April 2008 I. NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY 000 GENERALITIES 1 Sabharawal, Gopa India since 1947: the independent years / Gopa Sabharawal.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2007. 392p.; 19.5cm. ISBN : 978-0-14310-274-8. 001 GOP-in B179455 2 Bopp, Richard E., ed. Reference and information services: an introduction / edited by Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith.--3rd ed.-- Englewood: Libraries Unlimited, 2005. xxiv, 617p.: figs: boxes; 25.5cm. (Library and Information Science text series). Bibliography: p.580-590. ISBN : 1-56308-624-7. 025.52 BOP-r B179678 3 Pinto, Rochelle Between empires: print and politics in Goa /Rochelle Pinto.—- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007. xiv, 299p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p.268-294. ISBN : 9 78-0-19-569047-7. 070.175458 PIN-b B179609 4 Zamiruddin In stride: essays in jest and earnest / Zamiruddin.-- Bhopal: Quality Publishing, 2006. 240p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 81-89200-40-2. 070.44 P6 B179824 5 Thorat, Sukhdeo, ed. Ambedkar in retrospect: essays on economics, politics and society /edited by Sukhdeo Thorat and Aryama.--Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2007. vii, 36 0 p.; 2 2cm. ISBN : 81-316-0047-5. 080 AMB-t B179803 6 Gupta, D.N., ed. Bhagat Singh: select speeches and writings / edited by D.N. Gupta; foreword by Bipan Chandra.-- New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2007. xxiv, 152p.; 22cm. (Popular Social Science). ISBN : 978-81-237-4941-9. 080 BHA-b B180602 7 Nanda, B.R., ed. The collected works of Lala Lajpat Rai / edited by B.R. Nanda.-- New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2008. xxiv,432p.;24cm. ISBN : 81-7304-480-5. 080 LAJ-n.10 B180673,V.10 8 Nehru and Azad on 1857.--New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2007. 35p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 978-81-237-5114-6. 080 NEH-n B180595 9 Tagore, Rabindranath Creative unity / Rabindranath Tagore.--New Delhi: Rupa,2002. 206p.;16.5cm. (Rabindra rachnavali). Translated into English. ISBN : 81-7167-675-8. 080 TAG-c B180422 10 Tagore, Rabindranath Personality / Rabindranath Tagore.--New Delhi: Rupa,2002. 202p.; 16cm. (Rabindra rachanavali). Translated from Bengali. ISBN : 81-7167-849-1. 080 TAG-p B180418 100 PHILOSOPHY 11 Hartman, Taylor The people code / Taylor Hartman; foreword by Jean Hartman.--New York: Scribner,2007. xviii, 316p.: figs.;21cm. ISBN : 1-4165-4230-2. 155.2 P7 B179456 12 Kinsella, David, ed. The morality of war: a reader / edited by David Kinsella and Craig L. Carr.--New Delhi: Viva Book, 2008. ix,414p.; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-309-0806-9. 172.42 P8 B180527 13 Rangacarya, M. The sarva siddhanta sangraha of sankaracarya: text with English translation, introduction, notes, glossary and Index / M. Rangacarya; foreword by Jagdish Shastri.-- Delhi: Eastern Book linkers, 2006. xviii, 150p.; 22cm. ISBN : 81-7854-108-4. 181.4 P6 C63712 14 Wood, Ananda Ways to truth: a view of Hindu tradition / Ananda Wood.-- New Delhi: D.K. Print World, 2008. x, 269p.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-246-0435-5. 181.4 P8 B180297 200 RELIGION 15 Habib, Irfan, ed. Religion in Indian history / edited by Irfan Habib.-— New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2007. xli, 291p.; 22.5cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN:978-81-89487-25-6. 200.954 P7 B179467 16 Neve, Ernest F. A crusader in Kashmir / Ernest F. Neve.