![Arxiv:2007.03888V2 [Math.MG] 29 Nov 2020 N Nlss N a Omlt Ta Olw:Frayconvex Any for Follows: As It Formulate Can One Analysis](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
STOCHASTIC FORMS OF BRUNN’S PRINCIPLE PETER PIVOVAROV & JESÚS REBOLLO BUENO Abstract. A number of geometric inequalities for convex sets arising from Brunn’s concavity principle have recently been shown to yield lo- cal stochastic formulations. Comparatively, there has been much less progress towards stochastic forms of related functional inequalities. We develop stochastic geometry of s-concave functions to establish local ver- sions of dimensional forms of Brunn’s principle à la Borell, Brascamp- Lieb, and Rinott. To do so, we define shadow systems of s-concave func- tions and revisit Rinott’s approach in the context of multiple integral rearrangement inequalities. 1. Introduction Brunn’s concavity principle underpins a wealth of inequalities in geometry and analysis. One can formulate it as follows: for any convex body K ⊆ Rn and any direction θ, the (n − 1)-volume of slices of K by parallel translates of θ⊥ is 1/(n − 1)-concave on its support, i.e., A(t)= |K ∩ (θ⊥ + tθ)|1/(n−1) (1.1) is concave. A far-reaching extension of this principle in analysis is exem- plified by a family of functional inequalities obtained by Borell [4] and Brascamp-Lieb [6], with an alternate approach put forth by Rinott [34]. These inequalities can be formulated in terms of certain means as follows: for a, b ≥ 0, s ≥ −1/n and λ ∈ (0, 1), set arXiv:2007.03888v2 [math.MG] 29 Nov 2020 s s 1/s s (λa + (1 − λ)b ) if ab =06 Mλ(a, b)= (0 if ab =0, where the cases s ∈ {−1/n, 0, +∞} are defined as limits −1/n +∞ 0 λ 1−λ Mλ (a, b) = min{a, b}, Mλ (a, b) = max{a, b}, Mλ(a, b)= a b . Then for measurable functions f,g,h : Rn → [0, ∞) , 0 <λ< 1, and s ≥ −1/n, if s h(λx1 + (1 − λ)x2) ≥Mλ(f(x1),g(x2)) (1.2) 1 2 P. PIVOVAROV & J. REBOLLO BUENO n for all x1, x2 ∈ R , one has s/(1+ns) h ≥Mλ f, g . (1.3) Rn Rn Rn Z Z Z The Prékopa-Leindler inequality [22, 31, 32] corresponds to the logarithmi- cally concave case s =0; for earlier work on the real line, see Henstock and Macbeath [20]. These principles are now fundamental in analysis, geometry and probability, among other fields. For their considerable impact, we refer the reader to [16] and the references therein. The inequalities (1.3) stem from principles rooted in convexity. Indeed, the standard approach to Brunn’s principle (1.1) connects concavity of the map t 7→ A(t) to the convexity of K through suitable symmetrizations, see e.g., [2]. In [5], Brascamp and Lieb used symmetrization to prove certain cases of (1.3). Subsequently, they provided an alternate inductive approach, based on the Brunn-Minkowski inequality [6]. Rinott provided an alternate proof, starting with epigraphs of convex functions [34]. However, the in- equalities ultimately do not require convexity as they hold for measurable functions. So convexity (or concavity) of the functions involved seems of no importance. In this paper, our focus is on what more can be said when the functions involved do possess some concavity. Our motivation stems from recent work for convex sets in which a “lo- cal” stochastic dominance accompanies an isoperimetric principle. A con- crete example, which can be derived via Brunn’s principle, is the Blaschke- Santaló [38] inequality. The latter says that the volume of the polar of an origin-symmetric convex body K is maximized by a Euclidean ball B under a constraint of equal volume. Proofs via symmetrization depend on vari- ants of (1.3), e.g., Meyer-Pajor [26] and Campi-Gronchi [11]. In [14], the first-named author, together with Cordero-Erausquin, Fradelizi and Paouris, proved a stochastic version in which the dominance applies “locally” to ran- dom polytopes that naturally approximate K and B from within. By re- peated sampling, this recovers the Blaschke-Santaló inequality by the law of large numbers. This example is indicative of recent research on isoperimetric inequalities: when an isoperimetric principle for convex sets can be proved by symmetrization, it is fruitful to instead carry out the symmetrization on product probability spaces. Multiple integral rearrangement inequalities of Rogers [35], Brascamp-Lieb-Luttinger [7], and Christ [13] then enter the picture and yield stronger stochastic formulations. This builds on princi- ples in stochastic geometry e.g., [9, 10, 19]; see [14, 28, 29, 33] for further background. While there is much work on