HECK PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF HECK PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020 at 19.00 via Video Conference Chairman: Cllr L Watkinson-Teo Clerk/RFO: Mr J R Hunter, 20 Blackthorn Close, Whitley, Goole, North Yorkshire DN14 0GE E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 07764404885 Present: Cllrs J Wright (Vice Chair) G Mycroft; H Benson-Collins; J Lumb; Clerk/RFO – JR Hunter. No members of the public were present Agenda items 062001. Welcome - Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting. 062002. Apologies - Apologies for absence were received from Cllr L Watkinson-Teo. 062003. Public Forum: - To receive comments from electors on any agenda items. Information only; clerk to take notes - no members of the public were present at the meeting. 062004. Minutes of last meeting: - The council resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the Heck Parish Council meeting held on 1st September 2020 and gave approval to the Chairman to sign as acceptance of the minutes for posting onto the Parish website. 062005. To receive reports, for information only, from: a) District and County Councillor – apologies were received from Cllr J McCartney. b) County Councillor – the county councillor did not attend the meeting c) Other representatives – there were no other representatives in attendance. 062006. Planning: 1. Applications – to discuss and resolve comments on any applications received - 2020/1143/FUL Junction House, Heck Lane application for grant of approval of erection of single storey agricultural storage building. Following clarification of the location of the site the Council had no further comments or objections. Heck Parish Council Page 1 2. Decisions – a) 2020/0201//MWU, Bay Horse Inn, notification of the requirement for the submission of planning application for the car park. The Council discussed alterative approaches to the requirement including seeking a financial contribution from the brewery to cover the cost of the preparation of the retrospective application. Cllr Wright outlined details of actions recommended by Cllr Watkinson-Teo following discussion of the issue with the new tenants of the pub. Given that the Parish do not have surplus resources to fund the planning application the new tenant makes and fund the required application in consideration for which the Parish Council will offer the extra car park space rent free for a period of 6 months. Should this offer be unacceptable the car park be brought out of use, cordoned off and Selby District Council informed accordingly. Action: Clerk to communicate with Selby District Planning to establish cost of planning application, explore consequences of failure to make a retrospective application, i.e. reversal of use of land back to original state. Based on information received Clerk to communicate with new tenant to establish their preference in the management of the car park space. b) 2020/0149/FULM, Sellite Blocks, Long Lane, proposed erection of foamed glass manufacturing facility, following changes to the original application. The Council discussed the status of the planning application including the changes proposed in the face of previous objections. It was noted that the changes seem to be largely cosmetic with the object of securing planning permission. The impact of emissions will not be alleviated and the issue facing the Parish is the difficulty in establishing an accurate measurement of emission levels. Cllr Lumb observed that recent noise levels from lorries operating within the site were excessive prompting him to lodge a complaint with Selby District Council. Cllr Wright noted that buildings on the site are also being extended without appropriate planning permission. It is also worth noting that the amended planning application suggests that the nearest property to the proposed foam glass plant is over 500 metres away when the truth is there are properties as close as 100 metres. The nature of the pollutants that will be emitted are highly toxic carcinogenic substances, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide which is in direct contradiction to environmental ambitions to reduce pollutants particularly close to young children; the village nursery school is near to the proposed development and there are many children resident in the village. Exposure times will also be significant for while the pollution reports cited in the application are based on a working exposure limit (WEL) of a standard shift pattern of 8 hours the exposure time for residents within the village will be 24 hours 7 days a week 3 times the WEL limit which effect is not considered in the application. It is clear there are many factual errors in the application including but not limited to the fact that the Sellite operation did not begin in 1962 and there are far more than 50 properties in the village. Action: Clerk to lodge an updated objection to the most recent planning application on behalf of the Council. Councillors to lodge individual objections. Heck Parish Council Page 2 c) NY/2019/0091/ENV Gale Common Ash Extraction: The planning committee meeting to consider the application has been postponed until 17th November 2020. The planning officer has recommended approval of the application. 