lt'to't{ rr.rs dr$-q {ftfi Northern Regional Committee wg+ erwrqq ftrerl qftc-E National Council for Teacher Education i q-Tn sr6r or '1o Efoa r*om ) $? (A Starurory Body ol the Governmenr di lnd a) NCTE I F. No. NRCNCTE/UP- 125'2015 Date: , ,,rtf CORRIGENDUM \ J "" The name of the affiliating body mentioned in the revised recognition order no F' No'NRC/I{CTE/ uP-common ordlerst2cl5llll724 dated 06.05.2015 issued to the "Kanahiya Lal D.A.v. college' Roorkee-247667, Haridwar, Uttar Pradesh", at Sr. No. 15, the affiliating body name be read as "Hemwati Nandan Bahugun, (HNB) Garwal Univcrsity, Shri Nagar Pauri, Garwal, Uttarakhand- 246174 ,td copy to s. no. 2 the Principal Secretary, (Higher Education) Govt of Uttrakhand (Deptt Of Higher Education), Secretariat, Dehrandun, UA. Other contents of the revised order shall remain unchanged. (Dr. S. K. C)L+t, Rcgic,iral Di,'& t,r The Manager to Govt. oflndia, Department of Publications, (Gazette Section) Civil Lines, Delhi - 110 054 Coov to:- u27-Th. Principul, Kanahiya Lal D.A.v. College, Roorkee-24?667' Haridwar, Uttarakhand' The principal Secretary. (Higher Education) Go!,t. of uttakhand (Deptt. of Higher Education). Secretariat, DehBndun, UA. l. The Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resollrce Development, Go!t. of tndia, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001 4. The Director, Directorate of Higher Education, I/C Teacher Education, Go!'l. of Uttarakhand, Directorate, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 5. The Registrar, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna (HNB) Garwal University, Shi Nagar Pauri, Garwal, Uttarakhand-246 I 74. 6. The Registra!, Choudhary Charan Singh University, University Road, Meerut-200005, Uttar Pradesh '7. The US (Computer), National Council for Teacher Education, Hans Bhawan Wing-ll, I, Bahadur Slraii Zafar lvlarg, New Dell)i- i i0 002. 8. Oflice order file/ Institution lile \\!, Rcgionll Dircctor Ambedkar Crrcle, uqicq : riqn qFfrd d-di Rin-lt. fd3i'rid El€,r. old-<6r {ff-d Oltico : 4th Floo( Jeevan Ndhi-ll, LIC Buildiig, BhawaniSingh Marg, Jaipur -302 005 (Rajaslhan) rrdr4 ?E srtl T4!r Jo2 m5 ft]i.{llril Punlab, H P Rajasthan 6r{*i : : F r.r'rflrdd nea etq' .ou e6,rd ?FTd [e, {rm{.E Jlri.diciion : U P, Uttla.chal, Oelhi,8aryana, Chandigah Phone No 0141-2744288, 2744635. Fat : 0141-2144173 E-mail. : orc@ncie-india o.g. YJebs e:wwncte-ndE org 9r^"r" t3+ /S:eL5- -*ri':ifriTiri*:H#ii:s- ( 'rr{d #ffiffis* *fl?'*$? F. No./NRCIN-CTEruP'Common Orde6/20 l r/ t)r/'l i . 