SAG Awards Sings the Song of Multi-talented Jean Bell Judis Tokenism Once Again Still Blazing Trails at 76 (See page D-1) (See page E-1) VOL. LXXXVI NO. 4, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL L.A. Sentinel Executive Publisher, Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. and community advocates speak out for change within LAPD. {See FULL STORY A-8} BY CORA-JACKSON FOSSETT Staff Writer Environmental Justice was the emphasis of the 7th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service hosted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District on Jan. 18. The agency brought together community lead- ers, elected officials, young people and dedicated activ- ists to honor King as well as focus on the collabora- E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL tive efforts to improve air Dr. William A. Burke, chairman of the SCAQMD Governing Board, presents the Envi- quality in Los Angeles, Or- ronmental Justice for All award to Gloria Walton, president/CEO of Strategic Concepts ange, San Bernardino, and in Organizing and Policy Education. Riverside counties. Councilman Herb Wesson “Dr. King’s vision of King’s legacy through our pelling video, “The Right SCAQMD’s mission, in- a world of parity and har- commitment to environ- to Breathe” which employs cluding Rachel Brown, a STAFF REPORT for Supervisor. Wesson mony was not just a source mental justice, so everyone powerful personal stories co-anchor and reporter for secured over seventy of inspiration, but also a has the ability to breathe to reveal the devastating ABC7 Eyewitness News, The New Frontier votes from club mem- symbol of hope for those clean air.” health effects of Southern who served as emcee. Democratic Club, the bers while former coun- without a voice,” said Dr. The program featured California’s air pollution, “Reading about the oldest and largest Af- cilwoman Jan Perry had William A. “Bill” Burke, several components that and watched the live re- South Coast Air Quality rican American demo- 18 votes and State Sena- chairman of the SCAQMD highlighted the theme, cording of King’s “I HaveManagement District and cratic club in the State of tor Holly Mitchell had governing board. “South “Continuing the Legacya Dream” speech. learning that people of California overwhelm- 10. While all of the can- Coast AQMD strives to Through Clean Air for All.” Several participants ex- ingly endorsed Coun- didates for Supervisor continue the spirit of Dr. Attendees viewed the com- pressed their support for {See SCAQMD A-10} cilman Herb Wesson {See WESSON A-13} BY ASSOCIATED PRESS BY JENNIFER BIHM House Democrats Contributing Writer opened arguments in “The right to vote is fundamental but in many states it’s under attack,” said Democratic presi- dential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who rolled out a comprehensive vot- ing rights agenda last Senator Kamala Harris week. Democratic presidential candidate, Mike Bloomberg “It’s a disgrace to our President Donald Trump’s he blasted the proceedings Constitution and an insult ries of initiatives designed states which require vot- impeachment trial Wednes- from afar, threatening jok- to generations of people to tackle the racial dispar- ers to show some form of day, appealing to skeptical ingly to face off with the who marched and fought ity in voting rights --– for ID at the polls, dispropor- Republican senators to join Democrats by coming to for the right to vote,” example, nearly 8% of tionately affecting Black them in voting to remove “sit right in the front rowBloomberg said. Black adults are prevented and Latino voters, Native Trump from office to “pro- and stare at their corrupt The centerpiece from voting due to past Americans, transgender tect our democracy.” faces.” of Mike’s plan, said a convictions, four times the individuals, and others. Trump’s lawyers sat by, Democratic accusers say spokesperson for Bloom- rate of other Americans. “Being able to cast your www.lasentinel.net waiting their turn, while berg’s campaign, is a se- There are currently 36 {See TRUMP A-10} {See BLOOMBERG A-10} E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL A-2A-6 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY JANUARY 23, 9,2020 2014 BY STACY M. BROWN and there have been more undermine local efforts to NNPA Newswire restrictive voter ID laws. organize for better condi- Senior Correspondent Following the Shelby tions,” Dr. Barber stated. County v. Holder Supreme As of July 2017, 25 Rev. Dr. William Court case, which gutted states have passed laws that Barber II believes that ev- key provisions of the Vot- preempt cities from adopt- eryone has a right to live. ing Rights Act, 14 states ing their own local mini- Through his Poor