SADA South African Data Archive Population Census, 1985 Statistics South Africa CODEBOOK SADA 0070 As agreed upon in the signed 'User Undertaking' that accompanied data collection: BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION Any publication or other presentation based in whole or part on the data and documentation supplied by SADA must prominently use the following citation. Statistics South Africa (StatSA); Population Census,1985. South Africa: Statistics South Africa –producer, 1985; South African Data Archive- distributor, 2000 DEPOSIT OF PUBLICATIONS At least one copy of any published work or report based in whole or part on the dataset will be deposited with the South African Data Archive. Please indicate the title and number of the study utilized. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Archive and the depositor of the dataset supplied to the user bear no legal responsibility for their accuracy or comprehensiveness. POSTAL ADDRESS South African Data Archive National Research Foundation P.O. Box 2600 Pretoria 0001 Telephone +27 12 481- 4192 Fax number +27 12 481- 4020 Electronic mail [email protected] World Wide Web http://www.nrf.ac.za/sada STUDY DESCRIPTION SADA 0070 TITLE: Population Census, 1985 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Statistics South Africa DEPOSITOR: Statistics South Africa ORGANISATION HOUSING THE DATA: Statistics South Africa Private Bag x44 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 12 310 8911 Fax: +27(0) 12 322 3374 Website: www.statssa.gov.za ABSTRACT: The 1985 Population Census was enumerated on a de facto basis, that is, according to the place where persons were located during the census. All persons who were present on Republic of South African territory during census night were enumerated and included in the data. Visitors from abroad who were present in the RSA on holiday or business on the night of the census, as well as foreigners (and their families) who were studying or economically active, were enumerated but not included in the figures. Likewise, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps of foreign countries were not included. However, the South African personnel linked to the foreign missions including domestic workers were enumerated. Crews and passengers of ships were also not enumerated, unless they were normally resident in the Republic of South Africa. Residents of the RSA who were absent from the night were as far as possible enumerated on their return and included in the region where they normally resided. Personnel of the South African Government stationed abroad and their families were, however enumerated. Such persons were included in the Transvaal (Pretoria). GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: South Africa IMPORTANT VARIABLES : Particulars of person- relationship within household, sex, age, marital status, population group, birthplace, country of citizenship, level of education, occupation, identity of employer and the nature of economic activity. UNIVERSE : The 1985 census covered the so-called white areas of South Africa, i.e. the areas in the former four provinces of the Cape, the Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Natal. It also covered the so-called National States of KwaZulu, Kangwane, Gazankulu, Lebowa, Qwaqwa, and Kwandebele. The 1985 South African census excluded the areas of the Transkei, Bophutatswana, Ciskei, and Venda. DATE OF FIELDWORK: 5 March 1985 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION : v In the major part of the country the 1985 Census was conducted by way of distributing census questionnaires beforehand and collecting the completed returns after the census day. In cases where the enumerator was requested to, as well as where the respondent was unable to complete the questionnaire, the census enumerator assisted in the completion thereof. v Comprehensive door-to-door surveys were not possible. An agreement was concluded with the Human Sciences Research Council to enumerate areas by means of sample surveys. 