Sports Inside Mail or Online Delivery Tri-County Fair Queen Candidates Senior League Girls Subscribe Today! Page 8B Earn Trip to Florida Call (304) 530-6397 Page 1B ESTABLISHED 1845 MOOREFIELD EXAMINER and Hardy County News USPS 362-300 www.moorefieldexaminer.com VOLUME 120 - NUMBER 30 MOOREFIELD, HARDY COUNTY, W.VA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2011 TWO SECTIONS - 16 PAGES 94¢ Acting Governor Tomblin Dedicates Corridor H Bridge to Fallen Marine and All Veterans By Jean A. Flanagan Room at Eastern West Virginia who lobbied the state legislature to Moorefield Examiner Community and Technical College to name the bridge that crosses the witness the dedication. South Branch Potomac River on “There is no greater calling than Tomblin was joined by Peggy Corridor H in Moyers’ memory. the call to help others,” Earl Ray Hawse, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin “It was really a big team effort,” Tomblin, acting governor of West III’s regional coordinator, State Sen- Champ said in his remarks as he ac- Virginia said. “It was a natural attrib- ators Walt Helmick (D-15) and knowledged the support of the local ute of Richard’s long before he be- Robert Williams (D-14), Delegate veterans organizations - the Ameri- came a Marine.” Harold Michael (D-47), former can Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Tomblin came to Hardy County Hardy County Commissioner and Wars and the 40/8. “We’re reminded to dedicate the “Richard Lee “Dick- Vietnam Veteran Roger Champ and that many of the freedoms we enjoy ie” Moyers Veterans Memorial clergyman Chris Whetzel. come at a price. We made history in Bridge on Friday, July 22. More than It was Champ, along with WVU Hardy County today. This has never 100 people packed the Resource Extension Agent David Workman, Continued on page 7 Photos by Jean Flanagan Above, Roger Champ and Acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin present to Orpha Sue Moyers a photograph of the bridge dedicated to her son, Richard L. “Dickie“ Moyers. At left, each of Dickie Moyers’ siblings, Larry, Donnie, David, Diane and Linda all received framed photographs of the bridge dedicated to their brother. Deputies CVB Makes Annual Report Get Video To County Commission By Jean A. Flanagan regular meeting on Tuesday, July 19. Sirk reported that visitor spending Cameras Moorefield Examiner She was joined by Bob Dillard, vice in Hardy County was $21 million in president of the CVB and owner of 2008. It represented an increase from By Jean A. Flanagan If not for the tourism industry, the Guest House at Lost River. $12.2 million in 2000. In 2011, the CVB distributed more Moorefield Examiner Hardy countians would have to pay The CVB is required by law to re- $172 each in additional taxes to main- port annually to those governing bod- than 1,000 Hardy County brochures Delegate Harold Michael (D-47) tain the current level of governmental ies that contribute hotel/motel tax to to tourism shows in Ohio, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, North Carolina and came to the Hardy County Court- services. That is according to Alecia the CVB. “We’re here to tell you what Washington, DC. house last week to see the in-car Sirk, executive secretary to the Hardy we’ve done with your money,” Sirk “We sent 300 brochures to Wash- video systems that will be installed in County Convention and Visitors Bu- said. ington DC and they ran out,” Sirk each of the Sheriff’s Deputies’ patrol reau. In FY 2011, Hardy County con- said. “We are contemplating attend- vehicles. Sirk made her annual report to the tributed $7,881 to the CVB in ho- Photo by Jean Flanagan ing that tourism show next year.” A Governor’s Community Partic- Hardy County Commission at their tel/motel tax revenue. Continued on page 8 ipation Grant, which Michael was in- County Commission President Mike Teets, Del. Harold Michael and strumental in acquiring, paid for the Sheriff’s Deputy Bryan Ward show the new in-car video camera majority of the equipment and instal- system. lation. side camera is programed to engage the transportation of females.” Corridor H Highway Authority One component of the system will replace the rearview mirror inside when the deputy engages his/her Ward said in the past, when a fe- the deputy’s vehicle. The component emergency lights. male prisoner or suspect was trans- has a rear-facing camera which al- “This will be a great tool for the ported, another officer or civilian fe- Receives Federal Attention lows the deputy to record activity in prosecutor,” Deputy Bryan Ward male was engaged to ride along. the back of the vehicle. The compo- said. “It takes away the argument of Now, that won’t be necessary. gress to reauthorize the Appalachian