LyhihursttPuMle Library, V t ~ Valley Broo* Avs.. ^Lj^nd.Vjtrs;, J. _____ LEADERETTE It is a heartening eight to watch those new g ard en apart - i t t n t bouses rise on Ridge road, near Jauncey avenue. We dOQt k now w hen w e’ve seeh a speedier operation, t t is a 5 tribute to private enterprise, tt is a lesson to tbe-Federal * h A a n d S ta te organizations wtuch are trying to provide housing for, veterans. Private enterprise alone has the know-how and the will-to-do. But w hat is lacking in PE is price-jEo-dct W hen I N I t h e SOUTH BKRtiKN REVIF* p riv a te enterprise can get housing down to p rices which (oiks who need housing can pay. it will knock tbe g o v ern ­ m en t out of the housing field so fast i t will take your breath Tlil-W M I «vTM|HrMO I • t H. 4: ■ w a y .' v o L X x v i n — n o « LYNDHl RST. N. J.. APRII. 2». I'M* St. Matthew League Choral&roup Kiwanians Celebration Vet Housing Rising Are 99tti Plans Set Up In Jersey' By Alliance On Sanford Avenue Frank Koch Jr. ol J*r**yCommii»ioneri Deiignate City W*» Guett Vet Council A* Completion Waited Here Agenti Ly n o lm i *i K iw a n is I n t e r n a ­ lyn ^ -I 't Vetei Commissioner Savmo Says -Dwellings tional * ill IrroRie the Wth tlub representative i>f tn N ew Jc-i x > a t its c h a r t e r p re - veterans, has been dei Seem Sahtactory At First * v' ssntatmn today, members and the official agent; tn guest* learned nt Thurfday's lip o t C v te .in av . •»*••••« ,t«* . Inspection cheon t ecling held in Bab’s Milk arrant:<' the • annual Bai on Kiv«-r road Day parade and exercises A m o n g th e honored guests Th. gr oup im l last week at the I IH al \r|r*at%» lu«t t»H*Tr k<Mi<ttt| relttrl nit ||»e was present Funk Koch. J r .. ol Town Hall w ith Commander Jo |ihI.o a* eret ti«*n «»l It* |H Itnon iit hi tt*tttg unit* Itegatt to Jt ix . Cay. bct.tmanlgovernoL seph Pt»litt presiding and agreed of Kitthin D ivision o t th« to name W it.,.. ' lialtughei «*■ l a k e -itvi)M- a i l H^ t t f <•».»! j k i h h S ta te oi N ew Jersey Koch spoke chatiman •< the Memorial Ua> Wid Painter Vllllotiglt ilrldir.l I.at iHantha lo haggling o l h is -m-*vtk w ith Kiwanis Inter- CpimitUt In Urn* with policy' of /Otating »tia. p;ivdrn« Mmttng t In hotter*, valioli ,*rr tl». (»*c I ah* H alnl l«|»r (itwllv The d m gnap an. member. of the Senllar Waltkar L a p t W St Mattkew'. In aitlk il n a tio n .il fo r t h r »yi<t 21 years ant' tht- 'responsibilities . attached tt the five partuipatm*; n;li*#an» Is Appointed a r e l i » tt t g lt»»#*' lh « «r > h n |< i L f< -n m |al» « * ita littn w Charah, vW will preaaat > play entitled "Old Doc" at the Lyadhan* Ml|h «e*aal ~ organi/atnaia it .tta> de» id«st that W Ih . V "aTJli tifc- • » |MVt««| Satanlay. Mar 1. X ■ » p.m. Rradin* from left rifM are,.seated: Aad**; SaaJer. DHk Henna James I'udino, past lonpnandei Chailes Rlout h. of Union City f ^ l . - t , . i u h i ' H..W Paallae Thalatadt, Dorothy Terry. Carol Baaa. Dorothy TholaUdt, Darla trick, Marte HallerMedt of Guldeni Was* Hogal»kt I’-tst. As Patrolman past governor of the eighth divi­ Berqen Back ' U ,*i IH* IS hetXNM * Staadlaf, Edward laker. Audrey Henwood. Harvey Qerlaek. Rath Oerlark. Mil Maadell. Maae< SMS, Veteians of-I'oreign Wars. sion, was anothct xuest -ipeakei v «»“ «l«hviwrm llltlllir f— — Nall. Lorraine Albrecht. Keij Bergman. Howard Reilly, Theodore Alhreehl aad t> lo thi» > eai'» grand mai ■ i l h<e >-4f ih<r e t '**•*’ lit ha> bet'ii a>siKn«'d as oi'ganlger j Form er Star A thlete. At George Paach. s h a l t>f th e pMiad<- In GOP Fold ^ eek vl „ l-lw -^1 i»t f » 1 yndhm»t Kiwanis and High School Joini Fore# will retnam as advisor until re- Frcnv. thr past discumomS it i*- % H nM h f«a«>r % Bivona Fines 27 i believed thnt tlu parade will Big Journal crpt »n ol the charter Bloch I This Com inq Saturday A ll Pledq# Support To -* *< Patterson :ol.i the gathering that Kiwanis^ term inate «t thr municipal f>dt(«ng «'«*mpSet ing instea*! o f at th«- American H«ndrickton In Nov »-**■* law-n «kee »> ar« m n d t?