Editor & Director Dr. R.K. Thukral Research Editor Dr. Shafeeq Rahman Compiled, Researched and Published by Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. D-100, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi- 110020. Ph.: 91-11- 43580781, 26810964-65-66 Email : [email protected] Website : www.electionsinindia.com Online Book Store : www.datanetindia-ebooks.com Report No. : AFB/MH-040-0118 ISBN : 978-93-5293-203-0 First Edition : January, 2018 Third Updated Edition : June, 2019 Price : Rs. 11500/- US$ 310 © Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical photocopying, photographing, scanning, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Please refer to Disclaimer at page no. 140 for the use of this publication. Printed in India No. Particulars Page No. Introduction 1 Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) at a Glance | Features 1-2 of Assembly as per Delimitation Commission of India (2008) Location and Political Maps Location Map | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in 2 District | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency under Parliamentary 3-7 Constituency - (Lok Sabha) | Town & Village-wise Winner Parties- 2014-PE and 2014-AE Administrative Setup 3 District | Sub-district | Towns | Villages | Inhabited Villages | Uninhabited 8-22 Villages | Village Panchayat | Intermediate Panchayat Demographics 4 Population | Households | Rural/Urban Population | Towns and Villages by 23-24 Population Size | Sex Ratio (Total & 0-6 Years) | Religious Population | Social Population | Literacy Rate Electoral Features Important Dates of Last Elections Held | Electors by Gender | Service 5 Electors | Voters | Voters Turnout | Polling Stations & Average Number of 25-30 Electors per Polling Station | Electors by Age Group | Present Elected Representatives Historical Summary Election Results Vote Share of Major Parties | Winning Margin (Number & Percentage) | 6 Polarity of Parties | Summary Result of Assembly Segment of Parliamentary 31-50 Elections 2014, 2009, 2004 and 1999 | Summary Result of Assembly Elections 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1978, 1972, 1967 and 1962 Polling Station Level Election Results 7 Name and Number of Polling Station 2014-PE and 2014-AE | Polling Station- 51-118 wise Electors, Voters & Voters Turnout 2014-PE and 2014-AE | Polling Station wise Elections Results 2014-PE and 2014-AE Share of Assembly Constituency 8 Share of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in State, District 119 and Parliamentary Constituency - (Lok Sabha) Socio-Economic Amenities Access to Administrative Units | Agricultural, Manufacturing and Industrial Commodities | Demographic Indicators | Education | Health & Manpower | 9 Drinking Water Supply | Sanitation | Entertainment and Recreations 121-135 Infrastructure | Power | Food Allocation Distribution and Marketing of Agriculture Commodities Infrastructure | Transport and Road Infrastructure | Communication | Banking and Financial Services | Land Use | Irrigation Source 10 Abbreviation & Sources 137-138 11 Disclaimer 140 Daryapur Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Location & Political Map 7 Maharashtra Daryapur Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Administrative Setup List of Village Panchayat & Intermediate