- .,l- - , , y i- r ' ',,,,- ' , TuEDGERr-PHILDEIiPH- I V EVENING PUBLIC IA, MONDAY MAY' 3b,f 10 5 - ,"'' I ?n III t$l$f7 foVflK&i rT ; - " II ? ,; V V rH& DailyMovie . 5.,oT'i: ii Magazine t:r 'M J. .iiF- - '.,, i. r I - NEWS, VIEWSyRVMOR READY FOR ANOTHER BIG FILM Movie Beauty Contest -- TODAY'S HONOR ROLL IN THE MOVIE BEAUTY CONTEST- AND"GOSSIP ?- i - i FROM Facts- iii Nutshell BBBmm TMMifH; ii in nun . HOLLYWOODSTUDIOS iOl rpHE Betzwood ljlm Co. wants Dy CONSTANCE PALMER to find three ghis of a fresh, Hollywood, Calif., May 10. attractive type for thVir scries of THREE well-know- n directors nrc in In, mind you a single "Toonervlllo Trolley" comedies. Universal picture. (Informatlvo note: to find these A We have nsrrecd nctor works in and' an director works girls through a contest. To enter, ' on.) ,w They ore, frqm left to right,-Franc- is photograph, ad- simply send your Ford (of "Diamond From tho 'Sky" dressed to "Movie Be.uty Con- fame, with Grace Cunard), ,T. Farrcll Evening Public Ledger, MncDonnld, pioneer Univerenl director, test," nnd William Robert Daly, (husband of Sixth and Chestnut strefcts. Fritzi Brunette nnd sterling actor ns well as director. The winners will bo omployod Tho megaphone is in front of Mr. first in minor parts at $40 'a week. Ford's younger brottier, Jack, and the picture is a Hoot Gibson Western, "Tho will then bo -- The best of the three Mascot of the Three Bnr." Clara Hor-to- n given the leading part in the next Charlie Bay's leading woman In week. The other "Nineteen nnd Phyllis" nnd n frequent film at $100 a Goldwyn player Is opposlto tho.star. two, if they show sufficient talent, Speaking of .dircctore, here's a good gag: will bo further trained with a A mighty director was taken ill very suddenly nnd rushed to' his home. view to filling the leading part A doctor wns called. Tho sick man later. weakly waved him nway. Aiiouicr doctor wns Drought, but still The jury to decide the winners the patient would invc none of him. consists of two famous artists Finally, in desperation, a third medico wns called, but the dying man still pro- Leopold Seyffert, portrait painter, tested. 1730 Chestnut street, and Miss "But my dear sir," said tho doctor, Sartain, principal, School "you ore a very Bick man ami to Bavc Harriet your life I must minister to you at of Desjgn for Women, and three onccl" noted photographers William The director gnzed up feebly yet un- waveringly from his couch of pain. At Shewell Ellis, 1012 Chestnut last he groaned impatiently: street; Elias GoldensUy, 1705 "Not thc type, not the type!" nnd and Theodore T. rolled over nnd died. Chestnut street, Pretty but' is it art? Marceau, 1609 Chestnut street. will close at noon, liollywood The contest WENT up to .Uic Hotel's Saturday, June 18. RWTSY KENNEDY. last night and what do you 1531 Edetly St. EVEN DOGS ARE think? Snt for a whole dance nnd talked with Sir Gilbert Parker! Truth to TEMPERAMENTAL tell, he did most of thc talking. I BEFORE THE CAMERA wns too stunned by thc enormity of Movie Beauty Contest Will End GLADIZEE KINCA1D. my good luck to do nnytlilng more sane XiPotr 2206 Fxt3watcc St. than to wonder if there were any spe- WELL-KNOW- dramatic A critic cial way1 to nddrcss a "Sir." dRlRH once said; "GcniUs nnd tempera- But pretty soon wc get that? were at Noon on Saturday, June 18' ment go hand in hand ; it Is impossible discussing vury jiuuiiuy mu just-cu- TRISCILLA DEAN to find n really fine actor thnt is not plcjcd filming of Money Mnster," i "The SID SMITH ROSE temperamental." to be rclcnscd under the title of "A ITH "Reputation" scheduled for Harry Bcrniau, general manager According to Maurice Tourncur, this Wiso Fool." W'cn the timo comes pre Completion of Production Plans at Betzwood Makes It Pos rule applies only you see picture tell you rnrlv relense. Stuart Pnton is Universal exchanges, has wired to Uni- FROM "STUNT' MAN not to our human for to the I'll t'o big with City actors, but to the dumb brutes as well. Sir (!ilbcrt'8 sincere confession of faith paring film another feature versal rciucstlii2 that starting ol Competition production on be delmV.i fnt sible to Announce Termination of TO HIS STARDOM During the filming of "Thc Foolish in pictures. Priscllla Dean. "Conflict" Matrons," Mr. Tourncur wns called Rita Wclman gnve a dinner before thc Tho story will bo called "Conflict," two weeks in order to give tho sttrf to Find New Stars Screen upon Among present from now ninnlng in nn opportunity to rush to New Yotkj for