code: MAPSCI02 Course- Politics in India-l Code: MAPSCl02 Course- Politics India-l Bases oflndian Constitution Unit 2: Ideological Bases oflndian Constitution Unit 2: ideological DemocracY Democracy Secularism Secularism Social Justice Social Justice Credit : I Credit:1 Politics in India-l Code: MAPSCI02 Course- Politics in lndiaJ Code: MAPSCl02 Course- Unit 3: Executive Unit 3: Structure and Process (Executive) President and Prime Minister President and Prime Minister and Chief Minister Collective responsibility and accountability to the Govemor legislature Bureaucracy Governor: Role and Functions Credits:2 Credits:2 India-l Code:
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