R A M P A R T R e c o n s i d e r e d The Searc h for Real Refo rm Seven Years Later A p p e n d i c e s Report Appendices Documents Related to Establishment of Appendix A Blue Ribbon Rampart Review Panel Selected Comments Appendix B Rampart CRASH Scandal Scorecard Appendix C Summary of Personnel Department Hiring Appendix D Analysis Bibliography of Past Report Appendix E Recommendations from Past Reports Appendix F Appendix A RESOLUTION DBCLAlUNO n;m FORMATIONOP mE BLUE RIBBON lW\IIrART REVmW I' ANBL TO ANAI.,VZB nIB CAUSESOF AND USPONSES TO -mB ~ART AREA POLICEcoUumON SCANDAt The 1991 m:e.ltof fonner Loa i\n&:e1esPolice ome« .R.J Pera for ~ml cocame hm an LAPD cvideuceICIGk«~m~ of the mortleriOUIpoti~ comlption scandalsin AmeIican bimry. AI a C;Onsequ~ OfP~' a IUJest,proHcution. and eventual eomriction. the coaummit)' ~ awareof anDpti~ of Ie:douaaimirml.. by j;JO.llleeoiBeerluBipod to the Ra:m~ Am ia».a auppreldon ~t as.n u other aBI.lgmncntsin. the DepNttn- The aJleptiona irtclwed framiDI criminal ~ts. pctjtq. falsifteadoo of mut records, and ~ some ins~$ tvcen ~"'"D_\.A_=-. citl---££GT~ \CJIi.:a"NY.._U~#.uw 1.;1~caUIO. AI a. result) U1eCity, CoWlty, 81¥Sfedeml governmentshave been required t1) devote e1'lmm()ure~ over1ha P8"'t seventl yeatl k1om-er to mvestlptc ~ IIcptions. u wen81 tho umm,mg tOndiUou'Whioh .pat=lty I3erInittodsuc;hserioumiseonduc.t'tn OQCuI'. Los AnSei. hliee olflaers havebMI1 pro.outed andconvicted of crimes~mitted in c.otmec'tlonwith the s~aI, andboth the District A~ andthe City AUom'8Y"oftlec hAw ftt'Imdit ncc;.euaryto Mek andobtain the m'enat of n~. criminalconvk.t1ot1S which ~ or rnA)f havebeelt~ b:Y ~polic~ofticcr di&boDR\)!. In addili<m,me Cit':j of Lo. Ang~le&hat paido. teal of mi!1jQn., of doJIe!'Sin order to s~ lawluits involving allegationsof police miscondtlCt ro)a:tedto the R.npart scandal. In 1999tthBI1 Chiof ofhlice BemardParka con~ an in.temI1Board of InqWzyfwhich reported~ .. ~~n8 inMarcbof2000. Thcre~ t1JjsCommiuio:A autbod:ad .!.- :... d'.--- ~.. A- m~-. it*-__1 +- -~ 8ft T;..A-.,.~- D- *- ft__& ...1..:_'- um ...A._v/..fT'" IVI.I- arIU ~ ; '""~ __':hI w'-" "'" ~L~A.~V_~ ran=-. WJ~ alsomade fb1dillll aJ1dIO~cndutl)Ds. 1n addit.ionJpaIn1) .. a rw:ultof Rampart.the Umted StatC$Depm'tmemof Jt1dco filed a ",iv.aCOmpldntqaimtthe City which IecIto the ~tiati<m or thefederal COnHDt Dacree; under ~thc D~cnt i.; now rcqtJuodto operate. Botbtbls Ccmmil8icm.ad ClUofBJ&ttO1I haft ~st=tty .. ~ dear 1baJwe are.-ol'~ '-J ~UM to thoimp~~of thofec1iIrIJ ~t ~ - to the1natjtutiOft of lO;ylad an retonns~ to restarcthe Los ADgc1esPolir.o Dop~~ to ill ril1dfu1p1atoO ., tbc 4:.OQn1r)'*& lOOnhiSblY re~dpoRce dlPatuaent. As pan of this continu«l e:1fort,ittem,aiM M*SaI:Yto Gbtaina. final aceoutiq of the iC8I1da1that is :bothonate1:! ind~~ of the nepaztment- basedon I oontpletereview of tho pt'e\ious invesdptions and 1b.eDOpa!tmIttfs po.ida end ccmS1Jf1adOrtwith an p~ havingkmwJ~: Whichm4)' benefitthe LAPD u il movesft)N'8rd. 1 1 Blueprint for Operations 2 of the 3 Blue Ribbon Rampart Review Panel 4 5 November 17.2003 6 7 8 Oii"1uly22, 2003,the Board of Police Commissioners(Commission) adopted the attached 9 Resolutiondeclaring the formation of the Blue Ribbon RampartReview Panel(Panel) to analyze 10 the causesof and responsesto the RampartArea police corruption scandal(Attachment I). That Resolutionincluded the following mission statementfor the Panel: 12 13 "The Panel'smission is to investigateand review the responseby the City and 14 othersto the RampartArea scandalin order to determinethe extentto which the 15 underlyingcauses for the scandalhave been identified and addressed.The Panel 16 will make findings regardingthe adequacyof the City's responseand will make 17 recommendationsfor reforms designedto preventany such event from ever 18 occurringin the future. The Panel'sefforts will result in a report to the Police 19 Commission,which the Commissionwill make availableto the public." 20 21 Neither discipline nor prosecutionis the aim of this Panel. Therefore,the Panelis not expected 22 to retracepast investigations of the scandalnor will it investigateany allegedacts of misconduct. 23 Rather,the Panelwill focus on the City's responseto determinewhether the core causesof the 24 scandalhave been identified, the appropriatepolicies and proceduresestablished to addressthe 25 issues,and the properprotocols put in placeto facilitate various agencies,e.g., LAPD, the 26 District Attorney and federal authorities,in dealing effectively with any similar eventthat may 27 occurin the future. 