
I.,'i,., ,.,,' .',!,,'" t' ",."", ',;' '.~." )...:; ; ':":"~" 1/, .~ r,','. "11 J.•• " ~.~. ... .. - '.' ;, ", '.. ,' '. , '. All the News of ' .. " ,~\'1 '. .'", All the Pointes Every t,;'4. 1 . lob, \ Jll&ll' Thursday Morning '~.I--'f. ,II;..J'.-IW. .I rosse Pointe ews - ....... IIP Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New, ,Vol, 29-No, 43 Enlered as Second Class Matter at lGePerCoP7 the Post Office at Detroit. Michigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, Odober 24, 1968 ~.oo Per Year 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One 1Expe IIEADLIN~S I Halloween Party Rotary Club Plans l'iment I of the I To Cut Load "TEEK I 'Contest to Probe Agreed Upon As Compiled by the I Grosse Pointe News I. Attempt at Solution Sug- Thinking of Youth gested by Resident Will Reroute Eastbound Thursday, October 17 I Bridge Flow WHITE HOUSE SOURCES, Winning Entries Each Week Will Be Printed in NEWS. denied reports that circulated Wide Latitude Offered Writers, with $25 I It would appear that at Wednesday on three continents I C.nh Prizes Awarded Weekly that the United States was long last an approach that is agreeable to both Allard ready to stop bombing North For some time the Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe road residents and Woods' Vietnam. President Johnson ~as been seriously concerned about what is happening Director of Public Safety telephoned .all three major m and to our community. Many believe the high stan- presidential candidates to tell Allen A. Andrews, has been dards of morality, decency and character expected of them there was "no basic reached regarding what resi. Pointe youth are disappearing; others feel that youth are change in the situation, no dents refer to as the "ex- being misjudged and the times call for a fresh look at breakthrough" to justify halt. cessive cars" on Allard. ing bombing below the 19th their actions. Still others beli-eve that many are being Parallel in North Vietnam, judged by the actions of a few. In a communication to the Council on Monday. October U nit e d Pre~s International The Rotary Club is sponsor.~ quoted "official sources" in 18. Director Andrews agreed ing a contest to provide a me. He J S h l to try a modified version of the Washington as confirming that diu~ of dialogue and commu~i. C 00 Mr. Johnson hoped to announce "g'" solution suggested by Leo Ein. catIon between the commumty" heuser, 2273 Allard, and some soon that he has the assurances at large and its young people !.J J of the Council members on he seeks from Hanoi to permit G D~ out of which it is hoped some rf,(J,(f,er leS Oetober 7. him to order a complete bomb- good may come and remedial e ing halt. D' Mr. Einheuser suggested that action may be taken if needed. urlng' Game a sign be erected on the Grosse • * * To Run Six Months Pointe Woods side of the ex, Friday, October 18 The contest, Youth Forum, pressway reading "All bl'idg.) MRS, JOHN F. KENNEDY, . will be conducted over a period Stephen Zubach of lake- traffic must turn left." Mr, 39, will marry divorced Greek of six months on a weekly basis view High School Fatal- Einheuser said that the sign shipping tycoon Aristotle Onas- in the Grosse Pointe News for ly Injured on First would prohibit the bridge traf. sis, 62. within a week, accord- the besl essay, editorial, letter fie from going down Allard ami ing to her press secretary Nancy or article on subjects of inter. Play Against North since be felt the bridge traffic Tuckerman. Mrs. Kennedy and est to the Youth of this commu. High. was responsible (or much of her children left New York's nity as they relate to each the h'affic problem on Allard Kennedy Airport Thursday night Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. h th All Pointe teeangers are invited to join in the . ERIC ADRIAN, CLAUDIA VORAK, CHRIS BUSH- ot er, eir parents. their teach. Stephen Zubak, 15-year- that this was a good attempt aboard a chartered Olympic at a solution. Halloween festivities on Thursday, October 31, at the NELL and JANET McCONNELL. ( Left to right stan. ers, tbe police, and the commu. old sophomore from Lake- Airlines jet for a fli,::ht to nity itself. Dnring Rash Hour War Memorial and Grosse Pointe South and North ing): DOROTHY BODMAN, MARY GALLUP, RONDA view High School in St. Athens. Onassis owns Olympic Monday night Director An. Airlines. High Schools. Pictured are members of the Student MARTINEZ, TIM REILLY, GREG STAHL and