NCC AR 1935 75806 F'~D.i.iliAL DISTRICT COI\11HS3IOJ:'!. CHAIRM.AN COHMISSION'.B::RS c. Jackson Booth, Esq~ A.E. Provost, Esq. F.E. Bronson, Esq. W.P. Ste. Marie, Esq. Dr. R. Chevrier His Worship the Mayor of Ottawa, P.J. Nolan, Esq. P.H. Murphy, Esq_. J.B. Spencer, Esq. STAFF A .. Stuart, Superintendent A. Chevrier, H.R. Cram, Alan K. Hay Asst, Secretary Secretary Consulting Engineer. Report of che Federal District Commission for fiscal year ended 31st March 1935. The Honourable E.N. Rhodes~ Minister of Finance~ Ottawa. The Federal District Commission, as required by the Statute 17, George V. Chapter 55, Sections 15-16, 1927 and 18-10, George V. Chapter 26, Section 9, 1928, has the honour to submit the following report for the fiscal year ended March 31st 1935. The gross receipts at the disposal of the Commission during the year were ~229 1 709.78, derived from the following sources: Dominion Government - Statutory grant $ 185,500.00 Dominion Government - Supplementary Vote 10,000.00 Balance from 1933/34 6,044~18 Interest, bank deposits ••• .. 165.36 Labour and materials provided Government departments 21,257.92 Sundries .... 5,043.79 ?entals - Refreshment booths and boathouse 12698.53 s 'd) 229,709.78 The expenditure during the same period amounted to the sum of ~213,757.59. This includes $11,139.54 which repres- ll ents the cost of work done and materials supplied to Government departments and other parties, which amount has been rebated to 11 the Commission by the parties for whom the work was performed, ll and ~7,000.00 for properties, leaving a balance of ~15,952.19. On maintenance including cost of administration 9 there has been expended the sum of ~179,085.77; on properties $7tOOO.OO and on new work $27,671.82 including the above mentioned rebated amount of ~11,139.54. The expenditure may thus be summarized as follows:- ,1; New work (Schedule 1 attached) iJ> 16,532.28 Work for Government and other parties 11,139~54 27,671.82 Properties ••• ••• 7,000.00 t Maintenance, machinery, ••• contingencies and administration 179,085.77 J $ 213,757.59 The Gilmour-Hughson mill property on Laurier Avenue, ' Hull, purchased in 1932/33, was cleared of all derelict buildings and the ground filled and levelled. ' The small lake at the northwest corner of Bank Street bridge, known as Brown's Inlet, was improved during the I winter at a cost of ~1,046.85, the old retaining wall being L removed, the banks built up and a drainage system installed in ( preparation for a landscape plan to be adopted at planting time. r i Various improvements were put into effect on that part of Echo Drive lying between Bank Street and Pretoria Avenue bridge, ~ncluding the placing of lighting standards over this portion of the driveway, and the laying of cable connecting those on the north side, laying walks, building rockeries, planting and draining. The grant of $55,000.00 for Rideau Hall grounds was supple­ mented by the vote of $52 3 400 for the maintenance of Government grounds, which was expended as detailed 1n the annexed report (see Schedule 4)~ The sum of $7 1 000,00 expended on p~operties was in respect of land on Stanley Avenue owned by Henri Dagenais for which the Commission undertook expropriation ?roceedings. The yearly cost of maintaining each unit in the Commission's system of parks and driveways is shown on Schedule 3 attached. A total of 122,380 hardy perennials and annual flower plants was sent out from the Commission's greenhouses at Rockcliffe to be planted in the Commission's parka throughout tne Pity 9nd, in addition, 377 deciduous trees, 6, 348 evergreens and 2,565 orna­ mental trees and shrubs were distributed from the Commission's nursery during the year 1934/1935. All of which is respectfully submitted. Chairman Secretary. SCHEDULE l DISBURSEMENT DETAILS - NEW WO-qK Construction and Development Appropriation Disbursement Total Gilmour vroperty (pare Jacques Cartier) Hull - clearing, filling and levelling. 6,600.00 6,599.25"' Echo Drive, between Bank St. and Pretoria Ave. bridge - setting of ornamental stone lighting standards and fit­ tings and laying cable con­ necting those on the north side; walks, rockeries, planting and drainage. 8,886.18 8,886.18 r Brown's Inlet, north west corner of Bank st. bridge on Canal Driveway - removal of old retaining wall, filling and building up banks~ new drainage system 1,000.00 )-6,532.28 $ 16,486.18 16,532.28 SCHEDULE 2 DISBURSEMENT DETAILS - MAINTENANCE~ MACHINERY, &c .. Parks and Driveways ... .. Eastern Section .. .. 