2ft5 SB!!! ,_.. the National Council"fot \YHEREAS, in exercise of the polers conferred b) Sub{ecrion l2r ol Sedron l2 oI Tea{her.Edlcadon (Recosnilion eo,"otio" ,{;,, 1993 (?3 of l99li and in supersessro; ol rhe National Council lor r"u.r,* 2014 on lr",,ranJ rii""a"r"i r"gulaiions, 2009. the NatidalCouncil iol reacher Education has norfed the Resulalions' 0l r2.2014. mentio'ed in pda 5 b€lo* ior the course 2. AND, WHEREAS. lhe recogtrition has be€n Sranted lo the instilutions menrioned again$ lheir nafle. Regulalions and hare L AND, wHEREAS, the sid institutions bv aflldalrr htle onsented Io rcme.unds New p. asarnst th'ir nrme which mav requ irc '",.t*-"i ,"i" i" s. ia.rs eo rN{.ei as menrioned in pam 5 be low '*O, r"''ir,. number of units subject 1o ,, AND. WHERf,AS. n has been decided to pennil the instilution 10 haYe lhe desired lulfilline ihe following conditions . (b) additional (i) The insriil]tion shalt creaE addnionat laciliries rhal include (a) additional built_up_area ' 2014 and inrorm Regional ' #*;**., Af tunds. (d) adhere to statTnorms as Per Resulations' ^ddidonal commitle€s with rcquired documenls bv october 31,2015 such as La d irt" rppii*"t r"r,ituiion ror addilional unil srLl be rcqurled ro $bmrt rhe rcquir(d.ducmenc riil' and BuildinE Plan ' documins. Non Encumbrance cenrltcare (Ecl. change ol Land use ceniicate lcLU) proof of havin8 (BP) in th€ specified prcrorma a\ailable on ile ol ttt< Resion6l Commi(e' in "etine (BCc) mav be pio,io"o rt'" iaaitlonoi ru"ililies befor€ octob€r 31. 2015' Building completion C€nificate ir can be rc the visitint Team al lhe time ol liven along with olher documents ifavailablc orheoise Siven inspection plemise\ and che.l rhe Reo onxlcommillee (hall danEe lol !elificdllon oldocumenls, in)peclion oflhe fi.,.,,il';;;;;;;";'t;"' iri n'm"v' 20to' ri ir rs round b) rhe Resronar commrrree thcr rhe shall nol be pemit&d lo admit inslitution has failed to comply"r wrrt rlese requiremenrs' rhe rnstilulion sludents for the academic vear 2016_2017' under s'crion l? of the in case anv existine instiiurion s matter is sub-judice under coun direction'/scN (i') the Hon'ble Cou'r lcii e."i'co.pLin, e(c.. the rnsntution sh;lL be requr(d ro submir a copv.ofl Iogether with trc documenrs otAerlreplv ro ScN/comptaint akead) submrtLed alongwlh doLumenrs' if&1)' premises is p€ndinB- such institurion sball be rererea'a6ove. rn case irre instiurion s requesr ror shifrins of lar ions z0l4 wilh a copv of ,.q,;.a i" .,lrir rt ."qri'ite documens L ptr pror rsio;s ot rhe NCTE Regu 6.rndicated in rh€ revised rhJ order^OC of the" aliliating bod)/Slate bovi' and such orher documenrs grven-bv.lhe Hon'ble Coun in the iomar recognition order. Tnis iroer stratt be 5ubJect io lhe dftdions b) the Norlhern ReSional W Peiilio;/case and in respect oi Seclion l?/c;mphtnl cases elc as decided Comminee. NCTE hereby issues the rclised 5. Now, therefore, in lighl of the abo\€, lhe Nodhem Regional Committee' o;d;i. ih" 6r1owi;s instilutions ror;onductins the und;-mennoned PlgClTT:j4l4+i1-11yer'!lE-ilgt!'