INDEX, Volume 80 4th Regiment, U.S. Infantry Armstrong, Sec. of War Beyond Pontiac’s Shadow: 104, 106 John Michilimackinac and the 27th Regiment, U.S. 109-10, 113 Anglo-Indian War of 1763, Infantry Ashtabula County rev. 71-85 148 214-16 Atherton, William Biffen, Rowland H. 47 146 A PEDESTRIOUS TOUR Attwater, Acting Terr. Sec. Black Hawk (Sac) OF FOUR THOUSAND Reuben 80 MILES THROUGH THE 104, 106 Black River WESTERN STATES AND 73 TERRITORIES DURING Blue Jacket (Shawnee) THE WINTER AND BAERREIS, DAVID 31 SPRING OF 1818, 26-27 Bluffton News INTERSPERSED WITH Ball, Col. 165 BRIEF REFLECTIONS 77 Blythe, James Ebenezer UPON A GREAT VARIETY Barthes, Roland 46 OF TOPICS: REGLIOUS, 4 Bowling Green Sentinel- MORAL, POLITICAL, Barclay, Com. Robert H. Tribune SENTIMENTAL, &C &C, (RN) 167 BY ESTWICK EVANS 179 Bolter, Jay David 118-141 Bartram, William 4, 6, 12 Aarseth, Epsen 121 Booth, John Esq. 4 Bathurst, Sec. of State for 186 Adams, John Quincy War Lord Henry Border Crossings: The 63, 69, 83 62 Detroit River Region in the African-Americans Battle of Brownstown War of 1812, rev. 18 (1812) 198-201 American Historical Review 174 Boston, Massachusetts 2 Battle of Frenchtown (1813) 122 American Revolution 46-47, 108, 184 Bowers, Ann 26, 31, 32, 63, 82 Battle of Lake Erie (1813) bk. rev. 97-98 American Seed Trade 33, 66, 71, 109 Bowling Green State Association Battle of Moravian Town University 151 (1813) 18 American Writers and the 33, 78, 103 Brant, Joseph (Mohawk) Picturesque Tour by Beth L. Battle of New Orleans 30 Lueck (1815) Bridgeport, Connecticut 119 60-70 82, 84 Amherstburg (Upper Battle of Quebec (1759) Brock, Gen. Isaac Canada) 29, 61 81-82, 84, 107-08, 114, 171 66, 69, 81 Battle of the Thames Brooks, Michael Amherst Farmer’s Cabinet See Battle of Moravian Author, 24-39 123 Town Brown, Herman Amherst, New Hampshire Battle of Trafalgar 43 123 62 Brownstown, Michigan Anderson, John Beal, William J. 170-77; Historical Society, 41 143 174 Antal, Sandy Beaugrand, Jean-Baptiste Brunson, Alfred bk. rev. 46-47 71-85, 178-92 Archbold Buckeye Bernstein, Mark C. Bryan Democrat 165-66 6 167 218 NORTHWEST OHIO HISTORY, VOL. 81, NO. 2 Bryant, William Cullen 58 DALLAS, SEC. OF STATE 133 Clay, Henry ALEXANDER J. Buel, Richard Jr., ed. The 108,114 114 Peopling of New Clement O. Miniger Dam, Andreas van Connecticut: From the Land Memorial Foundation 4 of Steady Habits to the 10 Danbury, Connecticut Western Reserve, rev. Cleveland and Pittsburg 71 91-92 Railroad Dark Eden: The Swamp in Bureau of American 56 Nineteenth-Century Ethnology Cleveland and Toledo American Culture by David 26 Railroad C. Miller Burlington Heights, Upper 56 126 Canada Cleveland, Ohio Darnell, Elias 112 14, 53, 58, 72, 73, 75, 108, 32 Burton, Orville 156, 191 Darwin, Charles 2 Clifton, James 142-43 Burr, Aaron 28 Dawson, Mrs. 104 Cochrane, Adm. Alexander 182, 183 Bush, David R. I Fear I 62 Dayton, Ohio Shall Never Leave This Cohen, Daniel 106, 107 Island: Life in a Civil War 2, 16, 18 Dearborn, Sec. of War Prison, rev. Columbus, Ohio Henry 93-94 14 35, 84, 106, 107 Bush, Vannevar Connecticut Defiance