Sept. 23, 1969 c. e. G. BARRETO 3,468,209 APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OF MUSICAL ÍNSTRUMENTS l' ZZA @ß muënmumumm , _ ¿Mam/fa @waff/wa .ym/244C? ¿Aßëffä INVENTOR. BY ,f/j n Sept. 23, 1969 c. ­G. G. BARRET@ 3,468,209 APFARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OF' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Filed Feb. 14, 1956 ' 3 Shee‘bS--Shee'Cl f3 44 ¿i d5 5f 5a /74 g4 54 5f 5/ @à 5f @Ö ¿l /1/ ¿,4 ¿E / /04 ¿0 60 ¿g ./‘762 4f ¿ß 5A 55 'Y di / 5/ ¿A 54 ¿f ¿i Sept. 23, 1969 c. G. G. BARRETo 3,468,209 APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OI“ MUSICAL XNSTRUMENTS Filed Feb. 14, 1956 3 Sheets-Sheet £5 AA E30@C) O @QGQOQOGGQG OGGGQQGC) @5 GOOOOGCDOPd f7@ 5. 5 @wêêê @0G00 f7@ 7a).v 3,468,209 United States Patent O ” Patented Sept. 23, 1969 1 2 spond to the sounds C, D, E naturals, F sharp, G sharp 3,468,209 and A sharp, respectively. That is to say, this row is formed APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING by the keys that correspond to a scale of six sounds which OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are between themselves at equal ascendant intervals of Clodoveo Guillermo Gonzalez Barreto, Caldas 484, one tone, from left to right, starting with key 10, which Quito, Ecuador is for the sound C natural. It is understood that key 13 Filed Feb. 14, 1966, Ser. No. 527,198 or F sharp can be considered enharmonically like G flat; Int. Cl. G10c 3/12; G10d 11/00 p key 14 or G sharp like A flat; and key 15 or A sharp like U.S. Cl. 84--423 5 Claims B Iflat. This observation is available for all the description 10 of the invention. The row R2 is formed by the keys 16, ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 that correspond respectively to the sounds C sharp, D sharp, F natural, G natural, A natural A symmetrical keyboard to facilitate the fingering of and B natural. That is to say, the keys of the second row the keys by providing staggered rows of keys which corre make up a second scale of six sounds, which are between spond to a scale of six sounds which are between them 15 themselves at equal ascendant intervals of one tone, from selves at equal ascendent intervals of one tone, from left left to right beginning from key 16 of sound C sharp. to right. The diameter of the keys and the distances be It is understood that key 16 or C sharp can be considered tween them are approximately the same as on a common enharmonically like D flat, and key 17 or D sharp like E typewriter, in order to make the keys easy to reach over flat. This observation is available for all the description for small hands in simple scales or by octaves, in chords of the invention. The third row R3 and the fifth row R5 and arpeggi. are repetitions of the keys of the íirst row R1, with the same sounds of the same octave. The row R4 is a repeti This invention relates to apparatus for learning the tion of the R2 row, with the same sounds of the same playing of musical instruments according to a special octave. The keys of the rows R2 and R4 are located with method. 25 regard to the keys of the rows R1, R3 and R5, to the The object of the invention is to facilitate the study right, in such a way that the center of each key of the and the practice of music. rows R2 and R4 will coincide with the middle of the empty For that, the invention consists of a new melodic key space between the keys of the rows R1, R3 and R5, as board and introduces new important-features on the ex shown in FIG. l. In the summation of the advantages istent keyboard of the piano, organ, accordion and the 30 of this keyboard, it will be explained why the keys of the like. row R1 are duplicated in row R3 and triplicated in row This invention is in direct relation with a new method R5. Meanwhile, the keys of the row R2 are only duplicated of learning and playing of musical instruments. in row R4. The diameter of the keys and the distances be The above and other objects will become apparent from tween these are approximately the same as on a common the following description in connection with the accom 35 typewriter, in order to make lthe keys easy to reach over panying drawings: for small hands, in simple scales or by octaves, in chords FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic arrangement of the grouping and arpeggi. In front of the ñrst row R1 of round keys and positioning of the keys of the new symmetrical key there is a sixth row of keys R6, in which are in ascendent board according to the invention order from left to right, by semitones, alternately, the FIG. 2 is a section taken approximately on the line 40 sounds of rows R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, making a com 2-2 of FIG. 1; plete chromatic scale. For obvious reasons the shape of the FIG. 2A is a section taken approximately on the line keys on row R6 is rectangular as shown in FIG. l. FIG.