“ ( the (univer sity of ¢bi cago ' - ‘ ll o rw s v J o H N D R CKEFEL L ER u o a . O B U L L E T I N O F I N F O RM A T I O N L XI I MAY 1922 V O . X REGISTER O F DO CTO RS O F P H ILOSOP HY O F T H E UNIV ERSITY O F JUNE 1893 —DECEIVIBER 19 21 _ T H E UN IV ERSIT Y O C H I C AGO , ' Ma r A r il a nd Ma . r ime s a. e ar : a nu a Pu blished by t he Unive r sity o f Chic a g o fo u t y J ry, c p , y - t he Po s - o ffic e a t Chic a 0 EL u nde r t he Ac t o f e r a o c ss ma e r Ma r c 1 1 1 . ai t , , Ent ed s sec nd la tt h 4 , 9 4 , t A r o os a e r o vided o r i ec io n 1 1 0 Ac t o r ma ilin a t s ec i al a e f S , A st 2 1 1 2 . c c e ta nc e f t t g p t 3 4 , 9 p g p p p 8 o f o be r 1 1 a uthor ize d o n une 6 1 9 1 . t J , 3 , 9 7, " (the (univer sity of a bi cago D D J O H N D EL L ER FO U N E BY . RO CKEF B U L L E T I N O F I N F O R M AT I O N L XXII MAY 1922 4 N o . V O . REGISTER O F DOCTO RS O F P H IL OSOP HY O F T H E UNIV ERSITY O F CH ICAGO JUN E l 893 — DECEMBER 1 9 21 T H E UN IV ERS IT Y O F C H I CAGO P RES S I I C H ICAGO , IL L N O S TABLE OF CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCE GROUP Philosophy . Psychology Edu cation Political Economy Poli tical Science History r o Sociology and Anth opol gy . o f History Art . Household Admini stration Home Economics (Food Chemistry) Comparative Religion DIVI NITY SCHOOL GROUP Oriental Languages and Literatures N e wTestament Literature and Interpretation Systemati c Theology Church Histo ry u Religious Ed cation . Sociology CLASSICAL GROUP Greek Language and Literatur e Latin Language and Literatur e Compar ative Philology M ODERN LANGUAGE GROUP Romance Lang uages and Literatures Germani c Languages and Literatures Englis h Language and Literatu re MATHE MATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE GROUP Mathematics Mathematical Astronomy Practical Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics Chemi stry EARTH SCI ENCE GROUP Geology and Paleontology Geo graphy . BIOLOGICAL GROUP Zoology Anato my Physiology . mi P r Physiological Che stry and ha macology Botany Pathology . Hygiene and Bacteriology NUMERICAL SUMMAR Y INDEX OF NAME S DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY OF T HE UNIV ERSIT Y OF CHICAGO SOCIAL SCIENCE GROUP PHILOSOPHY1 AmEs f EDWARD SCRIBNER , Associate Professor o Philosophy, University of Chicago , Chicago , Ill Agnosticism in Its Historical Development . ‘ SIMON FRASER M ACLENNAN , Professor of Philosophy and Psychology , O i O O berl n College , berlin , hio The Theory o f the Impersonal Judgment . A M o f DDISON WEBSTER OORE , Professor Philosophy, University of Chicago Chicago Ill . , , ’ Implications o f the Teleological Character o f Knowledge in Locke s Essa o n the Hu ma n nder sta ndi n . y U g E E C M D r o f if RN ST ARROLL OORE , i ector, University Cal ornia , Southern Lo s . Branch , Angeles , Cal “ The Relation o f Education to Philosophy in Greece and the Early Church . ARTHUR KENYON ROGERS , Formerly Professor of Philosophy, Yale Uni N e w . versity , Haven , Conn - Psycho Physical Parallelism . AMY ELIZA TANNER Head of Department of Experimental Pedagogy ’ , , u . Children s Instit te , Worcester, Mass w h t o f . Imagery, it Special Reference o Association Ideas D P M M o f o f n ANIEL ETER AC ILLAN, Director Department Scie tific Peda o - g gy and Child Study and Edu cational Research , Chicago Pu blic 808 u III. Schools , Tribune B ilding , Chicago , The Negative Judgment . H H B W r . ENRY EATH A DEN, Ysid o , Cal f Theory o the Criterion . WILLIAM FRANKLIN M ONCRIEF Hu me Fogg High School , Nashville Tenn . ’ , , Examination of Mill s Inductive Canons . o f HENRY WALDGRAVE STUART, Professor Philosophy , Leland Stanford u f P J nior University , Stan ord University O , Cal Valuation as a Logical Process . w H B DF D TH MPS . u W R ELEN RA OR O ON (Mrs Pa l oolley) , esearch Fello , T r o i . e nst ne O Helen S Foundation , Cincinnati , hio , Director of the u o f l . N rsery School the Merri l Palmer Foundation , Detroit , Mich Psychological Norms in Men and Women . f MYRON LUCIUS ASHLEY , Professor o Psychology, Chicago Teachers hi III. College, C cago, The Nat u re of Hypothesis . D C G o f E u N WILLAR LARK ORE , Department d cation , Chicago ormal l II. Col ege , Chicago , I n The Imagination in Spinoza a d Hume . K G u ATE ORDON, Associate Professor of Psychology and Ed cation , Carnegie o f . Institute Technology, Pittsburgh , Pa The Psychology o f Meaning . 