Contents Page +x…÷GÚ®… {……x… x…∆∆ Dedication, Tradition & Innovation in Ayurveda a +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ V…M…i… ®… ∫…‰¥……, ∫…®…{…«h… +…ËÆ ∫…∆∂……‰v…x… a Technical Specifications b ∫]‰Ùxbb« {…‰EÚ, ∂…“Q… ∫…{±……<« b Mail Order Service c ®…‰<±… +…b«Æ ∫…Ã¥…∫… c Business Terms d ¥™……{…… ÆEÚ x…™…®… d Patent & Proprietary Medicines 1 {…‰]Ùx]Ù B¥…∆ |……‰|……™…]ÙÆ“ +…Ëπ… v… 1 Medicated Syrup 3 +…Ëπ… v…™… ∫…Æ{… 3 Rasa- Rasayan 5 Æ∫… Æ∫……™…x… 5 Hira, Suvarna, Raupya, Mukta Yukta 18 ΩÙ“ÙÆ…, ∫…÷¥…h…«, Æ…Ë{™…, ®…÷Ci…… ™…÷Ci… 18 Guggulu 25 M…÷MM…÷±…÷ 25 Bhasma- Pishti 27 ¶…∫®… {…π]Ù“ 27 Manjan 32 ®…∆V…x… 32 Churna 33 S…⁄h…« 33 Tablets 35 ]‰Ù§±…‰]Ù 35 Medicated Oil 36 +…Ëπ… v…™… i…˱… 36 Avaleha 38 +¥…±…‰ΩÙ 38 Asavarishta 40 +…∫…¥…… Æπ]Ù 40 Quath 46 C¥……l… 46 Abbreviations ∫…∆ I…{i… M.Y. Mukta Yukta R.Y. Raupya Yukta ®……‰.™…÷. ®…÷Ci…… ™…÷Ci… Æ…Ë{™… ™…÷HÚ Æ…Ë{™… ™…÷Ci… S.M.Y. Suvarna Mukta Yukta K.Y. Kesar Yukta ∫…÷.®……‰.™…÷. ∫…÷¥…h…« ®…÷Ci…… ™…÷Ci… E‰Ú.™…÷. E‰Ú∂…Æ ™…÷Ci… S.Y. Suvarna Yukta P. Y. Praval Yukta ∫…÷.™…÷. ∫…÷¥…h…« ™…÷Ci… |….™…÷. |…¥……±… ™…÷Ci… S.V.Y. Suvarna Vaikrant Yukta S.Y. Shilajit Yukta ∫…÷.¥…Ë.™…÷. ∫…÷¥…h…« ¥…ËGÚ…xi… ™…÷Ci… ∂….™…÷. ∂…±……V…“i… ™…÷Ci… K.P. Kupyi Pakkav P. P. Put Pakkav E÷Ú.{…. E÷Ú{{…“ {…C¥… {…÷.{…. {…÷]Ù {…C¥… S.G. Suvarna Ghatit A.P. Agni Puti ∫…÷.P…. ∫…÷¥…h…« P… ]Ùi… +.{…÷. + Mx… {…÷]Ù“ L.S.Y. Loha Shilajit Yukta ±……‰. ∂….™…÷. ±……‰ΩÙ ∂…±……V…“i… ™…÷Ci… Dedication, Tradition & Innovation in Ayurveda +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ V…M…i… ®… ∫…‰¥……, ∫…®…{…«h… +…ËÆ ∫…∆∂……‰v…x… The founder of Unjha Pharmacy Late Rasvaidya Shri Nagindas >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ E‰Ú ∫…∆∫l……{…EÚ ∫¥…. Æ∫…¥…Ët ∏…“ x…M…“x…n…∫… UÙM…x…±……±… ∂……ΩÙ x…‰ +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ E‰Ú Chhaganlal Shah studied many ancient Ayurvedic books. He ed- ∫…®…⁄S…‰ O…∆l……‰ EÚ… +v™…™…x… EÚÆE‰Ú V…x…∫…‰¥……l…« |……S…“x… S… EÚi∫…… {…r˘ i… +…Ëπ… v… x…®……«h… Ω‰Ùi…÷ ∫…x…¬ ited and published the most valuable books “Bharat Bhaishajya 1894 ®…Â. >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ“ ∫l……{…x…… EÚ“ * +…™…÷¥…Ên˘-=n˘ v… E‰Ú ®…∆l…x… §……n˘ ¥… ¶…z… O…∆l…… EÚ… Ratnakar” and “Bhaishajya Sar Sanghraha” the essence of the x…¥…x…“i… BEÚ ΩÙ“ O…∆l… ®… ¶…ÆEÚÆ “¶……Æi… ¶…Ëπ…V™… Æix……EÚÆ” +…ËÆ “¶…Ëπ…V™… ∫……Æ ∫…∆O…Ω”Ù vast knowledge of Ayurveda for the service of mankind . x……®…EÚ O…∆l… |…EÚ… ∂…i… EÚÆE‰Ú =xΩÙ…Â +…™…÷«¥…‰n˘ V…M…i… EÚ“ +x…x™… ∫…‰¥…… EÚ“ ΩËÙ * He established Unjha Pharmacy in year 1894 for the upliftment of Ayurveda an ancient science of Indian medicines and diagnosis. ¥…n‰˘∂…“ ∂……∫…x… EÚ…±… ®… ¶……Æi…“™… {…Æ∆{…Æ… +…ËÆ |……S…“x… +…™…÷Ã¥…t… x…π]Ù|……™… ΩÙ…‰ S…÷EÚ“ l…“ * Vaidyaraj formulated medicines for several diseases. Initially to ¥…ËtÆ…V…V…“ x…‰ +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ E‰Ú O…∆l……‰ EÚ… +v™…™…x… EÚÆE‰Ú ¥… ¶…z… Æ…‰M…… {…Æ +®……‰v… +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ… create faith amongst people he distributed free medicines for ten x…®……«h… EÚ™…… * ∫…i…i… 10 ¥…π…« i…EÚ ®…Æ“V…√…‰ EÚ“ x…&∂…÷±EÚ ∫…‰¥…… EÚÆE‰Ú V…x…i…… EÚ… |…‰®…, years. He edited a large volume of ayurvedic composition. In Unjha ∫…®®……x… +…ËÆ ∏…r˘… +ÃV…i… EÚ“ * ∫¥…. Æ∫…¥…Ët ∏…“ x…M…“x…n˘…∫…V…“ E‰Ú ∫®…Æh……l…« x…&∂…÷±EÚ the Government of Gujarat runs an Ayurvedic Hospital in memory +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ +∫{…i……±… >∆ÒZ…… ®… S…±…i…… ΩËÙ * of Late Vaidyaraj Shri Nagindasji. GÚ®…∂…& Æ…‰ M…™…… EÚ… i……∆i…… §…fi…… M…™…… +…ËÆ ¥…ËtÆ…V…V…“x…‰ +…™…÷¥…Ê n˘EÚ +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ…‰ §……V…√…Æ ®… In the herculean task of Rasavaidyas, his son Late Vaidya Shri Bhogilal has greatly contributed to the development of Unjha ÆJ…… * ∂…÷r˘ Æ…‰M…ΩÙ…ÆEÚ +…Ëπ… v…™…… E‰Ú x…®……«h… EÚ…™…« ®… ¥…ËtÆ…V… E‰Ú ∫…÷{…÷j… +…ËÆ >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ Pharmacy. E‰Ú ∂…±{…“ ∫¥…. ¥…ËtÆ…V… ∏…“ ¶……‰M…“±……±…V…“ ∂……ΩÙ EÚ… +x…⁄`Ù… |…n˘…x… ΩËÙ * Every drug that Unjha Pharmacy manufactures is prepared ac- >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ“ +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ… x…®……«h… ∫…®…l…« Y……x…“, +x…÷¶…¥…“ +…ËÆ x…π`Ù…¥……x… ¥…ËtÆ…V… B¥…®…¬ cording to the instructions from authentic books and resources ∫…∆S……±…EÚ…Â EÚ“ x…M…Æ…x…“ ®… ΩÙ…‰i…… ΩËÙ * under the supervision of well experienced and qualified Vaidyas and Directors of Pharmacy. |… i… π`Ùi… ¥…Ët…Â, S… EÚi∫…EÚ…Â +…ËÆ ΩÙ EÚ®……Âx…‰ >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ“ +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ… +{…x…‰ Æ…‰ M…™…… {…Æ |…™……‰M… EÚÆE‰Ú ∫…∆i……‰π… ¥™…HÚ EÚÆi…‰ |…∂… ∫i… {…j… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ…‰ +{…«h… EÚB Doctors, Vaidyas and Hakims who prescribe the medicines of Unjha ΩÈÙ * ¥…Ët ∫…®®…‰±…x…… ®…‰ >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ E‰Ú ∫…∆S……‰±…EÚ…‰∆ EÚ… §…Ω÷Ù®……x… EÚÆE‰Ú ∫…÷¥…h…« +…ËÆ Æ…Ë{™… Pharmacy are pleased with its satisfactory results. The Directors of Unjha Pharmacy have been honoured with Gold and Silver S…xp˘EÚ Bx……™…i… EÚB M…™…‰ ΩÈÙ * Medals in Vaidya Seminars. n˘x… |… i… n˘x… |…M… i… E‰Ú ∫…“ ∫i…∆¶… +∆ EÚi… EÚÆi…‰ Ω÷ÙB >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ“ M…÷V…Æ…i…, Æ…V…∫l……x…, Unjha Pharmacy has branches in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Andhra +…∆w… |…n‰˘∂… ∂……J……+…‰∆ u˘…Æ… §…GÚ“ ®… ∂……‰v…x…“™… ¥…fi r˘ ΩÙ…‰i…“ V…… ÆΩÙ“ ΩËÙ * M…÷V…Æ…i… ®… >∆ÒZ…… Pradesh. Our sincere efforts in manufacturing medicines of the ®…÷J™… EÚ…™……«±…™… ∫…‰ ∫…®…⁄S…… ¥…i…Æh… ΩÙ…‰i…… ΩËÙ * best quality, has given us a place among the most prominent Pharmacies of India. ∫…‰¥……, ∫…®…{…«h…, ∫…∆∂……‰v…x…, x…π`Ù… +…ËÆ ∂…÷r˘ +…n˘∂……Ê E‰Ú °Ú±…∫¥…∞Ò{… +…V… >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ ¶……Æi… E‰Ú +…™…÷¥…Ên˘ °Ú±…EÚ {…Æ +{…x…… +x…⁄`Ù… |…∫l…… {…i… EÚÆE‰Ú M……ËÆ¥… EÚ“ +x…÷¶…⁄ i… EÚÆ ÆΩÙ“ ΩËÙ * We are thankful to those who have supported and co-operated with us in our endeavours. +…{…E‰Ú ∫…ΩÙ™……‰M… +…ËÆ |…‰®… E‰Ú ΩÙ®… @Òh…“ ΩÈÙ * a Standard Pack, Quick Supply ∫]‰Ùxbb« {…‰EÚ, ∂…“Q… ∫…{±……<« For quick supply of orders, please quote your order of Patent +…{…E‰Ú +…b«Æ EÚ“ ∫{…±……<« ∂…“Q…i…… ∫…‰ ΩÙ…‰ ∫…E‰Ú <∫… ±…B, EfiÚ{…™…… +…{… ΩÙ®… {…‰]Ùx]Ù ¥… and Shastrokta Medicines as per our standard packs. ∂……∫j……‰HÚ +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ“ ΩÙ®……Ɖ ∫]Ù…xbb« {…‰ÀEÚM… ®… ΩÙ“ +…b«Æ n¢ * PACKING PER CASE MINIMUM PACKING PER CASE MINIMUM PACKING PER CASE MINIMUM UNIT ORDER UNIT UNIT ORDER UNIT UNIT ORDER UNIT CAPSULES KARNA BIDNU 1 gm. 12 x 36 12 15 ml. 18 x 16 18 25 cap. 18 x 16 18 3 gm. 12 x 36 12 28 cap. 18 x 16 18 5 gm. 12 x 36 12 NIROGI CHURNA 100 cap. 12 x 12 12 10 gm. 12 x 36 12 100 gm. 72 72 ASAV - QUATH 20 gm. 12 x 36 12 50 gm. 200 ml. 36 36 50 gm. 12 x 12 12 375 ml. 18 18 80 gm. 12 x 6 12 HAJWIN 450 ml. 20 20 100 gm. 12 x 6 12 680 ml. 16 