062007. Heck Ladies Group: - Cllr Wright reported on behalf of Cllr Watkinson-Teo that Heck Ladies Group have agreed to sponsor two litter bins for the village, one in the Heck Memorial Layby and the other for the Fishermen’s car park. It was observed that the Memorial Layby is believed to be on public land as is the entrance to the gate of the Fisherman’s car park. Action: Clerk to liaise with Selby District Council to purchase the bins and agree appropriate locations on public land to ensure waste is emptied. 062008. RFO's report on closing balances; payments; preparation of accounts for audit a) Current balances: The RFO presented the report on the current financial position and status of the Heck Parish Council. Accounts for the new financial period up to 31st Oct 2020 were presented for review. The sum of £213 has been received since the last meeting being annual rental of the Land at Great Heck which added to the first tranche of precept income generates a total of £2,713 of income to date. This compares with a cumulative expenditure of £4,167 producing a total deficit at the end of August of £1,454. A projection of total income and expenditure for the year to March 2021 showed a total income of £5,393 compared with expenditure of £6,553 leaving the anticipated balance of Council reserves at £5,827. The Councillors noted the projections of income and expenditure for the remainder of the year including a budget for maintenance of Parks & Verges at £600 and a provision for plants of £50. In addition to the second tranche of precept due to be paid in October there is the balance of allotment rent payments that are due amounting to the sum of £275 from which will be offset the contribution from the Land Rental that is payable to Balne Parish Council. This share of £142 being two amounts of £71 outstanding from last year 2019/20 that will be paid from the current year’s 2020/21 Land Rental. In recognition of the administration of the Land Rental collections postage etc. the council resolved that a charge of £5.00 per year would be applied to the contribution to Balne Council; the amount due to Balne Parish Council would therefore be £132. (i.e. £71 x 2 less £5 x 2) b) Payments to be made at this meeting: 03/11/2020 – chq no 100424 JR Hunter clerk’s salary June to Oct = £576.00 03/11/2020 – chq no 100425 HMRC PAYE on clerk’s salary = £144.00 03/11/2020 – chq no 100426 P Harrison – internal audit = £100.00 03/11/2020 – chq no 100427 POSPA – inspection of play area = £ 168.60 03/11/2020 – bank transfer – share of rental = £132.00 The cheque payments were unanimously approved by the Council. Heck Parish Council Page 3 c) Payments made between meetings: 22/09/2020 – British Gas – light and heat parish room = £9.79 20/10/2020 – British Gas – light and heat parish room = £9.32 01/10/2020 – Selby District Council – council tax for parish room = £136.00 The retrospective payments were approved by the Council. d) Payments received: none. e) Any payment requests received since agenda preparation – none received at time of agenda preparation f) Acceptance of report – the Council resolved to accept the details of the report and make the payments listed above including any received since publication of the agenda. g) Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019/20, completion of AGAR reports. a. The Clerk shared the details of the internal audit report and the issues raised as follows: i. Precept calculation for 2019/20 – the budget meeting to calculate this figure was held on 9.1.2019 - see Minute number 111915 where a 5% increase on the 2018/19 year was agreed. According to the accounts approved for 2018/19 in the AGAR the precept was £4448.00 thus, attracting an increase of £222.40 giving a precept of £4670.40. A precept of £4407.00 has been received for 2019/20 representing a shortfall. In Addition, the 2018/19 precept includes the central government grant of £36.61 – this figure was included in the precept for that year on that AGAR but should have been included in Box 3, Other receipts. Had this been excluded, a different precept should/would have been claimed for 2019/20. I appreciate that the 2018/19 figures must stand since that audit is now complete. However, the fact remains that this has led to an underclaim in the precept for 2019/20 and members are advised to review the parish council’s financial requirements in the forthcoming financial year very carefully to ensure the correct sums are claimed form Selby DC and are able to meet the financial needs of the parish in 2020/21.
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