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Frames and politics 35 2.4!Applying frame analysis to the discourse on the Chinese dream: two basic master frames 38 2.4.1! The first master frame: self-ing and other-ing 39 2.4.2! The second master frames: on political legitimacy 41 2.5! Conclusion 43 3.! Methodology: towards an integrated approach for the analysis of the discourse on the Chinese dream 45 3.1!Introduction 45 3.2!The sample 46 3.2.1! Data for the synchronic analysis 46 ii 3.2.2! Data for the diachronic analysis 51 3.3!Frame analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis: towards an integrated methodology 52 3.3.1! Frame analysis 52 3.3.2! Critical Discourse Analysis for linguistic analysis 54 3.3.3! Critical Discourse Analysis for visual analysis 60 3.4!The application of the methodology to the empirical research 63 3.4.1! Integrated method for the synchronic analysis of the discourse on the Chinese dream 63 3.4.2! Method for the diachronic analysis 64 3.5! Conclusion 64 PART 2: THE FIRST MASTER FRAME. SELF-ING AND OTHER-ING 4.! The Chinese-Us: Whose dream? 67 4.1!Introduction 67 4.2!Whose dream? 68 4.2.1! Zhongguo renmn. Chinese people 70 4.2.2! Zhonghua minzu. Chinese nation(s) 85 4.3!Conclusion 98 5.! The Other in the discourse on the Chinese dream 100 5.1!Introduction 100 5.2!External enemies in the discourse on the Chinese dream 100 5.2.1! Context of analysis 100 5.2.2! The first shape of the Other: identity through differences 101 5.2.3! From different to enemy 106 5.3!The Other as “the ear” of “China’s voice” 111 5.3.1! Context of analysis 111 5.3.2! What is the rationale to “spread China’s voice” 115 5.4!Conclusion 126 PART 3: THE SECOND MASTER FRAME. ON POLITICAL LEGITIMACY iii 6.! The Chinese dream as common interests 128 6.1!Introduction 128 6.2!The dream of a “powerful” nation 129 6.3!The Chinese dream as a historic mission 147 6.4!Conclusion 166 7.! Representing leaders’ qualities to rule 167 7.1!Introduction 167 7.2!Personal qualities 168 7.2.1 Framing Xi through images 169 7.2.2 Framing Xi through language 179 The campaign around “the spirit of the series of important speeches by general secretary Xi Jinping” 180 Xi’s language style 184 7.3!Willingness to overcome shortcomings 198 7.4!Conclusion 202 8.! Conclusion 205 8.1!Results overview 205 8.2!Final remarks 209 8.3!Contributions to scientific knowledge and limitations 212 References 214 iv List of figures: Figure 1: The evolution of the character for “country” 70 Figure 2. “From people to mankind” 116 Figure 3: The first image of the first sequence of pictures 172 Figure 4: Xi Jinping with villagers of Liangjiahe, Shaanxi Province, in February 2015. 175 Figure 5: Xi Jinping and renmin between 1983 and 1995. 176 Figure 6: Xi Jinping with his family 177 Figure 7 Xi Jinping with his mother, Qi Xin 177 ! ! ! ! ! "! ! ! 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