NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS Mission United Nations Interim d’Administration Administration Mission Intérimaire des Nations In Kosovo Field Operations Unit Returns Section Unies au Kosovo Field Operations Unit Consolidated Report on Communities and Returns Weekly Report 22 – 28 April 2006 PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA REGION ! Serbs and RAE participated in GSV to Crkvena Vodica/Caravadicë, in Obiliq/c Municipality ! RCRUs and OCRM discuss future arrangements in relation to forced repatriation Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings At TF meeting held on 25 April in Lipjan/Lipljan municipality, draft of Municipal Returns Strategy 2006 (MRS) was discussed. UNHCR, UNMIK and FOU provided comments. The Serb Representative did not have any remarks whereas the Ashkali Rep stressed that he still has not received the MRS document for his comments. In this regard the MR proposed to have another Task Force meeting prior to next MWG meeting to further discuss the MRS. Go&Inform Visits/Go&See Visits UNHCR and DRC organised GSV to Crkvena Vodica/Caravadicë (Obiliq/Obilic Municipality), scheduled for 27&28 April for 10 beneficiaries (Out of foreseen 7 Serbs and 3 RAE, eventually 4 Serbs and 1 RAE participated in the visit) currently displaced in Serbia. The security assessment did not foresee any obstacles and no need for special security measures considering that all three communities are already living in the village in peaceful coexistence. The receiving community did not oppose any potential returnee. Properties of Serbian beneficiaries are not destroyed and they are vacant or occupied by other Serbs. Properties of RAEs are destroyed and reconstruction is essential. The DRC informed that one beneficiary family sold house to K/A neighbour. The family was contacted through DRC Serbia Office and they denied any selling of property. However, it was agreed to allow this family to attend GSV but discouraging them from engaging in any business related to property during the visit. RCRU Meetings Internal meeting on Rorced Returns took place on 28 April with representation of RCRUs from all the regions and OCRM Repatriation. Issues included possible ways on handing over the screening responsibilities to the Ministries and needed assistance to repatriated families. The paper prepared by FOU on Forced Returns was used as the basis for the discussion. RCRU Prizren proposed organizing the seminar to disseminate the information about forced repatriation and to sensitize local authorities to the problem and highlight their responsibilities. GJILAN/GNJILANE REGION ! The Kosovo PM Agim Ceku visits to Zhiti/Zitinje ! Serb and Albanian youths of Zhegër/Zegra village meets at multiethnic workshop Pertinent Development RCRU Gjilan/Gnjilane in coordination with the Office of Prime Minister organized on Wednesday a visit of Prime Minister Agim Çeku to the village of Zhiti/Žitinje, where the Serbs halted their return due to various reasons. Addressing the members of Zhiti/Zitinje multi-ethnic Village Council, Prime Minister Çeku encouraged the receiving community to maintain the climate conducive for return, peaceful coexistence and integration. On the other hand, he called on the IDP representatives in attendance to accept the offer made by local institutions and receiving community, and contribute to move the process forward. In addition, he said that a positive outcome in Zhiti/Žitinje could positively impact the returns process Kosovo wide. The Prime Minister said that IDPs should display more confidence and will for return to their homes and pledged to work in finding long-term solution for water network and sewage system, which were identified among the major concerns for both, IDPs and receiving community. In an effort to assess the situation and identify the way ahead in the light of positive messages brought by Prime Minister Çeku, the Village Council in Zhiti/Žitinje held a post-visit briefing. All participants agreed that minimum conditions for return in the village, security situation and freedom of movement in particular, were in place for quite some time now. The IDP representative was reassured that water & sewage project would be implemented once IDPs send clear signals that they have i i t ti t t Th C il d d th IDP t ti t P i Mi i t ’ tth 2 rest of displaced persons sheltered in Partesh/Parteš and encourage them to return to their homes. Also, it was agreed that efforts should focus those willing to return without further delays. The IDPs representative in turn, pledged to convene a meeting with all IDPs in Partesh/Parteš shortly. Thus, the Village Council, in two-week time the latest, shall be informed about the meeting conclusions concerning the eventuality of return. Multiethnic workshop A multiethnic workshop held in Shillovë/Šilovo on Friday, 28 April, brought together K-Albanian and K-Serbian youth from Zhegër/Zegra village. The workshop was organized at the initiative of Serb and Albanian youth groups from Zhegër/Zegra. Participants presented and analyzed joint activities carried out during 2005 and plans for 2006. The workshop was also attended by youth representatives from Lladovë/Vladovo village, Llashticë/Vlaštica, Budrika e Ulët/Donja Budrika and Pasjan/Pasjan. The event was aimed at promoting interethnic relations in Zhegër/Zegra village and neighbouring villages. Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings At Viti/Vitina MWG on 25 April the MAP reiterated commitment of the Municipality to support return of all IDPs to their homes and guaranteed fair access to public services, health assistance and social assistance. In addition, he said that items stolen and damages caused to several Serb IDPs houses in Zhiti/Žitinje would be recovered once they decide to return. The President also appealed to donors’ community to support return of 4 Roma families to Zhiti/Žitinje. Participants received the English/Serbian version of 2006 Municipal Strategy on Returns and were asked to provide comments within two-week time. All participants agreed to convene a coordination meeting aimed at supporting the return of the 4 Roma families to Zhiti/Zitinje. MRO informed that an elderly Serb couple expressed interest to return in Viti/Vitina town. Their house (Category II) is currently under the HPD administration. UNHCR will provide assistance once they return, including repairs. Municipality pledged to explore the possibility to assist the couple with essential household items. On 27 April the Special Adviser on Returns to SRSG Office attended the Novobërdë/Novo Brdo MWG meeting. The MWG discussed, and in principle approved, the 2006 Municipal Returns Strategy (MRS). The forum allowed additional two weeks time (until 10 May) for eventual inputs and comments to the final version, which will be presented to the Municipal Assembly for endorsement. The President was pleased to inform the forum that the Municipality has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the British Liaison Office in Pristina for construction of a multiethnic secondary school in Novo Brdo/Novobërdë. He also requested an assessment to be conducted for a potential returnee from Jagodina (a case referred by the Special Adviser on Returns to SRSG Office), as well as for a 12-member family from Izvor displaced in Smederevo. At TF Prekovc/Prekovce-Bostan/Bostane-Izvor (Novobërdë/Novo Brdo) on 27 April, the DMAP briefed the Task Force about the meeting with UNDP and Ministry of Communities and Returns (MCR), which discussed the issues concerning eligibility criteria of NGOs implementing return projects. A representative of Voice of Kosovo (VOK) informed the participants that a meeting with UNDP and other stakeholders recently held in Belgrade addressed several issues of concern with regard to return process, including those voiced by MAP and DMAP. As result, significant modifications in this aspect are expected to happen in the near future. Taking into consideration the new developments reported by VOK, the Assembly President proposed launch of new assessment for Prekovce/Prekoc-Bostane/Bostan-Izvor by UNDP. The Tri-Partite Agreement (TPA) for a beneficiary in Bostane/Bostan has been signed and the construction will start shortly. RCRU Meetings RCRU Gjilan/Gnjilane and UNHCR held a meeting with Kaçanik/ Kacanik MRO on 24 April in order to encourage local authorities to revitalize the MWG that would review and endorse the MRS for 2006. During the meeting UNMIK ensured the MRO that the international agencies involved in returns related activities would work with local administration with the view of promoting viable and sustainable returns and also help in sending a positive message to all IDPs and refugees. RCRU encouraged the MRO to attend the monthly regional MRO’s meeting that would help her in gathering the information and exchanging experience with other stakeholders. UNHCR suggested to initiate together with the MRO the visit of Shtërpcë/Štrpce based IIDPs from Kaçanik/ Kacanik in the light of the new window of opportunity for returns. UNDP/SPARK The Community Development Voucher Scheme Committee met once again on 27 April to agree on a project for funding through the scheme. There was no agreement reached on a multiethnic project, but a proposal to use the 11,000€ for separate projects in Kosovo Serb and Kosovo Albanian villages was accepted. The projects include renovation of a Serb schoolyard in Gornja Bitinja/Biti e Eperme (€ 5.500); a dental X-ray machine for the multiethnic clinic in Drajkovce/Drekoc and a library for the Albanian school in Firajë/Firaja (altogether
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