$xmvi^ i VOL. XLIV-NO. 23. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY JUNE 5,1901 WHOLE NO. 3J6«. ««»S^SSSSSS&A NBWH IW BKIBr. Six new cases of small pox are re* SUNDAY PAPERS ported at Lansing. STROUD & MCDONALD The mother of E. B. Gausser died at Bay City last Friday, Day Fittingly Ob- DETROIT FREE PRESS Memorial The Baptist Sunday school will ob* Special Session Board of haye Just received their spring line of served serve Ghlidreu's Day next Sunday. Supervisors. CNICieO IMERICAN Books and magazines rebound. For prices inquire of D. C, Vaudercook.'* Wall Papir, Window Shades and Carpets. Tboae ill tbe city deairing to APPROPRIATE EXERCISES Commencing next Monday the NINE PLANS SUBMITED. banks of tbe city will close at 4 o.clook have any of tbe above Suaday p. ui. Call and Inspect their line before purchasing papers delivered to tbeni regu* The Miciiigan Pioneer and Historical elsewhere. larly Sunday luorning can have Were I>«rceljr Allcuded nnd Loving Society is iu session in Lausiug this It la Evident We Will Have I Model same by leaving tbeirordent with >^ Trlbntf* l>*ld week. V|t.la-Date Bnllrtlnv, George Sibley has reiigned his South ot Court House Square, Mason. AT DIMOCRAT position of janitor of school buildings. |J.I.RROWER OFPIOB • • • • Too big a job fur the salary. La8t Friday, a briglit auii and tlie Pure Food Factory. Rcpnbllean Vanena. Bargains iu broken lots of shoes. The adjourned session of the board of The republlciiD oleotora of llie townahip of cool day welcomed tiie old eoldiera, Come aud see them at F, W, WEUH'S. supervisors was called to order by A citizens' meeting at tlie court Alaledon In Intiliam counlv will meet In their friends and Mason citizetia to Chairman Barber, in this city, last bouse laat evening was addressed by eauoua on Tueday, June lOl.h, 1002, at liKO pay tribute to tbe war lieroes in tiie Tlie continued rains are interfering o'clock In the saeriioon,lrir the purpoae of Monday. Messrs. J. M.Wardeil and C. M. Stenh- electlUK Hlx dolcKiiteg lo the' republican seiiietery. Co. B, called out in tbe materially with farm work, aud sugar The new court Iiouse was the object ens of Battle Creek, on the question county couvenllou to be held at Mason, June forenoon, iirncliced extended order beet culture in this vicinity. of the session and work at once pro­ of organizing a company in Mason for 18, IIHt', and to traiiaaol audi otUer bualnes-f and guard duty in tbe court yard. aa may come before the CHUCUR. Euteredaltliel'oatoinco.MaHon, Louis E. Frost ot Lansing has ceeded ou that line. the manufacture of a breakfast food Hr OROKa OF COM. uidocoiiU-oliiaiinattor Tlie processiou of tiie afternoon announced his candidacy for the re­ Tiie building committee made a called Neuro Vita (life of the nerves) formed on Asb street, between B and publican nomination of couuty clerk, verbal report, stating what tiieir in­ and other products. A committee R*l»iibll«nii Canenn. rubllBhed Every ThiirHtlny isy C streets, under direction of Major J. vestigations were, laid the several consisting of H. M. Williams, L, C. The repnbllcana ofthotownNhln of Vevay 0. Snook and marched south on G Lee's orchestra will assist at the plants received before tlie board. Webb and A. L, Rose was appointed will meet 1 n caucua at the town ball on Xbura- A.. Li. ROSE:. Children's Day exercises to be held at day, Juue<l2, ut two o'clock p. m.. for the street, turned west on Elm to tlie The afternoon was taken up l>y to confer with citizens disposed to pro­ pn rpoae of elect! IIK al x delecates to the county TIB s» res school iiouse, where tbe sciiolars fell the Presbyterian church on Sabbath seven architects, in explauing the mote the enterprise, and ascertain the convention to he held In Ibucity of Maaon on On* ycir, 11.00; lix ineMhi, 60 •!•<•; lhr«« in line, Tbe procession then con­ evenlne next, Frlday,,lune 12. ID02, and to tranaaol aucU plans they had submitted. Each prospects, Tiie factory can be placed other bualneaa coming properly belore the maiittK, 31 eanti—i* idvMM sisted of Co. B, Phil McKernan and A handsome life-size photo enlarged arcliitect was allowed one half hour iu operation witli a capital of $25,000, caucua. Steele Bros'. Posts, the Womans' Be­ liefore tiie board, and would give employment to 150 BVOHDKROFCOX. (^OVERTItlNO HATES. lief Corps, ministers and tbe school, with $3,00 cash trade at Brown & onr«(lvarttilngrale*made knownaloffloe Loomis.' * Mr. Hulburt of Port Huron showed persons if run to full capacity. It is Niilt ol Kooina lo Rent. ti IIIneiiH oardR tl a tlne per year. all of which marched to tbe cemetery. a building 05 liy 132 feet witii a an enterprise tliat the business men auxinflHiiloaftliaveoontiperllneeaohand Tiie services at tiie soldiers' ineinori- "Golden Rule" Jones of Toledo court room 57 by 49 feet. It was a aud those interested In the growth of Iniiulro at HOTT & SON'S grocery. 