County (Ohio) 4 32, 84 24, 26 Connecticut Agricultural Defiance Courier-News Experiment Station 167 CAMPBELL, LOUIS W. 145 Defiance, Ohio 135 Connecticut Land 33 Campeau, Joseph Company DeKalb Agricultural 45 32 Association Carnegie Institute Connecticut River 152 144 118 DeKalb County, Illinois Carrying River Connecticut Western See Portage River 152 Reserve Cass, Gen. Lewis Derrida, Jacques 76-77, 84, 103-117 32, 126 4 Cass, Jonathan Contested Territories: Detroit, Michigan 103, 107 Native Americans and Non- 28, 41, 46, 71, 72, 76, 81, Chamberland, Joseph Natives in the Lower Great 82, 84, 103-17,170, 171, 172, 43 Lakes, 1700 – 1850, rev. 173, 174, 176, 182, 185,186, Champlain, Samuel de 197-98 188,189; Detroit Land Board, 27 Continental Congress 41; Detroit Public Library, 40 Cherokee (Indian nation) 29 Detroit River 36 Cooper, Dana C. 44-45, 46, 47, 113, 173, 181 Chicago, Illinois bk. rev., 193-94 DeWitt, Claude B. 27, 58 Cooper, James Fenimore 53-54 Chillicothe, Ohio 125 Dickson, Robert 81, 186 Corn Research Laboratory, 66, 79 Chippewa (Indian nation) Ankeny, Iowa Digital Resources See Ojibwe 146-47 Commons Choctaw (Indian nation) Croghan, Maj. George 18, 20 36 71, 77, 188 Dingell, Congressman John Cincinnati, Ohio Cumo, Christopher 174, 176 14, 56 Author, 142-64 Discovering the Unknown City Ice Delivery Company Landscape: A History of Index 219 America’s Wetlands, by Ann 29 Fulton County (Ohio) Vileisis Fort Industry 26 126 32 Funk, Eugene D. Duncan, William Fort Harmar 151-52, 155, 157, 158 121 29-30 Durocher, Justice of the Fort Louisburg Peace Laurent 29 GAGE, JAMES L. 42-44 Fort Mackinac 33 DRC 104 Gallatin, Albert See Digital Resources Fort Malden 109 Commons 73, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 104, Gallia, Arturo DSpace 106, 107, 109, 113, 180, 181, 8 8 182, 187, 188, 191 Gantz, Carroll M. Building Dunbar, Willis Fort Miami (Kekionga) the St. Helena II: Rebirth of 103 28, 31 a Nineteenth-century Canal Fort Miamis Boat, rev. 31, 41 95-96 EAST, EDWARD M. Fort Meigs Gentry, Col. James 145 33, 66, 71, 76, 79, 80, 109, 185-86 Elliott, Col. Matthew 135, 180 Geraghty, David 184 Fort Niagara bk. rev. 214-16 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 29 George III, King 119 Fort Pitt 63 Emery, Nathan 29 Georgian Bay 71, 72 Fort Seneca 66-68 Erie, Pennsylvania 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 Godet, Marie-Louise 73 Fort Shelby 41 Essex County, Ontario 66 Google Maps 136 Fort Stephenson 14 European Corn Borer 33, 41, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, Google Street View 142-64 78, 80 8 Eustis, Sec. of War William Fort St. Joseph Gould, Lewis L. Edith 104, 108 29 Kermit Roosevelt: Creating Evans, Estwick Fort Washington the Modern First Lady, rev. 118-41 103 97-98 Fort Wayne, Indiana Grant, Philip A., Jr. 26, 28, 31, 32, 41 Author, 165-69 FACEBOOK Fowler, Ohio Gratiot, Col. Charles 8, 20 71 189-90 Fehr, Rick Fox (Indian nation) Gray, Asa bk. rev. 197-98 66, 79, 80 143 Findlay, James Fox River Great Black Swamp 106 66 24-39, 109, 119, 126-40, Findlay Republican-Courier Franklin, Benjamin 