Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 6-28-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 310. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/310 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Continued Warm; Tair tonight Showers Friday Freeman Admits Errors in Estes Case SUGGESTS FAMILI ES TRY PRAYING At HOME lakes Blame Prayer Decision Law of Land, For Ag. Depf. Shortcomings WASHINGTON (API-Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman Commands Suppor Kennedy Says defended his agency' s handling of t the Billie Sol Estes case .today but By WH ITNEY SHOEMAK ER He did not express a personal an official prayer read in New that is to pray ourselves." He bill , Kennedy said passage this acknowledged "some errors and WASHINGTON'- (AP) - Whether opinion but declared: York schools an unconstitutional said it could serve as a reminder year "is vit al to th-e future of this shortcomings, for wh ich I, as sec- Supreme ' the Court s school prayer "I think that it. is important ' for crossing of the wall separating to pray more at . home, attend country." He opposed a Republi- retary . of agriculture ., must as- decision pleases or displeases , in church and state- . church with greater fidelity and can move; tc ' substitute-' an' exten- sume, responsibility. '' ' us, ifYwe are going to maintain President Kennedy s view it's the our constitutional principle, that Kennedy dcclined lo comment make, the true meaning of prayer sion of present trade lawYas self- Freeman's statements were ifi law of the land and commands we support Supreme Court deci- on constitutional amendments pro- more important in the lives of defeating . on grounds that "we testimony prepared for the Senate support. Moreover , he says it posed to circumvent the; ruling children. have exhausted the powers" it sions even when we may not ; investigation • of the Estes -case. should, encourage every family to agree with them ." , until , he could .'."measure their ef- provides. pray more at home. fect on the Rights. Kennedy had this to say of other The Senate investigation siu> Bill of , committee headed by.:' Sen. Jo Tin L. There is bound to be di sagree- This was his indirect advice to For the controversy over the subjects: Congress — Don 't adjourn he , suggested , ;. without - adopting Y a McClellan , D-Ark., is exploring ment Kennedy said at his news members of Congress who have court decision , Kennedy said, Trad«^-Wilh the House gripped how the Pecos. Tex:, financier conference Wednesday. denounced Ihe court for; holding there ; is. a simple remedy. "And in debate over his tariff-cutt ing good deal more of the administra- . tion 's legislative program. He made multimillion-dollar profits enumerated trade, tax , medical under federal farm aid programs, and whether high-r>owered politi- care, education and farm propo - HURT IN FALL . Sir Winston Churchill " shakes lands with sals amdtig those diff icult to get cal influence deals helped him. thrpiigh;: Congress, where he ack- hus chauffeur at London Airport June 26 before flight to Nice, Dr. Soblen France and a two-week vacat ion at nearby Monfe . Carlo. Today As the hearing b>egan, M-eCfef» nowledged some Democrats have Ian said: : Freeman* s actual ap- been voting; ' with . ' Republicans for his. son , Ra ndolph , said in London Sir . Winston broke a bone in ) pearance on the stand'; would be years and have to do better, He his Jeg in a-fall at Monte Carlo. (AP Photofax delayed until afternoon. called; the . November.. cbngression- He said : members of the com- Arrested al elections iniporuint ; with a mittee had not received copies of workable majority hanging in the ¦ ¦' ¦ ' 'Fr eeman's statement until this balance: • '. ,-. urcbill Fails, morning and his testimony -would Ch be delayed to give them time to In Tel Aviv Farm Bill—The unexpected de- ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ' , study it. '. By ERIC GOTTGETREU feat of his wheat and feed grains control measure Vast week was Freeman declared "no official TEL AVIV , Israel (Apt—Israel . or employe now in the depart- police toda y arrested Dr. Robert "a great mistake,*' Kennedy said. Breaks Hip Bone "What is interesting," , he added , ment is known or can reasonably A. Soblen , bail-jumping fugitive be believed to have improperly from a life sentence in the United is that Republicans now indicate MO NTE CAdUO (AP;.