downsmail.co.uk Maidstone East Edition Maidstone & Malling’s No. 1 newspaper downsmail.co.uk Maidstone East Edition FREE Maidstone & Malling’s October 2017 No.No. 1 246 newspaper FREENews Panto ahoy! Kate, 107, dies JuneTHE cast2018 of Cinderella, which is to be No. 254 KATE Hart, a resident at an old staged at the Hazlitt Theatre in Maid- people’s home in Bearsted, stone, took to the River Medway to News has died aged 107, her son 3 launch this year's panto. David has disclosed. On board The Kentish Lady were Oyez! Crier required national treasure Rustie Lee (Fairy Highways bosses in LENHAM has a vacancy for a new Godmother), former EastEnder Ste- MP’s Local Plan bid village crier and is staging a talent fan Booth (Prince Charming), Eliza- coHELENntest a sWhatelyGez Clar askedk the beth Bright (Cinderella), Craig regovernmenttires from the tojo bhalt. the 3 Anderson (Buttons) and, pictured, borough’s housing scheme. 4 ‘Stephenm Richardsa nand Adamn Bor-ed gate’ plan zone (Ugly Sisters) . MBC boss complaint They were greeted by pupils from COPlansUNCIL b oforss A liDrson BNigelroom has HSouthIGH BoroughWAYS Primaryboss eSchools are andconsidering a “temporary manned gate” to pre- fileTHEd a cwidowompla iofnt aGPbo Drut aNigel Minnet members of the media. The panto vent HGVs using Bearsted village as a ratrun when the M20 is shut for cowillunt ywalk cou nthecillo Grandr. 5 runs from December 1-31. For tick- Canyon for charity. 12 wetso rgok sto, www.hazlitttheatre.co.uk.Downs Mail can reveal. Night-time eastbound and west- works continue with routine resur- School site dumped bound closures have meant traffic is facing, conversion to SMART mo- A JasonSITE for tw Donovano new schools ndateear redirected off the motorway at either torway status and hard shoulder BeTHEarst eformerd has Neighboursbeen star brings junction seven or eight, causing reinforcement for Operation Stack. drhisop pshowed. to the Hazlitt 10 havoc to the sleeping patterns of res- Cllr Springett has used CCTV at Theatre next May. 18 idents. her home which picks up move- CCTVTr callucks are meant to use t inhe A20 ments athrough t bidhe village to count M&S lodges plan and New Cut Road to by-pass the the number of vehicles passing her M&S has submitted an application villages, but many routinely ignore house at night. for the M20 J7 Eclipse signs. Cllr Springett asked: “If they Park site. 14 Now Highways England has ac- knew that the works were going to to stopcepted fly-tippingthe sustained criticism, and take this long, did they not put in Hazlitt panto star is looking at mitigating measures, some form of contraflow system? CALLS for the installationinc oflud CCTVing a gate a camerast Roundwell to. prevent“Unles fly-tippings they have to co onmpl aetely SOAP star and comedian Richard Blackwood will star at A statement said: “We’re aware shut it, they should keep at least one 20 country road have been madethat dri byvers thechose localnot to boroughuse the lan councillor.e open. I appreciate that they the Hazlitt’s panto. Burberry Lane, near Leeds and snearby,igned di moreversion thanalon ag t yearhe A2 after0 and it hunlicensedave work to wastedo bu carriers,t the nois bute an be-d Broomfield, has been targeted by uwassed dumpedBearsted andvilla setge a ons a fire.n alterna- dlievesisrupt theion costis ho torre smallndous firms.” of dis- Obituaries 32 waste dumpers for years, but in re- tivThee. church car park has also seen posingShe hop ofes constructionthat a similar wasteblue si atgn a Obituaries 32 CLLR Val Springett (pictured) cent months, the problem has be- many“We instancesalways st ofro illegalngly en dumping.courage totransferthat on stationthe A2 is0 provingand agre ae deter-d by Parish Councils 34-35 comecoun moreted tra acute.ffic along the road dur- driButvers itto iss atic problemk to the c inlea manyrly sig ruralned Krentent C thatoun isty costingCounci councilsl will also more.help Parish Councils 34-35 iConstructionng the M20 c waste,losures rubble,in spec hardific dareasiversio includingn that is in Langley,place over Othamnight. to dCllreter Forttrucke maders usin herg Be remarksarsted as a as one- or two-hour periods: VIASHLLAG diebackERS in H hasarr ibeenetsha discoveredm have in core, windows and household fur- and“It Kingswood.was carefully Waterchosen Laneas th ine roneat-ru ofn. the borough’s closest trans- reported a recent spate of rogue nitureMay is1: left10-1 illegally1pm (ea –st oftenbound strewn clo- mBearstedost suitab andle ro Pilgrimsute for the Waytype haveand ferA r stationsesident o atf T Northhe Stree Farm,t, said Tun-her Monks Meadow in Detling; sure J7-8) 344 cars/35 HGVs (op- traHollingbourneders offering to fivillagex roofs ; fetethe c lstall-erk in the middle of the road. valsoolum beene of targetedtraffic th recently.at usually uses bbridgeedroom Wells,is just announceda few feet f itro willm th bee at Kingswood & Broomfield is pCllrosite Gill dire Fortction