171 165 2, 63 Great Depression Firelands Reserve Fremont News-Messenger 157, 165 32 167 Great Lakes Flash (computer program) French 24, 27, 28, 36, 37, 53, 63, 8, 18 27-29, 31, 33, 40-47, 61, 62, 66, 67 Flickr 83 Great Peace of Montreal 14 French and Indians in the (1701) Florida Everglades Heart of North America, 28 127, 136 1630-1815, rev. Green Bay Fort Detroit 201-03 28, 66 29 Fry, Zachery A. Grusin, Richard A. Fort Frontenac bk. rev. 100-102 6, 12 220 NORTHWEST OHIO HISTORY, VOL. 81, NO. 2 Gulf of Mexico Hudson River 178, 182, 184, 185-86 122 83 Jones, Donald F. Guthrie, Wilbur Huffard, Scott 145, 149, 154 147 bk. rev. 206-08 Hull, Gov. William 35, 71, 72, 74, 81-82, 84, KANSAS HARMAR, GEN JOSIAH 104, 106-08, 109, 110, 179 25, 36 31 Hull’s Road Kekionga Harrison, William Henry 170-77 28, 41 32, 71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, Huron River Kelvinator Company 81, 103, 104, 109, 110, 181- 25, 36, 73, 74, 170, 171, 58 82, 184, 186 172, 173, 174, 175, 177 Kent County, Ontario Hart, Capt. Nathaniel 146 46 Kettle Point, Ontario Hartford Convention IDA McKINNLEY: The 36 69, 83 Turn-of-the-Century First Kickapoo (Indian nation) Harrison, Daniel F. Lady through War, 30, 111 Author, 170-77 Assassination, and Secret Klunder, Willard Harvard University Disability, rev. 103 143 193-94 Kos, Jose R. Hazlitt, William Illinois 12 120 25, 30, 36 Heath, William Images in Time bk. rev. 208-10 18 LACROIX, CAPT. Helminthosporium maydis Indiana HUBERT (fungus) 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 170, 171-72 155 37, 40 Lake Champlain Helton, Tena Lea Indiana Territory 83 120 32 Lake Erie Hibbs, Edwin T. Indian Land Cessions in the 58, 66, 71, 72, 106, 108, 158 United States 109, 111, 125, 127, 128, 135, Hickman, Capt. 28 138, 148, 170, 171, 172, 173, 112-13 Instagram 177, 191, 199 Hillsdale County 14, 20 Lake George (Michigan) Interstate Ice Company 83 26, 37 58 Lake Huron Historypin Iowa Agricultural 66, 68 8, 12, 14, 18, 20 Experiment Station Lake Michigan H.M.S. Leopard 174, 151 26, 28, 37, 66, 79 72 Lake of the Woods H.M.S. Queen Charlotte 64, 65 73, 74 JACKSON, PRES. Lake St. Clair Honeycutt, Scott ANDREW 182, 186 Author, 118-41 24 Landow, George P. Hopkins, Cyril George Japan 4 143. 149 165 Lanman, Charles J. Hopkinton, New Jay, John 44 Hampshire 63-64 Lansing, Michigan 118, 122 Jay’s Treaty 40 Horsman, Reginald 64-65, 67, 69 Leatherstocking Tales 107 Jefferson, Pres. Thomas 125 Howard, Dresden W. H. 62, 83, 104, 109, 114, 120, Leech, Isaac 33 171 121 Hubbell, John T., ed. Johannsen, Wilhelm Lenawee County Conflict and Command, rev. 144 (Michigan) 98-99 Johnson, Col. Richard M. 26 Index 221 Letters from an American Maumee Valley Historical 180 Farmer by St. John de Society Middletown, Connecticut Crevecoeur 1, 10 192 120 Mayfield, Harold Miller, David C. Lewis Cass and the Politics 127, 135 126 of Moderation by Willard McArthur, Duncan Miller, Lt. Col. James Klunder 71, 82, 84, 106, 107-08, 106 104 111-12, 180, 182 Mississippi River Little Crow (Sioux) McDaniel, Marie B.
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