moet of the atate aenatora and towii ropreaentattves In the 1987 General Aasenbly. him oon o f tha pioneer apoaaora 'Hie need fbr the bridge and plans Meinher of the AndH Sdechnen to Make Appoint­ Takes First o f Certificates the CSiarter Oak Intdge, were for­ for Its eonatnictlon vrtU be explaln- V UoCpnun. eli«f and ct«w- mer Senator Edward N. Allen, of eo to the legislators at that time. Bnraaa of Oboolatloaa w d of tha Axmy and Navy club, la Mrs. William R. McKinney of 14 ment Monday Night; None W EDDINGS Sold to Finance Campaign tha bridge aesoeiatlon and the Other state officials will attend also. MANCHESTER - A OTY OF VILLAGE CHARM ' iiaBsed to Ua homa by an attack Arch street has returned from the Baker's Bskhig f> Hartford bospitkl, where ahe under­ i AdvwUaiBg OB Faga U). •< f l i p - ' ____ VOL. LVL, NO. 55 MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, DECEM^ffiR 4,1930 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAjSES -iv^IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE THREE CENTS went aa operation Saturday morn­ Sure As YeL Engagement for ProjecL ing. Her oonditlon is satisfactory. CHOCOLATE • >Tha Sowtajr ClrcJe o f the Ameri- Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Nynuui of oitB tagion auxiliary will meet to- Delia, two and onu-half year old 22 Pine street announce the engage­ ' M a r r o w afternoon at the home of Of considerable business schedul­ Mayor Thomas J. Bpellscy of UPHOLSTERING daughter o f Rev. and Mrs. Harris B. ment of their daughter. Miss Olive Itra. Hilda Kennedy. S8SH Center ed for the attention o f the select­ Marguerite Nyman, to Stephen John ^ lb. bar Anthony o f Main street w :s stricken Hartford yesterday pur^ased the • b eet A good attend^ce la hoped men Monday night, interest outside Marolt of Aspen, Colorado. with pneumonia last night. A CALL TO ALL HOME LOVERS f for aa there la atlU plenty of work tt- board Is chiefly centered in the Miss Nyman Is a graduate of Oll- w to be flnlahed before the Chrlatmaa b«rt High school, Wins ted, and of Miss Henrietta Raynaud of 22 selection of s police commissioner By GEO. HOLMES ^-Pound Package Diainond ■ • ^ e . ____ to succeed Col. Harry B. Bissell, re­ the WlUimantlc Normal school. She R'dge street gave a shower at her signed. Is acting principal of the Washlng- WATKINS BROS. I Decorative Upholsterer Junior Thoughtful Circle of home Tuesday night in honor of tdn school. Mr. Marolt la a ranch­ WALNUT CABINET SPURNS KING’S REQUEST ■ Xing*a Daughtera will meet at the Mrs. Robert Ysiich of East Hart­ With the meeting but four days INOORFORATED away It was not believed today that er. No date baa been set for the A charming intenor '• home o f their leader, Mra. George ford, formerly Miss Miriam Doher­ wedding. ROBERT K. AND£;RS0N W. Borat of 82 Cambridge atreet to- ty of Rockville. Mrs. Yauch receiv­ any of the candidates 'or the ofrico MEATS Funeral Director . morrow evening at 7;30. ed many gifts from her friends. v.ere sure of enough vote for ap­ is never an accident REBELS U U N C r Advise Edward In Crisis pointment. Funeral service in home­ LAMAS PRAISES " Ura. Beaale "S'^Aneany Quinn Adjutant William L. Valentine of The resign.'’ 'on of Col. Bissell NEW WAY LUNCH FREE SAMPLES Sofa and Chair Cnahlons Vboae funeral waa held yeaterday In leaves Chairman Mathias Sple:j aa like Burronndings. the Salvation Army will give Orlando Morlconl, Prop. PHONE 8616 Re6Ued Fitchburg, Hasa., lived In Manchea- stcreoptlcon lecture tonight at 8 the oldest member of the board In HERCEAHACKS ROOSEVELT BUT COMPROMISE ' ter years ago and waa a twin aiater o’clock at the citadel or. John Bun- length of service, although he has Center St., Next to.Oole Motors 142 EAST CENTER ST. Sofa and Chair Seats ; o f Mra. Owen McCann of 162 West yan's "Pilgrim’s Progress." More Spanish Hsmburgs,., .Be and lOe Telephone: XMAS SPECIAL Reeprung Campbell’. 6 Pieces Recovered, [ O U N ^ R I D Center atreet tlion 50 slides from Ih. book will be Special Low-Priced Dinners GIVES JVARNING Office 5171 House 7491 Material and labor: EASY PAYMENTS ADVERTISEMENT— shAvn, and the lecture la free to all Every Day without admission. An open air BEANS ' Why chop out your garage doors service will be held at 7:30. IN SURAN CE MATTRESS and BOX SPRING BENOVATTNO Eqnal to New! Tliree Night Air Raids An­ when they freete down again this Complete lAnm of Protection: Isolation of Western Hemi­ REFUSED BY GOVERNMENT Winter? Get a ae‘t of Stanley rolling can Automobile — Fire — Burfl^lary MANCHESTER UPHOLSTERING CO. overhead duora and eliminate this 48 Madlwm Street Bosy Since 192* swered by Loyalist Bomb­ trouble forever. The W. G. Glenney Accident — Life — Liability sphere from Enrope Is Co: Phone 4149. Jewelry — Glaae — Surety Bonda HERE'S A CHRISTMAS PRESENT We HAVE The OunpbeU’a Tomato ings West of City; Rightist THEENTIREFAMliyWILLENJOY Not to Be Thonght Of, He How British Dominions CANNOT WED WALLIS Fuel You W ant Benjamin Cheney SOUP Refugees Are Arrested. TeDs Peace Conferees. p a lle t N.Leclerc 176 EAST CENTER STREET TEL. 3018 A'blue coal’AUTOMATIC can Look at Simpson Affair Funeral Director Persons! and Oomnierclal Madrid, Dec. 4.