Parents Arrive For Correspondent Howard K. Smith To Speak at Commencement Exercises Weekend Activités reporting on the happenings in oc- Howard K. Stoith, COS Washing- ton correspondent, will deliver the cupied Europe, which became a This weekend the Alfred Campus in the Men's Gym at which the par- commencement address on Sunday, best seller. wil foe (bustling with activity as ents will be officially welcomed to June 7. parents converge upon the scene the campus by President Drake. During the war he became a war for the third annual Parents Week- The A.U. chorus Is to present a President Drake announced to- correspondent and covered tbs end. The many plans for the week- concert at this time. From the Men's day that Smith will receive the events in France, Holland; and Ger- end will cast students into a whirl- Gym they will visit the various stu- Honorary Doctor of Humane Let- many, including the surrender oi wind of activity that will follow dent residences, all of which will ters degree during the commence- the Germans to the Russions aJt •closely on the heels of Moving Up hold open houses. At this time there ment exercises. Marshal Zhukov's headquarters in Day. f' will also be a Carillon Concert. A native of Ferrid^y, Louisiana, Berlin in 1946. The University has already re- Sunday morning all are invited to Smith graduated from Tulane Uni- In 1946 he was appointed to. suc- ceived over 500 reservations from attend the church of their choice. versity in 1936. Following gradu- ceed Edward R. Murrow as Chief parents that expect to attend. At 2:00 the R.O.T.C. will sponsor ation he made an intensive study European correspondent for CBS The parents will first register at the Military Stakes in honor of both of Nazism a)t. Heidelberg Univer- News in London. During the follow- Hlowell Hall where they will receive Parents Weekend and Armed sity in Germany. ing eleven years he covered most an identification card and a ticket Force's Week. The Stakes will con- Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship European nations, on both sides of for the box luncheon that will be sist of seven events highlighted by in 1937, he studied at Merton Col- the iron curtain. He also wrote on held at 12:30 in the Men's Gym. the Rifle Shoot and an eleven man lege, Oxford where he became the Africa and the Middle Bast. During the day all the buildings drill team competion. first American to head the Oxford Staid th won the annual award of on campus will be open to student The finale of the Stakes and the University Labor Ol-uib, affiliated the Overseas Press Clulb for the guides and thier. parents. The lib- weekend; will foe a tug-of-war in with the Labor Party. best. reporting from abroad on rary will have an exhibit of books which' the companies will compete. In 1939 Smith left Oxford and Howard K. Smith radio and television for flour suc- purchased by the Parents Associa- went to work for the United Press, cessive years frolm 1952-55. tion. There will also be an exhibit writing in London, Copenhagen and Nazism aroused the wrath of- the Th<e Commencement Convocation In Howell Hall presented; by the Bio Seminar Will Berlin. German government which forced this year wiill be held: on Merrill Ceramic Design Department. Stu- "Two years later he joined pBS his transfer to Switzerland. Field at 2:30 p.in. In case of rain dents and parents can meet faculty Sponsor Howland as Berlin correspondent. By the While in Switzerland, he wrote the commencement exercises will 1 members in their, offices while the Dr. Joe Wiseman Howland will end of 1941 ills denunciations of "Lost Train From Berlin," a, book be held in the Men's Gymnasium. tours are being conducted. be guest speaker of the Biology At 11:©0'the freshman and soph- Seminar to foe held in; Allen Lab omore R.O.T.C. units will present Thurs^py evening. a ceremonial review. During this "Biological Effects of Radiation" formation the Department oP Army is the topic of Dr. Howland's speech. Superior Cadet Ribbon will be pre- Radiation pathology and therapy sented to students. This award is will foe discussed. given on the basis of leadership, Dr. Howland, professor of radia- tion biology at the University of FIAT LUX outstanding ability in R.O.TC. drill, a high academic maTk in R.O.T.C., Rochester, has been in the Medical and placement within the upper Division of the School of Medicine Vol. 46, No. 21 ALFRED, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1959' Phone 5402 fourth of the academic class., it is. and Dentistry at the University the only award given by the Depart- since 1948. ment of the Army. The R.O.T.C. While serving active duty