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GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL $4.00 Per Year 6, 1961 7c Per Copy 20 PAGES - THREE SECTIONS - SECTION 1 \i I IIEADLINES Realistic Mural Painting at Mason School of Ibe IpBI Agents Find iFai,'less Top \VEEK Man in Race Al Compiled hy the Furs Stolen Here For Cohncil Grosse Poitlte Netl'1 Rex Johnston, Canfield Thursday, March 30 In Car in Chicago Lose Bids for Reelection: WITH THE PASSAGE of Other Pointe Returns President Kennedy's 394-bil- Two Suspects Being Held in Connection with Robbery lion-dollar depressed a'rea bill. , of Kay Anos Store in Woods; One All incumbents for local the Federal government will enter a new. economic fleld. Identfied by Manager office in the Pointe, except The House approved the bill, -------- two in the Woods, were re. one of the President.s major Two mejl were arrested in Chicago on Tuesday, turned by voters at the anti-recession programs, yester- March 28, by 1"B1 agents find held for investigation of a biennial spring election on day by a margin of 250 to 167 March 18 fur robbery in the Woods. Monday, April 3. following similal' Senate action The suspects, still being held;-- Defeated in the Woods Wal two weeks ago. Under the new by Chicago FBI agents are. I Y 1 A _ Rex Johmton, who served as legislation, c h r 0 n ically dis- James W. Bamford, 41; and' . Oll,t t dJnlts \'ilIage (;ommissioner from 1947 tressed areas will receive fed- Sorecho Xalo, 29, both of whom to 1950. and as city councilman eral aid even In gOod times . gave Chicago addresses. R bb f from 1950, when the Village of An 0 the I' suspet1, George 0 ery 0 Lochmoor became the City ot ... * '" Boulas, 20, also of Chicago. was . ,,' Grosse Pointe Woods, to his de. l.'riday, March 31 arrested by Federal agents on Rest1lllr£IJlt feat. AMERICAN DIP L o !'II ATS Wednesday, March 29. He was .{., . {.. Also defeated was J. Henry hopefully predicted a new Sov- traced by fingerprinls and Ii. Canfield. who served two terms iet effort to return to II coexis. cense plate numbcr from a 1953 A I' B I' d T as councilman. He was trying tence relationship wit h the Pontiac hclieved to ha\'e been ccomp Ice e reve 0 for his third consecutive two- United States that was broken used by the three banrlits who Be In Florida; Police year term. off at the summit collapse in robbed the Kay Anos Fur Recover Half of Loot Johnston received 1,337 vote" Paris last May. Object of the Store, 19619 Mack avenue, of and Canfield, 1,358. The third optimism was a Warsaw Pact approximately $50,000 worth of An 18-year-old Detroit loser was James T. Rohrig, who communique w h i c h included mink furs. moslll' stoles. youth, arrested by Detroit polled 1,242 votes. standard communist demands Car Found in Lot police on Saturday, April I, David Fairless Leads on West Germany, touched lightly on the subject of Laos, Woods Director of Public confessed to breaking and Leading the winners was new. llnd did not incluce a concen- Safety Vern C. Bailey said that entering a \Voods restau- cornel' D~.vid H. Fairless. who trated at t a c k on Washington the alleged robbery cal. was rant and stealing approxi- was given 2.767 votes,' followed found in the Woods Theater I by Marvin Boutin (jncumbent), whIch has been habitual in r<!- :~\i~ mate y $1,400, according to A ~ourth grade at Mason School has been studying , for the desert and other materials to give a textured parking lot by Patr,liman Don 2.146; and Frederic l\I. Maddock, cent months, Sabel, who recognized it by a Woods authorities. 2,129. The communique demanded about, Saudi Arabia. They have learned abcut the effect. An oil. field was depicted with a foil-covered that a peace treaty recognizing oil resources and the pipelines that carry the oil to the tube for the pipeline and yarn for oil wells. Homes of deseription given by a woman Arrested by oWcers of Con- Proposal I - Whcther i\Iich. East Germany as well as West refineries before being shipped away in tankers, As a the Bedouins were made of feIt, and corregated card- witness to the robbery. ners Slation, 15th Precinct, igan will have a constitutional The Director said that OfIi- shorlly after he broke in a convention to