Holy Land Tour by Sister Grace Vijaya Ts. 98 INDEX 1. Foreword 2. Congratulations by Rev.Rachal J. Komanapalli 3. All about Holy Land 4. Brief history of Israel 5. Israel in the past 6. Important places of Jerusalem 7. Third Temple 99 FOREWORD Most people dream of visiting the Holy Land. Some one said that ten days in the Holy Land is equal to a semester in a Seminary. The most practical understanding of the Bible archaeology, history and Geography will come to every one, who can view this book actually being there. It will explain the word pictures. It will benefit both to the traveller and the dreamer. Special thanks to the friends who offered books to select matter and pictures. Many thanks to Dr.Deva S.Dandala, Editor, Spandana who took great interest in publishing Holy Land Tour in our regional language, Telugu. That book and the pictures attracted many to know about the tour of the Holy Land and were greatly blessed in many countries of the world. I humbly praise God for that. This experience encouraged me to write about the Holy Land tour in English. My special thanks to Acharya R.R.K. Garu & Dr.Deva S.Dandala,and Spandana Offset Printer, David Dandala who took great care in printing this book, Brother Ephraim Dandala and Vijay who worked with setting pictures etc., My Childhood friend Rev. Rachel J.Komanapalli wrote a wonderful word about me and my books. My heart felt gratitude to her also. I am sure that my husband Sri Sundara Rao Garu expressed his views about “The Legacy of Gods people” which is his first book to exhault God’s name, and I congratulate him. My special thank to Mr.D.S.Sundara Rao,for helping a lot to edit, correcting the matter with good suggestions. I can not forget to thanks my Ganta brothers, Brother Peter Singh for he selected pictures for Holy Land, Brother Sudhakar gave me nice suitable pictures from his vast collections. My youngest brother Babu Ganta visited us in USA from Dubai and advised to my husband to put his thoughts in a book to reach many. May the Lord to be praised through this book so that many may come close to Jesus to spread the Gospel and meet to Lord Jesus. Yours in Him, Sister Grace Vijaya 100 Introduction If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill, May my tongue ching to the roof of my mouth, If I do not remember you, If I do not consider Jerusalem my highest Joy. Psalm 137:5,6 Brief History: Many prophets prophesied that Messiah, Jesus Christ would be born as King of Jews. Their prophecy was fulfilled when Christ was born to Mary in Bethlehem. According to the above verses Jerusalem was a blessed city. It acquired such a good name and fame due to King David and his son Solomon who constructed God’s temple for His Glory. God loved the Jews. According to the prophecies of many prophets Messaiah would be born as King of Jews. The prophecies became true, Christ was born to virgin Mary. He preached the Gospel; did Miracles; healed the sick; died on the cross for the sins of humanity; the rose from the dead on the third day; talked to the disciples; ate with them; and was taken up to live with God as everlasting son. According to the prophecy, Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews scattered all over the world. But they would not be perished. The Lord promised that they would be brought back. “When I bring them back from captivity, the people in the Land of Judah and in its towns will once again use these words: “ The Lord bless you, O righteous dwelling, O sacred mountain people will live together in Judah and all its town- farmers and those who move about with their flocks. I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint”. (Jeremiah 31:23-25) Proof of God’s Phophecy: As Isaiah prophesied “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the West” (Isaiah 43:5). Accordingly God brought them back. Israel Nation was founded. They got independence on May 14, 1948. Israelites came to live in their country from all parts of the world. By 1963 there were 4 millions of Jews in Palestine. By 1963 they were 2,239,000. When they celebrated the 30th Anniversary in 1978 some about 3,697,887 people were present. Today the population of Israel is increased to great number. A BRIEF RECORD OF ISRAEL IN THE PAST Israel is a promised country. According to Genesis 12:1-3 God called Abram from ‘Ur” and asked him to go to the land that He would show. Abram obeyed God’s 101 command. God changed his name to Abraham, the Father of many nations.Abraham got his promised son Isaac who had two sons, Esau and Jacob, and when Jacob struggled with God and God changed his name as Israel. Israel had 12 sons and they were known as Isralites. Out of the 12 sons, Joseph became prominent in Egypt. Thereby the children of Israel lived in Egypt for 400 years. God made Moses as the leader of Israelites. Israelites, though led by Moses, Joshua brought them to Canan. God appointed many Judges to guide and rule Israel. On their request of Prayer God made Saul as the first King of the Israelites in 1040 BC. Later, in 1010 BC David was annointed to rule Israelites. Solomon, the son of David, built the temple of God in “Jerusalem, his capital. The country was divided into two due to Solomon’s sin after his death, ten plus two tribes. Later the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed and Jews were captivated. After many years Ezra took the responsibility to rebuild the temple. Fourteen years later Nehemiah rebuilt the wall with a slogan. Come, let us rebuild. 400 years passed away. Jesus was born as the promised Messaiah, died on the cross, and sinners would be redeemed through His blood only. A new church was born on the pentecost day when the power of the Holy spirit touched them. To learn about Israel is a blessing to all of us. Dr. Deva S. Dandala Editor, Spandana P.O.Box 415, Vijayawada-2, A.P., INDIA 102 103 ALL ABOUT THE HOLY LAND The Holy Land is a unique and beautiful land, rich with variety of historical, archaeological and religious sites. Visitors are charmed by its sweeping vistas, hospitality of its citizens and inspirational images. This country is an enchanting mixture of ancient and modern. In the holy land, you can experience the special thrill of walking in the foot steps of the Bible characters. Abraham roamed these sites four thousand years ago. About three thousand years have gone by since king David reigned here but for Christians follow the steps of Jesus in the Holy land constitute its ultimate moment. In these regions Jesus the son of God was born. Here he grew in wisdom and stature. Here he was crucified. Here God raised him from the dead. We can see the divisions as three regions. North, center and South. In the Northern and Central regions, Jesus visited Jerusalem, sacred city and it is the Soul of the country. Southern areas are included because of its significance to patriarchs, prophets and kings of Judah. 104 This book will unlock the message of the Bible and engage your mind and heart in the Wonderful world in which Jesus lived. We believe that this book is special as it describes the facts of the ministry of our Lord with the sites that recall his work & adds a rich new understanding to the meaning of the work of Jesus of Nazareth we trust it will also bring back many pleasant memories for those who visited the lands of the Bible. This land is unlike any other. This region has been called by various names such as Canaan, Palestine and new Israel in Biblical times. It was considered to be the center of the world and for three monotheistic religious Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It has been the focal point of their respective religious beliefs. Jewish people are still waiting for the messiah. For Christians, the new testment is the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the messiah that is spoken of in the Old Testament has indeed become a reality in the person of Jesus Christ. For Islam on the other hand was founded in 6 AD by the Prophet Mohammed & both play an important role in this land. For Jews this land was predestined long ago by God. God also made them the chosen people, through Abraham and his descendants. For Christians this land is the cradle of Christianity for it was here that Jesus was born, lived dead & resurrected. PHYSICAL FEATURES 1. The holy land is a region situated in the Middle East on the southeast shore of the Mediteranion. 2. Its position is at the cross roads of three continents, Asia, Africa and Europe. 105 3. The Northern boundaries of the Holy land are Lebanon and Syria. 4. Its eastern boundaries are the Jordan River and Jordan proper. 5. It Southern boundary is Egypt. 6. The Holy land has three principal plains going North to South. The coastal plain, the central plain and the Jordan Valley. HISTORY CEMENTRY OF ANCIANT JEWS 1. Palestine was the cross road of international highways which linked the super powers of different areas such as Egypt and Mesopotamia in 4000 B.C.
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