The Ceylon GOVERNMENT GAZETTE INDEX TO PART I. FOR JULY TO DECEMBER, 1939, No. 8,462 t o No. 8,564. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. PRINTED AT THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT PRESS, COLOMBO. i ------ J. N. 94853 (5/40) — ■■ ■ — ■frf 8609 2 t itV.R 20QQ n a tio n a l library an d DOCUMENTATION CENTRi ARRANGEMENT OF THE INDEX. Part I.— General. Appointments (General) by the Governor: Includes cancellations and resignations of Appoint­ ments, authority to sign for Heads of Departments, and recognitions of Consular Appointments. Alphabeitcal Appointments of Registrars do. Buddhist Temporalities Chronologioal Ceylon Defence Force do. Ceylon Medical College do. Ceylon Savings Bank do. Ceylon University College do. Church N otices.. do. Currency Commissioners, Accounts of do. Customs do. Department of Agriculture do. Department of Electrical Undertakings do. Department of Medical and Sanitary Services .. do. Education Department ... .. do. Forest Department .. .. .. do. General Treasury . do. Government Notifications; Includes Orders of the King in Counoil, Acts of the Imperia Parliament, Treaties, Conventions, and Notifications by order of the Governor.. do. Indian Labour.. do. Irrigation Notices do. Joint Stock Companies do. Looal Government Notices do. Mariners, Notices relating to do. Meteorological Statistics do. Minutes do. Miscellaneous, Provincial and District Notices .. do. Municipal Councils do. Notifications under Excise Ordinance, 1912 do Patents, Notifications relating to Alphabetical Post and Telegraph Department Chronological Proclamations by the Governor .. do. Publications on Saie at the Government Reoord Office, &o. do. Public Works Department do. Railway Department .. .. .. do.. Registration Department (see also “ Trade Marks ” ) do. Rent Sale Notices .. .. .. .. do. Road Committee Notioes do. State Council .. do. Survey Department do. Tenders for Services, Notices oalling for Chronological, by Depts. Trade Marks, Applications for Registration of .. Alphabetical Unclaimed and Unserviceable Articles, Sales of .. Chronological, by Depts. Unofficial Announcements Alphabetical Village Communities Chronological Vital Statistics.. .. .. do. INDEX TO “ t h e CEYLON' GOYEBNMENT GAZETTE.” JULY TO DECEMBER, 1939. PART I.—GENERAL. PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE Department of Electrical Under­ Mariners, Notices relating to .» ix Railway Department xi Appointments. & c.. ili iv takings Meteorological Statistics ix Registration Department xi Appointments of Registrars . iv Department of Medical and iv Miscellaneous Notices ix Rent Sale Notices .. xi Buddhist Temporalities . iv Sanitary Services Municipal Councils x Road Committee Notices xi Ceylon Defence Force iv Education Department iv State Council x i Forest Department v Notifications under “ The Excise Ceylon Medical College . iv Ordinance, No. 8 o f 1912 M .. X Survey Department v xi Ceylon Savings Bank iv General Treasury . • Patents, Notifications relating to X Tenders for Services xi Government Notifications V Ceylon University College iv Post and