~1 2A-2A of FIG. l; represents the keys of a complete octave, understanding FIG. 3 is a view somewhat similar to FIG. l showing the arrangement of the keys is the same in all octaves, differentiating color designations; 45 superior or inferior, whether these are complete or whether FIG. 4 is a diagrammatic view of the fundamental sec only fractions of an octave. tion of the new symmetrical keyboard (FIG. 4C), of an According to what has been explained previously, each octave of the common keyboard with the partial applica one of the twelve sounds of the chromatic scale can be tion of the invention (FIG. 4D), and their relation to a obtained by pressing any one of the two or three round chromatic octave written in the standard musical staff 50 keys or the corresponding rectangular key. To obtain (FIG. 4A) as well as in the new staff of my invention this, the two or three round keys and the rectangular (FIG. 4B). FIG. 4E shows an octave of the dodecaphonic key that corresponds to each one of the twelve sounds “Rondador.” are located approximately on a common mechanism, FIGS. 5A and 5B are diagrammatic arrangements of whether forming a single piece with it, whether obtaining partial bass or left hand button keyboards, such as modi 55 the same aim through mechanical contact (or it might be fied on an accordion type arrangement. electrical) between each key of the same sound and its FIG. 6 is a diagrammatic arrangement of a complete common mechanism. The left side of FIG. 2 shows the accordion type bass keyboard showing color designations proñle of a common mechanism of the three round keys to differentiate sets of related keys; and the rectangular one that corresponds to each one of FIG. 7A is a side view of one shape of a bass key or 60 the six sounds of the keys that form the rows R1, R3, R5 button, such as shown in FIG. 6; and R6; and the right side of FIG. 2 shows by profile the FIG. 7B is a side view of another shape of bass key or location in a common mechanism of the two round keys button; and the rectangular key, corresponding to each of the six FIG. 7C is a side view of still another shape of bass sounds of the keys that make the rows R2, R4 and R6 key or button. 65 of FIG. l. In the left of FIG. 2 the three round keys and The -melodic keyboard has features that distinguish it the rectangular key of the rows R1, R3, R5 and R6 are from other types of keyboards. separated from a commonly operated mechanism 22 by As shown in FIG. 1 the keys, which are round shaped, springs 23. Pressing any one of these keys, contact is made are arranged in live rows: R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5. Also, with the common mechanism 22 to open a correspond there is a sixth row R6 formed by rectangular keys. The 70 ing air valve (not shown), vibrating the corresponding new sounds disposition is as follows: The keys 10, 11, 12, reeds of the musical instrument. The right side of FIG. 2 13, 14 and 15 that make up row R1 are those that corre shows the disposition of the keys with their springs 23A 3,468,209 3 _4 and common mechanism of contact 22A corresponding series of three keys each, the set of keys 16A-18A and to the sounds of the keys in rows R2, R4 and R6. 36A-38A corresponding to the sounds C sharp, D sharp In order to identify easily each one of the keys, three and F natural, have their names printed in the same color different colors are used. In FIG. 3 in the rows R1, R3 as the keys C, D and E naturals of the rows R1, R3 and and R5 grouping with the first color, the keys 10, 11 and R5 in such a manner that if these keys were blue the 12, 24, 25 and 26, 27, 28 and 29 of the sounds C, D and names of those would be printed in blue.
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