49,500 .. 00 49,493.97 -western Section " ... 66,500.00 67,168.29 Greenhouse . .. 11,700 .. 00 12,047.48 Nursery .. 4!800o00 42795.17 133,504.91 $ 132,500.00 Machinery Purchase of new Leyland 6- wheel truck with snow plowing equipment; new Ford coupe and panel delivery; new Chrysler coupe; general repairs and maintenance of trucks and machinery .. • • $ 25,000. OQ 22,694.79 22,694.79 Forward $ 6,199.70 SCHEDULE 2 (cant' ) DI S"SURSEMENT DETAILS - HAINTENANCE, MACHINERY, &c Staff Salaries Appropriation Disbursement Total Forward 56,199.70 A. Stuar_t, Superintendent 5?400.00 5,400.00 A. Chevrier, Assistant Secretary 3,150.00 3,150.00 H.R. Cram, Secretary 971.25 971.,25 A.K. Hay, Consulting Engineer 1,000 .. 00 1,000.00 F.T. Clark, Clerk 1,764.00 1,764.00 J.A. Hawley, Purchasing Clerk 1,029.00 ll029.0Q l3f314.25 $ 13,314.. 25 Contingencies Stationery, Printing " .. 0 903.99 Taxes .. .. " 862.57 Electricity.... .. " 512.39 Coal .•. .. 625 .. 72 7elephone ••. • • • 271.02 V!ages .... 1,858.71 Legal Fees ••• . .. 550.82 Janitor Supplies " " .. 177.24 Paint, Hardware, etc. .. 337:43 Engineering Supplies ••• 375~98 Medical Services ... 47.50 Constables 1 Equipment .. " 77.28 V!orkmen 1 s Cmn.pensati on 552.00 Tr·ansporta ti on .. '860.00 Special Services, Mosquito Control 1,500.00 Sundr:i_es .. 59.17 9' 571.82, $ 10,000.00 $ 179,085.77 = SUMJIA:ARY OF TOTAL DISBURSEHE:NTS 1934/35. ~tenance Western Section .. .. ... 67,168~29 Eastern Section .. " . .. 49,493 .. 97 Greenhouse .. 9 • • • b 12,047.48, Nursery " " . .... 4, 795.17,, ., e ., Machinery, repe.irs, etc. 22 1 694.79 Contingencies 1 .. .. - ' " e 8 .t571. 82' Sta:ff' .. .. ... .. 13~ 314! 25· 178~085.77 New Work Gilmour property - clearing, levelling~ etc. 6,599.25 Brown's Inlet- filling, building up banks 1,046.85~ Echo Drive .... 8,886.18~ 16~532 .. 28 I:,r OJ;! e r t i SUL_ Dagenais .. .. 7,000.00 Sundries Work for Government and others .. II> • 11,139 .. 54 Mosquito Control " " . 1,ooo.oo 12,139.54 TOTAL ~ 213,757.59 COJ.IlPJIJUSON OF ESTIMATES APPROVED BY TH..E OOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL WITH ACTUAL EXPENDITURE IN 1934... 1935. Over Estimates Expenciture Unexpended Expended Office Staff .. " . --- -... - Contingencies " .. 9,000.00 8,571.82 428 .. 18 Machinery, repairs, etc. 25,000.00 22,694.79 2,305.21 Maintenance Eastern Section " . 49~500.00 •49 ,493. 97 6.03 Western Section t s .. 66,500 .. 00 67,168.29 -... - 668,29 Greenhouse .. ... 11~700.00 12,047.48 --- 347.48 __ ..., Nursery • • • 4,800.00 4,795,.17 4,83 New Work __ ..,. Echo Drive • • • 8,886.18 8,886.18 --- Gilmour property • • • 6~600.00 6,599.25 .. 75 .._ Brown's Inlet .. .. 1,000.00 1,046 .. 85 --- 46 .. 85 sundries Mosquito Control .... 1,000.00 1,000 .. 00 Work for Govtt and Others 9,500.00 11,139.54 1,639.54 Prouerttes Dagenais 7,000.00 7.000 .. 00 ~ 213,800.43 213,757.59 2,745.00 2,702.16 ----·-- SCHEDULE 3 COST OF MAINTAINING PATtKS AND DRIVEWAYS cd~i I< l· '- r;f IN-EASTERN YEA"R 1934/1935. Total expenditure on Eastern Section as per Schedule 2 $ 49,493 .. 9'? Labour SU:Q:Qlies Total National Park . .. 2,963.93 156.97 3,120.9~* Rockc1iff'e ?ark . .. 11,986.74 10~941.57 22,928.31 .Sastview Park . 2,118.34 193.56 2,311,. 90 ° . c1acdoria1d Gardens .. " 2,961.49 206.75 3,168.24' Strathc'ona Park 0 • • 3,266.45 955.01 4,221. 46' King Edward Park ... 5,259.99 1,289.93 6' 549.92' lTepean Point Pk and Drive 4,025.34 898.13 4, 923. 47 . -· Green Island '0 •• 958.00 958.00 ' -· :~el'J G :")1y. property, Nicholas _1_,__g_4:Q.__ ~2 ___E2_~_._9J2. _1,.. 31_1_!_77 ,, 49!493.97 .· ·' .• •· )l.. .· Total expenditure on Western Section as per Schedule 2 $ 67,168.29 ~Confederation Park •• 5,744.46 995. 73 6 '740 .. 19 ' Rideau Canal Driveway 16,571.17 2,312.58 189883.75~ Echo Drive •• 0 7,226.97 1,670.55 8,897. 52"" Central Park ... 6,600.77 1,223.11 7,823.88' Dow's Lake .. 5,925.28 791.72 6, 717.00 " Island Park Driveway. 8,853.34 4,532.31 13,385.65 .. Flora L2.Jce Park . 1,395.93 77.19 1 ,472. 72 ~ Val Tetreau Park . 1,102.90 66.95 1,169.85 Bronson Park .. " . 1,019 .. 58 83.36 1,102.94"' Somerset Street Park. 937.62 37.17 974.79 .. $ 55,378.02 11,790.67 ;~i\.CH UNIT IN GOVERNJilliNT Gf\OU~TDS \'EA-q 1934/35. Majors' Hill Park .. $ 7,706.,74 Majors' Hill Greenhouse ... 3,333.21 Parliament Hill Grounds .. .. 17,314 .. 97 Parliament Hill Greenhouse ••• 4,143.24 Connaught Place ...
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