Peo- had new voting restric- mum wage laws. Most of ple’s Campaign, Dr. Bar- tions in place before the these are in response to city ber is continuing to build 2016 Presidential election, councils passing or wanting a movement to overcome and there were 868 fewer to pass minimum wage in- systemic racism, systemic polling places across the creases. poverty, ecological dev- country, according to the “We found that people astation, militarism of the Campaign. can work a minimum wage budget and the false moral While these laws have job and can’t afford a two- narrative of white religious disproportionately targeted bedroom apartment,” Dr. nationalism. Black people, at least 17 Barber said. “We found out In an exclusive tele- states saw voter suppres- that there are 2 million peo- phone conference with the sion cases targeting Ameri- ple who work every day for Black Press of America, can Indian and Alaskan less than the living wage. Dr. Barber and his Poor Native voters in 2016, Dr. Some of them live in their People’s Campaign Co- Barber stated. cars, and they go to work Chair, Rev. Dr. Liz Theo- “Thirteen states that every day.” harris, said America has a passed voter suppression Dr. Theoharris spoke of moral crisis. laws also opted not to ac- Maria, a woman they met “Democrats run from Reverend William Barber II, president of the North Carolina state chapter of the cept expanded Medicaid in El Paso, Texas, separated poverty and Republicans NAACP, delivered an electrifying speech during the 2017 NNPA Mid-Winter Confer- benefits offered under thefrom her family because of racialize poverty,” Dr. Bar- ence in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.PHOTO: FREDDIE ALLEN/AMG/NNPA Affordable Care Act,” he immigration issues. ber stated during the more added. “We waded into the Rio than one-hour discussion. “We have invited both headed initially by Dr. show 140 million poor and sides of the political fence. Martin Luther King Jr. low-wealth people live in We’ve invited the White The Campaign con- the United States – from House to come and talk ducted what it said was a every race, creed, sexual- with us. They’ve refused,” 50-year audit of systemic ity, and place. stated Dr. Barber, the racism, poverty, ecologi- “We aim to make sure founder of Repairers of the cal devastation, and the these individuals are no Breach, a national leader- war economy in the U.S. longer ignored, dismissed, ship development orga- They said the findings or pushed to the margins nization, which expands have already helped to in- of our political and social upon his Moral Monday form and build state and agenda,” Dr. Theoharris movement. local, nonpartisan fusion stated. “This administration movements that are com- With 2020 counting has been virtually silent on mitted to challenging laws as a pivotal election year, the issue of poverty. The and policies that are anti- Dr. Barber pointed out that president talked about un- thetical to the broad tenets voter suppression laws employment being down, of social justice. in many states have only but underemployment is Dr. Barbara and Theo- contributed to poverty. up. The number of people harris, who is a pastor The Poor People’s Reverend William Barber II AP PHOTO that have dropped out of from New York, told the Campaign has noted that, the workforce is up,” said Black Press that the ranks since 2010, 23 states have make it harder to register. “These attacks follow a Grande River – the river Dr. Barber, who, along of the Poor People’s Cam- passed racist voter sup- Because of this, early broader pattern of restrict- that separates the U.S. from with Dr. Theoharris, and paign would increase as pression laws, including voting days and hours ing and curtailing demo- Mexico – with an action others launched the Poor they broaden their efforts. racist gerrymandering and have reduced, officialscratic processes by draw- People’s Campaign, spear- They noted figures that redistricting statutes that have purged voter rolls, ing on legacies of racism to {See BARBER A-13} If it were up to me, we’d have all the healthcare we need. The 2020 Census informs funding for walk-in clinics, Medicare and all types of health services. Rest assured your answers are safe and secure. Learn more at: 2020CENSUS.GOV Paid for by U.S. Census Bureau. 2019_Census_Seniors_Newspaper_HalfPage_SizeB_9_889x10.indd 1 1/15/20 10:12 PM THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 NEWS LASENTINEL.NET A-3 Dallas Examiner Publisher Mollie Belt to Receive NNPA Lifetime Achievement Award BY STACY M. BROWN Richards stated. matics instructor while her NNPA Newswire Senior Cor- NNPA President and father was an attorney and respondent CEO, Dr. Benjamin F.
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