Passeriformes from North Korea 101 Measurements (7specimens of the collection ZIP, 1 specimen of the collection MZB, 1 specimen of the collection ISEA): 7%% x ?sex ?sex wing 68-74 71.5 71 70 tarsus 15-21 17.6 17 17 bill 9-12 11.0 11 9.2 tail 43-52 47.3 43 46 Common breeding species and passage migrant. Observed from 3 Apr till 8 Sep. Mid-May the Yellow-rumped Flycatcher starts breeding and leaves for wintering at the end of Aug (FIEBIG 1995), meaning that birds seen in May, Jun and Jul are part of the breeding fauna. Nesting, apart from the nest found in Opha (WON Hong-Koo 1965) and Kaesong (PERTWEE, pers.comm), is indicated by: mating behavior of adult birds, food gathering and records of fledglings (TOMEK 1985, FIEBIG 1995). I observed the earliest family flock 5 Jun 1987 in Ponghwari. The Yellow-rumped Flycatcher was most frequently seen in hilly and forested areas as well as in city parks (FIEBIG 1995, my obser- vations). The Yellow-rumped Flycatcher is a breeding species in bordering territories: common in South Korea (WON Pyong-Oh 2000), fairly common in China (CHENG Tso-Hsin 1987) and abundant in Primorye (POLIVANOV 1981, NECHAEV 1998a). Only on the Japanese Islands it is an accidental visitor (MORIOKA 2000), where it is replaced by the Narcissus Flycatcher, which on the continent is very rare. 301. Ficedula narcissina (TEMMINCK, 1835) Narcissus Flycatcher Data: Pyongyang (I): Ryongaksan (I-10): 15 May 1950 (WON); Pyongan North (III): Myohyangsan (III-24): 12 May 1950 (WON); Hamgyong North (VI): Alsom (VI-6): 12 May 1961 (WON); Kangwon (VIII): Kumgangsan (VIII-8): 12 Jun 1949 (WON); Hwanghae South (X): Kuwolsan (X-6): 11 Apr 1999 (DUCK). Vagrant. Till now only 5 rec- ords in North Korea, of these 4 were during spring migration. There is 1 record of the Narcis- sus Flycatcher during breeding season (12 Jun 1949) and on that basis WON Hong-Koo (1965) as well as O Hung-Dam (1988) as- sume that there may be nesting in the central part of the penin- T. TOMEK 102 sula. The Narcissus Flycatcher is a common breeding species on the Japanese Islands (DISTRIB. 1981, MORIOKA 2000). It is also present, but only during migration, along the central and southern coasts of China (CHENG Tso-Hsin 1987, MACKINNON &PHILLIPS 2000). However the migrating route by-passes the Korean Peninsula since in both Primorye and South Korea this species appears very rarely (LABZYUK et al. 1971, NECHAEV 1998a, LEE Woo-Shin & RHIM Shin-Jae 1998, WON Pyong-Oh 2000) and it has there a status vagrant. 302. Ficedula mugimaki (TEMMINCK, 1835) [Siphia mugimaki] Mugimaki Flycatcher Data: Pyongyang (I): Pyongyang (I-1): 3 Oct 1968 (ZIP), 11, 14, 15 May 1980 (MAUERS), 16, 29 May 1988, 16 May 1990 (FIEB), Taesongsan (I-6): 3 Oct 1984 (TOM); Pyongan South (II): Jasan (II-12): 9 Sep 1953 (ZIP), Anju (II-16): 15 May 1930, 6 May 1932 (WON); Pyongan North (III): 24 May 1917, 7-24 May 1929 (AUST), Kohyonri (*III-4): 15 May 1955 (WON), Sambongri (III-8): 1 May 1958 (ZIP), Pankungri (*III-10): 11 May 1958 (WON), Myohyangsan (III-24): 22 May 1956, 15 May, 15 Jun 1957 (ZIP); Chagang (IV): Okasan (IV-3): 22 Sep 1958, 21 Sep 1959 (HO); Ryanggang (V): Jongbong (*V-6): 15 Jun 1958 (WON), Samjiyon (V-10): 25 Jun, 4 Jul 1958 (ZIP), 4 Jun 1980 (TOM), no date (HO), Sobaeksan (V-11): 18 Jun 1967 (ZIP), Mutubong (V-13): 23 Jul 1958 (WON), 8 Jun 1966 (ZIP), no date (HO); Hamgyong North (VI): 25, 27 Sep 1917 (AUST), Kulphori (VI-4): 14 May 1961 (WON); Kangwon (VIII): 11 Sep, 1 Oct 1914 (AUST); Hwanghae South (X): Kohyonri (*X-10): 15 May 1955 (ZIP); Kaesong (XI): Kaesong (XI-1): 10 Oct 1928, 28, 29 Sep, 7 Oct 1929, 5 May 1930, 19 May 1934, 4 Oct 1955 (WON), 20 Oct 1965 (ZIP); no data: 2 specimens (ZIP). Measurements (12specimens of the collection ZIP, 1 specimen of the collection ISEA): 9%% x 4&& x wing 71-77 74.7 72-75 73.5 tarsus 15-18.5 16.6 16-19 17.5 bill 8-10 9.0 8.5-10 9.1 tail 50-57 52.9 46-50 48.3 Passeriformes from North Korea 103 Probably a breeding species in the northern provinces and passage migrant. Observed from 1 May till 20 Oct. North of the Korean Peninsula the Mugimaki Flycatcher arrives mid-May, in Jun starts breeding and leaves for wintering in Sep (DEMENTEV &GLADKOV 1951-1954, NECHAEV 1991). Therefore it can be thought that birds observed in Jun and Jul are part of the breeding fauna. During this time there were records in Ryanggang (at least 6 records) and in the Myohyangsan Mountains (1 record). According to WON Hong-Koo (1965) the Mugimaki Flycatcher nests in the Ryanggang Province at an elevation of 1400-1900 m. The Mugimaki Flycatcher is a nesting species in provinces of northeast China bordering Korea, and in southeast Russia (MEYER DE SCHAUENSEE 1984, CHENG Tso-Hsin 1987, MACKINNON & PHILLIPS 2000, KOBLIK &MIKHAILOV 1994,MIKHAILOV et al. 1998, NECHAEV 1998a), but in Japan and South Korea it is known only as passage migrant (MORIOKA 2000, WON Pyong-Oh 2000). Thus, probably the border of the breeding area crosses the northern provinces of North Korea. How- ever it requires better documentation. 303. Ficedula parva (BECHSTEIN, 1794) [Siphia parva albicilla] Red-breasted Flycatcher Data: Pyongyang (I): Pyongyang (I-1): 23, 24 Oct 1987, 16 Oct 1988 (FIEB), 30 Sep, 1, 2 Oct 2000 (DUCK); Pyongan North (III): 26 May 1917, 8, 19 May 1929 (AUST), Jongju (III-3): 21 Sep 1951, Tasado (III-12): 8 May 1949 (WON), Hyangsan (III-23): 30 Oct 2000 (DUCK); Ryanggang (V): Kanpaegsan (*V-10): no date (HO); Hamgyong North (VI): 20 Sep 1917 (AUST), Mayonho (*VI-29): 26 Sep 1989 (FIEB); Kangwon (VIII): 30 Sep 1914 (AUST), Samil-pho (VIII-7): 9 Oct 1978 (TOM); Kaesong (XI): Kaesong (XI-1): 20 Oct 1965 (ZIP). Measurements (1 specimen of the collection ZIP and 1 specimen of the col- lection ISEA, sex unknown): wing 67.2, 67; tarsus 19.5, 17; bill 8, 9; tail 62.4, 51 mm. Rare passage migrant. Observed during spring (8-29 May, at least 4 records) and autumn (20-30 Oct, at least 13 records) passage. The breeding area of the Red-breasted Flycatcher includes north- eastern Asia (MAUERSBERGER &PORTENKO 1963), Sakhalin (NECHAEV 1991), the Sikhote-Alin Mountains (VOLOSHINA et al. 1999), while the farthest nesting place in the south is Edinka in Pri- morye (NAZARENKO 1990). They migrate for wintering in southeast Asia across Chinese territory (and are during this period “fairly common” – CHENG Tso-Hsin 1987). The passage route by-passes the eastern coast i.e. Primorye and the Korean Peninsula because in both southern Primorye and T. TOMEK 104 South Korea it is a rare passage migrant, and irregular visitor on the Japanese Islands (PANOV 1973, NECHAEV 1998a, GORE &WON Pyong-Oh 1971, WON Pyong-Oh 2000, MORIOKA 2000). 