16 125 tab. 36 36 MEDICATED OIL SHASHTROKTA : RAS RASAYAN / S.Y.M.Y. 30 ml. 12 x 8 12 6 tab. GUGGULU / BHASHMA PISHTI / CHURAN 50 ml. 12 x 6 6 UNJHA BALM 5 tab. 12 x 36 12 60 ml. 12 x 8 12 10 tab. 12 x 36 12 100 ml. 12 x 6 6 10 gm. 16 x 18 16 20 tab. 12 x 36 12 120 ml. 12 x 8 12 25 tab. 12 x 36 12 UNJHA DANT MANJAN LAL 200 ml. 36 36 40 tab. 12 x 36 12 450 ml. 20 20 100 gm. 72 72 50 tab. 12 x 36 12 80 tab. 12 x 36 12 AVALEHA MEDICATED SYRUP 200 tab. 12 x 12 12 200 gm. 36 36 50 ml. 144 144 250 tab. 12 x 12 12 250 gm. 72 72 100 ml. 72 72 100 mg. 12 x 36 12 400 gm. 24 24 200 ml. 36 36 200 mg. 12 x 36 12 500 gm. 36 36 450 ml. 20 20 500 mg. 12 x 36 12 1 kg. 18 18 b Free medical advice ®…÷}i… ¥…ËtEÚ“™… ®……M…«n˘∂…«x… We are extending services of free medical advice by experienced ™… n˘ +…{…EÚ…‰ ∫¥……∫l™… ∫…∆§…∆v…“ EÚ…‰<« ∂…EÚ…™…i… ΩÙ…‰, i……‰ ΩÙ®……Ɖ +x…÷¶…¥…“ ¥…ËtÆ…V…… EÚ“ {…Ëx…±… panel of Vaidyas. You may write your complaints to our free medical u˘…Æ… ®…÷}i… ®……M…«n˘∂…«x… |……{i… EÚÆx…‰ Ω‰Ùi…÷ ΩÙ®… {…j… ±…J… * advice department as per under mentioned address Mail order service ®…‰<±… +…b«Æ ∫…Ã¥…∫… In order to render better service we supply medicines to our con- ΩÙ®……Æ O……ΩÙEÚ…Â EÚ“ =k…®… ∫…‰¥…… Ω‰Ùi…÷ i¥… Æi… ∫…‰¥…… EÚ… +…™……‰V…x… EÚ™…… ΩËÙ, B‰∫…‰ +…‡b∫…« sumers through mail, for such orders. Please write to - x…®x… {…i…‰ {…Æ ¶…‰ V…B * Unjha Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Corporate office : 805, “Avdhesh”, Opp. Gurudwara, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway Thaltej, Ahmedabad- 380 052. Phone : 6858563, 6858683 Fax : 079 6858491 e-mail : [email protected] Approved by Govt. of India ¶……Æi… ∫…ÆEÚ…Æ u˘…Æ… ®……x™… We are approved by the circular of Central Government of India No. ¶……Æi… EÚ“ ®…v™…∫i… ∫…ÆEÚ…Æ E‰Ú {… i…{…j… GÚ®……∆EÚ 14022/2/73 B®…∫…“ n˘x……∆EÚ 25/03/75 14022/2/73 MC Dt. 25/03/75, stating that Central Govt. employees +x…÷∫……Æ ®…v™…∫i… ∫…ÆEÚ…Æ E‰Ú EÚ®…«S…… Æ™…… p˘…Æ… >∆ÒZ…… °Ú…®…Ê∫…“ EÚ“ +…Ëπ… v…™…… EÚ“ J…Æ“n˘“ are entitled for reimbursement for the money spent on the pur- ®… ¥™…™… v…x…Æ… ∂… =x…E‰Ú |…J…∆b… ∫…‰ E‰Ú∂… ®…‰®……‰ {…Æ ®…‰ bEÚ±… B±……=x∫… ∞Ò{…®… |……{i… ΩÙ…‰ chase of UNJHA PHARMACY medicines. On cash memo basis from ∫…EÚi…“ ΩËÙ * their zones.
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