DEB- The Rotary Club of Grosse Clair Shores, was injured drews said that he felt the Halloween committee from the Middle Schools (left BIE BOWERMAN. Pointe will awarded a prize of fatally Thursday, October t 'ht t d) NANC 25 dollarsl ($25) each week to 10 d suggestion to divert eastbound REPORTS THAT HANOI and ~rlg _sea e : Y YERKES, LARRY BAU_ER,_. a Grosse Pointe student who in'. uring a football game !lridge traffie from Allard by Washington were on the verge -~---------- 3 0 d at Lakeview with Grosse forcing it to tllrn left onto of a compromise toward a be- .. I. 5 wor s or less, presents an P . t N th H' h S h I northbound Harper was just ,., :ng. ~... arc ells M.}eddle. Schoo-I.. Pla P • entry selected by the judges for . om e or 19 c 00. another way of accomplishing :..,.~,,, ,_ginning of the end.of the Viet- . .. n artles publication by the Grosse Pointe It is believed that Stephen ,J '-. Dam War continued to sweep Sp.e.ed News. 'suffered a critical blow to the what the harrier did originally the world Thursday. Diplomatic B. Chas d P e • IPS h d and because it would create an sources said South Vietnamese e"ug. e rmelpa etel-son ays For Teeners. Sincerity and originality are play.ea Grossewhile blockingPointe Northa kickoffhad enforcement problem, he saw objections were holding things B G T P more important than form or kicked off to Lakeview. Stephen no reason to experiment with what amounted to a known sit- up. .. *.y un. oter rogl'am Is Big Challenge On Halloween ~~It~sf~r i~:~~~~;se~~:t t~: was playing guard. , uation. Saturday, Ocwber 19 ----.-- legible, must be signed and At the end of the. fIrst play, ' H. It Fl' C't 'R' 'L"['f tAil St d t Th O' _._.- should be submitted l'n a sealed ~tephen was sta,g_geTl,ngaround He did suggest however that HURRICANE GLADYS blast- Pol Ice a eelng I es _esponSIDl1 yo. u en s; ree rgan,- d d d' th an experiment with a restric- .t' I A. t 1 I d d r C t Y War Memorial Center, envelope bearing the name and 10 a aze con hlon In e end ed the cities of the. Tampa Bay You th s. Th en Ca f c h za lona spec $ nc u e ror urren ear address of the contestant. More zone, Coach R~x Lux~on r.alled tion during the afternoon rush area with hanlmering ~..inds and Driver Accused of -.--- Two High Schools To than one entry is permissible. an ambulance ImmedIately _and hour was reasonable and worth pouring rain Friday night, reo P' W By Pepper Whitelaw Be Scenes of Annual All entries become the prop- the y,outh w~s ta~en to ,S!. John a try. He said that based on a limited study of license plate suIting in a frantic evacuation ointing eap- In thisJinal article on Grosse Pointe's Middle School I. Celebrations erty of the Rotary, Club of HospItal. HIS TIght SIde was registrations. it appears that of waterfront areas. ~esid~nts on at Them I we are indebted to Vincent L. Peterson, principal of Par- Grosse Pointe. The decision' of paralyzed. ~octors penor.med a considerable proportion of were taken by surpTlse''I'ngSIncea CIty, police, while on c.e.IIs M-ddlIe: S chI'''''00. mr. P eterson. pre f,ace d h'JS ex,p Iana- the JU'd ges lS. .f'ma1. The name, an 0 per a t Ion Sunday nIght ' Gladys had been follo'.• t f th t P II th th d f R d of the winner will be withheld Stephen dled on Monday. drivers not living in the im. northward course, routine patrol on Saturday, IOn 0 " e program a arce s WI , . e wor 2 Ichar While the small fry are from publication upon request. Have Studi~d F~m~ mediate .area do use this east. bound .route during the after- " .. ct IOctober 19 noticed two cars Evans, Let there be no easyglVmg up uy people, "trick or treating" this Hal. All entries should be sent to' Robert Schaublm, prmclpal of ' traveling ~t a high rate of (teachers or parents), no assumption that one student is Th . Lakeview High School 'd noon rush hour. APOLLO 7 blasted mto a th k' 'th h'l th' t Lif " loween night, Pointe teen- e Rotary Club of Grosse.. , ' ~al homestretch orbit 279 miles high s~eed west on ~ack from ~or wpr mg WI W, I e ano er)s. no: e Isn t a Pointe, Youth Forum, P,O. Box We ve looked at the ~am,e films Will Inconvenience Some Friday in another flawle~s tr.st FISher. The. offIcers gave SImple. process ~!sortmg out and ~eJech~? some and agers will be partying at No, 5212, o~er and over, there s Just no He continued that since there of the rocket that may fly men chase and fmally stopped acceptm!f others.
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