I ---- 8~~~Ra,-- mmi! I ? ;I : - ._ , 7, ' ~ , , -"- -., --- · :-:4 '·:;,; :~,:~w..;r~.4~*.~.'j~~*. 5'~3 2~·~-4·. ~-~~ :~.~~~~:z-.~- .:'- ...· -'.~,,.,:..v-.':7 ~ai~'~~9_.~''~~,-,.~t.~ 7.:5.~m~,',"'~--.,-~,n .'. S;~-~.~;~.... - . ' :'' . ·. :"~ : C-,,,e'-.,;5,/- {?*i~ =L1?~5 ~'~;':~;a.:ft:);C,.'':: : - - Continuous. MIT News ServiCe Cambridge Since 1881 Massachusetts Volume 98, Number 25 . Tuesday, May 16,1978 i,; ) /"8:T lit Tech·- .Coalition presents petition at MIT lllI" _ II 11 J-----~-------------11 I rJ R ,11 - I I . -'- . L . I - · ...... III By Kenneth Hamilton The MIT-We!!esley Coalition F A\gai!nst Apartheid yesterday presented a petition, signed by MIT Investments in South Africa ,1003 mnembners of the M IT Coin- uni. i tv, to Constantine B. Corporation Amount - Corporation Amount Sinmonides. Secretary of the Ex- .-eCUtive Comnmittee of the MIT Exxon $20,587,028 Johnson & Johnson 1,072,723 IN- t- I Corporation. International Business Standard Brands 1,066,095 The petition· states: "Through Machines (IBM) 19,716,048 Bankamerica 997.500 its corporate investments, M IT is I Eastman Kodak 14,536,385 Owens illinlos 97O,000 Fiive members o f, IT'F s .giving economic support to the Rocket society have been South A\frican racist mninority General Motors 13,398,857 US Gypsum 970,00O chosen f'Or the US'world com- governnme nt and its apartheid General Electric 8,766,088. Bethlehem Steel 967,637 petition team. The,, -ill com- system. We... therefore de- Standard Oil, Calf. 6,988,491 American Cyanamid 937,500 pete in Septen iber in Jambo, Milan d: I i) That MIT divest its invest- Mobil 3,967,180 National Cash Registe~r 825,000 B LiI-"ar ia. Adl I - · - --- I--- nients in corporations with CaterpillarTractor 3,859,028 First National Boston 719,730 -wp,= holdiings in South Africa. General Motors Dow Chemical 662,946 I 2) T'hat MIT transfer its funds Acceptance Corp. 3,462,537 Citicorp 605,945 The lich Arts Staff reiews- fromn banks that make loans.to ELugene Ioonesco's latest play .4 the South African government or Ford Motor 3,020,781 Firestone 557,250 He,1l ol'A .. ev.vsand discovers to South African corporations, American Home Boeing - 489,025 thalt it ix .ust that. ,.3) That MIT maltike a formal Products 2,763,536 US Steel 257,250 declaratio n o1 opposition to J. P. Morgan 2,633,806 Rohm & Haas 180,200 apartheid." A cover letter presented with Union Carbide 2,592,921 Sperry Rand 159,250 Thursday 'MIT gave its top the petition. written by the MIT- Texaco 2,480,571 International Telephone athletes awards for their ac- ...__,\'Veleslev Coa'lition. reads, "We complishnlents both on and Weyerhauser 2,333,437 & Telegraph 75,803 think that the widespread concern offt' the field. Leading the Dresser Industries 2,287,500 W. R. Grace 74,587 honored athletes was Helen ·demonstrated by this petition mnandates it thorough re- Burroughs 1,872,497 Rockwell International-- 67,077 IMiyvtsaki '.78 who receiyed two I evaluation otf. MIT policy Eli Lilly 1.737,150 Schering-Plough 58,309 awards -for' ter c rltrititons regarding South Africa.... We to wvomen's athletics. Phillips Petroleum 1,649,930 Hewlett Packard 55,300 · think that the entire MIT Corn: 3M 1 ,496,605 Motorola 28,00 ,n1unity should participate in this Ingersoll-Rand 1,362,463 -re-evaluattion." TOTAL $134,605,670 Paco Leon, a representative of' the ~r.atiup_.-did noir.-hav.e: ariy This list of MIT inv estments in corporations with holdings in South Africa was comTplod by the CAPUS -.-...specific proposals as' to how this re-evafluation would be ac- .MIT/Welesley Coalitio n Against Apartheid from the MIT Treasurer's Annual Report for 1977 and the Associate Dea n ofAe School Arnerican' Consulate General's Report, Johannesburg, South Africa, May 1976 thursday supplied complished. Leon did-note that ofitHumanities Donald. The Tech with this report. "the Sullivan Principles, which · Blzckmer 'will give an open i , I -- -sl -C-·-·R - L_- " -L- -- II ---- -------- ·- M IT urges corporations to adopt, presentation on th~e NeW Col- don't addressthe real political is- leg~e of Science, Tech~nology sues in South Africa. The Sullivan and Society this Thursday.' lPrinciples are a very Moderate set May 18. Details orftime and 1,58 in M I"T l~ass of182 of proposals endorsed even by the By Steven Solnick place will be posted on the UA South A2frican government." list. '!'hle waiting, list itself' ix doen no ,majior admissions policy Announcements Board in "The Class of' 1982 is' almost tO abou)t i)(} students who have changes nex\t year cxccpt thalt tile -Tile Executiv e Committee of Lobby. .7. full an1d the numbers are about been promised rinalaction by i~lo,,v ,.