r——«*■•» Wilmington Publio fdbyary ' , Mra Clara P Chipman; librarian, p 206 Andovor Street, RPD north Wilmington, Mass. V - I The Wilmington Crusader VOL. 19 NO. 33 WILMINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1956 Price 10c 4-H Mounties Will Feature TV Star MANY EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR ST. DOROTHY'S FESTIVAL ENDORSEMENTS FOR SATURDAY'S HORSE SHOW NOW IN PROGRESS 'JIMMY FUND' This Saturday is the day The Holy Nam* Society of A group of local and out-of- the fund need* Is your help for the Annual Horse Show Cambridge, Morey Hirsch 8t Dorothy'* Parish, Wilm- all (who wish to enjoy a town Interested people have phis your neighbors. of the Wilmington 4-H Inc., Bast Cambridge, Mur- ington, will sponsor Its sec- rip-roaring time) can con- made endorsements to the James M. Shine Mounties. From 10:00 a.m. phy Real Estate, Muagrave's ond regular annual Festival tribute sorely needed financi- Jimmy Fund. The endorse- Comdr. of D.A.V. 108 to 5:00 p.m. the Common Dairy Farm, North East from Aug. IS through the al help. ment* follow: will be the scene of many Packing Co., SomerviHe, 18th at the "Old" Thompson's The entire sponsoring com- Postmaster Endorsement . Hank FUstpone . Interesting events, including Pooles' Bakery, Rocco Rest- Grove on Main St., now the mittee invites you to "come f heartily endorse the We of the Nee Ellsworth judging of 17 classes by Mrs. aurant, Shamrock Drive-In, parish grounds. and have fun"—all ate most Jimmy Fund and urge all Post 2458 V.F.W. of Wilming- Roger ESa, famous breeder Silver Barber Shop, Shoe- Many exciting feature* will welcome! Much hard work to do the same. ton heartily endorse the of Morgan horses. A costume craft Shop, Silver Lake Bak- be held for young and old has gone into elaborate pre- Henry J. Porter "Jimmy Fund" Drive. parade, a family parade, the ery, Steven's Market, Sylvan- alike, rides, entertainment, paration for the public's en- Postmaster Henry F. Fllippone presentation of a check for la Electric Co., Tattersall's eat* and, cold drinks, "hi- joyment by the mem of the Commander the Jimmy Fund to George Variety Store, Wilmington lighted" by cash prises on committee who volunteered Publisher Boefco . Spanos, and a demonstration Grain and Building Co., Wil- Saturday night. This year an their services. They are: Nothing give* me more American Legion . of the courier service recent- mington Food Mart, Wilm- all out effort la being made Rev. BY. Leahy, General pleasure than to say I will ly set up for Civilian Defense ington Ford Sales Co. and by the sponsors to provide Chairman, Gerald O'Brien, It is with great pleasure put all my publishing facili- and honor that we of the are to be ■ «ht» * the the Woburn Taxi Co. "the bast" for everyone, con- Co-Chairman, Herbert Peter- ties at the "Jimmy Fund" dav Also Mr. and Mra. Joseph fident that they can exceed son, Treasurer, Richard Dlc- American Legion Post 136l - headquarters. endorse the "Jimmy Fund." R«x Trailer, TV 8tar, WBZ Babbitt, Mr. ant Mrs. Ralph last year's efforts in creating kerson, Secretary, Roland Stanley J. Bocko. Thomas J. Breen 1 Saturdays, and his horse 1 Barden, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd an extravaganza second to Desharnaie, Publicity, Corn- Publisher Commander Goldrueh will be featured. I Carney, Mr. and Mrs. John none. elius O'Brien, James Flem- Movies will be shown later I Clarke, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Proceeds from this event ing, Frank Romano, William Deputy Sheriff . Lodge . on TV. Del Torto. Mr. and Mra. John will greatly aid the "new Noil, Angus McFeeley, John It Is a great pleasure for The Mounties wish to ex- Farley, Mr. and Mrs. John church" building fund and Whiteiield Lodge No. 204 Sullivan, George Hlggins, me to endorse a very worth- press thanks to the follow- Hartnett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy provide a means by which Frank King and Mr. Avers. I.O.O.F. wholeheartedly en- while organization. Good luck dorses the Jimmy Fund. ing donors of trophies to their Hersom, Mr. and Mrs. John and best wiahes. Yours in Friendship, Love horse show. Over a hundred Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Nunzto John O'Loughlin and Truth. dollars worth of trophies and Mortelliti, Mr. and Mra. Don- V.F.W. POST 2458 HOLDING Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Lagin. N.G. Saturday. ald Nime, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Those contributing include Nima, Mr, and Mrs. A. Valen- HUGE CLAM AND Iverson Machine Co. Shawsheen Improvement . Altmans, Inc., Ames News' te, Elmer Branscomb, K R. Endorses . The members of the Shaw- Co., Beckwith Riding Stable, Boutweflb Edward Cflncrt, We at Iverson Machine Co. sheen