Panchayat (Block) Name Intermediate Panchayat Village Name Village Panchayat Name Name Adgaon Adgaon Anjangaon Surji Adgaon Ade Vihigaon Bk. Anjangaon Surji Adula Adula Daryapur Ahmadpur Takarkheda More Anjangaon Surji Ahmadpur Arala Daryapur Ajitpur Borala Daryapur Alampur Turkheda Anjangaon Surji Alampur Nardoda Daryapur Amla Amla Daryapur Antargaon Itki Daryapur Antargaon Yerandgaon Daryapur Arala Arala Daryapur Asatpur Asadpur Achalpur Aurangpur Kasbegavhan Anjangaon Surji Belora Belora Daryapur Bembala Bk Bembala Bk. Daryapur Bembala Kh. Ghada Daryapur Bhambora Naigaon Daryapur Bhamod Bhamod Daryapur Bhandaraj Bhandaraj Anjangaon Surji Bhokari Jawardi Anjangaon Surji Bhuikheda Chandola Daryapur Bhujwada Shinganwadi Daryapur Bhuras Ramagad Pimpal Khuta Daryapur Bhuraskheda Jawardi Anjangaon Surji Borala Borala Anjangaon Surji Borala Borala Daryapur Borgaon Ambada Kapustalni Anjangaon Surji Bramhanwada Kokarda Anjangaon Surji Contd.... 12 Maharashtra Daryapur Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Demographics Number of Villages by Population Size - 2011 Less 10000 100- 200- 500- 1000- 2000- 5000- Total than and 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Village 100 Above 15 15 73 82 51 27 4 1 268 Number of Towns by Population Size - 2011 Less than 10000- 20000- 50000- 100000 and Total 5000-9999 4999 19999 49999 99999 Above Town 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 24 Maharashtra Daryapur Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Electoral Features Electors by Male & Female Year Male Female Others Total Year Male Female Others Total 2014 PE 145962 129404 0 275366 1995 AE 82191 75312 - 157503 2014 AE 148283 133234 3 281520 1990 AE 73861 66453 - 140314 2009 PE - - - - 1985 AE 57633 52159 - 109792 2009 AE 135745 120699 - 256444 1980 AE 53388 48810 - 102198 2004 PE - - - - 1978 AE 49434 45596 - 95030 2004 AE 95421 85974 - 181395 1972 AE 48275 45895 - 94170 1999 PE - - - - 1967 AE 86827 - - 86827 1999 AE 83764 74698 - 158462 1962 AE 71008 - - 71008 Note : AE : Assembly Election, PE : Assembly Segment of Parliamentary Election 26 Daryapur Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Historical Summary Election Results Summary Result of Assembly Election - 2009 Candidate Name Party Votes Votes % Capt.Abhijit Anandrao Adsul SHS 40606 27.01 Balwant Baswant Wankhade IND 25948 17.26 Abhyankar Rameshwar Mahadeorao RPI 20263 13.48 Gopal Ramkrushna Chandan MNS 13857 9.22 Avinash Krushnarao Gaigole IND 12904 8.58 Abhyankar Jagnnath Motiram BBM 10620 7.07 Madhukar Baliram Sonone SVRP 4288 2.85 Wanere Vijay Narayanrao IND 3998 2.66 Siddharth Pandurang Wankhade IND 3212 2.14 Prof.Ambadas Pritam Dhoke BSP 2685 1.79 Vijay Yashwant Vilhekar STBP 1933 1.29 Jondhalekar Vijay Motiramji IND 1860 1.24 Dadarao Alies Kokubhau Dashrath Kokate IND 1119 0.74 Dhawale Sudhakar Namdeorao IND 1010 0.67 Kisanrao Bhuraji Khandare IND 882 0.59 Shirole Shalikram Bapuna LJP 844 0.56 Ajabrao Uttamrao Bhongade IND 608 0.4 Khandare Ravindra Zinguji RPI(A) 584 0.39 Subhash Sitaram Mahore IND 520 0.35 Dhule Shalikram Baliramji IND 493 0.33 Papalkar Narayan Gangaram IND 481 0.32 Gajanan Punaji Kalane JMM 456 0.3 Arun Pandurangji Tayade IND 421 0.28 Bhaskar Yashwant Hiwrale IND 374 0.25 Dhakade Puran Genduji IND 348 0.23 39 Daryapur Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Polling