2 e rery Indsrtlon. al lot ill memory of tbe unlinowii will give au address al a picnic on guaranteed $40,000 plan with inside the city will do well to foster. 91 <trrlai{«,blrth',and death noUoeifree, dead were opened by tiie liyniii camp grounds, Eden Rapids, next n«od T«filb ;S.1.00, llent T««tli ts.oo. Obituary notloei, renolntlona of rMpeot finish of oak in a building built of Gold fllllinKa, DI.MI up; other llillngi, Soo. eardvortbaoki ete.,nveoentiallDe, America, followed by a brief address Saturday, June 7, Teeth extracted wltlioiil pain by the uae of bud' colored sandstone and not fire­ NKWM IN HRIEF, by Bev. A- F. White. Alter paying Tiiere are rumors to tbe efl'ect tliat proof. WiUte'N LocalAnaoathello Uaaorehlorafonn. tribute so tbe dead, be said tliat (be H. J. Holbrook of Lansing: Building Terma caah. A. P. VAMDKUSISN. Biigiiioss Cards. rallies of tbe Grand Old Army were tlie Mcibigau Suburban road between Ah old eat at Frank Royston's iu Lansing aud St Johns will soon be­ 113 by 94 feet;, extreme lieigbt 130 Vevay la nursing two young skunks. Waiiieil. growing tliinner every year and it come tlie property of the Hawks- feel; 44 feet to cornice; 30 liy 78 feet In Maann and tngh tin county a good oner- ATTORN KTN. will-soon become necessary for tbe room for court; built of Ionia saud- Tbe Bweliest pataut leather slices KeUc man lo HQII atiMsk In ono of Ihe beat inln- ciiildren to decorate tlieir graves. As Angus syudicate. liiK propoalllonHoveroireifld. Terma liberal, LA"wf0N T. HEMANB, stoiie. and oxfords for commencement at F. alook aellNa qnlckivquid . Write al once or call * TTOUNEY AND COUNHKLOR AT taps, tbe last call sounded, Co. B flred Ladies patent leather shoes war- Daverman nnd Son of Grand Rapids: w. WEIIB'S. » upon Janon E. Itanimoiid, 115 Joaopli St., A- law. Office over First State and Snv- a salute over tiie irrave of Ford Hawn, rented to wear, only JiJ.SO at F. W. Building 112 liy 70 feel; stone and LauNliig, Mich. InKibnnk.VIaNnn, Mlah. who lost bis life in Cuba during tbe WEJJU'S, » brick; slate roof; .'iO feet tower; court Warren W. Godfrey, father of Mrs. idte war. room 43 liy 74 feet; supervisor's room. Chas, G, Tripp of this city, died at ids Nine IMK* for Half). 1). MoARTtlUR, Attorney at Law, Ma- Bentley's show isunderquarantiued liome iu Napoleon, May 25th, aged 70 G. W Coi,i.iNs,4>4 mllea eaat of Maaon. NOii, MIflU. At the opera houseMayor Wbitmau at Climax, in St. Josepli county, A Ail oak iliiish. years. A. BEKQMAN, atlornoyiiMaw. Pllloe called tbe audience to order. Follow­ physician discovered a child who had Clair Alien of Jackson; 112 by SG •'•r NMI«. over IjOiiuyoar'K driiK Rloie, Maitoii. ing the siiiKing of Aiiiierica, Ilev. A, attended the circus sulluring with foot building; 45 feet to cornice; Frank Purdy, formerly of tills city, lliniHoniid bitrn with iibnnt five aorei of A. F. White oilered prayer, after which was quite badly injured during tiie hind ou Nurlli MiUn Htruet, Maaon, LKKKl) AIJiEN, l,nwyer, Olllce over small pox. Bentley is u former citizen court room 40 by 74; supervisors' room Dll. CHAS. a. .TRNKINS, Wobbtt SVIiiliiiitn'ii, MitKoii. a trio consisting of Messrs. Watltins, of Aurelius. 20 by 30; slate roof. All inside finish recent lire at tiie Rikerd factory at A A<latn8 and Casteriiii sang "They of oak. Lansing. He was employed at tlie lonalug, Mich. H. AVEKY, atlonioy lit law. Olllcu op- Died For You and Me." Tbe read­ The high school ball teams of Wll- Mr, Salter of Illinois: Building 75 works and lost a wheel in the lUmes, <ii«fHHrli«u a:'iHH E, poKlte lliulNou Hoime.Lanalng, MIcki. ing of Liiiuuln's Gettysburu Address liamston and Mason iilayed a game iu by 106; court room 02-0 Ity 300; super­ Will iiiako Hie aeaaon of lOIKS at my barn la liy Rev. W. J. Wilson was followed tills city lust Thursday. The result Mrs. Clara Hoffman, of Kansas MiiHou. tlO tu liisurn mate In foal. q, A.HMITII O. J, HOOU. visors' room 20 by 84; tile roof. Cost City, national otiicer of the W. C. T. Ml A. a. LYON. 2! MITH * HOOD, AttornoyB BIUI COUnselors. by a solo, "The Old Guards," by was a victory for the Williamstoii boys aliout $50,000.
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