304. Cyanoptila cyanomelana (TEMMINCK, 1829) [Muscicapula cyanomelana, Muscicapa cyanomelana] Blue-and-White Flycatcher Data: Pyongyang (I): Pyongyang (I-1): 11 May 1980 (MAUERS), 26 Apr 1987 (G£OW), 14 May 1988 (FIEB), May 1999, 17 Sep 2000 (DUCK), Ryongaksan (I-10): 23 May 1980 (TOM), 18 Jun 1988 (FIEB); Pyongan South (II): Jasan (II-12): no date (ZIP), Anju (II-16): 3-14 Aug 1931 (WON), Ansokri (II-23): 24 Apr 1958, Sakju (*II-24): 24 Apr 1963 (ZIP), Yonpung-ho (II-30): 7 Jun 1987 (TOM); Pyongan North (III): 4 May 1917, 24 Apr-11 May 1929 (AUST), Kwaksan (III-4): 19 May 1955, Haksori (*III-10): 9, 10, 13, 17 May 1958, Pankungri (*III-10): 27 Apr 1958, Myohyangsan (III-24): 22 Jun 1954 (ZIP), 14 Jun 1955 (MAUERS), 21 Mar, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22 May, 8, 14, 19 Jun, 6 Jul, 21, 29 Aug, 8, 11, 14 Sep, 7 Dec(!) 1956, 30 May 1957, 18 May 1979 (ZIP), 6-21 Jun 1983 (TOM), from middle April 1988-1990 (FIEB), 8-12 Aug 1991 (BÁLDI), 28, 29 May 1997 (PERT); Pyongan North-Chagang (III-IV): Amnok riv.(III-IV-?): before 1923 (SOWERBY); Chagang (IV): Hwapyong (IV-2): 18 Aug 1958, Karimri (*IV-2): 29 Apr, 5 May, 5 Jul, 20 Aug 1958 (ZIP), Okasan (IV-3): 29 Apr, 20 Aug 1958 (HO; see footnote 2, page 20), Myongmun (IV-6): 17 May 1987, Masonri (IV-9): 13 May 1987, Huichon (IV-10): 16-18 May 1987, Chongsan (*IV-10): 14 May 1987 (TOM); Ryanggang (V): Ryongjori (V-2): 17 Apr 1958, Kanpaegsan (*V-10): 26 Jun 1963 (ZIP), no date (HO); Hamgyong North (VI): breeding season 1941 (AUST), Chayuryong (VI-13): 7-10 Jul 1983, Dongsakol (*VI-14): 2 Jul 1983 (TOM), Puryong (VI-16): Jun 1984, Yonsa (VI-20): 25 Jul 1959, Samphori (VI-21): 27 Jul 1959 (ZIP), Kwanmobong (VI-22): 21 May 1956 (WON), 29 May, 3, 10, 18, 20 Jun 1959, Osangri (*VI-25): 20 May 1959, Pukhaso (*VI-25): 18 Jun 1959, Kwanmori (VI-26): 21, 22, 23 May, 6, 26, 27 Jun 1959 (ZIP); Hamgyong South (VII): Kumdok (VII-2): 29 May 1987, Machonryong (VII-5): 26-27 May 1987, Tongdokri (*VII-6): 2 Jun 1987, Sangryong (VII-7): 30 May, 3 Jun 1987, Yomsongdok (VII-13): 24 May 1987, Hochon (VII-14): 25 May 1987 (TOM); Kangwon (VIII): 29 Jul 1929 (AUST), ?5 Aug 1930 (WON cited by AUST, but WON does not mention this observation in his later publications), Samil-pho (VIII-7): 22 May 1980, Kumgangsan (VIII-8): 20-22 May 1980 (MAUERS), 22 Apr 1987 (G£OW), 1-4 Aug 1991 (BÁLDI), Onjongri (*VIII-8): 20 May 1980 (MAUERS); Passeriformes from North Korea 105 Hwanghae North (IX): Taegaksan (IX-4): 28 May 1962 (WON), Sohungho (IX-7): 3 May 1987, Sariwon (IX-16): 2 May 1987 (G£OW), Yonsan (IX-17): 20 May 1987 (TOM); Hwanghae South (X): Kuwolsan (X-6): 5 Jul 1957, 12 Apr 1999 (DUCK), Talchonri (X-9): 3, 5 Jul 1957, Samchon (X-10): 17 Jun 1962, Kohyonri (*X-10): 20 Apr 1957, Onchon (*X-10): 18 May 1962 (ZIP), Suyangsan (X-24): 23 Sep 1978, 30 May 1980 (TOM), 28 Apr 1987 (G£OW); Kaesong (XI): Kaesong (XI-1): 5, 15 Apr 1929, 9 Apr 1930, 25 May 1955, 20 Apr, 9 Jun 1957 (WON), 1 Apr 1962 (ZIP), Pagyon (XI-3): 15 Aug 1984 (KOLBE); no locality: 12, 13 May 1956 (VLAD); no data: 3 specimens (ZIP), several spec.
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