CISCONTENT:CONTENTRREPORTEPORT C ReviewОбзор of новостей audiovisual рынка content производства production и дистрибуции and distribution аудиовизуального in the CIS countries контента Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» № 1(9)№7№2 13 27 января,1 April,June, 20122011 тема номераFOCUS DEARслово COLLEAGUESредакции WeУже are в happyпервые to presentдни нового you the года June нам, issue редакof the цCISии AndПервый one moreномер thing Content we’d like Report to remind выходит you. Planningв канун КRИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫussian filmЙ Content Report,Report where сразу weстало tried понятно, to gather что the в most 2011 inм- youСтарого business Нового calendar года, for который 2012 do (наконецто)not forget to book за РЫН О К В УКРАИН Е : terestingвсе мы будем up-to-date усердно information и неустанно about трудиться. rapidly devel За- вершаетtime to visit череду the major праздников, event for television поэтому and еще media раз studios: opingнимаясь content подготовкой production первого and выпускаdistribution обзора markets но хотимprofessionals пожелать in the нашиCIS regionм подписчик - KIEV MEDIAам в WEEK2011 ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я КА К ofвостей the CIS рынка region. производства As far as most и аудиовизуальног of the locally proо- году2012 ,найти September свой верный11-14, 2012. путь Organizedи следовать by Mediaему с ducedконтента series в этом and год TVу ,movies мы с радостью are further обнаружили distributed, упорством,Resources Management трудясь не покладая company, руthisк. uniqueУ каждог meо- tОСНОВНОeteЙ R ТРЕНsbuДR g s . P andчто дажеbroadcast в новогодние mainly inside праздники the CIS р аterritories,бота во мн weо свояdia industry дорога, project, но цель one уand нас only одн ofа a– kind развивать in the CIS и РАЗВИТИandЯ (25) pickedгих продакшнах up the most идет interesting полным хо andдом, original а дальше, projects как улучшатьand Central отечественный and Eastern Europe рынок. is a Пoneо коням, stop desti го- withговорится, those script-ideas станет еще that больше. have international Как неоднократн appealо сподаnation !for five international media trade events. andбыло may отмечено, further travelвследствие abroad кризиса to Europe, основательн Asia or theо (23) YekateRinbuRg Northизменилась America конъюнктура both as readymade рынка, поменялась product or раforс- становка сил и возможностей, поэтому работать Please do not forget that we are here Артемto be your Вакалю localк mats. Besides there are a lot of full-length features source of information and analytics. интервью номера recentlyдействительно launched есть into и productionбудет над чем. in Russia, Подтвержд Ukraineе Главный редактор andнием other тому CIS является states количествоthat for sure собранного may have not в это onlyм Content Report INTERVIEW successful(полупраздничном) international номере distribution материала but .also be the We wish a pleasant reading! сергей каратаев : award winners and nomi- «на данный момент Вnees сегодняшней of different темеinterna - DMITRYеще о стKIRIENKOаются номераtional film мы festivals. останови Despite нер«Theаспр mainоданны barrierе фил forьмы , лисьlarge portionна одной of informationиз са которые были созданы до мыхon the болезненных new movies, темshows major box-office scheme отечественнойand series you’ll киноин also find implementationкризиса» (31 on) the дустрииthe detailed – рынке report кино on the театров.recent distribution На страницах deals territory of CIS is the Contentwith the CIS-partners.Report мы не inability of the cinemas to однократно публико provide an accurate data Justвали asмнения we promised о том, чтоin our previousедва ли edition, не основной we will con - onСОДЕРЖАНИЕ the number of tickets tinueпроблемой the research (хотя of theэту film sold»(26) studiosтему активно of Russia. поднима Moscow ют все, кому не безраз ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) has proven to be the film productionлична судьба capital нацио on the СЕРИАЛ (2) territoryнального of кинематогра the CIS coun - фа), сдерживающей ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) tries, but still those studios situatedразвитие in St.