88 areas country-wide were enumerated on this basis. v Every household was enumerated on a separate questionnaire. UNDER-ENUMERATION: v All censuses are open to error. The following under-enumeration figures have been calculated for the 1985 census. v Estimated percentage distribution of undercount by race according to the HSRC: Percent undercount Whites 7.6% Blacks in the “RSA” 20.4% Blacks in the “National States” 15.1% Colored 1.0% Asian 4.6% UNITS OF OBSERVATION: Persons were used as units of analysis. EXTENT OF DATA COLLECTION: v 2 data files in SPSS, hardcopy documentation and hardcopy questionnaire. Data files: Part 1 Area 85a Area 85b Area 85c Area 85d Area 85e Number of cases 2 912 954 621 244 1 846 250 1 541 251 5 892 033 Number of records 2 912 954 621 244 1 846 250 1 541 251 5 892 033 Number of records per case 1 1 1 1 1 Logical record length 80 80 80 80 80 Number of variables 18 18 18 18 18 Number of kilobytes 95, 242 25, 019 90, 193 62, 383 271, 786 Part 2 Area 85f Area 85g Area 85h Area 85j Number of cases 1 487 569 2 746 264 5 528 657 809 423 Number of records 1 487 569 2 746 264 5 528 657 809 423 Number of records per case 1 1 1 1 Logical record length 80 80 80 80 Number of variables 18 18 18 18 Number of kilobytes 72, 286 135, 151 249, 263 39, 385 PUBLICATIONS: Central Statistical Service Report No. 02-85-01. 1985. Population Census, 1991. Pretoria: Central Statistical Service. Mostert, W. P., van Tonder, L., & Hofmeyr, B. 1986. Reconstruction of census age structures of the South African black population:1936-1985. HSRC report 153. HSRC, Pretoria. CODELIST Population Census 1985 description *************************************************** VALUE GESLAG 1='MANLIK' 2='VROULIK'; VALUE STEDELIK 0='STEDELIKE BLANK GEBIEDE' 1='STEDELIKE SWART GEBIEDE' 2='NIE-STEDELIKE BLANK GEBIEDE' 3='NIE-STEDELIKE SWART GEBIEDE'; VALUE ONDERWP 0='GEEN' 1='TOT STD1' 2='STD 2' 3='STD 3' 4='STD 4' 5='STD 5' 6='STD 6' 7='STD 7' 8='STD 8' 9='STD 9' 10='STD 10(MAT,SS)' 11='DIP&STD 7/LAER' 12='DIP&STD 9OF8' 13='DIP&STD 10' 14='BGRAAD&EKW' 15='MAGISTER' 16='DOKTORS' 17='BGRAAD&DIP/SERT' 18='MGRAAD&DIP/SERT' 19='DGRAAD&DIP/SERT' 20='ONGESPES'; VALUE BEVGRP 1='BLANK' 2-5='KLEURLING' 6-8='ASIER' 9-19='SWARTES'; VALUE BEVGR 1='BLANKE' 2='KLEURL' 3='MALEIER' 4='GRIEKWA' 5='AND KLEURL' 6='SJINEES' 7='INDIER' 8='AND ASIER' 9='XHOSA' 10='ZOELOE' 11='SWAZI' 12='S-NDEBELE' 13='N-NDEBELE' 14='N-SOTHO' 15='S-SOTHO' 16='TSWANA' 17='SHANG/TSONG' 18='VENDA' 19='ANDER SWARTES'; VALUE SWONING 1='HUIS' 2='SKAKELHUIS' 3='WOONSTEL' 4='WS OP ERF' 5='TR WON SW' 6='HOTEL/LOSH' 7='OUETEHUIS' 8='HOSTEL/KAMPONG' 9='AND SRT WONING'; VALUE INDWERKG 1='SENTR REGERING' 2='PROV ADMIN' 3='PL OWERHEDE' 4='AFH SW OWERH' 5='SASH.SAL.HPK' 6='OPENB KORP' 7='PRIV BESIGH OND' 8='N-WINSMOT INST' 9='PRIV HUISHOUD' 0='WERKL,NEB EN ONGESPESIFISEER'; VALUE GEBPLEK 1='RSA' 2='KWAZULU' 3='KANGWANE' 4='QWAQWA' 5='GAZANKULU' 6='LEBOWA' 7='KWANDEBELE' 8='CISKEI' 9 ='VENDA' 10='TRANSKEI' 11='BOPHUTHATSWANA' 12='S.W.A.' 13='LESOTHO' 14='BOTSWANA' 15='SWAZILAND' 