Improvement Associa- Bill 4 Mel's Texaco Station Nick Femia, Edward Lyons, LOBSTER C00K0UT certainly endorse the Wilm- tion do highly endorse the Bress S and 10 Store, Burbine Dr. Erwin Chernoff, Dr. ington campaign for the Barber Shop, Church Street Stanley Fillpek, Dr. Richard V.F.W. Post 2468, of watch. Jimmy Fund. Jimmy Fund. "Let's all pltdh In and Hardware, Coombs F"urniture Harris and Atty. and Mrs. Wilmington, 1B trying a Mood music win be Fred Cbrum. Richard A. Iverson help" says, .Co., Countrystyle Donut Shop, novel way of having • played all day and all the Drop by and watch the in- and Company n L. fccLeugMln ^£\CI«£'er0l« °°^**' picnic. On Sunday, August women have to do is eat- / i Pr»»irtent I'and Tack Shop, Jim Riley's teresting events, the public 26th. at Town Memorial no dishes to wash, no cook Trailblazerfe . Shell StaUOln, Jim's Variety is invited and more Oimn Park, a huge cookout of ing to contend with. The 4-H Trailblaaerg will Store. Mills Hardware, East 'welcome. lobsters and clams is to be There will be ample ser- hack the "Jimmy Fund" all held. Along with the lob- vings of both the clams the way. Methodist ster and clams will be and lobsters Any one Furniture Stolen Grange Fair having attended the pre-1 Mrs. Leo Dupras corn on the oob, water- Leader Auction Plans mellons, hot dogs, coffee vious V.F.W. chow affairs, At 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Coining Up Soon and tonic. know how generous the Progressing August 11, Bruno Lather of The date has been set for portions can be 8,lver Lake Betterment Aaso. This affair is intended to Church St., phoned police to the Wilmington Grange Fair, get the families of Wil- _ .. ,,„._. We, of the Silver Lake Bet- The Country Auction to b Ck t8 6 ,erment v ln Jim which is held annually at the mington back to the social H ?K J ! JE iniHW ' «*"* « ^ " be held on the green of the complain that someone had hall on Wfldwood St., in Sept- activity of the past- where Wilmington Methodist entered his home during his ember. This year the event f* £* /h ^n 1 X- we need Is You and Yours to large family groups get ln by the Sunday before ' _ „.. " .. Church, Saturday, Septem- absence and removed furni- will take place on Friday and together and all meet on a ber 8 beginning at 11 a.m. (19th) in order to plan our That£L™ will . putSTJ"!?? it over - Help.£!£ Saturday, Sept 7 and 8. social plan- purchase, we urge you to and continuing through 3 ture from the premises. Grangers are soliciting ex- James M. Shine, p.m. tor the benefit of the Following the theory of get your ticket* now. President Officers Cuoco and Shepard hibits from you, to help them buying huge quantities for Tickets are available at,: new church building, will make their fair a success. low prices, we are plan- Jim's Variety Store, corner feature Capt. Lars Neilson are investigating the com- Further details will be an- Grange . as auctioneer. Fred Seddon. ning to buy for a large of Shawsheen avenue and plaint. nounced each week. group. Adults are to be Hopkins St., Shamrock We of the Wilmington charge lay leader and gene- charged 12.60, per person, Drive-In on Main Street Grange Hall Co. think that ral chairman of the Auction ■ ■ ■ ■ MHHHBniliHIIIIBIilllWilWiUKIilBWKnWfflilM and children free. Games and at George Sparoos at the Jimmy Fund is wonder- will be calling a meeting of for children are to be held the center. Tickets may ful. If we as a body can help all committees in the near ST. DOROTHY'S PARISH and contest to follow, un- also be obtained from Com- only one person we have future. Miss Abbie Lyle is der the supervision of BUI mittee Imember8 by calling: done a good deed. general secretary of the ANNUAL FESTIVAL Simmons, winners to get Oliver 8-2957, Ol. 8-3523, Thomas E. McQuaid planning committee, whifch cash prises. The American Ol. 8-4632, and 8-3913. President include, William Israel, Legion Softball team is Only ticket holders may be William Stickney, Malcolm AUGUST 15 THROUGH 18 Butler, Jack Randell, Ber- going to play a make-shift honored as the purchase of From Two Fellows . • V.F.W. team- this In it- 'food will go according to We the undersigned hearti- nard Bacon, Frank McLean, THOMPSON'S GROVE - RTE. 38 - WILMINGTON self will be interesting t» the sale of ticket*. ly endorse the Jimmy Fund and Mrs. Chester Burrie, This te your chance to Drive. president of the Woman's Fun For All! visit your Town Memorial Geo. C. Fairbalrn Society of Christian Service. •-- Park. It belongs to you, as Frank J. Campbell Mrs. Burrls is working Ferris Wheel - Merry Go 'Round and The Works WALLPAPER with the six circles of the COLD DRINKS AND REFRESHMENTS lim • Ky.in.xf Pnints Continued on Page 4 D.A.V.
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