\AchieVC1cint test will be I the MI.T Corporationat its May x%here they ought to be." Director Mmy 30, Richardson said that the atccepted in place of' Physics or 5 meeting. voted to direct the of' Adnissions Peter Richardson "suLn1mr imclt", between 30.and ('hcmistr.x. Since manly people Treasurer to abstain from voting told 1heli''h last Thursday. 7() students h ImsonmcfWor reason take the Biology .Achjievement. in- on a proxy tron- the Minnesota I~ETH'i Citing a figure of' 1058 students or anoither over the suilmnmer stead o)!' the other tvsto Richardso,n Mining and Manufacturing Com- who have accepted oflers of ad- change their mind about at- indicated that hl expected this I[ pany (3M). The proxy on the This is the last regularly mission. Richardson said, "I tending M IT, would trim the class m1ovC to increase the number of' -shareholder-_propo sal requires 3M scheduled issue of' Ihe Tech don't see any large problems at dowll to a I'inai total near the aplpicants next year. lie also cal- to ceaise turther investment in for this academic year. The ithis timlae. The finlal figure might target of' 105(. led it In "im1portant step" in that. -South At'ric:~ and to terminate its Ti'i'h will publish on Com- be off by a few up or down (ref'er- it recogniz.es tile importance of' menCement Day, Monday, operatiions there. According to ring to the Academic Counci!'s Richairdson said there would be the field of' biology Lit MIT. June 5: on Tuesday, July 25: Walter Milne, Secretary of the class size limit 'of 1050) but we and daily during A dvisory Cominittee on really xvon't know the exact Shareholder Responsibility Rcsidence/'Orientation Week 1,nL11ber until Registration Da'y." ITBS gets watts fromt Thursday, Aug. 31 (ACSR), the Executive Commit- Richardson said that, based on tee -,will send a letter to 3M ex- By Kenneth Hamilton the1C .i n1Cot-Su dhurv Regitonai through Friday, Sept. 8 currcrii totals. lie expected the KegFular semi-weekl y pUblica- palaining ti:;:t the Committee W]TBS, MIT's noncomnmrercial I !igh School, had ilred an amend- !1hal class t) be at least 20 percent tion will resume on Tuesday, supports endings further invest- radio station~ since 1961, is-close mont, with the !:ederal C()m- merit but does not support ter- female, the highest figure in the mnl.111ica1ti1on's Comm11l1issio 1n. >totheir Sept. 12. history of' tle .Institute. lie also to expanding, f1rom 10-watts to Ihe 7'ech is pleased to an- minitaticon of 3M's operations .-in 2()0-x~atts. /\ccording to Robert appiccation for a new station, esti mated that at least 7 percent of n1oIunce the election of David South Africa. The majortiy of the Bj'ogc. the Chief Engineer at the- decrasing their request for the class would be black, again G;. Shaw '8t to the position of' ANCSR had recommnended that the station, "I expect a construction broadcast power fromI 10-watts to the haighest figTure ever. Arts lAdi-tor. and the appoint- Executive Committee vote for the pecrmit within the next few 4.1.-watts. A, 4.1 w~att fa.-cility ment of' Michael Ries '79 as proposal. M IT has invested ap- In addition to the 1058 accep- m11onthis." based at the high school wvould ANssocialt¥ News Editor and 'proximately $1.5 milflion in 3M, tances, tilere ;ire 100 offers of' ad- HIis comninint canCe aifter learn- not interfere wvith WTIBS's Robert Nathaniel '81 ;is As- according to the M IT Treasurer's mission still Ioutstanding, many of' ins,! that WI.SR-t:M, Inc., a cor- proposed 20()()0-att station. sociate Sports Editor. 7he Annual Report for 1977. them to .students on the waiting portation representing students at The amendment is the latest li,ch regrets to announce the I dCvetopmCnt in the legal battle resignation of News Editor hct%%cen W,'I'BS and WLSR which Steven Kirsch G, who will go hcgan in late 1971 .vhcln WI-SR on Co-op next fall, aind As- I ives annuali applied for a licence to opcrate a Prolfessor Kenneth C. Russell of ,10-wvatt t'arciity on W'BS's 1'rc-' sociate Sports Editor Michael B1y Jordana Hollander ",iven the Frederick Gardiner Fas- Taviss '8i, who will join the OniMay 11 Barry Newman '79, the Activities Development Board sert, Jr. Awvard fJor his work as Li qucncy (88.1 M1tz). WL.SR then News staff. Undergraduate Association Presi-' presented the ,wards to Robert mncmber OF' the Interfraternity filed a pclitiOn in December of' dent, presided over MIT's annual WO'.Bjorge '78, Carol Ann Brown Cont'crcnce. 'The James R. Kil- 1977 to denyv %TBS renc%1ul of its Awards'Convocation. The seven- '78, Mark L.
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