re-write its 53- Germany be negotiated and that culminating activity for the unit, the children decided board was used for the towns. CANDY SWANSON eel' Sabel used excellcnt judg- neighbor's car, was Jack L. ~'ear-old Constitution. Woo d 11 West Berlin be converted into a to do a' mural painting. For realism they used sand and TERRY CHOUINARD are pictured. demilitarized city. No time limit ment in not touching the car. or Williams of 11490 Balfour. voters cast their hallots as fol- was set. disturbing any possible evi- After he was taken into custody, lows: Yes-3,088; No-9a3; Pro- ... ... .. - Memor~l.al Center- Tltree Hurt dence that might lead to tl1e Williams confessed to burglariz- posal II: To allow the State tt) Center Dri'l)e War • robbers. ing LaCoppola's F.amily Rest- lend up to $5,000,000 of It, SATURDAY, APRIL 1 Bailey said that recovery of aurant, 20515 Mack avenue, on credit to help industrial de. A POSSIBLE PLOT to kid. -dents' Help As Car H:ts the car led to the apprehension Friday, March 31. velopment in Michigan: Yes- nap Caroline Kennedy or an at- Nets $5,425 Asks All Resl II of Boulas as a suspect in the Williams implicated another 1,968; No-1,900. tempt to harm all of the Presi- - robbel1', <londbecause of Sabel's youth. Patrick Martin, 18, of City Clerk Leona Liddle said dent's family while on vacation In.1 Days In Annual Flmd Campaign Utility Pole action and judgment. he will 19196 l\IcConnick, Harper that 4,413 qualified electors, out in Palm Beach was being in- recommend a citation {or the Woods, as his accomplice in of 10,721, went to the poll, vestigated by Federal, State -----,..--- officer. the theft from the car and the Monday. and local. polJce. Officials were Many New Volunteers Join $50,000 Needed to BaJ~nce Budget and Provide for Windsor Motorist loses Boulas, according to Woods breaking into the restaurant. 4.203 Vote in Farms searching for four Cubans, de- Campaign to Raise ' Operation and Maintenance of Beautiful C~ ontrol When Wheel Det. sgt. Waller O'Dell and Woods Police Notified . scribed as part of the Castro Det. Luoy Toblan, was posi- In the Farms, City Clerk DalV. government's intelligence mll- $50,000 Before Me- Property and Wide Program Strikes Curb on ti\'ely identified by a photo Woods Del. Sgt. W a I tel' son Nacy disclosed that of the , . ' . --------. k h shown to Armen Anusbigian, O'Dell and Det. Leroy Tobian 7,770 qualified voters, 4.203 chinery, fOr questioning. Move- morialDay In this the opening week of'the Grosse Pointe War La es ore Road said that Detroit detectives in- a\'ailed themselves of the pr'v' 26, of 23065 Kelly road, East I l- ment of the nation's first fam- Memorial Center's annual appeal for community support Detroit, manager of the fur formed them Of Williams' ar- lege of making their wtshes Mail delivered to the By was not restricted, but ob. severa] things have been done to get the drive off to a A 'Nindsor motorist lost store, and hold up victim. rest, which took place at about known. servers reported a heavier- Grosse Pointe War Me- good start. 'b------------Icontrol of his automobile • Identified in Person 4 a.m. on the Saturday date. In this community, voters do than-usual guard of secret morial d u r i n g the first The Center's Youth Council organized to keep citizens in. while driving on Lake The Conner Station officers not elect a mayor. According service men. three days of the fund drive ... .. ... representing teenagers in all formed of the many new de- Shore road on Sun day, Anusbigian', who was !lown to said that Williams and I1iartin to the City Charter, this is done brought contributions total- the Pointe's public, private. and velopmcnts in the modern world Ap_ril 2, inJ'uring himself Chicago, again identified Boulas knew the owner of the car. a b~' the members of the city SUNDAY, APRIL 2 ing $5,425.86 from 423 paro ch.la I sch 00Is has WI'th tIte an d acquaint t hem with its rap- d h' t at a show-up at Chicago Police [rl'end of '''I'lll'ams'' father. and council, who pick this offici~l CHRISTIANS the world over Pointe families. The goal is f.me coopera t'Ion 0f G r 0 sse idly changing patterns. an IS wo passengers.
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