said:: 24). “Every month theLastM20 year,at nigh Maidstonet. Borough rclosedoad, wh forere 1044- weeks.tonne trucks thunder holder co-ordinator Jean Duffy has retresigned;iring; a de yellowlivery o flines grit sarealt w neededas weMa arey 3: having11-12pm toilets, (westbo sinksund cl ando- Council“We d clearedid use 911‘u casesnsuita ofbl fly-tip-e for pasShet her added:window “If. you go along the ordforer eBuffkynd but ne Way,ver re cOthameived in, to allow constructionsure J8-7) 15 waste9 cars/ dumped10 HGVs in(op the- HpingGVs and’ sign thisage yearon en moretry to thanthe v 163il- lineShe ofad increasingded: “It is fines,awful they. The haveplace to posite direction: 35 cars/3 HGVs). Dobuseswnsw throughood; a re sImperialident in L Park;enha mrub- village, specifically in Burberry lhaveage to beendeter t recordedraffic. How sinceever, fo April.r fu- sbehak enforced.es and shud Ade reductionrs and the innois thee May 4 10-11pm (westbound J8-7) habishd req ubinseste din in ftheorm asportstion a bofieldut in Lane, where we are now thinking tTheure approachingclosures we darkerare loo eveningsking at ischargeconsta ornt. offering it free may have 316 cars/26 HGVs (opposite direc- traKingswoodffic calmingare; th eto p beari smovedh coun coveril in to of installing cameras on private fwillurth prompter mitiga ati riseons, insu illegalch as in tipping.stalla- the“It desiredis obvio similarus that effect.”the drivers are tion: 40 cars). Kinthegs wpicnicood c areaould andnot c reararry exit.out land, to oversee the problem area.” tioCllrn of Forta tem welcomedporary man an jointed ga initia-te at takAing three-monthlythe shortest ro litterute by pickigno onrin theg May 11 10-12pm (eastbound J7- grass-cutting on private land. A recent event in Burberry Lane ttivehe ac bycess theof R Environmentoundwell.” Agency the signs – and they don’t hang 8) 661 cars/13 HGVs (opposite di- mile-long stretch of road through Crime Reports 35 saw a caravan burned out while a andBor theough Drivercounc andillor V Vehicleal Sprin Stan-gett about either. Speeding can be an rection: 48 cars/1 HGV). Leeds village produces an average Crime Reports 35 torched car remains on a footpath hdardsas calle Agencyd for a be totte clampr solutio downn if M2 on0 is32su blacke, too.” sacks of rubbish. VEHICLES have been driven over Cllr Fort, who also serves as a ANfarmlandTIQUES weinre sLenham,tolen in a causing parish councillor, says teaching budamgerglary i n toLe ncrops;ham; aan sh eattemptedd was Schildrenhop abouts asocialre responsibility safe brbreak-inoken into was at O reportedtham; a inba Detlingg of ; a THE much-loved parade of shops and the issue of litter in schools will fovehicleur lawn wasbow lvandaliseds was taken in fr Bearstedom a in Bearsted has been saved after help take the issue off the streets. caRd,r in BWeaveringearsted; a m; opumpkinstorcycle w aweres owners of W J Crouch, the village She believes with every household tastolenken wi thofromut c onansen t allotmentin in butcher, bought the building’s receiving a weekly refuse collection HaLenhamrrietsha.m; a barn at a farm in YOUR LOCAL PROPERTY EXPERT freehold for more than £500,000. service, there is no excuse for litter Lenham was broken into. There had been plans to re- [email protected] being thrown from vehicles or Comment 46-47 develop the site as flats 01622 690290 23 Pudding Lane • Maidstone • Kent dumped in the road. and shops. 12 Comment 46-47 webexpandHome Alarms.c osupplied.uk and0162 fitted2 880840 In the the top top 1% of 1%UK web of designUK companies webwww.webexpand.co.uk design companies | [email protected] www.amiga.co.uk web design or google call 08000 promotion 199622 ecommerce FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT YOUR LOCAL THEATRE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE LATEST FROM THE HAZLITT THEATRE WWW.HAZLITTTHEATRE.COM 01622 758611 NO GIMMICKS! NO MISLEADING OFFERS! The Elves andT OThe PShoemaker QUALITY PRThe Giant'sOD LooUC RollTS AT AFFORDThe LittleABLE Mix Experience PRICES! Sun 10th June Sun 5th Aug Wed 15th Aug NO GIMMICKS! NO MISLEADING OFFERS! Bing Live NO GIMMStickICK Man S! Aladdin Tues 9th - WedN 10thO OctMISLEADINGTues 13th OFFERS - WedTO 14thP QUA Nov! LITY PROSatDUC 1st -TS Mon A 31stT A DecFFORDABLE PRICES! TO@HP aQUAzlittTheatLreITY PR@HACOMDaidsUCtoneTS AT AFFHeaOd oveRDr toA ourBLE webs itPRe anICd siESgn up! to the latest news, competitions and special offers Box Office Open 10am - 4pm (Monday - Saturday) Hazlitt Theatre, Earl street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1PL NO GIMMICKS! NO GIMMICKS! NO MISLEADINGNO OFFERS! GIMMICKS! NO MISLEADING OFFERS! NO MISLEADING OFFERS! TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AT AFFORDABLETOP QUALITY PRODUC PRICESTS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! windows : doors : conservatories Sorry no buy one get one free.
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