The Dax Law Firm, P.C. 54 State Street, Suite 805 Albany, New York 12207 www.daxlawfirm.com Telephone: (518) 432-1002 Facsimile: (518) 432-1028 John W. Dax William F. McLaughlin* *Also Admitted in Massachusetts & District of Columbia May 1, 2019 Via Document and Matter Management System Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Albany, NY 12223-1350 Re: Case 16-F-0205 - Application of Canisteo Wind Energy LLC for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need Pursuant to Article 10 for Construction of a Wind Energy Project in Steuben County. Dear Secretary Burgess: On behalf of Canisteo Wind Energy LLC (CWE) please find enclosed proof of publication in the Addison Post, Sunday Spectator, The Spectator, Hornell PenneSaver Plus Edition and the Corning Leader of the Notice ofInformational Forums and Public Statement Hearings (Notice) in connection with the above-referenced case. Notice was published as indicated in the list below. We have not yet received proof of publication from the Potter-Leader Enterprise and Wellsboro Gazette. We will provide them as soon as they are received. Newspaper Publication Dates Addison Post Thursday, April 4, 2019 Thursday, April 11 , 2019 Sunday Spectator Sunday, April 7,2019 The Spectator Thursday, April 11, 2019 Hornell Pennesaver Plus Edition Sunday, April 7, 2019 Sunday, April 14,2019 Corning Leader Sunday, April 7, 2019 Thursday, April 11 , 2019 Potter-Leader Enterprise Thursday, April 4, 2019 Thursday, April 11 , 2019 Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment May 1, 2019 Page 2 of2 Wellsboro Gazette Thursday, April 4, 2019 Thursday, April 11, 2019 Let us know if there are any questions. Very truly yours, j I /T~IWj . A . LAWUHRJM - . 'I I' : / • I' ~ --·-n.. 1 I . Johh W. Dax · JWD:lmd / Enclosures AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Addison Post Inc. (Name of Newspaper) Located in the STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Steuben Oaklev Haves Jr. being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he/she ~ ., resides in the New York County and State aforesaid and that he/she is publisher of the -----"-A"""'""d""--"d=-"i'--"Ls~on"--"'----""P'----'o"--"'s'-"'-t-""'l_._.n=::c.._. ____ a pub 1i c newspaper printed and pub Ii shed in ----=--A=-=d=-d=is"--"o:-=n-=-=-Ni-'-=e--'--'w'------'=Yt=o--=-r--=-:k::____ ____ aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper on: ~ i d0/9 a_,fi,,{_, ~ Ii ,dd!'l and that the first publication of said notice was on the __4th ___ _ day of __April _______ _ __ ___, 2019. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___,_;: --=-/ ____ day of ------' 2019. -~~""--=-p' "'""''/2'--<-'· ~_.._~fq.,___' GAIL ESSIGMANN f01E563B8321 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK OUALIFIEO IN STEUBEN COUNTY EXPIRES 011'22/2()""'2.3.._ ATTACHED IS A CLIPPING OF YOUR AD \Df)!SC>N ros 1 .