DETAILS OF NPOs, SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA (Final copy) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) Name, Address & Contact No. Registration No. Sectors/ Target Size Latest Key Functionaries Persons in Effective Name & Value of Associate Bank Donor Means Mode Cross- Recruitme Detail of of NPO with Registering Function Area and Audited Control Moveable & d Entities Account Base of of Fund border nt Criminal Authority s Communit Accounts Immovable (if any) Details Paymen Payme Activiti Capabilitie /Administrati y available Assets (Bank, t nt es s ve Action (Yes /No) Branch & against NPO Account No.) (if any) 1 AAGHOSH WELFARE DSW/NWFP/254 Educatio Peshawar Mediu Yes Education Naseer Ahmad 01 Lack No;. Nil No. NA N.A N.A 07 Nil ORGANIZATION , ISLAMIA 9 n and m 03009399085 PUBLIC SCHOOL 09-03-2006 General aaghosh_2549@yahoo. BHATYAN CHARSADA Welfare com.com ROAD PESHAWAR 2 ABASEEN FOUNDATION DSW/NWFP/169 Educatio Peshawar mediu 2018 Education Dr. Mukhtiar Zaman 80 lac Nil --------- Both Bank Chequ Nil 20 Nil PAK, 3rd Floor, 272 Deans 9 n & m Tel: 0092 91 5603064 e Trade Centre, Peshawar 09.09.2000 health [email protected] Cantonment, Peshawar, . KPK, Pakistan. 3 Ahbab Welfare Organization, DSW/KPK/3490 Health Peshwar Small 2018 Dr. Habib Ullah 06 lac Nil ---------- Self Cash Cash Nil 08 Nil Sikandarpura G.t Rd 16.03.2011 educatio 0334-9099199 help Cheque Chequ n e 4 AIMS PAKISTAN DSW/NWFP/228 Patient’s KPK Mediu 2018 Patient’s Dr. Zia ul hasan 50 Lacs Nil 1721001193 Local Throug Bank Nil Nil 6-A B-3 OPP:Edhi home 9 Diabetic m Diabetic Welfare 0332 5892728, 690001 h Phase #05 Hayatabad 24,03.04 Welfare /Awareness 091-5892728 MIB Cheque Peshawar. /Awaren [email protected] Hayatabad ess [email protected] Phase#05 m Branch 5 AL-FALAH DEVELOPMENT DSW/NWFP/263 Multi Peshawar Mediu Yes Education, Mrs. Surriyya Shahab 02 Leak No. 2001-0081- SW Cheque Chequ No 07 Ni;l ORGANIZATION VILLEGE 1 Purpose m Health 03129399085, 038019-01-2 Depar e IQRA CHILDREN ACADMY, 09-09-2006 [email protected] Bank Al t: TUKHTABADA Habib Cantt CHARSADDA ROAD Branch PESHAWAR. 6 AL-KHIDMAT HOSPITAL DSW/NWFP/121 Patient’s Peshawar Mediu 2018 Health 92-91-2563909 / 30 Lac Nil ______ Local Bank Chequ NIl 40 Nil SOCIETY, 1,A Nishtar Abad, 7 Welfare m 2215945 e District Peshawar. 07.05.1997 [email protected] m 7 AL-MOHSIN WELFARE DSW/KPK/3676 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2017 Multipurpose SAHIBZADA UMAR 50000 Nil -------- Local Bank Chequ Nil Nil Nil ORGANIZATION, Harun 20.12.2011 ose FAROOQ e Market, Opp: Badaber Police 0345-7783905 - 0300- Station, Peshawar. 9397314 8 AMAN YOUTH FRIENDS, DSW/NWFP/649 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2017 Education MUHAMMAD AZAM Rs.50000/- Nil ____ Local Bank Chequ NIl 0 Nil NOTHIA BAZAR, 04.05.1992 ose SHEIKH e PESHAWAR CANTT. 0345-9040658 amanyouthfriends1992 @gmail.com 9 ASSOCIATION FOR DSW/NWFP/330 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2018 Awareness Iftikhar Mehmood Rs.One Lac Nil ___ Local Bank Chequ Nil Nil Nil HUMANITY DEV: (AHD), 2 ose 0336-9163136 e GOLDEN PLAZA 1ST 21.06. 2010 [email protected] FLOOR, OLD BARA ROAD, AFZAL ABAD, UNIVERSITY ROAD PESHAWAR. