414 EXTRACTS FU0;\1 'l'JIE l'ARISH REGTS1'1'RS OF WATH, NF.A n ltll'ON, THE parish of Watl1, near Ripon, is iu the north riding- of the county of York, and is partly hounded by the river Eure, which separates the north from the west riding, and, 11t that part, the parish of ,v nth from the parish of H.ipon. It contains four townships co-extensive with as many manors, namcl y, "' nth, Norton Conyers, Middleton Qucrnhow, and Mcluierby, The church, the only ecclesiastical edifice now remaining, is a rectory, the advowson of which, with the manor and estate of Wath, has descended to the present Marquess of Ailosbnry through the Cecills, Nevilles, Parrs of Kendal, I•'itzh~ghs, Greys of Rother• field, and Marmions, from Brian fitz Alan, to whom it is sup• posed to have been granted, as a subinfcudation from the Ho• nour of Richmond, by Alan, the third of that name, who became fourth Earl of Richmond in A .D. 1137, a111l died in A.D. 114,6. The church, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, has been built at various periods, and exhibits work of the Norman, Early English, Decorated, and Perpcndiculnr sty Jes; but there is nothing in it to claim auy pnrticulnr description, further than that it consists of a chancel, in which arc the ancient sedilia and piscina ; a long nave with n q uasi south transept, supposed to have been originally the chapel of St. Michael, but now called the Norton Aisle; and a towel' at the west end, built in the year 1812. On the north side of the chancel is a building culled a "<lomus inclusa " i,y nrchaiologists, which once Jmd a chamber floor approached by a spiral stone stair, still remaining. This may have been the chantry founded Ly .John tlc Appel by, and dedicated to St. John tbo Baptist, hefo1·c A. D. 1128, in which year an instifiition took place on the presentation of Sir Henry Fitzhugh (third Baron Fitzhugh). There was .11 chapel at Norton Conyers dedicated to St. Cuth• bert, in which n chantry was founded in A. D. 1422, by the will of Richard Norton, late Chief Justice of the Lord the King. Another chantry was founded by the will of Lawrence Harryson, PARISH REGISTERS OF WATH, NEAR RIPON. 415 dated 1505, in the chapel at Middleton (or in Wnth Church, it does not seem certain which,) dedicated to St. Lawrence. A chapel at 1vlelmcrby is also mentioned, in which Lawrence Har• ryson's chantry priest was to sny mass, alternately with Middle• ton and ,v ath, For fuller particulars the reader is referred to the numerous Histories of Richmondshire Ly Whitaker, Longstaffe, and others. In 1851 the population of the whole parish was 750. Acreage and Population of the Parish of Wath, 1851. Township. · Acres. R, P. Population. Wath . 139 2 9 199 Norton Conyers 985 l 9 92 Middleton Quernhow . "735 2 J7 134 Melmerby • . 1109 I 20 323 ------ 3!'.>69 3 15 74-8 The earliest Register at Wath is in very bad condition, having many pages and numberless entries wholly illegible. It com• mences A.D.1571, and ends A.D. 1654. In the three succeeding volumes, the entries for each township arc kept separate. The following extracts arc a few that have been made with the least difficulty:- Maior Norton," fil' Robert Norton, Imp' 25 Marci], 1593. Ricus Musgrave, fit Rici :Musgrave, ar. hap' 2,t. Marcij, 1593-4,. Christo" Dodsworth and Anne Barnes, nupr' 16 Juuij, 1594. Faith et Troth, gcmint mri J, Johnson, bnp' 27 Junii, 1595. }\fr \V"" Ridley and Ann Musgrave, nupt' 9° Octob", 1596, Mr Henr' Dente and Juliana Mnsgrnve, nupt' 21 Januar', 1596-7. J elinn Musgrave, filia (John is?) M nsgravc, gen~ sepul' 6 die Martij, 1600-l. • Query whether M aulger Norton ( son of Robert of Swinton), who married Anne, daughter of Sir George Wandesford, of Kirklington, and by her had a daughter Mary, married to Sir John Yorke, of Gouthwaite, Knt.? 416 EXTRACTS FROJ\.I THE PARISH REGISTERS Anthonye Herison and Elizabeth Musgrave was maryed the xiij, clay of May, 1606. Mr William Parker and }vf'-s Margaret Musgrave was marled the 9 day of September, 1606. Stephanus Hutcheson de Wicom Abbey, et Katerena Mus• grave, filia [Ric'di n M usgrnve M ilitis de N Orton, nupt' XXV Novem", 1612. Ricas Musgrave, Iilius Thome Musgrave, bapr' 2° Janu, }6}3.14,. Henricus Stubhes," clcricus, sepul tus fui t scptimo die J unii, 1614. Thomas Otes filius Francisci Otes, baptiz' fuit domi .p Roger Lassels Cler' 20 die Junii, a0 Jfil4, et recept' et rccognit' in ecclesia, 26 die Junii, ao 1614. Jane Musgrave, filia Thoma- Musgrave, bapt' xiij. die ffebruarij, 1615-16. Jana Musgrave, sepultus Iuit xvij. die Jnlij, 1616. Richardus ~Iusgrnve cle Norton Conuiers, senior, miles, sepultus fuit vicessimo tertio die mcnsis Novernbris, l6li. [Johannes} Chapman, Rcktor npud Watbe, scpult, fuit decimo octavo Decembris, mm . • • . • Crofie, filiu Tho: Crofte de Norton, gen" bapt' fuit 2om0 die Maij, 1621. El . Crofte, daughter of Thomas Crofte, buried Sept .