-..Al yoRI< srAlf as e RD ON ELECTRIC GENERATION SITING AND THE ENVIRONMENT Ni:;•• C" 16-F-0205 . c tor a ~..alt rJ Environrnen~~phcation of Canisteo Wind Energy U.t to ,Afdcle 1o for Cerv•...- Constru . Compatibility and Public Need Pursuan Ction of a Wind Energy Project in swut>en eountV· NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL FORUMS AND PUBLIC STATEMENT HEARINGS LLC~ fllec:tan (Issued March 26, 2019) megawatt(t.f#>IWldeieQcgereiDtJ~0 'Mldlwasdeeined QI NcMirOOer2. 2018. canisleO~~ ~~ 14, 2019 ~~~: b\jd~r15 a::;~wrod f1"1tiprqedMWOIAd ldde 14> '-> 122v.'PS 1l.lbrl9S (X)l'f1llanl v41 f11b1C Sef\1CI! l.zH 1r..,.., ~ ,o:ess roads. ., -1. &lo arm. opeiaaon and ma iEoance bl ti9 CllCI atier n:>i*f fa Z es bJeflerWfl ~ eWicactJIOln~ fl& TC>Nns ot COidlal sibslalm alll~. rridl80Ct*lgic3 """81'$. ~ l)1Cl'I Ill ~ Cotny- ' (fie Projed) The Prqec:t IS~ t> be rtJlff!I11 goo 11/ Caiieron. Ccrisleo. Jasper, ~. T~~ t> t4eW Yen 51.-.e Eleaic C11C1 Gas Ccqn<*Jn s Berl iell ONE propas t> reaimedfle ProJeCi~~ tadtty~ai eledlc hlSllllSSion cable Ihm ~ 1g.T-0041), p.isu<R bPSLA111deVll CllC!v.i not be reYieYoed as part ~ 11 tie ToMt d ~ The fjJJ)I•-- 51 ...,.... k> revf!oN 111 a sepaiale ~ ("°""' db Pl~ Wild Prqed. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Iha! an~ b'ptie ~ and a PLt* statement heamil wll be held as folo'WS: DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 TIME: 2.00 p.m. informational Fonm 3:00 p.m. Nic Statement Hean!l9 600 p.m. lnk>m1a1Xln31 F()l1Jtl 7.00pm. Nic:Statemenl~ LOCATION Qmleo Fie ~·1ieii Qmn..nly RocJn 14 Sa.fl Mail Sieet Ca isteo. New Yorf( 14823 M hi mmatDlal blms. lhe Etarrnrs ~ prowle an rNetVeN ot the c:el1ifccilcXl poress bebe the SQ-g Bocl'd for the proposed Prqfk1 ONE v.i t.en ~a trief Slll11SY ol Ile proposed Prqec;t CllCI 1'1\1 llCM! ~ d lhe ptqXlllld prqec.t ama avaiable tir p1lflC viewilg MembelS <:/.the PlbiC vii tier\ haVe an oppcnrcy k> pose questlOOS mt the ixocess <ni Ile api:blol pending babe lhe SUig Bo;rd Those~ t> amnen1 on CYEs proposed Prt'ject v.tl hM the opportlJ'lity to make a s1alemenl on the record al the ~ ~ ~ klo.WYJ lhe l1!onna00nal sessms. To speak at the hearrg. -is not necessay lo make an ~ 1b11e11t it advanreocto presett W!ilen maBlal. Air/ person 'MSlln9 lO provkle a ~slaemeN rrust ~a request card. ~ wi be~ a1 lhe hearrg The Examres 'Ill use the request cads tocal eoc11 peison v.txi has~ one n order ID provkle a Slalanert Each PIM: s'3lelrm hearg wl be heki ~ klr a nnTUTI done hot6 aid wi be~ qBl ini fMY:YOOe wistin,i to speak has been hMd rx at.er reasonable ~ hcwe been made i> rd.de !her amnents n the recon1 Reasonable 1me rmts may be set k:r each s;ieacer as~ 1o abd al allendeeS an opporll.nly lO be heiW'd It is 1ecornmended flat leng1hy amnents be s\tx11111!d ii~ CllCI sunmarized klr era pesEI ~A \OE!lbalr I I tCI iSCn!X ci the he<r1'lg ,,,. be made tlr niJsOl n Ile record d lfllS case Pe!sons wilh cisa>i:JeS ~ spec:a ac:conrralallOils shoUd cal the~ d N* SeM:e's lbnan Re9ollCeS Managemert on'x:e at l516) 474-2520 as sooo as~ TOO useis may