in the Band, playing the S.I.BA. March, army, Howland was assigned to the Moving Up Day Highlighted by will lead the cadets in companies Manhattan District, Corp of Engin- around the field. eers. He algo worked for the Atomic At 1:30 there will be a meeting Engergy Commission. Assembly, Booths, and Games The traditional Moving Up Day men will provide 'the music for an be made for scholastic achieve- Problems of Freedom Topic of observance will be held tomoSrow informal dance thiat will last until ments and campus activities. Dedi- and Thursday. Exchange desserts 12:00. At the same time a Carnival cation of the 1959 Kanakadea is Political Science Club Speaker between sororities and fraternities will be held, with all profits going scheduled to take place during the to the Campus Chest. Booths will assembly. In 1937 Spiitz received his B.A. on Wednesday nigiht will mark the Dr. David Spitz will apeak in Al- be constructed by the /fraternities Speaker of the day will be Dean from City College of Nerto York. He beginning of the celebration. fred under 'the auspices of the and sororities who will 'be compet- John McMahon who will speak en received his M.A. and Ph.D. from political sdenice cluib next Tuesday From 8 to 9 the University Band, ing tor an award to be- given at letters from college students. Mc- Columbia University. In 1951-52 he under 'tihe direction of Raymond R. Thursday's assembly. Mahon gave this talk ait the Mov- at 8:30 p.m. in Howeli Hall. was the recipient of a Ford Foun- Smith, will present a concert in Following the Carnivall the .an- ing Up Day assem/bly several yeira The topic for the prograta .is dation Fellowship. the Men's Gym. The band's pro- nual Push Ball Game between the ago and has been asked to repeat ""Democracy and the Problems of Spitz has been the author of sev- gram, in keeping with the eve- sophs and frosh will be held. The it due to popular demand. Freedom." eral articles and books. His "Shat- ning's carnival theme, will contain women's residences will provide in- During the assembly the follow- Spitz is a member of the faculty tering Atom of Personality" ap- slhow tunes, light 'classical music formal open houses at the close ing fraternities will tap new mem- of Ohio State University where hS peared' in 1957 in the August issue iand marches. Included will be of the push ball game for all the bers: Pi Delta Epsilbn, national has taught since 1947. At present of National Magazine.. He has also "Hall of Fame" by OMmdWbf, "Bal- Alfred- students. undergraduate journalism fraterni- lte is visiting professor of politlc.il published- ' tihe following books: let Egyptian" by Luigind, "The On Thursday, May 7, students will ty; Alpha Tau Theta, honorary •science at Cornell University for "Democracy and the Challenge of Steel. King" by St. Clair, and "Suii.e- attend their 8 and 9. o'clock classes. athletic fraternity; Gold Key, hon- this year. His special fields are Power," "Patterns of Anti-Democ- of American Folk Songs" by Seig- A carillon concert ait 10 will be orary fraternity for upperclass political theory and American gov- racy Thought" and "The Ramparts meister. followed by Step Singing on the women Bta Mu Alpha, honorary ernment. We Guard.' Following >the concert the States- steps of Howell, Hall by fraternities sfcfholastio fraternity; Cwentess- and sororities. ence, national sophomore women's The traditional Moving Up Day service organization; and the Blue Registrar Clifford M. Potter Retiring; assembly is scheduled for 11. At Key. this time the Student Senate gavel Finale of the Moving Up Day ob- will be transferred from the old servance will be the annual Cam- Fred H. Gertz Wilt Assume Position president .to the new and class offi- pus Clean from 1 to 2 o'clock under cers will be sworn in. Awards will the supervision of the Blue Key. Cliford M. Potter, resigtrar, is retiring after thirteen years of ser- vice. He will be replaced by Fred- crick Gertz, currently serving as Varied Creative Events Mark Dean of Men. Potter, who received his B.S. in Fine Arts Festival Next Week Industrial Mechanics in 1918 and ested in photography as of late, This M.S'. in Applied Mathematics The annual Fine Arts Festival will however, he still maintains his in- In 1926 from Alfred, has also done take place this year the weekend terest in woodworking, reading and .graduate work at Cornell and the of May 14-17. sports. University of Michigan. Tha Fire Arts program is a joint project of the College of Libera! elude the opening of an exhibition Before his appointment as regis- Arts and the College of Ceramics.
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