20852 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 27, 1995 EXTENSION OF REMARKS KOREAN WAR VETERANS' Leonard Wood. As a result of his outstanding IN HONOR OF THE lOQTH ANNIVER­ MEMORIAL leadership and keen vision Fort Leonard SARY OF THE HOUSTON FffiE Wood has been established as an expanding DEPARTMENT HON. SAM GFJDENSON TRADOC center for excellence. He masterfully OF CONNECTICUT employed information-age technology, con­ cepts and doctrine to launch the engineer regi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KEN BENTSEN ment toward Force XXI, thereby posturing the OF TEXAS Thursday, July 27, 1995 Engineer Center to lead the Army into the 21st Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today century. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honor of the dedication of the Korean War General Ballard established Fort Leonard Thursday, July 27, 1995 Veterans' Memorial. The Korean war lasted 3 Wood as a force projection platform by ex­ years, but our memories of those men and ceeding Army and FORSCOM readiness goals Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to women who gave their lives and livelihoods within Fort Leonard Wood's tactical units and honor the Houston Fire Department on its while fighting in Korea will last forever. The deploying combat-ready units to Haiti, Cuba, 1Oath anniversary and to salute these brave Korean War Veterans' Memorial aptly provides Korea, Honduras, and Panama for operations men and women who have served the city of this recognition. This tribute to the brave men other than war. Houston so well. and women who fought in Korea more than 40 During a period of rapidly changing force The full-time Houston Fire Department years ago is long overdue, and I am pleased structures and declining resources, General began at 1 minute past midnight on June 1, that after nearly a decade of work, the memo­ Ballard built Fort Leonard Wood into the 1895 with 44 men and 40 horses in 7 stations rial will finally be unveiled today. model of fiscal stewardship, establishing a to serve Houston's 9 square miles. Only The memorial is also a good opportunity to "Total Quality" standard for TRADOC installa­ 32,000 people lived in Houston, and down­ improve citizen awareness of the sacrifices tions. Indicative of General Ballard's pursuit of town was just a few square blocks. Today, the made, and the service given, by our veterans excellence, Fort Leonard Wood was selected department employs 3,115 firefighters in 81 in defense of our Constitution and the liberties as TRADOC's "best large installation" during stations that serve 1.65 million people who live it guarantees. All too often, we take our free­ the 1994 "Army Communities of Excellence" throughout Houston's 594 square miles. doms for granted. These precious freedoms competition. The resounding success of his were defended by those who sacrificed their Today, Houston has the third largest fire de­ "U-DO-IT" self-help dormitory modernization partment in tlie Nation, and its emergency lives in times of war. They are preserved by project drew such widespread praise that it medical service ambulance division is recog­ those who exercise their rights in defense of was featured in Soldier magazine, the NCO nized as one of the Nation's best for trauma peace. Journal, and Army Times. He also saved $1.6 care. The department's hazardous materials Today, there are more living American vet­ million per year by converting the directorate response team is also among the world's most erans than at any point in history. They are of logistics from contract to in-house oper­ experienced in handling petrochemical leaks, among the reasons that the United States is ation. spills, and incidents. the mightiest, wealthiest, most secure Nation When faced with a $10 million budget re­ We seldom think of firefighters unless we on the Earth today. They are the reason the duction in fiscal year 1995, General Ballard hear a screaming siren or see the flashing United States has been, and will continue to took the lead among TRADOC installation light of a fire engine. But the fact that we don't be, the bastion of support and solace for those commanders, directing a comprehensive orga­ think often about firefighters is a testament to in a world still searching for freedom and nizational-functional review to achieve the how well they do their job-we comfortably go human rights. most efficient organization in every activity. about our everyday lives because we know As a Member of Congress, I am pleased to This review will continue to direct and shape that these dedicated people stand ready to re­ be in a position to honor our veterans. They Fort Leonard Wood for the decade to come. spond quickly and effectively in an emergency. willingly went to war to defend our freedoms General Ballard's insightful planning brought and the American dream we all strive to to fruition the interservice training review orga­ So it is appropriate to mark this anniversary achieve. In this time of restricted budgets and nization. His mastery of installation manage­ by thanking those who provide us with this ev­ divisive rhetoric, we must pause to recall the ment, extensive expertise on the Department eryday security and who stand ready to risk commitment given to use by those veterans of Defense Base Realignment and Closure their lives to protect us. Much of firefighting is and we must honor the commitments we have Program, and tactical expertise in the combat undramatic-keeping equipment in condition, made to them. support disciplines combined to promote Fort teaching fire prevention, anticipating causes of Leonard Wood as a TRADOC hub and future fire. But a life-and-death emergency is always center for maneuver support training and com­ only a 911 call away, and firefighters and their TRIBUTE TO MAJ. GEN. JOE M. bat developments and to consolidate the engi­ families live with that constant risk. For that, BALLARD neer, military police and chemical schools at we say thank you. Fort Leonard Wood. This exceptional vision It is especially appropriate that the Houston and drive has ensured that Fort Leonard Fire Museum, is sponsoring a celebration to HON. IKE SKELTON Wood will be a premier Force XXI Army Train­ honor these men and women for their 100 OF MISSOURI ing Center. years of dedication and service. And I con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES General Ballard's accomplishments during gratulate the museum on the service it pro­ his command of the Engineer Center at Fort vides in honoring firefighters and educating Thursday , July 27, 1995 Leonard Wood are in keeping with the finest the public about the importance of fire safety Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, today I pay traditions of military service and reflect great and the history of the fire service. tribute to, an outstanding Army officer: Maj. credit upon him, the corps of engineers, and Again, I would like to congratulate the Hous­ Gen. Joe M. Ballard. Major General Ballard the U.S. Army. I wish him well in his new as­ ton Fire Department and the men and women most recently distinguished himself through signment as Chief of Staff of TRADOC. He who have dedicated themselves to serving exceptionally meritorious service, as com­ and his wife Tessie made scores of friends in others. For 100 years, they have kept the city mander, U.S. Army Engineer Center and Fort Missouri and we will miss them. of Houston safe. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. July 27, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20853 A NOT-SO-HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR Texans who will be cheering for her during the Nation's Capital and pay long-overdue tribute MEDICARE Miss America Pageant. I would like to take to those who fought and lost their lives in this opportunity to congratulate Miss Jarmon Korea. The monument being dedicated today HON. BOB f1LNER on her recent accomplishment, and I would in Washington is a proud symbol of our grati­ OF CALIFORNIA also like to wish her lots of luck as she vies tude for the efforts of the American men and for the crown of Miss America 1995. women who proudly served our country in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Korea. Thursday, July 27, 1995 I cannot help but feel the emotion as I talk IN RECOGNITION OF JOHNSON Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to Korean war vets from Connecticut who celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Medicare CHESTNUT WHITTAKER have come to the Capital for this solemn occa­ Program-a program that has successfully sion. They are here today to honor their provided much-needed health care benefits to HON. LOUIS STOKFS friends and comrades who gave their lives for millions of older Americans. OF OHIO their country. Unfortunately, there is a very dark side to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Freedom, democracy, and opportunity­ this week's celebration. Medicare is under at­ Thursday, July 27, 1995 these are the foundations of our society. tack, and the new majority threatens to make Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to These ideals are what set America apart, but deep and dangerous cuts in this critical pro­ pay tribute to Johnson Chestnut Whittaker. too often, we take them for granted. We must gram. This individual, one of the first black cadets to never forget that our freedom was achieved, Their disdain for the Medicare system is not attend West Point, was posthumously commis­ and has been maintained, at a cost.
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