PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. meeting In Orange hall tonight at 8 o’clock. A flocial will follow the P R E M e U V A L D IA L 4151 meeting in charge o f Mrs. Mar> The Cecillan club will have a garct Bacon, Mrs. Margaret Bain, rpeclal rehearsal this evening at While truvelinfc condltlonii will Improve earh day, they arr aIIII Mrs. Martha Bell, Mrs. .Elizabeth ikuoh an to m I o w up d ellveiieft ronnldoruhly, and wr will have to 7:30 sharp at the South Methodist AND MINISTERS Citvcrly. Miss Lucy Clarkson. church. you to l»e ( N i t l e n t with u k . It will help our delivery men EDWARD VIII HAILED KINl lit^ep oil >«4'liedule If you *phone your order (»‘f*|K*rlally If for a njton d i n n e r nr Itiiirh ) an early an poHNlhle. There I n i i i i operator GIVEOP POSTS on our Mwitrhhonrd at 6:45 eneh momlnf(, and our fln t d e l l \ - e r y Iea%’rc4 the Ktore at 8:00 A. M. Shop. Wednesday For Good Ashes Removed Walter N. Leclerc Wh> not **!ock your cmerjfency ahelf? . we MiiKirefit Canned Cabinet Rengns m Face of Corned IU*ef Hash at lOr ran, Canned C'orned Beef, ,H rans 50c, Funeral Director Heinz. Ilorniel and ('ampiM'irN Soups. Weekly — 25c Values and Extra Savings MEDIEVAL CEREMONIE Neat, Dependable Service. 259 No. Mdbi 8L Slanolieoter Political Dispute^ Proai* PINEHURST MEATS LOCAL AND Meaty Soup Rones. Corned Beef. LONG DISTANCE MOVING Through Double Stamps dent May Make Marcel Neighbors of Late King File Colorful Rites Mark \ Special on Butt Halve.s of Ham at .Sac to .S!)c pound, Semi Van Trucks. Old Fashioned and Modern Regnier New Premier. Past Casket in Conntry New Monarches Titles and on Shank Cut.s at S.'ic to 29c pound. Modern Equipment. In A ll Depts. Of Both ffl Which Great Two Services Church — No Members of Greatly Abbreviated RIB \ EAL C H O P S ............. .............. .......... lb. .3.3c You’ll Appreciate. DANCE Pari*. Jan. 22— (A P ) — The gov­ New Monarch Is For I.Ol.N V EAL CHOPS.............. ....... .Ih. .39c Anaploea o f ernment of Premier Laval went Buckingham P. T, A. These Stores. By ASSOCIATED PRESS These chops run about I to the pound. Austin Chambers down today aa he and hla ministers Royal Family Are Present land Great Steward of Scotland, High Steward of Windsor, K.Q., Proclaimed— Throofs Dial 6260 Tuesday Evening resigned in the face of political dis- The list of titles borne by Edward lieef Kidneys............................................. .........lb. 15c Mnslons. in Edibce. Albert Christian George Andrew P.C., K.T., K.P., a.C,8J„ QJfJt.O„ Laval had held office since June 7, G. C.I.E., O.C.V.O., Q.M.O.E., I.S .O ,, Spectators. (Iround Beef......................................... ......... lb. 29c At City View r Patrick Da\id Windsor was abbre­ M.C., F .R .S ., Vioa Admiral, Lieu­ 1035, a comparatively long time In fresh Spare Ribs. viated considerably by his accession tenant-General, A ir Marshal and Dance Hall recent French history. It was the to the throne. The J W . H A L C COUP. 100th government of the Third Re­ Sandringham. England, Jan. 22.— Hon. Air Commodore-ln-Chlef Aux­ Sauerkraut ............................................lb. 7c; .3 lbs. 20c Keeney Street Now ho Is. officially; iliary Air Force, Personal A.D.C. to London, Jan. 22— A shrill fa public to hold power and to be with­ Saddened East England country WnX. TREAT’S ORCHESTRA. M a n c h e s t e r Co n n * "His Most Excellent Majesty, Ed­ H. M. the King, 0)1. Welab Quarda o f trumpets, ellmaxin* a eoh drawn. ward the Eighth, by the Grace of Harold Gatea, Prompter. The immediate cause of Laval's folk mourned today at the bier of and P. O. W. Volunteers (S. Lancs s*e-oId pageant with mo v e g e t a b l p :s God of Great Britain, Ireland, and Regim ent), O>lonel-In-Chlaf 12tb L. T. Wood Co. overthrow was the withdrawal of King George V, lying In the tiny, touches, form ally procloimsd O r of the British Dominions Beyond Lancers, Middlesex Regiment, D.C. support by Radical-Socialist party flaK-draped chapel of the church on the Seas, King. Defender ot the Britain's new flying monarch 1 FANCY FRESH BROCCOLI .... 