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) Name, Address & Contact No. Registration No. Sectors/ Target Size Latest Key Functionaries Persons in Effective Name & Value of Associate Bank Donor Means Mode Cross- Recruitme Detail of of NPO with Registering Function Area and Audited Control Moveable & d Entities Account Base of of Fund border nt Criminal Authority s Communit Accounts Immovable (if any) Details Paymen Payme Activiti Capabilitie /Administrati y available Assets (Bank, t nt es s ve Action (Yes /No) Branch & against NPO Account No.) (if any) 10 ASSOCIATION FOR THE DSW/NWFP/208 Disability Khyber Mediu 2018 Physiotherapy Ms. Anjum Anwar 04 Kanal Rehab Helping 11494 BOK Foreig Bank Chequ No. Medium Nil REHABILITATION OF 01/07/1986 Pakhtunk m Speech Therapy 091-5252618 Center Hearts Saddar n and e and PHYSICALLY DISABLED hwa Vocational 0335-5703336 Rs. One Corer Caring Branch local Cash (ARPD) Center [email protected] Souls Bank Al- Swati Patak Umeed Abad Habib A/# No/.02 000168014 11 ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL DSW/KPK/3623 Multi Peshawar Small 2017 Education Syed Imam Ali Shah, Rs.400000/- Nil ___ Local Bank Chequ Nil Nil Nil KNOWLEDGE, House 244, 23-Sep-2011 Purpose 0313-4999606 e Masood Street, Haji Camp, [email protected] City Town, Peshawar m 12 ASSOCIATION OF DSW/KPK/3922 Educatio Peshawar Small 2017 Health BAKHT KARAM Rs. 2 Lac Nil ____ Local Bank Chequ NIl 0 Nil WELFARE & RATIONAL 11.01.2013 n and 0333-3804443 e EDUCATION (AWARE), TF- General [email protected] 268 DEANS TRADE Welfare CENTRE PESHAWAR CANTT. 13 ASWAD (ACTION FOR DSW/KPK/3724 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2018 Wash MUHAMMAD GHULAM Rs. 2 Lac Nil ___ Local Bank Chequ Nil Nil Nil SOCIETY WELFARE 27.02.2012 ose 0300-9393510 & e AWARENESS & /Commu [email protected] Forgin DEVELOPMENT), nity Dev. om BANGASH HOUSE NO. 6 RAILWAY ROAD, UNIVERSITY TOWN, PESHAWAR. 14 AWAMI FALAHI DSW/NWFP/130 Educatio Peshawar Small 2017 Education Mr. Gohar Rehman, Rs.50000/- Nil ---- Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil TANZEEM 3 n & 03428889868, URMAR(A.F.T.U)REGD 18,NOV,1997 General numankhan879@yahoo Welfare .com 15 BASIC AWARENESS DSW/NWFP/332 Multi Peshawar Small 2017 WASH. Kamran saif 02 Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil REHABILITATION AND 1 DATED: 15-07- Purpose Sanitation 0333-9265900 help NETWORKING- BARAN, 2010 /Commu [email protected] UG-335 DEANS TRADE nity Dev om CENTER ISLAMIA ROAD PESHAWAR CANTT PESHAWAR 16 BASIC EDUCATION & 1776 Educatio KP Mediu 2018 Yousaf Riaz Hamish Khan Computer I.T, Nil SC Bank Local Donor Chequ Nil HR Nil EMPLOYABLE SKILL 19-03-2013 n and Panjab, m Chairman BOD Furniture ., one 0887768060 and fund e/Bank Manual TRAINING PAKISTAN Skill Dev Sind ex- Vehicle Rs. 4 UN Transa (BEST PAK) fata 534755/- agenc ction ies 17 BENT-E-HAWA PEACE DSW/NWFP/339 Multipurp KPK Mediu 2017 Women Welfare Yar Muhammad Khan/ 3 Lac Nil _______ Local Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil AND DEVELOPMENT 1 ose m 0300 – 936 0329, ORGANIZATION Dated /Commu 091 – 561 91 13/ 03/11/2010 nity Dev [email protected] / [email protected] 18 BEROTHERY ISLAHI DSW/KPK/ 3449 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2017 Sanitation NIAZ ALI KHAN Rs.50000/- Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil COMMITTEE, NEHER 12.01.2011 ose 0300-5875944 help (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) Name, Address & Contact No. Registration No. Sectors/ Target Size Latest Key Functionaries Persons in Effective