-Sir Win- gue Browne, said- Churchill suf- they will support an emergency accepted gifts .or other favors States' as "a Soviet spy, ard hur- ston Churchill fell to; the floor in his fered: a fracture of the neck of from Estes." . ' ried him before a magistrate. feed grain bill but voted against hotel early t<oday and suffered a the femur. This upper extension of "Estes received no special ben- Arraigned in a Tel Aviv court. it with four or five exceptions last fracture close to his left hip-j oint. the t high bone leads into the sock- ¦¦: " ; ' efits as a result of favored treat- Soblen was ordered held : for the year. His secretary, Anthohy Monta- et of the joint ;;. .A fracture there could be a. serious matter for a ment from the Department¦ pf Ag- issuance of an official charge Eisenhower — .Asked about riculture,'! he added . ' ';. against hirn within , the next .; 10 man of Sir Winston 's ag^-SS next Eisenhower's assertion that his November. ; Freeman repeated what he h«» days. It is understood he. tvil! be administration; is spending too accused of entering Israel illegal- He came here Tuesday for a said before, that the government papers; m u ch on defense and "floun- two-week vacation , leaving Lady "has lost no money through its ly and with false dering" in fiscal and economic Princeton Man ; Churchill; at¦ their country home at . business with Estes!'" . Reliable sources said $et>l*n ar- currents, Kennedy said he didn 't Chartwelf.: ¦', The secretary spelled: out his rived Tuesday niglit after a flight enjoy the spending : but felt testimony in a 50-page typed state- ¦¦ fro m New York \-ia Paris, show- strength helps ' maintain peace. A «pokesrr»*n for Lady Churchill ment. - . ¦ ". ': ' ' -¦ '. .. - .". ' ing immigration officers a Cana- With some Republicans protesting Endorsed in in London said Sir Winston will be In it he said Estes , should not dian passport in the name of his not enough is done to stand up: to flown home Friday and will prob- have received additional cotton late brother, Bera s Soble. the Communists and others saying ably recuperate from his accident acreage allotments l'nbw . under When police asked for his pass- expenses are too . high, he quipped : at his Londo-n home in Hyde Park scrutiny in the bearing, a_nd he port this morning on his arrest at "There should be some coordina- Sixth District Gate. - .. ' said the appointment of Estes to ; ,; the Hotel Savoy in Tel Aviv he tion of policy. Otherwise it may 'WILLMAR , YMinn. (AP) - Ro- Montague Browne said , howev- the National Cotton Advisory Com- reportedly said he must have lost appear that the Grand Old Party bert J. Odegard, 42:, Princeton er; it was not yet decided whether jmittee was a.mistake. Freeman it on the way frpETj the;airport.; may be floundering." farmer , business man and legisla- said , however, that Undersecre- ; the former British p-rime minister There is no extradition treaty tor , has won the right (6 run for will: remain in Monaco's Princess tary of Agriculture Charles S. Mur- between the United States and Is- His, brother—Massachusetts vot- approv- SOBLEN AFTER ARREST ... Dr! Robert Soblen fled from' .New. York befpre he. was slated ', , will have to judge Congress from the 6th District Grace Hospital. phy: acted in good faith in rael under , which the United ers he said with the- overwhelming support of ing the appointment. could; ask for Soblen's re- A. Soblen , convicted spy for Russia , who fled to surrender to begin serving a life sentence. the qualifications of Edward M. Churchill was examined there States delegates from the district . Ydirector , Dr. The . Senate subcommittee was turn. - . ' from the United States, covers his face in police (AP Photofax via radio from Tel Aviv) (Tod i Kennedy, a Democratic by the hospital told Wednesday that Murp hy ap- against His endorsement , at a recon- Charles Cratelain; and Dr. Andre van after his arrest in Tel Aviv , Israel , today. candid ate fox the Senate,. ' proved Estes' appointment last How«ver> U. S. Atty. Robert M. complaints there would be too vened convention, . Wednesday Fissore, an X-ray expert. ' night called ¦ •' after R-ep. H. Carl Dec. 22—rtJie same day the ; under- Morgenthau said in A New York, many Kennedys in . Washing ton , secretary had endorsed a proposed "We will make every elfort to But for the first time since his Andersen de-eided to seek re-elec- Asked if Sir Winston had suf- fered other injuries such :as an cancellation of cotton acreage al- secure his return. " Time and Tempers Short youngest b rother entered the race, tion as an independent rather than com- as a Republican, was expected by injirred shoulder,., the ¦secretary- de- lotments to Estes in some Morgenthau said he had been the President commended him plex land deals -the legality .of notified by Israel, of Soblen's punlicly—for work in past cam- many.
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