!! ii"*e"rt;" mtrrrioned in para 4 abovc: iori-;orr subjecr ro rurfium€nt;r $e conditions betore I I I0'20 rt ii".li" ""i".r".",.r"i tddress of Name and !ffitiatingbody B.Ed. / 165 LJdaiPraup PG ColleSe, B.Ed / 120 F,NO NRCA]CTB F-3ruP-ll6/594 t991 qli;i Office:4th Floor, Jeevan Nidhi-ll, LIC Suild bedkar Circle, : *O qtud. J]{r frit-ll liJrgdt ftftfl }'isdr 6r+dq Bhawani Singh Marg, Jaipur -302 005 (Ra 1lsr{ ilt_s En 6!F_3c2 oo5 (irdisnr) q'{ Junsdiction : U P l.iiranchal. DehL, liaryana. Punlab orl*t,r.rr qir'wiiqa itd Eftlrofl lili s'Arrd ftnzo rid{n'rr E-maiL :nrc@nde-indra.oQ websle wwncle.inda org PhoneNo 0141-2744288,2744635 Fax 0141'2144173 - #ffifu ,*- $? -lsil,*frIT:i*:i$*::rY N.me 8nd addr.s of st. sflilialing body lnrak M.l.P. Rohilkhand & M.Ed. /40 F.NRCNCTE,F- On€ 50 t2. uP-919 Faculty of Education Unive6ily, Doli M.J.P. 3ruP- allied Scienccs. Mar8, 94912003t4t38 Lal Agarwal Rohikhand University, Dist. Bueilly, Bareilly.243006, Uttar daEd l0lI S.plembcr2003 shre-urlar Rohilkhand B.Ed. / 100 NNRCAICTE/F. Two 100 Mj.P. ll. t P-739 Ralhida Begum Muslim Unive6ity, Doli Bijnor 3NP-13913559 Malavidalay!, Lal ASaNal Md& Road. Amroha- J.P. dated 06th JulY Dist. BaEilly, NasaF24422!, Uttar 2004 100 Dr. B R. ll Aj.S. Degre. College, B.Ed. / 100 F.NRC/NCTE/F. Bajn4 )IUP. Shivpuri University, Dist. Mathuru-281001. Utlar 866D00313967 dated 081h Agra-z82004, Sept€mber 2003 State-lJttar B.Ed. / 60 F- No- F'3iUP' One 50 t)/ uP-125 Kanairiya l-al O.e. V Singh Unile6ity. | Roorkee_ 12519814194 dnted ColleSe, Meerur- Utra, Dis1. 24?667, Heidwar, Stale- r998 25000J, 100 uP-809 nanaras lnsritute of B.Ed. 100 F,NRC,NCTBF' Education lruP-809/2001/ Teachefs UniveIsity, Modwala 2809 dar€d 96 July (BITE). Shahgmj Road, Eslate, 2003 Tower, Industrial Dist. Jaunpur' P.O.-Bhullanpur, P.A.C., 222002, Stac_ vaGnasi'221104, Unu I00 ahaudhdy Ch!6n B.E.d / 100 F,NRCA{CTE/F' 11. uP-694 lnslilule of Education & Universily, 3ruP- SinSh Technology Sciences, Disl. Meerul- NH-58. Abupur, 6941200215681- loth 250005, Srate- Beiween Muradnagar - 5689 daied Modinagar, Gheiabod, Novemb€r 2001 uP 201 206 - 100 B.Ed. / 100 TNRCA]CTE/ F.3/ l8 uP-980 seni t"taalau Singlr Singh PuRanchal Mahavidyalaya Madhav uP,980i2003i 3553 dared l2th August UDivenity. Nlsar, Bigahiya, Road, 2003 Shahganj Allahabad, Utta, Pradesh Disl- JaunpuF 222002, Slatc' 100 ahaudhary chaan 10ll F,NRC/NCII/}. 19. UP-545 i . Insritua ofModern B.Ed / l,trP-545/2002 Singh UniversilY. Managemeni Education Dist. M€erun Centre, /?517 da(ed 251h and Research 250005. Stale_ Ram Bash Colony. September 2002 SectoF4, Shastri Nagar, Meerul, Utiar Prad€sh_ 25004 olfice : 4ln Floor, Jeevan Nidhi-ll, LIC B,r'roins [AN)ldxa' Crrc e rrndl d'"ir Jiir tulr I rirrg dl ftliE'l 3r+64r irtu"d ord-dq Bhawan, Srngh [4arg Jaipur'302 005 (Ralasthd(lr.U,/' Eril lri qr frml 302 0C5 1? il o. -irr{I,ii '1,\j Ju,i.dicron:U o. l.lflrarLhal Oehr,Haryana PLnao. Cl"anoilFy' R4's'na dd*_a:sir qq$ ffil fn'--or, q n aa&T a Bqrra rcr {rn rrr nrc@ncte-indiaorg, Webslle : tw.ncle-india.org Phone No 0141.2744288 2744635 Fat 0141-2744173 E.ml .
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