A IM high enough, and you'll get to direct two largo white parrots, dance, those were Mr. the serial present " a canary, an angora cat and a beautiful and Mrs. William Do Millc, Daniel a mngazlnc, and will take tho star into to he nt the first release of In! there," has nlways been thc collie dog. Frohman, Winifred Kingston nud Anita tho big woods. picture, "Reputation," on Broadway. , llovic Beauty Contest will end Saturday, June IS. All photographs slogan of Sid Smith. The parrots were probably thc least Stewart and her husband-manag- er THE received anything be in this office by noon on that day. None later than that can And his advice is good, Mr. trouble of all, as they were used simply fthcro is not sunnosed to be All -- -. that Another Kipling Story . A..IL.. Mii-oi- Pi v,ast 6c considered. Smith himself is proving for today he ns "atmosphere" in a large cafe scene. subtle about that), Rudolph Cameron. nnuwicr Outsido of getting the dance were Edna Wal- Elated over the favorablo comments Emmett J. Flynn, producer of "lA The Betzwood Film Co. is ready to begin production of the new series of OELPHINE OKIE, Is just about as high an he can possi tangled up on their Others at nnnitpcttrnt- perches during filming lace Hopper, Mr. and Sirs. .Jack Mul-ha- ll Rud-yar- d Vnnlrno in Kln A,!.....! "Toonerville Trolley" comedies. The first cast has already been signed and all -- bly get in fact, he's peiched way on the of several on "Withput Benefit of Clergy," 4112 Pitifc St. scenes nnd tearing an and Shannon Day, the Court," is making another special ll. preparations arc completed. the ton of California's skyscrapers, nnd ornament from Kipling's story, Robert Brunton is Hollywood swinging dangerously from her highest Doris May's Jiat ns she passed thVm, girl (not meaning to bo sarcastic, I've adapted from Zane On') The closing of this contest on the ISth of next month hai been decided upon going ahead with plans for his next pic- nnd asscrabkl hills doing bicath-takin- g, neck-brca- they behaved remarkably well. met few who aren't. Them Follies must "The Last Trail," has Betswood schedule and give our winners the earliest o nn extraordinary t 90 at to icork best into the lng stunts lor the Hallroom Uoys come- j ne Angora cat was really an nctor, be an awful undertaking!), who is been ture. He has chosen "The Gate a cast. Maurice FJyni possible opportunity to begin their film careers. Will dies. and filled to the brim with tempera- often in the pictures of both Dc Millcs. Hundred Sorrows" as his next effort. plays the lead, Eva Novak has the lead- - 5 begin 20. Stanley Company ment. Mnson looked adorable a ing feminine role, Rosemary Theby il I The judges in the contest will their deliberations the week of June Sid Smith hnR been doing "stunts" All would have probably gone Shirley in James Young has scored so well in There are several thousand photographs in this office awaiting them so that their since ho can remember. Back when well had not the canary taken things little grccn-nnd-whi- te chccke(Tfrock and mu .vtmuiuu jicuvj, iiuiiiiuu jjeery an Shotv Winner's Film oer Kclly-grce- n Kipling story ho will undoubt- the male heavy will not be an easy one by any means, but we hope to be able to begin publi- he was a tiny lad, and other young- too seriously. What cat n smart hat. I hear Is tho first role nnd Chnrles French, task Beverly te edly bo invited to act as director in the Harry Dunklnson Charles Gorman during that week. sters his age were lugging babeball bats would not resent a connry thinking it buying a new house out Hills and cation of the awards wns going to kill way. Wise little Shirley! second. are playing tho character parts. I" Daily Movie. Magazine, urouud and lenrning to unvlgatc on their it when it had been roller-skate- s, carefully trained in the fine net-n- girls the Stanley Co., announcing that the Evesino JPublio Ledger, hrst his delight was to art of judges will pick fifteen swing from high were rigged For three dnys it was nip ll THE ; comedy in which our winner nets will bars that and riioTorr-Y- S rnoTOpr.AYs !,.,.. ),. hoot up in back of home, nnd tuck. hen the canary would gain rnoTorr.AYB .1 promte eP-e- nted at hi, theatre and that he is with the utmost Interest that the ynrd his of &?dXl'r The learning on narrow ledge confidence in thc cat, old tabby would ' I of your "Movie Ueauty to balance the pictures of these fifteen will be rcpub- - '" " "I,,?' 1".
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