E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 No. 206 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, House amendment to the Senate called to order by the Honorable THOM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, amendment), to change the enactment TILLIS, a Senator from the State of Washington, DC, December 19, 2019. date. North Carolina. To the Senate: McConnell Amendment No. 1259 (to Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Amendment No. 1258), of a perfecting f of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable THOM TILLIS, a Sen- nature. McConnell motion to refer the mes- PRAYER ator from the State of North Carolina, to perform the duties of the Chair. sage of the House on the bill to the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- CHUCK GRASSLEY, Committee on Appropriations, with in- fered the following prayer: President pro tempore. structions, McConnell Amendment No. Let us pray. Mr. TILLIS thereupon assumed the 1260, to change the enactment date. Eternal God, You are our light and Chair as Acting President pro tempore. McConnell Amendment No. 1261 (the salvation, and we are not afraid. You instructions (Amendment No. 1260) of f protect us from danger so we do not the motion to refer), of a perfecting na- tremble. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ture. Mighty God, You are not intimidated The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- McConnell Amendment No. 1262 (to by the challenges that confront our Na- pore. Under the previous order, the Amendment No. 1261), of a perfecting tion and world. leadership time is reserved. nature. Lord, inspire our lawmakers with the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER f knowledge of Your holiness that will The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- give them reverential awe. Remind CONCLUSION OF MORNING pore. The majority leader is recog- them of the many prayers they have BUSINESS nized. prayed that You have already an- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- IMPEACHMENT swered. pore. Morning business is closed. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last Lord, You have been our help in ages night the House Democrats finally did f past. You are our hope for the years to what they had decided to do a long come. We magnify Your Holy Name. LEGISLATIVE SESSION time ago. They voted to impeach Presi- Don’t stay far off. Show Yourself dent Trump. strong to this generation and fill us Over the last 12 weeks, House Demo- with Your peace. NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT crats have conducted the most rushed, We pray in Your powerful Name. MUSEUM COMMEMORATIVE COIN least thorough, and most unfair im- Amen. ACT peachment inquiry in modern history. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Now their slapdash process has con- the previous order, the Senate will re- cluded in the first purely partisan PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE sume consideration of the House mes- Presidential impeachment since the The Presiding Officer led the Pledge sage to H.R. 1865, which the clerk will wake of the Civil War. The opposition to impeachment was of Allegiance, as follows: report. The legislative clerk read as follows: bipartisan. Only one part of one faction I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the wanted this outcome. The House’s con- United States of America, and to the Repub- House Message to accompany H.R. 1865, an lic for which it stands, one nation under God, act to require the Secretary of the Treasury duct risks deeply damaging the institu- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to mint a coin in commemoration of the tions of American government. This opening of the National Law Enforcement particular House of Representatives f Museum in the District of Columbia, and for has let its partisan rage at this par- other purposes. ticular President create a toxic new APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Pending: precedent that will echo well into the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE McConnell motion to concur in the future. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment of the House to the amend- That is what I want to discuss right clerk will please read a communication ment of the Senate to the bill. now—the historic degree to which to the Senate from the President pro McConnell motion to concur in the House Democrats have failed to do tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). amendment of the House to the amend- their duty and what it will mean for The legislative clerk read the fol- ment of the Senate to the bill, with the Senate to do ours. So let’s start at lowing letter: McConnell Amendment No. 1258 (to the the beginning. Let’s start with the fact ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7167 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 20, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19DE6.000 S19DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S7168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 19, 2019 that Washington Democrats made up sorts of procedural rights that Houses tory matters. History matters and their minds to impeach President of both parties had provided to past precedent matters. Trump since before he was even inau- Presidents of both parties. President There were important reasons why gurated. Trump’s counsel could not participate every previous House of Representa- Here is a reporter in April of 2016— in Chairman SCHIFF’s hearings, present tives in American history restrained April of 2016: evidence, or cross-examine witnesses. itself—restrained itself—from crossing Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican The House Judiciary Committee’s this Rubicon. The Framers of our Con- nominee yet . [but] ‘‘Impeachment’’ is al- crack at this was even more stitution very specifically discussed ready on the lips of pundits, newspaper edi- ahistorical. It was like the Speaker whether the House should be able to torials, constitutional scholars, and even a called up Chairman NADLER and or- impeach Presidents just for ‘‘mal- few Members of Congress. dered one impeachment, rush delivery, administration’’—just for maladmin- April 2016. please. istration—in other words, because the On Inauguration Day 2017, the head- The committee found no facts on its House simply thought the President line in the Washington Post: ‘‘The own and did nothing to verify the had bad judgment or he was doing a campaign to impeach President Trump Schiff report. Their only witnesses bad job. They talked about all of this has begun.’’ That was day one. were liberal law professors and con- when they wrote the Constitution. In April 2017, 3 months into the Presi- gressional staffers. The written records of our Founders’ dency, a senior House Democrat said: So there is a reason the impeachment debates show they specifically rejected ‘‘I am going to fight every day until he inquiry that led to President Nixon’s this. They realized it would create is impeached.’’ That was 3 months into resignation required about 14 months total dysfunction to set the bar for im- the administration. of hearings—14 months—in addition to peachment that low. In December 2017, 2 years ago, Con- a special prosecutor’s investigation. James Madison himself explained gressman JERRY NADLER was openly With President Clinton, the inde- that allowing impeachment on that campaigning to be the ranking member pendent counsel’s inquiry had been un- basis would mean the President serves on the House Judiciary Committee, derway literally for years before the at the pleasure of the Congress instead specifically—specifically—because he House Judiciary Committee actually of the pleasure of the American people. was an expert on impeachment. That dug in. There were mountains of evi- It would make the President a creature was NADLER’s campaign to be the top dence—mountains—mountains of testi- of Congress, not the head of a separate Democrat on Judiciary. mony from firsthand fact witnesses, and equal branch. There were powerful This week wasn’t even the first time and serious legal battles to get what reasons why Congress after Congress House Democrats have introduced arti- was necessary. for 230 years—230 years—required Pres- cles of impeachment. It was actually This time around? House Democrats idential impeachment to revolve the seventh time. They started less skipped all of that and spent just 12 around clear, recognizable crimes, even than 6 months after the President was weeks—12 weeks. There was more than though that was not a strict limita- sworn in. They tried to impeach Presi- a year of hearings for Nixon, multiple tion—powerful reasons why, for 230 dent Trump for being impolite to the years of investigation for Clinton, and years, no House opened the Pandora’s press, for being mean to professional they have impeached President Trump box of subjective, political impeach- athletes, for changing President in 12 weeks—12 weeks. ments. That 230-year tradition died Obama’s policy on transgender people So let’s talk about what the House last night. House Democrats have tried to say in the military. All of these things actually produced in those 12 weeks. they had to impeach President Trump were high crimes and misdemeanors House Democrats’ rushed and rigged on this historically thin and subjective according to Democrats. Now, this inquiry yielded two articles—two—of basis because the White House chal- wasn’t just a few people. impeachment. They are fundamentally lenged their requests for more wit- Scores—scores—of Democrats voted unlike any articles that any prior to move forward with impeachment on nesses. House of Representatives has ever That brings us to the second article three of those prior occasions.
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