• (1621). ... wife of .S" Rich' Musgrave, buried Aprill . ( 1622). flrancis Croft, souue of Thomas Cbrofr, bapt' August 21, 1G23. ffrancis Croftc, sonne of Thomas Croft, buried ... (1623 ). (Maria P) Baguley, fil Robert Baguley, baptizat' 21 of . Anno Dfii 1627. L Children of Henry Stubbes :-Elizabeth, bnptized ZO A)Jril, 1578, bur. 17 Dec. 1585: William, l Aug. 1579: Sarah, 6 Nov. 1580: Christopher, 18 June, 1583: Priscilla, 10 July, 158,:1, bur. 4 Jan. 1.584-5: Susanna, 13 Dec. 1585, bur. with her slster Elizabeth, 17 Dec. 1585: Easter, ~'2 Septr, 1587: Susanna Stubbs, fil' Hcnr' Stubbs, als' Knewstubbs, cler" bap' 'l.7 Julij, 1589: Jane, 5 Feb. 1591-2: Rebecca, 13 Oetr, 1593, married Francis Otes 5 ocv, 1Gi3: Henry,4 Jan. 1595-6: Jcroniml (a daughter), 17 June, 1603 : Lyn\ay (a son), 29 Sept", IG05. OF WATH, NEAR RIPON. 417 Radulphus Chaiter, fil: hen' Chaiter, bap' duo decimo Maij, 1631. Robtus Browne et Jelian Chatter nupt' xvij. Junij, 1632. Georgius Bagulny, fil' Geo' otic, bapt' primo Ja, 1632. Harris Harnarea Graham fil' Richardt Graham, bapt' uno decimo Maij, 1633. Katherina Chaitter, fit Henrici, bapt' decimo nono Sept' 1633. Katherine, the daughter of Mr Henry Chaiter, buried 11 of July, 1635. (Hugh?) the son of M" George Baguley, was buried 29 of No. 1635. Richarde Grabame, the sone of Sr Richarde Grahame, bap' l l Marche, 1635-6, Emottn 13aguley sepult' 8 of Sept', 1637, Maria Musgrave, fil' Geo; sepult' 15° Maij, 1638. Hugo Chaiter, fil' Henrici Chaiter, bapt' xxvs Augustij, 1638. Rowlandus Richardson et Eliz: Scarray nupt' 30 Sept', 1638. Elizabtha Graham, fil' Xjofcri, bapt' x0 Junii, 1638. ( Howland us?) Richardson et Elizabetha Musgrave nuptati fuerunt viccssimo octavo die Maij, Anno Domini 1642. John Caiter, the son of Henrie Chaiter, gent', bapt' Oct. 23, 1643. Elizbeth Chaiter, daugher of Henrie Chaiter, bapr' Oct. 6th, 1646. ( Isabella or Elizabetha ?) et Jana Dun, gemini mri Joh'is Dun, baptizati fuerunt vicessirno die Januarij, A0 Dni, 1649. Jana Dun sepull fuit I 2 of ffcb. Katherina Grnhame uxor Hichardi Graham Militis et Barro• netti sopulr' foit vicessimo septimo die Marcil, anno Domini mittimo ••. (indistinct; 164,9 in M. I.) Elizabeth Dun, ux' Joh'is clic' scpulf fuit. (This entry follows the two last: the dates are illegible, but probably in 1649-50.) c Monumental Inscription:- " Here lies buried the most virtuous Lady Catharine Graham, wife or Sir Richard Graham of Netherby, in the county of Cumberland, Knight and Bart., daughter of Thomas Musgrave, of Cumcach, Esqr., and Susanna his wife. She died March 23rd, lG49, in the 48th year of her age, leoving behind her two sons and four danghters, namely, George, Richard, Mary, Elizabeth, Susanna, and Henrietta Marla." vor.. 11,. 2 r,: 418 EXTRACTS FROM THE PA RISH REGISTERS (Anna?) Musgrave, filia Georgii Musgrave, baptizata (vicesimo ?) sexto Dccembris, Anno Domini 1650. Jacobus Graham," filius Georgii Graham armigeri, baptiza• tus fuit tertio die Aprilis, A0 Dfii 1650. Buried, S1• Richard Graham,« knight and barronett, the ele• venth of February, in the ycare of God 1653. William, sonne of George Musgrave, bapt' the seaventh Ja: 1654"5, J:'ROM THE SECON.I> RF.GIS'l'ER 1655-1696. Wath. Elizabeth White, daughter of Mr. Robert White, baptized 2 March, 16'75. Sara White, daughter of Mr. Robert White, baptised 7 Novr, 1677. Edmund Hutchinson, son of Mr. Hutchinson, baptised June ye 8, 1681. Elizabeth, dr of Mr. Todd, bap. Mar. to, 1687. Mrs. Jane Baguley, wife of Mr. George Bagulcy, buried the sixteenth day of February 1656. Mr. George Bagulcy, buried the foure nnd twentieth day of August 1657. Henry Chaiter, gcut. buried the eighteenth day of January, 1658-9. George Bagulcy, buried the fourteenth day of February, )658-9. Elizabeth Chuitci-, wife of Henry Chaiter, gent. buried the eleventh day of March, 1658-9, e Probably Colonel James Graham, the second son of Sir George Graham, the second Baronet, and next brother to Sir Richard Graham, the third Baronet, created Vi~connt Preston in 1681. ~ This Sir Richard Graham, son of Fergus Graham, of Plomp, co. Cumberland, was Master of the Horse to the Duke of Buckingham, ond 11fte1·warda to King Charles [. He is traditionally supposed to have died of the many wounds he received at the battle of Marston Moor, 2Jul:r 1644; but the above entry con relate to no other Sir Richard Graham, and the identity is corroborated by the entry of L11dy Graham's burial and the Inscription to her memory, in both which she is called the wife not the widow of Sir Richard.
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