The Mercury Messenger, Issue 8 1 Issue 8 The newsletter concerned with exploration of the planet Mercury September 1997 Mercury: Planet of Fire and Ice Part 1 Not so long ago, Mercury was considered to be a rather boring version of the Moon, a view based on limited information and data from Mariner 10 gathered at visible and near-visible wavelengths. Over the last decade, this view has changed dramatically, largely as a result of the wide range of groundbased observations taken at visible, near-infrared, midinfrared, and microwave wavelengths. These observations have dem- onstrated that real differences exist in the atmospheres and surface rocks of Mercury and the Moon. Issues 8 and 9 of The Mercury Messenger will focus on how these striking observations and the models that result from or corroborate them reveal Mercury’s unique character as the Planet of Fire and Ice. T H E A T M O S P H E R E Mercury’s Exosphere: Mercury’s atmosphere, really an ent, and chemical composition, which determines the bond- exosphere, is tenuous: The total mass of all known constitu- ing potential. Smyth and Marconi have developed models of ents is approximately 15 orders of magnitude less than Earth’s. spatial distribution for two known atmospheric constituents, An exosphere is an atmosphere that has such a low density Na and K [1]. Their work has shown that each of these con- that collisions between constituents are negligible. Thus, ac- stituents has “a sunward neutral pause and an antisunward cording to Smyth and Marconi, “Mercury has multiatmos- tail structure similar to that of a comet coma” and that the pheres, with each separate atmosphere forming independently details of this structure vary systematically with radiation pres- and hence each having the capacity of being very different. sure, as solar distance and subsolar point position vary solar These differences are determined by the unique properties of irradiance during the course of a mercurian year (see Fig. 1). each particular gas, the nature of the sources and sinks for History: Early groundbased searches for CO2 resulted in that gas, and the interactions of that gas with the surround- determining upper limits for atmospheric density. On Mari- ing environment” [1]. ner 10 flybys of Mercury, both an occultation experiment, Atoms of each constituent are liberated from a source, which measured four passbands in the UV, and a 10-pass- interact with the surface by moving through a series of ballis- band UV airglow spectrometer provided the first data on tic hops, eventually become adsorbed on the surface, and are atmospheric constituents. The observations established the liberated to begin the process again. Constituents are con- atmosphere as exospheric, and the upper limit for gas density tinually removed from local environments, generally to be of the dayside atmosphere was deduced as 106 cm3 [2]. Hy- transported and implanted elsewhere, through processes in- drogen and He were positively identified and their distribu- volving magnetospheric recycling on a global scale. The prob- tions shown to be thermal. Oxygen was tentatively identified. ability and duration of implantation depends on temperature, Upper limits were determined for abundances of a number of which determines the average kinetic energy of the constitu- atmospheric gases, including Ar, Ne, Xe, N2, H2O, CO2, O2, 2 The Mercury Messenger, Issue 8 TABLE 1. Column and surface number densities of measured exospheric species. Wavelength Column Density Surface Density Species (A) (cm2) (cm3) Reference H 1216 3 × 109 23–230 [17] He 584 2 × 1011 6×103 [17] O 1304 3 × 1011 4×104 [17] Na 5890,5896 1–5 × 1011 1×105 [9] K 7664,7699 1–3 × 109 6×102 [9] Ar 867 <1–4 × 1013 <7 × 106 [17] Ca 4227 <0.5–1 × 109 [6] Li 6708 <8.4 × 107 [7] dance as the solar radiation pressure increased, which is con- sistent with the differences in chemical properties of the two elements and an indication that suprathermal Na is present [11]. In fact, Potter and Morgan observed Na at a range of temperatures, including “hot” Na at considerable distance from the planet’s surface [10]. They propose that the lower- temperature portion results from chemical sputtering that occurs when solar protons are neutralized at the surface to form atomic H, which then reacts with surrounding minerals to form Na and even water vapor. A correlation between this component and surface composition would be anticipated. Potter and Morgan propose that the high-temperature com- ponent results from physical sputtering, which, according to Smyth and Marconi, is the only mechanism definitely capable of generating the necessary velocity distributions, although solar-photon-induced desorption is also a possibility [12]. Fig. 1. From Smyth and Marconi [1]. Sprague et al., who make observations with east-west slits, have reported K enhancement over the Caloris Basin, the larg- est feature mapped and associated with volcanic terrain, in N2, and H2 [2]. The poor coverage along with the low spatial resolution of Mariner 