FOLIA Vol. 17(1): 11–20 MALACOLOGICA ISSN 1506-7629 The Association of Polish Malacologists & Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznañ 2009 doi:10.2478/v10125-009-0002-3 BYTHINELLA HANSBOETERSI GLÖER ET PEŠIÆ, 2006 (GASTROPODA: RISSOOIDEA) IN BULGARIA: ITS MORPHOLOGY, MOLECULAR DISTINCTNESS, AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY ANDRZEJ FALNIOWSKI1, MICHAL HORSÁK2, MAGDALENA SZAROWSKA1 1Department of Malacology Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, R. Ingardena 6, 30-060 Kraków, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]) 2Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Kotláøská 2, 611 37, Brno, Czech Republic, (e-mail: [email protected]) ABSTRACT: For five populations of Bythinella from Bulgaria the shell, penis, and female reproductive organs are figured and briefly described. 27 sequences of COI (mtDNA), and 14 of ITS-1 (rRNA) are used to infer phylogenetic relationships among the studied populations and five Central European Bythinella species. All five studied populations belong to the same species: B. hansboetersi Glöer et Pešiæ, 2006, which is morphologi- cally and molecularly distinct from B. austriaca earlier reported from Bulgaria. NCA analysis for the COI data revealed a pattern of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance. KEY WORDS: freshwater snails, Bythinella, Bulgaria, morphology, DNA, phylogeography INTRODUCTION Data on the freshwater Rissooidea in Bulgaria are SZAROWSKA &WILKE 2004, SZAROWSKA 2006, BICHAIN rather scarce. Among others, this concerns the genus et al. 2007), the pattern of Bythinella speciation still re- Bythinella (WOHLBEREDT 1911, WAGNER 1927, JAECKEL maining unclear (FALNIOWSKI &SZAROWSKA 2009). et al. 1957, RADOMAN 1976, 1983, ANGELOV 2000, This study includes five populations of Bythinella BANK 2004, GLÖER &PEŠIÆ 2006, HUBENOV 2007, from Bulgaria. The morphological characters of the SZAROWSKA et al. 2007, GEORGIEV &STOYCHEVA shell, penis and female reproductive organs, which 2008). Much more is known on Bythinella in Central, are necessary to identify the studied taxon, are pre- South and West Europe (RADOMAN 1976, 1983, sented together with molecular data (mtCOI, rITS-1). JUNGBLUTH &BOETERS 1977, GIUSTI &PEZZOLI 1977, Our aim was to answer the following questions: 1. how 1980, FALNIOWSKI 1987, 1992, SZAROWSKA 1996, 2000, can the species be identified?; 2. is this only one or BOETERS 1998, FALNIOWSKI et al. 1998, 1999, BER- more than one species?; 3. is the species B. austriaca NASCONI 2000, MAZAN 2000, MAZAN &SZAROWSKA (Frauenfeld, 1857), usually reported from Bulgaria, 2000a, b, GLÖER 2002, SZAROWSKA &WILKE 2004). or another one, and if so, what are its relationships However, the systematic position of the genus and spe- with B. austriaca and some other Central European cies discrimination within it have been somewhat less Bythinella?; 4. what is its pattern of interpopulation dif- enigmatic since only recently (WILKE et al. 2001, ferentiation like? 12 Andrzej Falniowski, Michal Horsák, Magdalena Szarowska MATERIAL AND METHODS In 2005 Bythinella was collected at five localities in MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES Bulgaria (Fig. 1): 1. Anton town, 1,036 m a.s.l., spring below Bolovan hill; 6.7.2005, 42°44’48.0”N, Snails were hydrated in TE buffer (3 × 10 min.) and 24°16’50.7”E; 2. Anton town, 1,850 m a.s.l., spring be- their DNA was extracted with the SHERLOCK extract- low the top of Bolovan hill; 8.7.2005; 42°46’15.5”N, ing kit (A&A Biotechnology), the final product was 24°16’11.4”E; 3. Smoljan town, 1,490 m a.s.l., small dissolved in 20 ml of TE buffer. The PCR reaction brook below Smoljanske Lake hotel; 1.7.2005; (PALUMBI 1996) was performed with the following 41°37’01.0N”, 24°40’31.3”E; 4. Smoljan town, small primers: LCOI490 (5’-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGA brook near Amzovo; 1.7.2005; 41°33’42”N, TATTGG-3’) and COR722b (5’-TAAACTTCAGGGT 24°41’41”E; 5. Mugla village, 1,730 m a.s.l.; base-rich GACCAAAAAATYA-3’) for the COI gene (FOLMER spring fen; 1.7.2005; 41°37’43.0”N, 24°31’08”E. The et al. 1994) and two Bythinella-specific primers ITS1D snails were collected by hand and with a small sieve, (5’-GTGGGACGGAGTGTTGTT-3’) and ITS1R and fixed with 80% ethanol. (5’-CCACCGCCTAAAGTTGTTT-3’) for the ITS-1 (BICHAIN et al. 2007). The PCR conditions were as fol- lows: COI – initial denaturation step of 4 min at 94°C, MORPHOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES followed by 35 cycles at 94°C for of 1 min, 55°C for 1 Dissections were done using a NIKON SMZ-U ste- min, 72°C for 2 min, and a final extension of 4 min at reo-microscope with a NIKON drawing apparatus, 72°C; ITS-1 – initial denaturation step of 4 min at 94°C, and a NIKON COOLPIX 4500 digital camera. Shells followed by 25 cycles at 94°C for 30 s, 60°C for 30 s and reproductive organs were photographed with the 72°C for 30 s, and a final extension of 5 min at 72°C. same equipment. The total volume of each PCR reaction mixture was 50 µl. 10 µl of the PCR product was run on 1% agarose gel to check the quality of the PCR products. Fig. 1. Localities of the studied populations of Bythinella; for the localities’ numbers see the text Bythinella hansboetersi in Bulgaria 13 The PCR product was purified using Clean-Up col- tions, Fst of HUDSON et al. (1992), Nst of LYNCH & umns (A&A Biotechnology). The purified PCR prod- CREASE (1990), Dst and Gst and Gst of NEI (1982) were uct was sequenced in both directions (HILLIS et al. calculated with DNASP. 