RCC2.950201.002 8 U. S. A!!! !GDIC.iL RESrRCH INSTITLTE OF IXFECTIOUS DISEASES PROJECT i,NITZCOAT: A EISTOKY .. 14 February 1974 rt TABLE OF COdTENTS PACE SEC'IIOX I. Authorization and Establishment. 1 NOTE: Some of the information presented in Sections I and I1 was obtained from historical files acd binders ic the Editor's Office. Source documents are not available for zll of the drafts, however, inasmuch as the notes, memos, etc. were derived from first hand observations, they are considered as such in this document. i I I SECTION 11. Unit Expansion and Progress. 3 i NOTE: Some of the information presented in Sections I and 11 was obtained fron historical files and binders in the Editor's Office. Source documents are not available for all of the drafts, however, inasmuch 3s the notes, memos, etc. were derived fron first hand observation, they are considered as such in.. this docuzenr. SECTIOE: 111. Projcct Whitecoat. 5 I I SECTION IV. Sample Project Synopsis. a 1 - NOTE: A waalth of supplemectary material 13 the fom of I moffical notes, drafts and memoranduns can be located in the Editor's Office. Included is a Project Whitecoat binder arranged by a former Whitecoat which contains several docrnents prepared by che Seventh Day Adventist i Church, professional articles by former key USXNRIID personnel and observztions by the news media. These articles, too numerous and diversified to acknowledge indivi&J:l1y, provide significant background information essential to the total comprehension of Project Whitecoat. APPENDICES APPEYDIX 1. Staff Study; pre?ared by OTSG for the Arned Forces Xedical Policy Council; subjcct: Parcicipatior. of rh~-3Ldical Services in Siological !;aifare Resszrzn (VI; dated 9 Sep 52. (CONFIDENTIAL) XTE: Appendices 1 - 6 are filcd in the Sffice of cha Cax~xd?~. USAXXIID, Fort Detrick, !li. 2li31. 'QPE~IX2. Xemcrandum for Chief Chemical Officer and The Surseon General (CS: 385); prepared by the Army Chief of Staff; subject: Use of Volunteers in iiesearch (E); dated 30 Jun 53. (CONFIDENTIAL.) APPENDIX 3. DF fron the Chief Chemical Officer tc tlhe Acting Chief Chemical Officer/FW; subject: ?rocurement of Extrapolation Data (U); dated 21 Oct 54. (C0EiOENTLJ-L)- APPENDIX 4. Minutes of a meeting of the Conmission on Epidemio- logical Survey (18 Oct 54); undated. (CONFIDEXITI&) APPENDIX 5. Letter €ut the President, hmed Forces Epidenio- logical Board (XFEB: to the Chief C!iemical Officer; subject: Findings of the Board (U); dated 1: Dec 5s. (COhTIDENTLAL) AWENIMX 6. Letter from the Chief Officer to the Secretary of the Army; subject: Use of Vo1untee:s-b iesearch (U); dated 10 Jan 55. (CONFIDENTIAL) WPENDIX 7. Memorandum for the Amy Chief of Staff; prepared by the Acting Secrccary of the Ary;; subject: Use of Voiunteers in Research; dated 14 Jan 55. APPE%IX 8. GO 37, IXV.lC; Organization of Xedical Unit, KWCYC: dated 20 Jun 56. APPENDIX 9. Joint Xedical Service - Chemical'Corpa AgreeKent on Responsibilities for the Ccnduct of Xcsesrch acd Development in Dcfensive aioloeical L'arfare; dated 21 Feb 56. APPENDIX 10. GO 7, 'URWC, Organization of '&Vi (extract); dated 1 Aug 57 escabiished Ward 203, !,RUiC at USA'W. APPEXDIX 11. 1957 USA!! Annual Report AlPEKDIX 12. GO 9, OTSG, kited 29 Sep 5; (extract). MPESDIX 13. Organization Chart, 1 Apr 63. APPEXDIX 14. GO 6, OTZG, Fiedesignation of Units/Activities, dated 27 Jan 59. APPEXDIX 15. Xcnorandun for !X Amstrong, The Surgeon General; prepared by Li'C Tiger::; c3;2c! 14 Oct 54 re: :!eeting with Dr. Theodore D. Tkiz. APPENDIX 16. Letter to MG Armstrong, with attached Statement of Attitude. from Dr. Flaiz; dated 19 Oct 54. 4 APPENDIX 17. Letter from MG Hays, The Surgeon General, to Hr. G. '4. Chambers; dated 27 Oct 55 with attached published article. APPENDIX 18. Minutes of Operation Whitecoat Heeting, USASIRM:, dated 17 ?far 59. APPENDIX 19. DF From Enlisted Braxh, Personnel and Training Division to CG, USLXlUC, dated 27 Jun 60, subject: Whitecoat Volunteers. APPENDIX 20. USAMRIID Table of Distribution and Allowances. Document can be located in the 3udget and Fiscal Off ice, USAEIRIID. UPENDIX 21. AR 70-25, 26 Mar 62, Use of Volunteers as Subjects of Research. APPENDIX 22. Letter from U.S. Army Medical Training Cecter to CG, CONARC (undated; but attached to TI. dated 23 Feb 673; subject: Imunitacion of Potential Volunteers for Stdies of Tnfactiotis Diseases at U.S. Army Hedical Unit, Fort Detrick, Xazyland. Entire appendix attached to Appendix 22. APPENDIX 23. DA Message 767602, 1 Jun 66; subjecc: Immunization for Class I-A-0 Fetsonnel. APPENDIX 24. Final article on Project Whitecoat submitted by Thomas Green and forwarded by Clark Snith, Sirector, Sevencn Day Adveacist National Service Organization; xdated. APPENDIX 25. Article in the National Examiner, dated 1 Dec 69, subject: Ccnscientious Objector Experience. Subject matter along with official U.S. Army rebuttai cm be .