индустрии Petersburg ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) (Russia)«полного also метра» have the наgreat постсоветском про АНИМАЦИЯ (12) history and contributed Contents largelyстранстве, to the developmentявляется ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) ofкатастрофическая film industry. не хватка кинозалов. Од PRoductionК ИНОФИЛЬМ: (14)2) нако рынок продолжа SerieS (2) From May 2011, Ukrainian Д И СТР И Б УЦИЯ (15) ет стремительно раз виваться.distributor Inter-FilmИ если по com - TV moVieS (7) pany entered new distri- КАДРЫ (20) водов для оптимизма TV ShowS (8) относительноbution markets увеличе of the CIS countries. Since that time, Т ЕЛЕ ПОFКeaАЗTure (21) FilmS (10) ния количества кино театровInter-film isпопрежнему represented on Т dЕХНОЛОГИИistRibution (22) (15) не11 такterritories. много So, то you по will внедрениюfind our exclusive совре interview ПРО КАТ В УКРАИНЕ (24) with Dmitry Kirienko, Inter- cinema distRibution менных технологий за о Film CEO, who told about прошлый год имеются нк ОYТРeaАСЛR ЕВ2012Ы Е the progress made outside ве все основания для гор а Ukraine and the distribution МЕРin ОuПkРRИaineЯТИЯ ( 21)(29) дости за это. Между темmarket попытаемся features on разо the CIS леси С focus (22) браться,territories. есть ли свет в О конце тоннеля?!. inteRview (25) Рис. MediaMedia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION №7 27 June, 2012 SERIES A DANCE OF DEATH This May Belarusfilm production company started shooting Director: Igor Chetverikov. BELARUSFILM 4-episode detective series A Dance Of Death. Filming that Script: Valentin Zaluzhny, Igor takes place in Minsk will last till the beginning of this August. Chetverikov. Genre: detective. Synopsis: Captivated story deals with the adventures of the dis- trict policeman Kachura who is always involved in thrilling crimi- nal cases that he successfully investigates. He has excellent de- tective skills, smart mind and sympathy for unfortunate people. SERIES RED MOUNTAINS At the beginning of June Russian production company Central Director: Igor Zaitsev. CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP Partnership started shooting 12-episode action drama Red Script: Grigoriy Manukov. Mountains. Filming takes place in Moscow and its region but caSt: Evgeniy Tsyganov, Alexei this September the shooting process will move to Odessa and Bardukov, Maria Kozhevnikova, Crimea (Ukraine). Pavel Derevianko, Lisa Arza- masova, Maxim Konovalov, Dmitry Synopsis: Vladivistok, 1920. Ilya is a boy grown up by Japan Shcherbina, Andrey Merzlikin etc. military officer, and Arkadiy is a son of the White Guard colonel. Genre: action. These two boys pass themselves off as brothers. But the des- tiny prepares not a carefree life for both of them. At first boys fall in love with Zhenya, a daughter of Red Army commander and later become enemies as Arkadiy joins a fascists party and helps German occupiers and Ilya fights with Germans despite being a prisoner of the concentration camp. SERIES LIEUTENANT KRYLOVA Russian production company Central Partnership started pre- Director, Script: Vadim Soko- CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP production of the 8-episode war drama Lieutenant Krylova. lovsky. Shooting will commence later this year. Genre: war drama. Synopsis: The scene is set in Saint Petersburg, Russia during the World War I. The country is on the edge of revolution. In those terrible, troubled days a schoolgirl Nina Krylova falls in love with a noble military officer Sasha but makes a crazy and crucial choice – goes to Women’s Battalion of Death. After a month of training Nina and her friends are ready to leave to the battlefront and to die for the Motherland. Young women fight equally with men. The battalion under the command of Maria Bochkaryova win the battle however despite victory soldiers don’t respect female defenders and don’t believe in their potential. The last Vadim Sokolovsky time Nina takes part in assault on the Winter Palace in 1917. There she meets Sasha again... SERIES SHERLOCK HOLMES In the middle of May Russian production company Central Director: Andrei Kavun. CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP Partnership finished shooting 16-episode detective Sherlock caSt: Igor Petrenko, Andrei Panin, Holmes. Filming commenced last September and took place in Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Mikhail Saint-Petersburg and its region. Boyarsky. Genre: detective. Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION №7 27 June, 2012 Synopsis: Viewers will follow new images of famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his stalwart partner Dr. Watson. The plot is divided into 8 parts each segmented into 2 series. It will be a story compiled of several short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, including love-stories, political detective stories, mystic thrillers and others. In the 8th part all of the storylines will unite in one presenting the end of a novel. Ingeborga Dapkunaite SERIES THE TRAP On the 2nd of June shooting of a new 24-episode criminal drama proDucerS: Armen Davityan, Victor FILM.UA PRODUCTION, The Trap started. The project is co-produced by Ukrainian prod- Mirsky. CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP co FILM.UA and Russian Central Partnership. Filming takes Director: Sergey Korotayev. place in Kiev and its region. Script: Vasiliy Popov,
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