1996) using BigDye Terminator v3.1 (Applied Haplotype network was inferred for COI with the Biosystems), following the manufacturer’s protocol TCS 1.21 (CLEMENT et al. 2000), with the connection and with the primers described above. The sequenc- limit excluding homoplastic changes set to 95%. There ing reaction products were purified using ExTermina- is no reliable technique of analysis of phylogeographic tor Columns (A&A Biotechnology), and the se- data (KNOWLES &MADDISON 2002). Nested clade quences were read using the ABI Prism sequencer. analysis (NCA) was intended by TEMPLETON (1998) to separate population structure from population history. DATA ANALYSIS The technique lacks statistical inference (KNOWLES & MADDISON 2002), not always finds the correct, realistic The COI sequences were aligned by eye, using interpretation (e.g. PANCHAL &BEAUMONT 2007, PE- BioEdit 5.0.0 (HALL 1999) and edited with TIT 2007, 2008, GARRICK et al. 2008) although some of MACCLADE 4.05 (MADDISON &MADDISON 2002). the criticism is not necessarily justified (TEMPLETON For ITS-1 an initial alignment was performed using 2008). Thus the NCA approach (TEMPLETON et al. the CLUSTALX 1.82 (THOMPSON et al. 1997). Vari- 1987, 1992, TEMPLETON &SING 1993) was inferred able fragments that could not be aligned unambigu- with the ANeCA (automation of nested clade ously were then removed with MACCLADE. phylogeographic analysis, PANCHAL 2007). The Despite all the criticism concerning the maximum programme implements the construction of haplotype likelihood techniques of phylogeny reconstruction networks (with the TCS), the nesting of clades, the cal- (NEI 1987, 1996, GAUT &LEWIS 1995, YANG et al. culation of summary statistics with a test of 1995, SWOFFORD et al. 1996, YANG 1997, NEI et al. siginificance applying GeoDis 2.5 (POSADA et al. 2000), 1998, NEI &KUMAR 2000, TAKAHASHI &NEI 2000, and also the interpretation of results with an inference FALNIOWSKI 2003), most of it applicable to the other key (TEMPLETON 2004). techniques as well, we decided to use the ML ap- proach, as implemented in PAUP*4.0b10 (SWOFFORD Table 1. GenBank Accession Numbers and references of 2002), together with Modeltest (POSADA &CRANDALL COI sequences of species used as outgroup 1998, POSADA 2003), to find the appropriate model of evolution, with the Akaike Information Criterion Species GenBankAN References (POSADA &BUCKLEY 2004). The robustness of nodes Bythinella austriaca FJ545132 FALNIOWSKI et al. was evaluated with bootstrap (10,000 replicates). In (Frauenfeld, 1857) (in press) the phylogeny reconstruction for COI, five central Bythinella compressa AF367653 SZAROWSKA and European Bythinella species (Table 1) were used as (Frauenfeld, 1857) WILKE (2004) outgroups. Bythinella pannonica AY222660 SZAROWSKA and Kimura’s K2P distances (KIMURA 1980), as well as (Frauenfeld, 1865) WILKE (2004) mean genetic diversities within and between popula- Bythinella robiciana AY273998 SZAROWSKA and tions were computed with the MEGA4 (TAMURA et al. (Clessin, 1890) WILKE (2004) 2007). Haplotype diversity Hd and nucleotide diver- sity p were computed with DNASP (ROZAS et al. Bythinella schmidti AY222649 SZAROWSKA and 2003). To estimate gene flow between the popula- (Küster, 1852) WILKE (2004) RESULTS MORPHOLOGY MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY The shells of B. hansboetersi (Fig. 2) were similar to Twenty seven sequences of COI, 546bp long (Gen- the ones figured by GLÖER &PEŠIÆ (2006), although Bank Aceesion numbers: GQ152518-GQ152 544), their variability was wider. The penis and flagellum and 14 of ITS-1, 303bp long (GenBank Aceesion (Fig. 3) also resembled the one figured by GLÖER & numbers: GQ152545-GQ152558), were used for PEŠIÆ (2006). The female reproductive organs (Fig. phylogenetic inferrence. 4) were typical of Bythinella, with a J-shaped, moder- For the COI the Akaike Information Criterion ately big and bulky bursa copulatrix with a long duct (AIC) with ModelTest found model TVM+I+G, with usually well demarcated from the bursa, and small to base frequencies: A = 0.2976, C = 0.2165, G = 0.1702, moderately big receptaculum seminis (Fig. 5). T = 0.3158; substitution rate matrix: [A-C] = 6983.3535, [A-G] = 60500.1562, [A-T] = 8945.5127, [C-G] = 2052.4856, [C-T] = 60500.1562, [G-T] = 14 Andrzej Falniowski, Michal Horsák, Magdalena Szarowska Fig. 2. Shells of Bythinella hansboetersi, numbers correspond to localities Bythinella hansboetersi in Bulgaria 15 1.0000, proportion of invariable sites: (I) = 0.5516, most distinct from the other populations.
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