1 T h e i le o f h e i ss i n s mi fo r t h o o a e i s r i n a f n m t t t d e rta t o u b tte d e d ct r t p te d te r e a ch a e . 5 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F C H I C A G O E K A w . 1904 LIZABETH EMPER DAMS , Con ay, Mass The Aesthetic Experience : Its Me a nlng In a Fu nctional Psychology . C o f WERRET T WALLACE HARTERS , Professor of Education and Director Research Bureau of Retail Training, Carnegie Institute of Tech l . no o gy, Pittsburgh Method s in History Teaching . K o ni . o f w I w IRVING ING, Assistant Profess r, State U versity Io a, o a City, owa . " The Diff erentiation o f the Religiou s Consciousness . I E M o f a RV I NG LGAR ILLER , Professor and Head of the Department Educ ' n tio , State Normal School , Bellingham , Wash : The Significance o f the Mathematical Element In the Philosophy o f Plato. E R o f e o f 1 906 DGAR FRANCIS ILEY, Director the Training School and Prof ssor Education in the State Normal School Platteville Wis . ’ , , Descartes Theory o f the Judgment . o f WILLIAM KELLEY WRIGHT, Assistant Professor Philosophy, Dartmouth N . H . College , Hanover , fl a i n The Ethical Significance of Pleasur e, Feeling, and H ppiness - Modern Non Hedonistic Systems . 1 907 MATILDE CASTRO , Professor of Education and Director of the Phebe w w . Anna Thorne Model School , Bryn Ma r College , Bryn Ma r, Pa f The Respective Standpoints o Logic and Psychology . 1 0 R ff S e a ttle ni on e c or d . 9 8 ANNA LOUISE ST ONG , Editorial Sta , U R , Seattle , Wash A Consideration of Prayer from the Standpoint of Social Psychology . 1909 D GUNHI LDA S 1 AGNY UNNE , Associate Professor of Psychology, Sophie ' w N e O n . w. Ne comb Memorial College, rlea s , La The Development of the Subj ective Standpoint in Post- Aristotelian Philosophy . ERNEST LYNN TALBERT, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director O i of Admissions , University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , h o . o f I The Dualism Fact and dea in Its Social Implications . 1 9 10 H f FREDERICK GOODRICH HENKE , Professor and ead o the Department o f c Al Philosophy and Edu ation , legheny College, Meadville , Pa . f The Psychology o Ritu alism . E H S K o f LLA ARRISON TO ES , Professor Philosophy and Education , Penn O w . College , skaloosa, Io a u The Conception of a Kingdom of Ends in A gustine, Aquinas , and Leibnitz . 1 91 1 i l E J u is . LI AH JORDAN, Professor of Ph losophy , B t er College , Indianapol , Ind u u The Constit tive and Reg lative Principles in Kant . 19 12 HOMER BLOSSER REED , Formerly Assistant Professor of Philosophy and o f w Psychology, University Idaho , Mosco , Idaho . The Morals of Competition and Monopoly . B J V AN R EN AMIN WHITMAN IPER, Professor of Philosophy, Rockford College , Rockford , Ill . V ie tvs o f An Examination of Certain the Time Problem . C E o f l HARLES DGAR WITTER , Principal the Bryan Hi l School St . Louis Mo . ’ , , Pragmatic Elements in Kant s Philosophy . 19 13 C WF Of JOHN FORSYTH RA ORD , Professor Philosophy, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis . ’ f Lo i The Relation of In erence to Fact in Mill s g c . M o f i l OHR, Professor Philosophy , M lton Co lege, Milton , is . N e w The Realism and the Real . ’ T F D o f JULIA JESSIE A T, irector , Department Child Study, Children s Bureau , Philadelphia, Pa . The Woman Movement from the Standpoint o f Personality .
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