stochastic isoperimetric inequalities for con- vex sets, there are far fewer results about random functions. In [30], we STOCHASTIC FORMS OF BRUNN’S PRINCIPLE 3 Figure 1. Stochastic approximation of a log-conave function f by its least log-concave majorant [f]N above a random sam- ple under the graph of f. initiated work on the Prékopa-Leindler inequality for random log-concave functions. Here we will show that the full family of inequalities (1.3) actu- ally have “local” stochastic strengthenings for functions f that are s-concave, i.e. f s is concave on its support; when s < 0, this means that f s is con- vex. To formulate our main result, for each s-concave function f, we sample independent random vectors (X1,Z1),..., (XN ,ZN ) distributed uniformly under the graph of f according to Lebesgue measure. We associate random functions [f]N , supported on the convex hull conv{X1,...,XN }, defined by 1/s inf{z :(x, z) ∈ Pf,N }, if s< 0 z [f]N (x)= sup{e :(x, z) ∈ Pf,N }, if s =0, 1/s sup{z :(x, z) ∈ Pf,N }, if s> 0, where s s conv{(X1,Z1),..., (XN ,ZN )}, if s =06 . Pf,N = (conv{(X1, log Z1),..., (XN , log ZN )}, if s =0. In other words, when s = 0 or s > 0, [f]N is the least log-concave or s-concave function, respectively, satisfying [f]N (Xi) ≥ Zi; similarly, when s< 0, [f]N is the greatest s-concave function with [f]N (Xi) ≤ Zi. See Figure 1 for the case s =0. With this notation, we can state our main result, which we formulate in terms of the sup-convolution s (f ⋆λ,s g)(v) = sup{Mλ(f(x1),g(x2)) : v = λx1 + (1 − λ)x2} and the symmetric decreasing rearrangements f ∗ and g∗ of f and g, respec- tively (defined in (2.1)). 4 P. PIVOVAROV & J. REBOLLO BUENO Theorem 1.1. Let s ∈ (−1/n, ∞) and let f,g : Rn → [0, ∞) be integrable s-concave functions and N,M >n +1. Then for α> 0, ∗ ∗ P ([f]N ⋆λ,s [g]M )(v)dv >α ≥ P ([f ]N ⋆λ,s [g ]M )(v)dv >α . Rn Rn Z Z When N, M →∞ one gets ∗ ∗ (f ⋆λ,s g)(v)dv ≥ (f ⋆λ,s g )(v)dv. (1.5) Rn Rn Z Z As mentioned, Brascamp and Lieb’s first approach to cases of (1.3) used rear- rangements. Recent interest in rearranged strengthenings for this and other means in (1.3) have been studied by Melbourne [25] for general functions. Roysdon and Xing have studied Lp variants of the Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequality [37]. Our treatment will also allow for other means (see Remark 8.1). We focus on s-concave functions because in this case there is a stronger local stochastic dominance. Special cases of Theorem 1.1, namely s =1/q (q ∈ N) were treated in [30]. The approach used multiple integral rearrangement inequalities (as discussed above) and, additionally, built on ideas of Artstein-Avidan, Klartag and Milman [3] on moving from convex sets to log-concave functions. Here a new key step is inspired by Rinott’s approach to (1.3) via epigraphs of convex functions [34]; the latter has recently been used in a dual setting by Artstein- Avidan, Florentin and Segal [1] for a new Prékopa-Leindler inequality. Another new tool developed in this paper is that of linear parameter systems for s-concave functions. Linear parameter systems along a direction θ ∈ Sn−1 are families of convex sets of the form Kt = conv{xi + λitθ : i ∈ I}, t ∈ [a, b], n where I is an index set, {xi}i∈I ⊆ R and {λi}i∈I ⊆ R are bounded sets. Rogers and Shephard [36] proved the fundamental fact that the volume of Kt is a convex function of t. This was extended to the more general notion of shadow systems by Shephard [41]. Shadow systems encorporate key features of Steiner symmetrization and have been successfully used in a variety of isoperimetric type inequalities, developed especially by Campi and Gronchi, e.g., [11, 12]; for other examples, see [15, 39, 27, 43] or [40] and the references therein. The proof of Theorem 1.1 relies on extending linear parameter systems to s-concave functions. Let I be an index set, and {(xi + λitθ, zi)}i∈I ⊆ Rn × [0, ∞) a collection of points lying under the graph of an integrable s- concave function and set wi(t)= xi +λitθ, i ∈ I. Analogous to the definition of [f]N , we define, for s ≥ 0, ft,s to be the least s-concave function above STOCHASTIC FORMS OF BRUNN’S PRINCIPLE 5 {wi(t)}; similarly, for s < 0, we define ft,s to be the greatest s-concave function beneath the points {wi(t)} (see §5). In this setting, we show that t 7→ ft,s(v)dv Rn Z is convex. Just as linear parameter systems can be viewed as special shadow systems, the same applies to s-concave functions.
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