Telegraph Department X Trade Marks Notices xii Indian Labour ix Church Notices iv Unclaimed and Unserviceable ix Proclamations X Currency Commissioners . iv Irrigation Articles, <fcc., Sales of . xii ix Publications xi Customs iv Joint Stock Companies U noffi cial A nnounceraents . xii Department of Agriculture iv Local Government Notices ix Public Works Department xi (Village Communities .. xii Appointments, tic. David, Lieut, and Quartermaster G. N., Goonetilleke, A. H., 21G0 Kamnaratne, K. I., 2164 M .B.E., 1035 Goonetilleke, D. J. K., 1923 Karthigesu, S., 2162 Abeyakoon, A. M. M. B., 1195, 1504, Davidson, G. L. D ., 1040 Goonetilleke, I. A. D. L., 1126 Karunatilake, W. J. P., 1195 2028 Davies, E. H ., 1707 Goonetilleke, T. P. P., 1965 Karunaratno, D. D., J.P., 2251 Abeyasena, D. L., 1041 Dayaratne, D. G., 1329,1447 Goonewardena, E. G. M., 1018, 1041, Katugaha, G. B., 1262 Abeyasekera. D. R. E. P., 1397 De Abrew, K. J., 1040 1169,1585,1642, 2110, 2250 Kelaart, Lieut. V. C., 2207 Abeyesinghe, A. N. D. A., 2321 De Alwis, L. H ., 1016, 1089, 1214, 1829 Goonewardene, A. S., 2110 Kennedy, Lieut. J. A., 1261 Aboobucker, S. M., 2029 De Alwis, N., 1041,1090,1126, 1330 Goonewardene, H. C., 1876,1965 Keerthisinghe, G., 2207 Additional Deputy Controller of Labour De Bullioes, Senhor I. S., 1015 Goosse. Monsieur M., 1040 Keunemann, G. P., 1503 2083 De Fonseka, Major E. C., 1900 Gordon, Second-Lieut. D., 2082 Keyt, E., 1170 Aiyampillai, S., 2162 De Fonseka, S., M.S.C., 2251 Gratiaen, Paymaster-Lieut. E. F. N., Kingston, Capt. A. T., M.B.E., D.C.M., Alalasundram, S., 1397, 1585 De Jacolyn, L. V. B., 1017, 1089, 1169, 1707 2161 Alvapillai, K ., 2160 1194, 1214, 1261, 1446, 1503, 1707, Gratiaen, G. H., 1090 Koch, F. D. L., 1090 Aluwihare, B. H., M. S. C,, 2251 2028, 2207, 2250 Griffith, F. H., J.P., U.M., M.S.C., Kohoban Wickrcme, A. S., 1015,1169 Aluwihare, C., 1262 De Kretser, Major J. H. E., 1965 • 2251 Kotagama, G. D., 1018 Aluwihare, R., 2160 De Lemos, Major C. W ., M.C., 1503, Gunaratne, W. D., 1089, 1642, 1923, Kotalawela, Gate Mudaliyar D. H., Alwis, H. T. de S., 1325 2108 2081, 2207 M.S.C., 2163 Amarasuriya, H. W., M.S.C., 2029, Delgoda, G. L., 2252 Gunasekara, A. E. C. dc S., 1041 Kulasekera, D. S., 1877 2109 De Lanerolic, J. P. N., 1708 Gunasekera, D. D., M.S.C., 2163 Kuinarakulasinghe, C. S. B., 3261, Appuhamy, E. M. P., 2028 De Mel, V. S. M., 1396, 1922 Gunasekera, H. A., M.S.C., 2163 1329, 1585, 1829, 2082, 2250 Appuhamy, G., 2028 De Menezes Braganca, F., 1261 Gunesekera, Dr. N. F., 1397 Kuruppu, J., M.S.C., 2163 Amerasinghe, H. S., 1328,1330 De Pinto, B. E., 1194 Gunawardena, D. G. R., 1642 Lanktrec, Brevet-Colonel C. J. D., E.D., Amerasinghe, S. i\, 1168, 1642, 2108 De Saram, C. J., 1325, 1397 Gunewardena, D. W., 2109 1707 Ameresekera, M. T. de S., K . C., 2250 De Saram, Second-Lieut. F. C., 1900 Gunawardena, P. P. B., 1327, 2083 Latiff, M rL. M. A., 1642 Andrews, Comdt. H ., 3446,1642 D c Saram, L S., 1017 Gunawardene, J. G. P., 1447 Leach, Lieut. F., M.C., 2110 Arachchi, D. A. A., 1127 De Silva, C. P., 2250 Gunawardene, R. S. S., M.S.C., 2029, Loanage, D. A., 3017 Arulpiragasam, A., 