Richard Shelby (R-AL). nent also has a built-in video screen. the officer’s word against a civilian’s. Video is stored on a storage card By Jean A. Flanagan The ADHS was authorized by A second component will be With this oversight, we can raise the and will be downloaded onto a dedi- Moorefield Examiner Development Highway System Congress in 1965 to construct a 3,090- mounted on the windshield to record bar for officer conduct and minimize cated computer in the Sheriff’s Of- (ADHS), which helps focus resources mile road system to supplement the activity outside the vehicle. The out- liability. It will be especially helpful in fice at the end of a deputy’s shift. Senators John “Jay” Rockefeller to Appalachian states, including West Interstate System and other federal and Joe Manchin III (both D-WV) Virginia. The legislation also has the highway programs. MPD Thwart Prescription Forgers have introduced legislation in Con- support of Alabama’s Senator Continued on page 7 On June 26, the Moorefield Po- ley, age 28, both of Moorefield, had CVS Pharmacy also in Moorefield. lice Department began an investiga- allegedly forged and attempted the On July 13, as a result of the in- tion concerning a prescription for- uttering of a forged prescription for a vestigation Matthews was arrested gery at the Judy’s Drug Store in controlled substance. for one count of attempting to obtain Moorefield. Further investigation revealed a a controlled substance by forgery or As the investigation continued it second prescription for a controlled fraud and one count of obtaining a was determined that Kerry A. substance that had been allegedly controlled substance by forgery or Matthews, age 20, and Eric J. Crutch- forged and uttered on June 25, at the Continued on page 8 Mobile Office Mathias Homestead tour back onto US 220 by using physical forms the first day. For infor- July 26 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. This Parents are asked to bring state is- A representative from Sen. John The Historic Mathias Homestead Mountain View Road (Hardy Coun- mation call Coach Evans at 304-530- registration is for students who will sued birth certificate, immunization “Jay” Rockefeller’s office will be at will be open to the public from 10 ty Route 220/1), although no detour 7791. be attending Moorefield Elementary records, and social security card to all School for the first time. the Hardy County Courthouse, the a.m. - 4 p.m. on July 30 and 31; Aug. signs will be erected. Contact the Dis- registrations. • Moorefield Intermediate County Commission Room on Fri- 6, 7, 13 and 14; Sept. 3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25. trict Five Bridge Engineer at 304- Public Meeting School’s NEW student registration day, July 29, from 1:30 - 3 p.m. No ap- There is no cost to visit. The home is 289-2220 with questions. The Potomac Valley Conserva- will be held on Aug. 1, from 9 a.m. – located on Route 259 in Mathias. tion District board meeting will be pointments are necessary. If you have 3 p.m. Only those students not cur- Call 304-897-8700 or visit Food School held on Wednesday, Aug. 3, at 7:30 questions, concerns or issues, please rently enrolled in Hardy County www.visithardy.com for information. Food School will be held Monday, p.m. The meeting will be held at the plan to visit. The visit can be private Schools need to register. Call 304- Aug. 1 at Hardy County Health USDA Service Center in Moorefield. and confidential if desired. 530-3450 for a list of required docu- Dept. at 9 a.m., and the Moorefield A copy of the agenda will be available Road Closure ments. Middle School, large group instruc- three days prior to the meeting and Auto Tour The West Virginia Division of • Moorefield Middle School’s Highways advises motorists that tion room 13 at 7 p.m. Please call may be obtained at the District of- NEW student registration will be Rescheduled Huffman Road (Hampshire County 304-530-6355 to register for the class fice, 500 East Main St., Romney, or held on Friday, Aug. 5, from 9 a.m. - Because of the extreme heat, the Route 220/3) will be closed to you plan to attend. by calling 304-822-5174. The public is 3 p.m. Only those students not cur- Civil War Auto Tour, sponsored by through traffic beginning as early as invited to attend. rently enrolled in Hardy County the Lost River Education Founda- Aug. 1, and will last approximately MHS Cheerleading Schools need to register. tion, has been rescheduled for Satur- two weeks. Varsity cheerleading try-outs will Student Registration • Registration for new students day, July 30. The tour will begin at The closure is located in Pur- be held Aug. 1 - 4 from 8:30 - 11 a.m.
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