Name & Value of Associate Bank Donor Means Mode Cross- Recruitme Detail of of NPO with Registering Function Area and Audited Control Moveable & d Entities Account Base of of Fund border nt Criminal Authority s Communit Accounts Immovable (if any) Details Paymen Payme Activiti Capabilitie /Administrati y available Assets (Bank, t nt es s ve Action (Yes /No) Branch & against NPO Account No.) (if any) GHARI KOROONA & P/O niazalikhanrido@gmail. BUDHNI PESHAWAR. com 19 CAPACITY DEV: OF DSW/NWFP/409 Multipurp Peshawar small 2017 Education 0345-9403889 Rs one Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil PRETERMIT SOCIETY, H.1, 4 ose help Gulistan Colony, Gulberg#1, 03.04.2014 Peshawar. 20 Christian Development DSW/KPK/4201 Minority Peshawar Small 2017 Minority Rights IMTIAZ Rs. One Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Organization Peshawar. 03.02.2015 0333-9152780 help 21 COMMUNITY DSW/NWFP/320 Multipurp Peshawar Small 2017 Sanitation MIAN IKRAM ULLAH Rs. One Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil EMPOWERMENT & DEV: 6 ose 0336-9613760 help ORGANIZATION (CEDO), 10.02.2010 /Commu [email protected] SHEROJANGI nity Dev om CHARSADDA ROAD PESHAWAR. 22 COMMUNITY DSW/KPK/3700 Health Peshawar Small 2017 Health, Khursheed Anwar One Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil EMPOWERMENT 16TH JAN, 2012 /awarene Education 0300-5976232 help MOTIVATION ss ORGANIZATION (CEMO), FLAT #1 (A) AMEER MUHAMMAD PLAZA, KHYBER SUPER MARKET, BARA ROAD PESHAWAR CANTT. 23 COMMUNITY MOTIVATION 3078 Multi Peshawar small 2016 WASH Amjad Ali Afridi Rs. Two Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil & DEVELOPMENT 31-08-1998 Purpose help ORGANIZATION. /Commu nity Dev 24 COMMUNITY RISE DSW/NWFP Multipurp KPK Mediu 2018 Sanitation and MunirBangash Rs. Ten Lac Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil PROGRAMME 3247dated,6th ose m Wash 03018159737 help April 2010 - [email protected] FATA/06 date: 17th December 2012 25 CONNECTING 3698 & Multipurp Peshawar Small 2018 Education Syed Shafqat Ullah Rs. 50000/- Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil ose VOLUNTEERS FOR 12-1-2012 Shah help SAFETY(CVS) +92-91-2614175 DISTT; PESHAWAR : M-1 +92- 3459081201 MOTORWAY, NEAR [email protected] NORTHERN BY PASS, m BUDHNI ROAD, SYED HUSSAIN SHAH COLONY WADPAGGA, KPK PESHAWAR 26 DEHI SAMAJI TANZEEM DSW/NWFP/954 Multi Peshawar Small 2017 General Welfare Hafiz tajdar Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 27-10-1997 Purpose 0333-9390153 help 27 DEVOUT VOLUNTEER DSW/NWFP/252 Multi Peshawar Small 2017 Wash M. Arif Rs.5-00000/- Nil _______ Self Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil ORGANIZATION 5 Purpose 0301-8930985 help (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) Name, Address & Contact No. Registration No. Sectors/ Target Size Latest Key Functionaries Persons in Effective Name & Value of Associate Bank Donor Means Mode Cross- Recruitme Detail of of NPO with Registering Function Area and Audited Control Moveable & d Entities Account Base of of Fund border nt Criminal Authority s Communit Accounts Immovable (if any) Details Paymen Payme Activiti Capabilitie /Administrati y available Assets (Bank, t nt es s ve Action (Yes /No) Branch & against NPO Account No.) (if any) WARSAK ROAD KOCHIAN 29TH DEC.2005.
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