Station Level Election Results Number and Name of Polling Stations (PS) (2014 AE) Number Number of Polling Name of Polling Stations of Polling Name of Polling Stations Stations Stations G. P. Pra. Marathi Sha. Dakshin Bhag Kho. Kran. 1 1 G. P. Prathamik Marathi Shala Chinchona 22 Chausala G. P. Varishth Prathamik Shala (Uttar Bhag ) Kho. G. P. Uchch Pra. Shala (Uttar Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 2 2 23 Kr. 3 Nimakhed Bazaar Turakhed G. P. Varishth Prathamik Shala (Purv Bhag ) Kho. 3 24 G. P. Uchch Pray. Shala (Purv Bhag ) Turakhed Kr. 4 Nimakhed Bazaar G. P. Prath. Marathi Shala (Purv Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 1 G. P. East Madhy Shala (Dakshinn Bhag ) Navin 4 25 Dahiganv Khurd Imarat Kholi Kr. 2 Bhandaraj G. P. Prath. Marathi Shala (Purv Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 3 G. P. East Madhy Shala (Uttar Bhag ) Navin Imarat 5 26 Dahiganv Khurd Kholi Kr. 8 Bhandaraj Indira Gandhi Vidayalay V Kanishth Maha. V. (Purv G. P. East Madhy Shala (Purv Bhag ) Navin Imarat 6 27 Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 1 Dahiganv Khurd Kholi Kr. 8 Bhandaraj Indira Gandhi Vidayalay V Kanishth Maha. V. (Purv G. P. East Madhy Shala (Purv Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 1 7 28 Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 7 Dahiganv Khurd Lakhad G. P. East Madhy. Shala (Uttar Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 2 G. P. East Madhy Shala (Pashchim Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 8 29 Husenapur 4 Lakhad G. P. East Madhy. Shala (Pashchim Bhag ) Kholi Kr. N. P. Madhy. Vidyalay Kholi Kr. 2 East Bhag 9 30 5 Husenapur Khodaav Athavadi Bazaar Anjanaganv G. P. East Madhy. Shala (Navin Imarat )Dakshinn N. P. Madhy. Vidyalay Kholi Kr. 3 Madhy Bhag 10 31 Bhag (Kholi Kr. 3 ) Khanamapur Pandhari Athavadi Bazaar Anjanaganv G. P. Purvamadhy Shala (Navin Imarat ) Purvabhag N. P. Madhy. Vidyalay Kholi Kr. 5 Pashchim Bhag 11 32 Kholi Kr. 4 Khanammpur Pandhari Athavadi Bazaar Anjanaganv G. P. Purvamadhy Shala (Navin Imarat ) Uttar N P Vidyalay Kholi Kr 1 (Utar Bhag ) Navin Imarat 12 33 Bhag Kholi Kr. 6 Khanamapur Pandhari Athavadi Bazaar Anjanagav G. P. Prathamik Urdu Shala Kholi Kr. 1 Khanamapur N. P. Pray. Marathi Shala No. 4 Athavadi Bazaar 13 34 Pan. Javal (Purv Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 1 Anjanaganv N. P. Pray. Marathi Shala No. 4 Athavadi Bazaar 14 G. P. East Madhy. Marathi Shala Khali Kr. 1 Borala 35 Javal (Ru Pashchim Bhag ) Kholi Kr. 4 Anjanaganv N. P. Madhy. Vidyalay Kholi Kr. 5 (Dakshinn Bhag ) 15 G. P. Prathamik Shala Khali Kr. 2 Vadali 36 Navin Imarat Athavadi Bazaar Anjanaganv G. P. Prathamik Shala (Uttar Bhag ) Khali Kr. 2 Sita Bai Sangai Kanya Shala (Madhy Bhag ) Kholi 16 37 Shelaganv Kr. 4 Anjanaganv G. P Varishth Prath. Shala Uttar Bhag Khali Kr. 3 Sita Bai Sangai Kanya Shala (Madhy Bhag ) Kholi 17 38 Hirapur Kr. 3 Anjanaganv G. P Varishth Prath. Shala East Bhag Khali Kr. 5 N. P. Prath. Marathi Shala No. 3 (Pashchim Bhag ) 18 39 Hirapur Kholi Kr. 1 Anjanaganv G. P. East Madhy. Shala Dakshinn Bhag Khali Kr. 3 N. P. Prath. Marathi Shala No. 3 (Pashchim Bhag ) 19 40 Khirala Kholi Kr. 1 Anjanaganv G. P. Pray. Marathi Shala Juni Imarat Dakshinn
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