<_. ! Reorder William Bivona fined liiti inatKindl now has mdre than Wtd f’ami* tti •• v»r., .-•« . k k t i afiatl a<enu# »«. *oai» *»»** Retires A s i 27 dog owners $5 a piece in- Po­ Is Prepared a « i Kki ,-w m b e .s c o m p ria in * 2 4 M U Ix -jn ly u a itri* . in l.»r- l.vndhm st H »h S^;». .■ i< i'HO V o t e lice Court Tuesday night for pe- .Sufi' u. lilt- United Sute». Can- , m*r tVirniomek At th. tm u - of ’ .k» , | | g b •.*. niU np tt^ith • «e. Ih* 'iu»?l »u*li i r 'm itring their dogs to run at large «*»!* an t,Mh. Havanan I »•** dedK-alion "I the oi iff in lt« a’ h»t.-I h e,, o r By Fireman m e n to r itil »nmHiftcrm«nt* m a d e ..o t* Class Leader Thvee others received postpone - lyndhurst Kiwanis will be the vvi >nn*t.-t*f«Ht th e n e s ta b lis h e d th a t |V>m\ a> p.lji I II .a ' Skaltl^tSV I rn c n ts o f t h e ir h ta rin g s a n d a 99th club tn the Mates. Blurb de 11 • e- . 8l»*k Oar d b o t h t r r th< future hs-al. <«nlr» foi m r MaM>r M.-o .«< -• !‘r I’ gl#'Vh e * d ' Introduces warrant was issued for one other elated anti icnnnded his listener:' ta tf- n t tl • v II. ,»• *• r o -N p r* 'te d l*'ap ?» . 4 Local Man Fireaters Expect to- Rea­ munity oh*ervanee* tlu l k ‘|Wu tcp * (-t *f t*Vd* ** • < l ; who failed'to appear Charges in that the inteinational organisa­ C he t . s •*. n a l. a . , i-r* ^ , U ,1-vl.si (be. » eetgtao _ Commander Polito made •« *nmm» nl aj*|>'.ntO'. nt ia?i Rev. Rom A t H it all rases were preferred by repre- I lize $10,000 On tion is celebrating ils M id annl- n - u tis . I t*a. s at-. t» tentative* of th’e state board of 1 versaiy this tear —:— ~ -------- known .that all *ub«e<»uent tm-et ta .-e * e * am- kn-v- vak- L*«t Geiture Advertiiing > fuejul* wfH e i * h I ' -cr.iti , t in.. - 0,.- h e a lth . (■ mu* of the Veterans Alliance a»«- M a p ■at l>ii*J»lr» «*fd h * < a s *» Reprrsentative# "were present it.il * • t > ..• . - . f ■ 1*’,, i ov.nt-1 - w t -d '. K« Steven Conni. 140 West 75th I* to U open tn%th« j uhli. Ht « i ttVl’ '* *.!♦ •* f*a4»-e-0' -i > .* > < •• Mart in T. Patterson. * retiring Ariangements for this years f tom the.ll»boken Kiwgnls, with p e l< «r.‘ 1 j t t h j tendad an in>'lt«ii«'tt to all ■ ti t h iU e * ■ i. a> t t tu t * h a* ‘ks M f ' H<i tn .1 * ihtv* I*r liaftat*-* president of Everyman’s Bible estreet. New York CitV, \vas fined | (onvention of the Nev. .Yo'tk and wh*h Rutherf.ird is jointly spon i aril* a» well aS veU tans to at fulil a . V on t h e h i g h a c lv n i h , has.* 510 for speeding_ and' J* ~.NewSanders. Jersey Volunte.: FirrrtWb mu mg th«‘ famm tlon of th«’ S* t -a t . t *•«.*.. ' > h . h . > •It t* .» " * |.ie ‘ n Clqss of Rutherford, had the plea tend the nest meeting «»n Thurs t e a m * *,.( t b » i - e . m o \ Harrison drive, Fair Lawn. $3 for | art, nearing completion in Lynd l.\ndhurst club Hoboken gitfvlt Jf1 ; . - l sure of introducing a Class la- , > M ay' 6 t u t i m , t. II pla'ri io lit j hurst, with 92 of the I5t ptwstble m t lu d c d N ith o lo * J B et a d I. R*»t* t l i t i.til* «*»-«. i* a U ' 1 a a * n * ia * la . ta * » vorte. Rev. Charles A R.». mataW "® It i* im poseiUK t. .»vei en i • i * '1 t.t h i* . I p r - 'h o? a j participating companies havma ett SrhmebhJ. b*>th past prrSI Ami nanv.
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