- - -. located in the Office of the Comandsr. APPENDIX 26. Fact Sheet - Project Whitecoat. dated 28 Nov 69. APPEh'DIX 27. Duties of Secretary, Xedical Division. APPENDIX 28. Resume Research Projects Involving Volunteers and Others (Iy5S-73). SPEIUDIS 29. Resune k%itecoat Volunteer Rccruitnnext Procecure. SECTION I AUTHORIZATION AND ESTABLIS- I Ever since World War I and the intrpduction of mustard gas into military Inventories, the use of chemical and biological agents in open warfare has been addressed as a moral, social and tactical issue at military conferences as well as a mtter for open public cotxern. Although the use of biological agents in the military armamentarium was not a universally accepted proposal, the reqciremeot to investigate the effects of such a weapon if applied by a hostile element against the United States received attention from the highest levels of the military establishment. This concern engendered coordination between the Chemical and Medical elements of the Army and invclved the supervision of the Secretary of the Army, Army Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of Defense. Coordination effected by MG W.M. Creasy, Chief, Chnical Officer (CCO) and MG C. E. Armstrong in conjunction with an ex:ensive legal review, culminated in the authority to conduct research investigation utilizing volunteers in defense against biological warfare. This - - authority was granted by the Acting Secretary of the Army on 14 January - 1955. \ The authorization added a nev dimension to the biological warfare (Bk') research then being coriducted at Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, in that effective research leading to the development of a defense egriinst the .Lse nf zicrcbii-lcg5c-l -0-*ezts cn-12 be ccier!tificzl>; conducted and evaluated without relying upon extrapolated data obtained from_animal studies. Approximately two years prior, an Ad UDC Camittee was established to investigate the feasibility of obtaining dose-response data on tularemia and/or Q Frver in hurrans. The comittee chcse to investigate Q fever by the experhental inoculation of volunteers with a Coxiella burnetii. This project, known as the CD-22 progras, terminated its initial research effort ir 1956 after yielding the first scientific data of its kind, gathered by U.S. military investigations from experiments conducted on human volunteer subjects. >.reas of interest concerning the project were: the vulnerability of ran to biological agents; prevention and treatment of BW casualties; 2nd identification of biological agents. Information such as the minimum infectious dosage, effectiveness of prophykctic and therapeutic measures, serologic responses to infectian 2nd the effects of various doses of inoculum, eventually provided answers to most initial questions contained within the researcn objectives.-. The entire progrm %as monitored by 52Csx.issisn 211 ;?iceniolo~ical 5iir\-ey (C5.r: of the fumed Forces Epideniological iSoara (AFEB) wnich provided tschnical assistance of a consultory nature to the research teams. The responsibility to provide a defense >Fainst t;iologicai wzrfare .-- vris assigzed tn .!.zzy ?!-.'ic=l S=-ic=-, ::n?cr tb.: pzr*.ris: cf che Scrr;e02 _-- - General. .U:houEh the origin of the tern ":?itrcoat" is not dx.;-entcd here, its use to descriire research invslving vclunt.cers is found in correspondence dating back to October 1954. "OPERATION WHITECOAT" vas the code name for the plan to use human volunteers in field experiments concerning the effect of certain biologicdl pathogens upon humans (bbjective of program in 1955). Thorough legal investigation and moral consideration was rendered. yielding a group of conditions under which volunteers may be used in research, to wit: a. Voluntary consent is required. Vritten consent must be witnessed, and signed by the individual concerned. b. No experimentation which could predictably lead to death or permanent disabling injury will be investigated with the use of human volunteers. c. Proper medical supervision and treatment capability will be imediately available to the subjects. d. Experfmentation must be expected to yield fruitful results for the good of society, not available by other means. e. Experimentation should avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering. f. The degree of risk taken should never exceed the hportance of the experiment or tho expectable benefits from It. g. The volunteer may remove himself from the experbent at any stage if he feels thtt he has reached the limits of his physical or mental endurance. The authorization to use volunteers, success of the two-year research project Cn-22, the definition of responsibilities concerning research into BW defense, and the legal requirements essential to OPERATION WiIITEC0.4T culminated in the organization of the United States Army Medical Unit (USAXLJ) and its activation at Camp Detritk, Frederick, Maryland cm 20 June 1956. US.LW was assigned the research responsibilities of the Army Medical 3rpartment's requirement to provide a defense against EX. Colonel W.D. Tigertt, M.C. assumed command of US.LW end occqied that position until 1961; during his tenure as Concander, Colonel Tigertt established the ground wcrk for an effective, ongoing recruiting progrzm aimed at continuing tke supply of volunteer personnel for Project Whiteccat.
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