-- Srinagar: Gulshan Books, 2007. 200p.: index; 21.5cm. ISBN : 81-8339-010-2. 266.02395411 P7 B179643 17 Bhargava, Pushpa M. & Chakrabarti, Chandana Angels, Devil and Science: a collection of articles on scientific temper / Pushpa M. Bhargava and Chandana Chakrabarti.-- New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2007. xii, 283p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-237-5189-9. 291.175 P7 B180601 18 Monier-Williams, M. Buddhism: connexion with Brahmanism, Hinduism and contrast with christianity / M. Monier-Williams.--rev.ed.—-Delhi: Bhartiya Kala Prakashan, 2007. xxxiv, 468p.: plates; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-8090-178-2. 294.3 B9;P7 B180641 19 Rhys-Davids, T.W. Buddhist India / T.W. Rhys-Davids.--rev. ed.-- Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2007. x, 222p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-81-8090-160-7. 294.30954 D2;P7 B179671 20 Tackikawa, Musashi Five hundred Buddhist deities / Musashi Tackikawa, Masahide Mori and Shinobu Yamaguchi.-- Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2000. 565p.: figs.: illus.; 25cm. (Asian iconography series;1). ISBN : 81-87392-1-0. 294.34211 P0 B181620 21 Hawley, John Stratton, ed. The life of Hinduism / edited by John Stratton Hawley and Vasudha Narayanan.-- Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006. xiii, 324p.; 23cm. ISBN : 0-520-24914-3. 294.5 P6 B180390 22 Londhe, Sushama A tribute to Hinduism: thoughts and wisdom spanning continents and time about India and her culture / Sushama Londhe.-- New Delhi: Pragun Publication, 2008. xxxviii,549p.: plates; 21.5cm. ISBN : 978-81-89920-66-1. 294.5 P8 B180407 23 Sardesai, V.S. Governance under Sanatana Dharma / V.S. Sardesai.—- New Delhi: Readworthy Publications, 2008. vii,118p.;22cm. ISBN : 978-81-89973-0 7 -0. 294.5 P8 B180270 24 Vijay, Tarun Saffron surge: India's re-emergence on the global scene and Hindu ethos / Tarun Vijay.-- New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2008. 212p.; 22.5cm. ISBN:978-81-241-1338-7. 294.5172 P8 B179979 25 Walliss, John The Brahma Kumris: as a reflexive tradition responding to late modernity/John Walliss.--Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,2007. xiv, 131p.; 24cm. ISBN : 81-208-2955-7. 294.565 P7 B179842 26 Joshi, Kireet Glimpses of Vedic literature / Kireet Joshi.-- New Delhi: Standard Publishers, 2006. 253p.; 22cm Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-87471-26-3. 294.5921 P6 C63707 27 Sharma, Kamlesh The Gems of vedic wisdom / Kamlesh Sharma; foreword by Karan Singh.-- New Delhi: Standard Publishers, 2006. xviii, 230p.; 22cm. Bilingual: English - Sanskrit. ISBN : 81-87471-25-5. 294.5921 P6 C63706 28 Sen, Sris Chandra The mystic philosophy of the Upanishads / Sris Chandra Sen.--New Delhi:Cosmo Publications,2008. viii, 359p.;21.5cm. ISBN : 81-307-0660-1. 294.59218 P8 B180712 29 Aggarwala, Satya P. The world peace agenda: based on shanti-parva of the Mahabharata / P. Satya Agarwal.-- New Delhi: New Age Books, 2007. xii, 214p.; 22cm. ISBN : 81-7822-308-7. 294.5923 P7 B179835 30 Grewal, J.S. Sikh ideology, polity and social order: from Guru Nanak to Maharaja Ranjit Singh / J.S. Grewal.--rev. & enl. ed.- New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2007. 303p.; 21.5cm. Bibliography: p.289-293. ISBN : 81-7304-737-5. 294.6 P7 B179782 31 Sodhi, S. Anoop Singh Kashmir and the Sikhs: an insight / S. Anoop Singh Sodhi.-- Srinagar: Gulshan Books, 2007. 124p.: pictures; 22cm. ISBN : 81-8339-074-9. 