request a sign language i1leq:reler by ~ a cal hough lhe New Yak Relay Service al 711 . ~ wilh ~ lllderstlncfl'g rx readrlg Engish n en<Xlll'3Q8d 1o ca1theOeparlmeRat1.aoo-342-33n u 1iee ~ am1ana1 ser.us rega0rg hs rdlce The appicalxln u the proposed Prqec;t may be rllYIE!Wed onlne at lhe Silrlg Board web page ~ Jtwwwdps.nygov!SdlngBo;wd} , 11/ ~the link lO ~ Urder Review• on the letl side of lhe page It also may be accessed by visitrlg lhe Department or Nlic SeM:e website, www.dfs.ny rp. then diakl'9 the "Secrch" lit on 11\e ~ cenler area a the page, lhen usrg Ille 'Sea'dl by Case NllTJbe( feab.Je, lo search for case '16-F-0205." The appficaOOrl matenals may be localed llldef the tab "Filed Docunents.' The appicabocl is also avaialje for review a • local publK; ~braries 1n Ille prcjed area and ~ request to CWE. Other Ways to Comment For those ~ cannol attend or prefer.n<X to speak at apub/le statement ~. there are several other ways IO provide yrAX comments '> hi Sdi'lg 8ocw'CI Coomlots slnJd reter i> "Case t6-F.()2(}5 - Canisteo ahfMQI 10 AHhou{)h comments wil oo accepted lhro<.ghcxi lhe pendency or lhis proceecfl"(I they are~ b'f J\J'l8 , 4 2019 0 1 :i=~~~~~~ec::=:~liefl'omtw:~••af lflllu ztlfl's •••ac cbyalr q~·-.t ...111potlhe,. ..s .,, open case. access tie sa80il_ ti eiw cai,,_. by• Wvon.. 'l'Gll Ca 1-1._.-ta Ii11e- .w. d h ~. eof'J'Jal co11rnertsmaylle sentckedtj lo tie Secretary ot the SitiYJ Board at * ..,, •v • page ~ rryp COl1r1n may also be sent by mai a delvety saw::e i> Hoo. Katleen H 8ugess Seaetay SiiYJ Bos'd. nwee e.-m .:..... PJl'.1lllerl ~ ~ boco11e ~dlhe record corJSdered 11/the 5mJ Board ;n:t may be accessed 00 ~ ~ d Nics.\'ile ::$1 •• Plaza.Alaly, ...'1brll 1 ~1350 abl:M!. CllCI ~ oo fie "Pl* Coovnents" tab we-11 ..li,-dq .. cmelll!M • deaotled afree Opmi Li'e. You ma'f cal the OeparVnefll ~ Plt*: SeM:e's Oprai Lile a 1-«n-335-2120 This nll'Tt1« Is se1 11a• coccrinn.• 24-00\.rs adot These cn-trnenls are not lr.rlSOlbed wrba!rl ~ ixi a SlllVTlil)' is ..............~ k> the 'c,...,~ .........,"'.__, c .............. • ..,...,..,.,....... 14>112- ya.h'::o.*-wBnl _. 1 ,_., u• r 77 kin ft.S1lle camin, (~0) KATK.EEN H BURGESS Seaetay ....llJllPMDlr •--...n ....,•l-bnltr .. boPM"• Mlr ~ ul8" 7 I plaw..1bu&a .W. 0 1111t1A11' ................... 15 fl•'•k..• I' d ..; NEW YORK STATE SO 6-f.o os-Appllcation of Canisteo Wind G AND 1 2 c~sE ironmental Compatibility and Public Nee~ LLC fO~~lcle 10 for Certificate of env tn1ction of a Wind Energy Project in steu~~l'Suarrt to cons -..n Count)'· NFORMATIONAL FORUMS AND PUBLIC STATEMENT HEARINGS NOTICE OF I (Issued March 26, 2019) appication seekJ1Q authonty to build and W/'IJ eledJ1C generatin9 faofily, wtW::h was deemed Qi NoYe111ber2. 2018, Caristeo Wind Energy LLC(cYt£l f~ The proposed faalrty, lhe eanrsteo Wfld ~aa~ mega,,.a!t ~protect~ wWd n:tude up 10 122 wl1d btlflllS alfl'~ With PubllcSeMce Law (PSI_)§ 164onMafdl14.
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