10 resulted in an inability to determine The Mercury Messenger is published by the Publications and Pro- significant spatial differences. gram Services Department, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 New Observations: A decade ago, groundbased obser- Bay Area Boulevard, Houston TX 77058-1113 (write to this address vations by Potter and Morgan resulted in the discovery of if you wish to be added to the mailing list). Na and K in the atmosphere of Mercury [3,4]. Sodium and Editor: K emissions were observed to be a factor of 3 brighter (in Pamela E. Clark, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center kilorayleighs) than such emissions on the Moon. Sodium (e-mail: [email protected]). was observed to be 2 orders of magnitude more abundant (in Co-Editors: terms of column density) than K and comparable to O in abun- Thomas H. Morgan, Southwestern Research Institute dance. Despite a far greater abundance of O than Na antici- Martin Slade, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Ann Sprague, University of Arizona pated in the regolith, a principal source of atmospheric con- Faith Vilas, NASA Johnson Space Center stituents, Cheng et al. [5] point out that the upward transport of O in the regolith is much less because of a smaller concen- Editorial Board: Clark Chapman, Planetary Science Institute tration gradient, and thus it has a proportionately smaller at- Bruce Hapke, University of Pittsburgh mosphere/regolith ratio. More recently, Sprague et al. [6,7] B. Ray Hawke, University of Hawai’i determined upper limits for Ca and Li in Mercury’s atmosphere. Martha Leake, Valdosta State College Substantial evidence for variations in the distribution of Gerhard Neukum, DFVLR atmospheric constituents has been found. Potter and Mor- Andrew Potter, NASA Johnson Space Center Chris Russell, University of California, Los Angeles gan observed, using a north-south slit, both higher Na [8] Jim Slavin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and higher K [9] emission at higher latitudes and localized Paul Spudis, Lunar and Planetary Institute highs that vary on a daily basis, a pattern consistent with Al Stern, University of Colorado, Boulder sputtering by magnetospheric particles from the polar cusps Robert Strom, University of Arizona (see Fig. 2) [10]. They observed an increase in Na/K abun- Chen Wan Yen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Mercury Messenger, Issue 8 3 some of their observations [13]. They postulate that the en- vaporization or diffusion would tend to produce an atmos- hancement is primarily due to efficient implanting, to average phere dominated by volatiles, such as K, Na, and S, whereas depths of tens of angstroms, during the mercurian night and physical sputtering or photon-stimulated desorption would subsequent rapid thermal diffusion of atmospheric constitu- result in one composed primarily of major surface constitu- ents as the temperature rises at dawn [14]. The onset of rapid ents. Cheng and co-workers conclude that the observed abun- diffusion would begin at a lower temperature for Na than for dance of Na can be produced by photon-induced processes K. Secondarily, composition also would play a role if volcanic alone [5]. Sprague prefers diffusion mechanisms [19]. material on Mercury has enhanced alkali content, as some When assumptions are made about the interplanetary me- observations suggest [15]. Killen and Morgan have contested teoroid flux at Mercury’s surface and the physical and com- this model, on the basis that the increase in solar activity positional properties of its regolith (Na must be present in occurring at the time of this observation may have increased greater than lunar abundance on Mercury), none of which are the charged particle population of the magnetic field, thereby well constrained at this point, the models of Killen, Morgan, stimulating the release of ionic constituents below polar lati- and Potter are consistent with atmospheric Na production tudes [16]. resulting from a combination of impact vaporization and physi- Atmospheric Sources and Sinks: A variety of origins cal sputtering [18]. Smyth and Marconi, the only workers to have been proposed for the discovered gases, which, in most look at the implications of observed brightness profiles of Na cases, would be released from the surface or interior, result- and K in terms of velocity distributions, conclude that, of all ing in a net loss of the volatilizable materials that form the the proposed mechanisms, physical sputtering is the most atmosphere. (Refer to Fig. 3 for a diagrammatic view of atmos- adequate for predicting the observations [1,12]. The solar pheric sources and sinks.) Some combination of micrometeor- wind, an external source, is probably the source of H and ite impact vaporization and chemical or physical sputtering of possibly He, which along with Ar could result from degas- surface material, along with degassing (thermal evaporation sing.
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