294.6095411 P7 B179615 32 Ahmed, Akbar Journey into Islam: the crisis of globalization / Akbar Ahmed.-- New Delhi: Viking, 2007. x, 323p.: plates;22.5cm. Bibliography: p.287-302. ISBN : 0-67008-141-8. 297.09 P7 B179636 33 Hasan, Mushirul, ed. Islam in South Asia / edited by Mushirul Hasan.—- New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2008. V2; 21.5cm. Content: V2. encountering the west before and after 1857; Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-7304-742-1. 297.0954 P8 B180268,Vol. 2 34 Pearson, Harlan O. Islamic reforms and revival in nineteenth-century India: the Tariqah-i Muhammadiyah /Harlan O. Pearson.—- New Delhi: Yoda Press, 2008. xviii, 266p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 81-903634-5-x. 297.0954 P8 B180639 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES 35 Kem, Deepak Democracy and media / Deepak Kem.-- New Delhi: Shree Publishers, 2007. vi,264p.;21.5cm. ISBN : 81-8329-167-8. 302.230954 P7 B179841 36 Misra, Neeru Indo-Thai historical and cultural linkages / edited by Neeru Mishra and Sachidanand Sahai.-- New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2007. 189p.; 22cm. ISBN : 81-7304-757-x. 303.48250493 P7 B179759 37 Roy, J.N., ed. India and central Asia: classical to contemporary periods/ edited by J.N. Roy and B.B. Kumar.-- New Delhi: Astha Bharati, 2004. x, 318p.; 21.5cm. Includes bibliographic references;. ISBN : 81-8069-457-7. 303.48254058 P7 B179639 38 Singh, M.P. Social movements / M.P. Singh.-- New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 2007. ix, 314p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 307-314. ISBN : 978-81-261-3221-8. 303.484 P7 B179605 39 Mitta, Manoj When a tree shook Delhi: the 1984 carnage and its aftermath / Manoj Mitta.-- New Delhi: The Lotus Collection, 2007. x, 221p.: plates; 22.5cm. ISBN : 978-81-7436-598-0. 303.6230954131 P7 C63451 40 Bhatt, Ashok Global terrorism / Ashok Bhatt.-- New Delhi: Saurabh Publishing, 2007. 312p.; 22cm. ISBN : 81-89005-13-8. 303.625 P7 B179760 41 Mahapatra, Chintamani, ed. Transnational terrorism: perspectives on motives, measures and impacts / edited by Chintamani Mahapatra and others.-- New Delhi: Reference Press, 2007. 446p.; 24cm. ISBN : 81-8405-036-4. 303.625 P7 B179673 42 Strathern, Andrew, ed. Terror and violence: imagination and the unimaginable / edited by Andrew Strathern and others.-- Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2007. viii, 250p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 978-81-250-3243-4. 303.625 P7 B179133 43 Patil, V.T. New face of terrorism: ethnic, domestic and foreign / V.T. Patil.-- Delhi: GNOSIS, 2008. x, 209p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 203-206. ISBN : 81-89012-54-1. 303.625 P8 B180731 44 Ray, Asok Kumar, ed. Terrorism and peace initiatives in North East India / edited by Asok Kumar Ray and S.K. Agnihotri.-- New Delhi: Om Publications, 2007. 242p.: 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-86867-99-6. 303.62509542 P7 B179379 45 Mehta, V.P. Great revolutions / V.P. Mehta.-- Chandigarh: Arun Publishing House, 2005. v.p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 81-8048-056-9. 303.64 P7 B180694 46 Sen, Bimla Role of women in nation building / Bimla Sen.-- Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications, 2007. 222p.; 21.5cm. ISBN : 81-8247-168-0. 305.40954 P7 B180538 47 Pal, Raj Women in early medieval North India / Raj Pal.-- Delhi: The Women Press, 2008.
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