1169 De Silva, D. S., 1194 2251 Lee, Capt.' and Quartermaster E. E., Arumugam. A., 1214, 1642, 1923, 2310 De Silva, E. A. V., 1041 Gunawardene, Lieut. V. O. dc A. 3126 E.D., 1169 Arumugam. J. N., 1013 De Silva, G. E., M.S.C., 2029 Guthrie, W. A., 1924 Lee, N. I., 1041, 1126 Assistant Government Agent, Matara, De Silva, G. R. W., 1089 Gwynn, R. I. M., 1194 Lermitte, Lieut. L. R., 1900, 2110 1876 De Silva, Dr. G. S. C., 2109 Gvbbon-Honvpenny, R. M., 1368, Llewellyn, Major A., 1502 Atliulathmudali, Second-Lieut. D. M., De Silva, H. A., 1016 1329 Lye, B. S., 1329,1829,3922, 2207 1015 De Silva, I. M., 1040, 1126 Hanifta, M. T. M., 1089, 1169. 1330, Macdonald, A. R.. 2027 Attygalla, D. A., 2109 De Silva, K. D., 1037, 1397, 1585, 3965 1829 Madawala, R. B. W .} 2162 Balosingham, C., 2162 De Silva, L. B., 1017 Hattotuwa, D. P. S.. 3 923 Mahadeva, A., M.S.C., 3447, 2251 Balendra, Lieut. W ., 1446 De Silva, M. W. H ., 1016 Henderson, A. K. J.', 1329 Mahadiulwewa, S. H., 2362 Balfour, D. H., 1397,1965, 2027 De Silva, W. A., 1829, 2082 Henderson, Scond-Lieut. T. G., 1194 Mahadiulwewa, T. B., 2362 Banda, E. P., 2109 De Silva, W. E., 2028 Hendrie, Rev. J. G. W., 2027 Hair, Lieut. A . O., 2108 Banda, J. H. M. S. D., 1262 De Silva, W. H., 1504 Herath, D. B., 2111. 2251 Manders, R. H. D., 2250 Banda, J. M. T., 2109 De Silva, W. R. D., 103 7 Hobday, W . E., 1707, 2027 Manickain, V. G., 2027 Banda, M. P., 2028 De Vos, E. K., 1707 Holmes, W., 1328 Mann, Lieut. R .. 2161 Banda, T. D., 1877 De Vos, G. B., 1214 " Home, Lieut. E. W. T., 1261 Manuel, M. H., 2083 Baron, D. W. B., 1089 De Vos, J. P .s 1397 Horsley, Right Rev. C. D., D.D., 1829 Marikkar, A. K., 1330 Barthelot, Lieut. P. P., 1503 De Zilva, E., 2163 Howard, Hon. Mr. J. C., 2160 Marikar, N. L. M. H., 2207 Bartholomeusz, R . L., 1018,' 1041 De Zoysa, R., 1017 Huang, C.. 1446 Markus, F., 2028, 2083 Bawa, Capt. B. W. F., 1900 De Zylva, Dr„H. K. T., J.P., 2163 Illangakoon E. S. S., 1708 2162 Marsh, N. O. C., 1015, 3447 Beaty, Rev. A. S., 1169 Dias, N. Q., 1089, 1214 Ilangakoon, J. W. R., K.C., 2160, Martensz, Lieut. P. S., 15S5 Bell, Capt. A. L., 1503,.2108 Dias, Dr. R. F., 1016 2249 Martin, Lieut. A. J. H., 2108 Bell, G. R., 2029 Dissanayake, R. T., 1330 Ilangantileke, J. H., M.S.C., 2163 Martin, Capt. R . E., 1585 Beling, F. J., 1089 Dissanayake, T. N. S., 1504 Jackson. J. E , 1325 McNeill, Capt. W. M., 1329 Bentlev Buckle, N. W., J.P., U.M., District Medical Officer, Matara, 3876 Jacob, J. J., 1923 Melder, H. P. W ., 1040, 1328 2251 Dobbs, H. A. C., 1168, 1328, 2250 Jainudeen, M. T., 2251 Mendis, D. A., 1127 Black, G., 2251 Doig, Lieut. D., 1585 Jansz, C. J. C., 1017 Mendis, Major N. S. O., 1502, 2110 Bogahakumbura, M. P., 2162 Dunuwila, C. P., 1090 Jansz, G. E. W., I.SO., J.P., 1016 Mendis, T., 1924 Bond, R. N., 2081 Dyson, D. F. C.. 2163 Jansze, D., 1126, 2082 Meurling, Lieut. W . D., M.B.E., 2083 Bostock, Major N. S., M. C., 1585 Ekneligoda, C., '2028 Jayakody, D. W., 2251 Modder, Second-Lieut. J. A. V., 1502, Brenan, Rev. Father A., O.M.I., 1330 Ekstrom, P., 1330 Jayanayake, Dr.
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