— (A P I— Fm c IbIS ON PROPOSED TERMS Buenos Aires, Dec. 4.—(AP) — Pbooe 8269 *Koppers Snrveys HEAT REGULATOR By ASSOCIATED PRESS < a man like ourselves," commented burled a flerce offensive across Casa Argentine Foreign Minister C*rloe OPEN SETBACK The British Dominions raneted to Uk .NataJ Mercury published in del- Gathpb Park today after three Saavedra Lamas haUed P ru d en t differing manner to the coiutltu- Durban. Costs only ’14.95 all- raids gave defenders of the Roosevelt as an “apostle of peace" tlonal crisis resulting from King “We see only the external trap­ Premier Baldwin R e ? ^ to Honse of Commons Tknt pUu ituiaUadon Spanish capital another frenzied Edward’s dispute with the Cabinet pings of his office, seldom giving a Closest to King Edward Vltl of .'s he greeted delegates to the first A l f t V T CUT o Treat your family to a Uiie coaT Heat TOURNAMENT night 1; concerning Mrs. Wallis Simpson. U >ught to the human persOnallty England in the storm over his fuU session of the Inter-American fm O lw 1 i 9 RATE Rofulator this Xmaa. It wOl control the WHY TAKE CHANCES A Ikcework tif flr< blazed from In­ who la never freed from service nor *Fuel Oil proposed marriage to Mrs. Wal- Monardi Wishes to Marry Mrs. Simpson WHkont b - lA Tittirw g EPamrwp fornaeo dampere« automatfea/fy, from surgent rifles,’ machine guns and ar- Peace Conference today. Melbourne,^ Australia—The Atu- the cares of duty from the moment^ Mtfcttnge'” fahowT, privy secre­ farm* of health and eomifort for all—fewer tain in the nrst place that ness of the British crisis, made firm calls him. “ Bear M Cooper Street from University City in the capital’s tary, and Walter Turner Monck- prise winner this year, vras named tri|M t^lhe cellar your wife—lower comments today concerning the "But the King, although be may coal billi for yon. P^ne n« today for a you have bought the best northwest to Pablo Igleslas avenue, ton (right), his legal adviser. pemanent chairman of the confer­ i. EetabUsbed IMl King’s dutiea be the custodian of his own eon- \ free demonitratJon’ •ee how it mres Ume^ Automobile insurance. on the south. ence. * and His Children. Phone 4149 worry and money. The generrJ attack was believed The Argus paid tribute to the science, la also the custodian o f the For Prompt Servin’; Hull’s - Hanley and Kingsbury On Tap to be a careful effort to pierce the Presidoit Roosevelt’s 'visit to 'ths ruler s place In the affections of the great traditions attachini; to his Socialist defenses in Madrid’s west­ opening of the parley Tuesday, be people but said it waa Impossible to i>osltlon. He should not allow cer­ London,' Dee. 4.—(AP)—Prime The W . G. GLENNEY GO. John L Jenney ern salient, -'.long the Manzanares declared, "was not only opportune dissociate bis individual actions tain aspects of bis private life to SETBACK! 1 'it providential.” Minister Stanley Baldwin gravely Issues Ultimatum The r.n.1. Lumber, M am n.’ SuppUe., Point 10 Depot Square, Phone 6850 river. from his reaponsibllitiea as a King. imprlnge upon his public life." 836 No. Main St. Tel. 4149 Manchester A combined artillery and aerial "The peoples who acclaimed him The Newspaper Age said only announced to the House o f Ooifl- Tomorrow Nigrht W. G. Glenney Co. Representing THE TRAVELERS bombardment of the outskirts, so saw in him a triumphal expression King Edward could, relax the ton- Kingston, Jamaica—David Lloyd mona today the government flatly Coal • Lumber - Masons’ SnppUes Maple Street Tavern Hartford. intense that the reverberations of democracy itself.” slon and while his sacrlllce might George, war-time British prime refused to ylelc to King Edward's Orange I|all Paint .“The Initiator cf this conference t« unreasonable, it waa necessary minister and mentioned as a possl- 886 No. Main S t Tel. 4149 shook the center oi the city, pre­ suggested compromise to snsble i Prizes! Adiq. 25c Our staff of competent work­ ceded the onslaught. and an apostle Of peace," Saavedra (or the sake of the Monarchy. successor to Prime Minister men has been with us foi The Fascist air raiders swept over Lamas said, “we owe to bis pres­ Goverament leaders remained at Stanley Baldwin should the present him to m any Wallis Warfield Simp­ years.
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