28 29 The Commission'sResolution recognized that further action would be requiredto addressissues 30 relatingto the Panel'soperation and serviceby its members. That includesobtaining all 31 necessaryapprovals from the Mayor, City Council, and other City officials to ensurethat the 32 Paneloperates in compliancewith all City policies and procedures.This report was preparedto 33 identify andresolve those operational issues. Upon approvalby the Commission,this document 34 will be forwardedto the Mayor, City Council, and City Attorney for their review and approval, 35 asmany of theseissues require their final approvalon behalf of the City. 36 37 1 Panel Operations. In fulfilling its mission,the Panelwill operateas an extensionof the 38 Commissionworking through the Commission'sOffice of the InspectorGeneral. This will 39 ensurethat the Panelhas full accessto the InspectorGeneral's insight, experience,and 40 authority. That includesaccess to Departmentrecords, full and completeaccess to 41 Departmentpersonnel and the depthof information that has beenaccumulated by the 42 Office of the InspectorGeneral. While the Panelwill use its own judgment regardingthe 43 conductof its inquiry and the contentof its report, establishinga closeworking relationship 44 betweenthe Paneland the InspectorGeneral will ensurethat the Panelhas readyaccess to 45 the materialand individuals it needsto completeits mission within the confidentiality and 46 privilege restrictionsgoverning the Panel. 47 48 1 THEREFORE. THE BOARD OF POLICECOMMISSIONERS FOR mE CITY OF LOS ANGELES HEREBY ADOPTS nus RESOLUTIONANNOUNCING THE FORMAnON OF mE BLUE RIBBON RAMPART REVIEW PANEL: The Panellhall be comprised of ten distinguished and highly,respccted members ofthc community who will donate their time, know~edgc.cxperienccr and efforts in service to the Cit'J. Civii nghti attorney ~sianoe L. Rice will serveas chairperson. The Panel will act in an advisory ro1e to the Police Commission but is authorized to act wholly independently with respect to its directionof inquiry~ opjnions~ and conclusions. The Panel's ~s5ion is to invesujate and review the r~spon6eby the City and others 10the RampartArea scandalin order to detenniM the extent to which the underlying caUICSfor the scandal have been idcntified and addressed. The Panel will make findings rcgardinS the adeqUACYof the City's fe.!ponseand will make reoommen4ationsfor refonns designed to prevent any such event from eve:r occurring in the future. The PaneJts efforts will Ie6u1t in a report to the Police Commisgio~ which the Commission will make available to tho public. The Panel will re.vicwpreviOUB investigatiom and reports pertaining to the Ranlpart scandal. and may a]so conduct interviews both within and without the Department,revitw LAPD recordsand policies as neoessary~and consult with experts knowledgeable concerning the Deparunentt poJioe con-uption and poLicereform. and a broad range of police practices. Bath thjs Commission and Chief Bratton are committed to fully cooperatingwjth all aspects of the Paneltaoperation and with i~ efforts. In this regard, the Commission will in coming weeks take further actionsas necessaryto addressthe legal and proC:cduralissue.! relating to the operation of the Panel and service by its members. including 8S3urlngcompliW1oe with all City politics and proceduresand the.~g oral! necessaryactions by the City Council. the Mayor,.and any other City offi<:ials nccessaryin order to support tWs crucial effort. Finally. the Commissicm and Chid Bratton further commit that we wi~1seriously and publicly consider any and oUccnclusions and ~mmendations brought forth by tbc Panel and that the Department V¥ill a£topt and implement all policies and procedures necessaryto restore the Department's ~grity and its reputation asthe premier law enforcementag~y in the United States. 2 1 2. Confidentiality and Conflict Waiver Agreement. A Confidentiality and Conflict Waiver 2 Agreementis being drafted and will provide that the information, documents,and other 3 material(s)received by the Panelmembers and its staff are, and shall remain confidentialto 4 the extentthey are legally privileged or otherwiseunavailable to the public. Oncethe City 5 Council approvesthe agreementin connectionwith its waiver of conflicts, the Panel 6 membersand their staff will sign it prior to being given accessto any confidential or 7 privileged information. That agreementspecifically provides any and all materials, 8 documents,notes or other information obtainedfrom the Departmentor Commissionas 9 well as any information or material gathered,generated or preparedby Panelmembers or 10 their staff shall remain confidential and be given to and retainedby the Office of the 11 InspectorGeneral upon publication of the Panel'sfinal report. The agreementwill also 12 containlanguage addressing future litigation by Panelmembers, as describedin Section3B 13 below. 14 15 3. Legal Conflicts. 16 17 A. Eachmember of the Panelhas provided a personalstatement
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