19c bun.. 2 bun. 37c | 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 factions. L.E., Seaforth Highlandero, R Scots the Sandringham ro,yal estate. Faith, Emperor of India." Fus., S. Wales Borderers, Leinster as King Edward VIII. It climaxed a long political feud Norfolk neighbors of the late PrevtoiMly he boro these titles: Fresh B eets............................................. ....... bun. 9c ___________INC. in which Edouard Herriot, minister Rcgt., Royal White, Yeomanry, and Before a greait crowd outatds i AGENT ruler filed slowly past the royal "H . R. H. the Prince o f Wolca and Carrots . Brussels Sprouts . Spinach . Celery . of state, resigned as president of Cadet Corps of U. M.; Hon. Col, Ox­ toric S t James's polaca, the M caaket, on which rested a single Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, ford University O.T.C, Master of val-clad Garter U iig at Aram, Radical-Socialists and then with­ Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Tomatoes. • thousand years attend the succession o f England’s Prince white floral cross from the Queen the Merchant Navy and Fishing Gerald Woods WoUastoo. atsi FOR drew his support from Laval. Mother Mary, Baron of Renfrew, Lord o f the lalea I<irge Cauliflower.............. ....................... .. 29c to 33c The whole Cabinet met in session ^ Norfolk, earl marshal of Great Britain, attended ^ the Garter Fleets. ths bateony over the r t i u j i Of Arms, the York Herald, Somerset Herald and Fursuivants with Rouge Four employes of the rustle es­ CHASE & SANBORN’S COFFEE............. today with Laval. Resignations . la a firm voioa he prookUBMd i ......... Ib. 25c PPPERS Th€ JW. H A U CORE were submitted to the premier by Dragon, Rouge Croix and Blue Mantle, all dressed in medieval uniforms assembled on the balcony of tate, dressed simply In their best 41-year old BMward King, Orange Pekoe T e a .................................... lb. 29c Heniot, Joseph Paganon, minister Friary Court at St. James s Palace to proclaim Edward VIII king. The above picture, the only ^ one Sunday black suits, stood immobile and defender at the faith. M a n c h e s t e r C o n n * ,£d the interior; Georges Bonnet, toown showing the rid in g of a royal proctamstlon, was taken in Friary Court on the occasion of the sign- at the four corners of the royal bier Blasta from silver trumpets i Vanilla, Shurflne....................................... 2-oz. bat. 21c 1X18 ui uie Aimuiuce in l91o. " as the local residents bade farewell out as Sir Gsrald. a mambw at \ Th6 IW H A U CORP minister of commerce; Henri Mau- BRITAIN’S NEW MONARCH Parson’s Am m onia.................................... DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS GIVEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY poil, minister of pensions; and WII- to the man and Monarch they knew Herald’s OoUege« proaouaesd OKE MANCHESTER COHH* flam Bertrand, minister of mer­ aa friend. resounding words: chant marine. "God Save the Klngl” BLUE LAB E L RED, SOUR, PITTED CHERRIES The final obseQuies for the San­ a .The Mssion adjourned as a Cab­ dringham folk were carried out In FACES GIGANTIC TASKS The throng stood allent, t&e . FOR P I E ................................ .2 cans 29c Cash inet meeting after 40 minutes of a crisp winter scene as pale aun- tery of S t Jamea’ park crashed ( discussion and went to the Elysee CONGRESS PASSES BONUS; with the first of its salute at-! Good value!* Price 1 2 ^ Wednesday Specials LONG MACHINE shlne broke Intermittently through WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Palace where the ministers re-con­ cloudy skies to light the chapel. guns— one for each year ot Ton vened as a council of ministers un­ Sklward’s life. A half-dozen Norfolk conatablea Edward Vlll Assumes Tre­ der the presidency of President Another Shipment! NOW GOES TO PRESIDENT IS VICTORIOUS scrutinized each visitor to see that SEE CLO SE BONDS Appears a t W ladew Pure Silk Fashioned In The Self-Serve Lebnm. The new ruler was seen to i AU Resign ho was wearing either a block Ue or mendous Responsibility, Sub-Standards Patex a mourning armband. momentarily at a tall window' Then the whole "Save the Franc Joining the crimson-hung b ^ Knee High Ladies’ Cabinet" resigned. Political ob­ IN LOUISIANA Only Seats 100 U.S. AND BRITAIN and Health Market Otherwise be took no p u t In servers believe the situation to con­ By Vote of 346 to 58 House DEVICE CUTS OUT The mourners entered through That of Keepmg His Vast traditional ceremonies. stitute one of the most difficult the rear door o f the church and The "faith and constant A Wonderful Money*Saving Event! political crises In the history of passed slowly up the center aisle of lance” of aU his subjsets Double Green Trading Stamps Given France. Asks Immediate Payment Dead Senator’s Followers Empire in Harmony With DISH TOWELS the chape), which seats scarcely 100 Diplomats Predict New King pledged to the new sovereign, In all, three letters of resignation mm IN RADIOS HOSIERY persons, past the King's plain oaken All Day Wednesday! firming his succession to ths thr were aubmitted to Lebrun.
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