16='ALGERIE' 17='ANGOLA' 18='EGIPTE' 19='GHANA' 20='KENIA' 21='KONGO' 22='MADEIRA' 23='MALGASS REP' 24='MALAWI' 25='MAURITIUS' 26='MOSAMBIEK' 27='OEGANDA' 28='ZIMBABWE' 29='REP VAN KONGO' 30='ST. HELENA' 31='TANZANIE' 32='ZAIRE' 33='ZAMBIE' 34='ANDER IN AFRIKA' 35='ALBANIE' 36='BELGIE' 37='BOELGARYE' 38='DENEMARKE' 39='WESDTSL(FEDREP)' 40='DUITSLAND-OOS' 41='ESTLAND' 42='FINLAND' 43='FRANKRYK' 44='GIBRALTAR' 45='GRIEKELAND' 46='HONGARYE' 47='IERLAND, REP' 48='ITALIE' 49='JOEGO-SLAWIE' 50='LETLAND' 51='LETAUE' 52='MALTA' 53='NEDERLAND' 54='NOORWEE' 55='OOSTENRYK' 56='POLAND' 57='PORTUGAL' 58='ROEMENIE' 59='SPANJE' 60='SWEDE' 61='SWITZERLAND' 62='TJEGGO-SLOWAKYE' 63='VER KONINKRYK' 64='ENGELAND WALLIS' 65='SKOTLAND' 66='NOORD-IERLAND' 67='U.S.S.R.' 68='AND IN EUROPA' 69='BURMA' 70='CIPRUS' 71='INDIE' 72='INDONESIE' 73='ISRAEL' 74='JAPAN' 75='LIBANON' 76='MALEISIE-SINGA' 77='PAKISTAN' 78='SRI-LANKA' 79='SIRIE' 80='SJINA' 81='TURKYE' 82='AND IN ASIE' 83='ARGENTINIE' 84='BRASILIE' 85='KANADA' 86='MEKSIKO' 87='URUGUAY' 88='V.S.A.' 89='AND IN AMERIKA' 90='AUSTRALIE' 91='NIEU-SEELAND' 92='AND IN OSEANIE' 93='STAATL ONBEKEND'; VALUE BURGSK 1='RSA' 2='KWAZULU' 3='KANGWANE' 4='QWAQWA' 5='GAZANKULU' 6='LEBOWA' 7='KWANDEBELE' 8='CISKEI' 9 ='VENDA' 10='TRANSKEI' 11='BOPHUTHATSWANA' 12='S.W.A.' 13='LESOTHO' 14='BOTSWANA' 15='SWAZILAND' 16='ALGERIE' 17='ANGOLA' 18='EGIPTE' 19='GHANA' 20='KENIA' 21='KONGO' 22='MADEIRA' 23='MALGASS REP' 24='MALAWI' 25='MAURITIUS' 26='MOSAMBIEK' 27='OEGANDA' 28='ZIMBABWE' 29='REP VAN KONGO' 30='ST. HELENA' 31='TANZANIE' 32='ZAIRE' 33='ZAMBIE' 34='ANDER IN AFRIKA' 35='ALBANIE' 36='BELGIE' 37='BOELGARYE' 38='DENEMARKE' 39='WESDTSL(FEDREP)' 40='DUITSLAND-OOS' 41='ESTLAND' 42='FINLAND' 43='FRANKRYK' 44='GIBRALTAR' 45='GRIEKELAND' 46='HONGARYE' 47='IERLAND, REP' 48='ITALIE' 49='JOEGO-SLAWIE' 50='LETLAND' 51='LETAUE' 52='MALTA' 53='NEDERLAND' 54='NOORWEE' 55='OOSTENRYK' 56='POLAND' 57='PORTUGAL' 58='ROEMENIE' 59='SPANJE' 60='SWEDE' 61='SWITZERLAND' 62='TJEGGO-SLOWAKYE' 63='VER KONINKRYK' 64='ENGELAND WALLIS' 65='SKOTLAND' 66='NOORD-IERLAND' 67='U.S.S.R.' 68='AND IN EUROPA' 69='BURMA' 70='CIPRUS' 71='INDIE' 72='INDONESIE' 73='ISRAEL' 74='JAPAN' 75='LIBANON' 76='MALEISIE-SINGA' 77='PAKISTAN' 78='SRI-LANKA' 79='SIRIE' 80='SJINA' 81='TURKYE' 82='AND IN ASIE' 83='ARGENTINIE' 84='BRASILIE' 85='KANADA' 86='MEKSIKO' 87='URUGUAY' 88='V.S.A.' 89='AND IN AMERIKA' 90='AUSTRALIE' 91='NIEU-SEELAND' 92='AND IN OSEANIE' 93='STAATL ONBEKEND'; VALUE BEROEP 1='INGENIEUR(REG):LANDBOU' 2='INGENIEUR(REG):MYNBOU' 3='INGENIEUR(REG):CHEMIES' 4='INGENIEUR(REG):BEDRYFS' 5='INGENIEUR(REG):METALL' 6='INGENIEUR(REG):MEGANIES' 7='INGENIEUR(REG):ELEKTR' 8='INGENIEUR(REG):SIVIEL' 9='INGENIEUR(REG):N.E.G' 10='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):LANDBOU' 11='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):MYNBOU' 12='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):CHEMIES' 13='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):BEDRYFS' 14='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):METALL' 15='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):MEGANIES' 16='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):ELEKTR' 17='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):SIVIEL' 18='INGENIEUR(ON-REG):N.E.G.' 19='ARGITEK' 20='BOUREKENAAR' 21='BOUKUNDE PRAKTISYN' 22='STADS-,STREEKSBEPLANNER' 23='ARGITEK EN VERWANTE BEROEPE N.E.G' 24='LANDMETER' 25='OPMETER' 26='FISIKUS' 27='SKEIKUNDIGE' 28='METALLURG' 29='FISIESE WETENSK.
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